Without You.

By VilouMakeup

11.1K 263 22

Voldemort is gone. But as the threat of the dark wizard no longer hangs over England, Harry faces demons more... More

Chapter2: Small discussion with friends
Chapter3: The Trial
Chapter4: Time
Chapter5: News
Chapter6: Dads?
Chapter7: Baby makes his
Chapter8: Announcements
Chapter9: Possessive
Chapter10: Cruciatus?
Chapter11: New Threat
Chapter12: Blood
Chapter13: Ash
Chapter14: Explanations and Distribution
Chapter15: Did you ... Come back?
Chapter16: Holidays
Chapter17: Birthday Party
Chapter18: We'll find him
Chapter19: Darkness...
Chapter20: ...In the light

Chapter1: Wedding and Medal

1.6K 30 5
By VilouMakeup

Harry was holding Draco's hand tightly, walking beside him. Severus was also present but did not show any sign of affection towards them. The dark hallway into which they were moving sent chills down Harry's back, who was wondering for the umpteenth time what he was doing here.

He squeezed Draco's hand when they arrived at a white door on which pretty golden arabesques were drawn. A small plaque sat in the center of the door where it read "Unions and marriages magic. ". Could a door be engaging? Because that one, Harry wanted to open it and open it again. It was not like in the Department of Mysteries. He shivered.

Severus was also looking at that door, so beautiful, so soothing. And he could only make the comparison between the one standing in front of him, and the one that locked the mysterious room in Harry's mind. The opposite. Shadow and light. The whole of the same gallion. He put his hand on Harry's shoulder as he turned his head to look at him.

- Let's go ? he whispered, his voice chatting in that dark hallway.

Severus, knowing himself alone, smiled at him softly before bending down to gently capture his lips. Then he turned to Draco, whom he kissed too. So, no jealous.

Harry huffed as the blond put his lips to the corner of his mouth.

- Why are we here? Harry asked again.

"For the link," Draco replied.

Harry turned completely to them, back to the door.

- I know that. But what is the link to have in being here?

Severus lowered his head a little to look him in the eye. He stared at him for a moment that seemed like an eternity to Harry. Waddling in the face of that look, Harry blushed slightly.

- We've already explained it to you Harry and I hate to repeat myself.

- Okay ! But that's what Dumbledore wants, we do not have to go. If we do not want it ...

- No, snapped Severus's voice. We can not. Harry listen to me. Open your ears because I will not repeat it to you. We do not have a choice. Okay ?

"We always have a choice," Harry said softly, looking away, suddenly deep in thought.

Yes, the choice, they had it all. It was part of human free will, right? He had the choice and yet he had messed up. His life was governed by bad choices. Maybe this one would be no exception. Would this formalization of their Link be added to his long list of bad choices?

What if ... and if Severus and Draco were doing it against their will? What if ... they did not want him? Merlin that of "and if" without answers ... Only a part of him shouted to him that they liked it and that formalizing this Link would not change anything. But how to believe this idyll?

- Harry? Come back with us, Draco called.

He massaged his bracelet as if he was cold. Draco smiled at him, leaving his jewel alone. He put a lock of hair back behind Gryffon's ear.

- We'll talk later, let's go. Let's finish.

Severus growled and then moved forward. It was he who opened this beautiful door. Draco and Harry followed.

The interior of the room was ... surprising. Circular, it had an altar opposite the door. The walls were white, covered with lace like spiders' webs. There were also six benches placed on either side of a bright red carpet. The ceiling was concealed by hundreds of white roses and tiny, equally immaculate birds were chirping.

It was fairy from Harry's point of view, beautiful on Draco's side and dripping with soppiness for Severus.

He would have liked to run away from this disturbing place for his sanity. Or throw up. A choice. But he still preferred to leave this room it was less degrading than to make his lunch.

But before he could take a step back, Albus Perceval Wulfric Brian Dumbledore came towards them, fresh as a roach, a smile on his lips.

"Boys," he greeted them. How are you ?

"Just like this morning, Albus," Severus said.

It had been two weeks since the war was over. The Hogwarts students had the right to a week of no classes to celebrate the victory as Harry slowly recovered from everything he had experienced, with and with the help of Severus and Draco. They had celebrated Severus' birthday on January 9 while he was still in the infirmary. It had not been much but it had brought them closer. Saturday, he was out of the infirmary, then a week had passed quite calmly until today.

- Well in this case, Rufus is waiting for you!

Albus turned on his heel, walked to the altar where the Minister of Magic was waiting.

- Why are you there Albus? Severus asked coldly.

- But as a witness my child.

Severus grimaced before advancing to the altar closely followed by Harry and Draco. Rufus Scrimgeour rushed to the young brunette to shake his hand almost hysterically.

- Nice to see you again, Mr Potter. I wanted to congratulate you on eradicating the threat you-Know-Who.

- Voldemort.

Scrimgeour shuddered but nodded to show him that he was talking to him. He opened his mouth again to continue his little speech when Draco cut him in his coldest voice.

- Mr. Minister, if we could take care of the contract for the Link, as soon as possible.

- Oh, yes, of course, Mr. Malfoy.

The Minister then retraced his steps, slipped behind the altar and motioned them forward. A bit reluctant, they ended up doing it. Then they waited, Harry in the middle of the other two, for the Minister to put his papers in order and clear his throat.

- Well, let's start ...

"Not too soon," Severus growled under his nonexistent beard.

Scrimgeour sat up and began to speak as if he were speaking in front of the entire witch community when there were only four of them - without counting him - in the room. His voice, strong and firm, made the walls vibrate.

- We are grouped here to formalize the extraordinary Link lovers pink diamond. This very rare phenomenon had not been seen for more than a century. You are the only ones still alive, to my knowledge. Well, let the witness come forward.

Albus went to join them, almost hopping. Severus had no trouble picturing it, clapping his hands and jumping everywhere, so happy was he. Old fool.

- I will now cast the spell, then your full name will be written on the parchment you sign. Are you ready ? Albus asked. Hold your hand.

The trio nodded and Harry closed his eyes as the director pointed his wand at them and Severus grabbed his hand and Draco's hand.

- Nectuntroseamount.

The murmur filled the room as if the mage had screamed the formula. A wave of magic overwhelmed Harry who decided to open his eyes. A pink ribbon wrapped around his wrist tying him to Draco on one side and Severus to the other while the two on their side were also connected. A wave of well-being hit him hard. He was finally in his place surrounded by his two loves.

The ribbon melted in their skins, leaving a burn mark on their wrists. Complex rings were created around their rings. They let go a few minutes later when the Hogwarts director's voice rose around them.

- Now my children, the parchment.

They turned to the altar where words were written in a fine handwriting leaning to the right. The Minister seemed moved and did not say a word, slightly removed from the altar. Dumbledore also stepped back.

They bent over the parchment at the same time, a little curious to know what their mentor meant by "full name" even though Severus had a little idea. Thus on the parchment, they could see in the middle of the middle the following name: Messieurs Malfoy-Snape-Potter.

They were married. Harry, euphoric, took the pen and signed his best hand imitated quickly by Draco. Severus finished and as soon as the feather rose from the parchment, it rose in the air and rolled in a sound of paper to finally disappear, only Merlin knew where.

- It's finish ? Harry asked without leaving the place where the parchment had just disappeared.

- Yes Harry, you can go home.

- That's all ? Draco questioned, septic.

- Right, Mr. Malfoy.

- All that for this ? exclaimed Severus.

He had expected a ceremony of several hours, not a few minutes. Besides there was no one, he had thought that the room would be filled with fans of Harry.

Seeing that Albus nodded with a mischievous smile, Severus scowled.

- Come back! he said, already turning on his heels.

Draco and Harry looked at each other before following him with a shrug. After all, they too wanted to get home as soon as possible. They were leaving the room when the Minister's voice rose behind them, completely freezing Harry.

- Do not forget, tomorrow I'm waiting for you Mr. Potter to receive your Merlin Order.

He was going to be rewarded? But why ? He had just done that why he was raised. He had no merit.

Draco looked at him blankly, then took his hand, squeezed it for a moment before pulling it out just before the door closed, Draco shouted:

- That's Mr. Malfoy-Snape-Potter now!

Harry smiled before Severus put his hand on Draco's shoulder and Draco's, and then Apparated them in front of the Hogwarts grilles. Potter-Malfoy-Snape, it sounded earlier well, he found.

A little long maybe ... But we would get used to it. Only, how was he to go on, when called by his name of a young man? Should he hide it or should he take it back? Which brought him to other questions, such as: Should they hide their relationship or could they live their lives as they intended? And then the same problem came back: Did Severus and Draco really want it or had they been forced to sign the marriage contract that officially binds them?

Harry was afraid that they had done it only by obligation and not by choice. It was early, basically they were "together" for only two weeks. It was little for a wedding. Especially since before Draco and Severus had already been together for a long time ... Would not he be ... embarrassing? He hoped not because he, for his part, had never been happier all his life. But should his happiness come by spoiling the joy of the two men he loved? No of course not. Then he came to think that he should not have accepted to sign that scroll, sleep with them, or impose himself. He should have left them together, just the two of them, to let them love each other quietly. Without him.

A hand rested on his shoulder, making him jump. He turned his face to let himself be caught in the two abysses that formed Severus' eyes.

"Let's talk in our apartments," he said softly.

Their apartments ... It had become a week before, when Harry had left the infirmary. They had decided to move in together. Decision approved by Dumbledore. Firstly because they wanted to spend their nights together, then because Harry did not know how he was going to be welcomed in his dormitory. Okay, the other Gryffindors had apologized to him when he was in class but that did not erase the words they had told him. Nothing could erase the words spoken, he knew something about it.

He had not seen Ron yet, because he was still in a coma in the infirmary. But now Harry understood the why of his friend's behavior. He had an excuse, he was under imperial, but the others? Nothing, they had just followed, spitting out every thought they had kept until then.

So yes, he was better in Severus' apartments. At first, he wanted to go to the guest room, the one that had become a bit his own in the end. But after they had agreed, they had opted for Severus' room where they had enlarged the bed so that they could slip in all three of them.

So Severus's apartments had quickly turned into their apartments.

Harry followed the other two to the dungeons where Severus uttered the password: "pink diamond" for the door to let in. As usual, the Potions Master sat down in his chair while Draco and Harry sat on the couch.

- Winky! Severus called before starting.

The little elf arrived in a characteristic "pop", she bowed immediately before wringing her hands looking at Severus.

- Professor Snape to call Winky, sir? What can Winky do for Professor Snape, sir?

- Bring us tea and cakes.

- Good, Professor Snape, sir.

Winky disappeared and, exactly seventeen seconds later, a teapot was placed on the coffee table with cups and a plate of biscuits. Severus served the three cups and handed them to Draco and Harry respectively.

"We need to talk Harry," Severus began.

Draco took a sip of tea as he watched from the corner of his eye as Harry tensed. His bracelet spread cold sign that Harry imagined the worst and he was not far from cracking. Severus felt it too because he rubbed his right wrist, a small grimace on his lips.

- What? asked the young man almost timidly.

- What puts you in these states there. You'll have to tell us what makes you so scared. So that we understand your mind.

Harry took a sip of tea, burning his throat. How did they know that he was "not doing well"? It was annoying at the end!

"Harry," Draco interjected, "can you tell us all you know?

Ashamed, Harry lowered his head, his eyes disappearing into the liquid of his cup. Was he going to tell them? Tell them everything? It was so hard. But he had to, no? After all, they were married now.

- I ... You did not accept the marriage by obligation, did you?

Pathetic. Why did he feel so fragile when he talked about their relationship? Because without them you would not be here, whispered his conscience. It was true. Without them, he would not be here. Ash would have overcome him. The memories of his uncle would have devoured him from the inside. And assuming he survived all that, he would have died in the forest with Tonton Voldy. So he was afraid that his pillars, his "glues" that held him in his entirety would be taken away. It was his biggest fear. With that to see his uncle again. It was saying ...

"Of course not," Draco reassured him, putting an arm around his shoulders and pulling him against him.

He appreciated more and more these marks of affections, of tenderness. He had been so deprived in his childhood that now he was enjoying himself. But it was only with Severus and Draco that he let himself go completely. And Blaise, oddly. But with the others, he tensed and wanted only one thing, to put the most distance between these people and him. Even with Remus, he could not relax in his arms.

Contact with an adult paralyzed him. Especially a male individual. It reminded him too much of his uncle. Merlin, now that he had opened the valve to the memory of this summer, he could not forget it.

- We did not want to expose ourselves to the world, or rush you, but we are happy to be married. Especially all three.

Harry smiled at Severus who returned it to him. If they were happy, too. He was so scared that they did not really want him. With his head against Draco's shoulder, he put his hand on the blond's chest. A kiss landed on his forehead.

- You accompany me tomorrow to the Minister's delivery?

"We will not leave you alone," Severus closed.

The grip around these shoulders is firming up. Harry sighed well. Yes, he had finally found his place in their arms.

- Did you do your homework? Severus asked, sitting up.

Harry and Draco exchanged glances with a smile of mischief. Of course not, they had not done their homework yet, but they preferred to do it this afternoon. So, they would have all day tomorrow free. Finally, when they are not at the Ministry.

- I deduce that no.

"Well, Sev," Draco smiled.

The adult looked up at the skies and stood up. He smoothed his dress.

- You only have to do them while I correct my copies.

And so it was that they all found themselves in the Potions professor's office.




The next day.


Harry sighed loudly. He had no desire to return to this room full of journalists and people who took him for a god.

Draco and Severus were right behind him, but he felt terribly alone. To face all these looks would surely be beyond his strength. Already the meals in the Great Hall were terrible for him, but what was he going to do there?

A hand rested on his shoulder and he did not need to turn around to know it was Severus. What would he do without them, honestly? He had no idea.

The only thing that turned in his head was the fact that he did not want to be here. Anywhere but not here.

He closed his eyes, focusing on Severus' hand on his shoulder. Draco's hand slipped into his and he thanked them for their support more than welcome. When the doors opened, they would go back to the lion's den. Or snakes. Or both. Merlin, he could not.

- Hi Harry, a voice happily exclaimed behind him.

Tonks stepped towards them as the two hands that supported him until then disappeared, Kingsley at his side. The young woman, more radiant than ever, had a beautiful smile that barred her face. Today, she had neon pink hair and bright blue eyes. Kingsley did not smile at him, but his eyes were bright too. Surely a consequence of the end of the war.

"Hello cousin," said Tonks, waving at Draco, who nodded. Professor Snape, she finished.

"We'll escort you to your seats," Kingsley said.

The doors opened, revealing a huge room filled. So full that there was not enough chair for everyone to sit down. The flashes of the wizarding cameras crackled. Questions flared. But Harry did not catch the words that were being yelled at him. He was content to follow Kingsley who was walking, with the mask of the Savior of the Wizarding World on his face. He smiled but his smile did not reach his green eyes and he waved some people from the witch community with his hand.

Shacklebolt led them to the front of the stage where three seats were reserved for them. Tonks stood by them as Kingsley walked back to the front door.

"The Minister will be here soon," whispered Tonks in Harry's ear.

- How long is the ceremony?

- Count two good hours.

Harry huffed again. Two o'clock ? They wanted his death or what? Too bad, there was no way to escape. Maybe they could slip away discreetly. Harry shook his head in spite. The Savior could not possibly slip away discreetly.

"Two hours later we go home," Severus whispered in his ear.

He nodded, swallowing. Said that, it did not seem anything. Two small hours, in the end what was it in a lifetime? A handful of dust. Yet for Harry at the moment, it seemed very long.

Suddenly, applause was heard announcing the Minister's entrance. Harry took a deep breath without letting go of Scrimgeour's desk. The Minister stepped forward, squeezing a few hands and greeting as Harry had done a little. He smiled for the photographs and sometimes took the pose.

He finally climbed onto the stage, saluting with both hands the audience who cheered him frantically. He then pointed, his wand on his throat, threw a "sonorus" and then asked for the silence of his amplified voice.

- My dear friends, I am happy to be able to meet you today to celebrate our victory against the forces of evil. You know that the Dark Lord has not been here for two weeks ...

Cries of joy were heard in the hall. Even though the people had known for two weeks now, that did not stop them from being happy when they brought back this wonderful news again.

- ... and I wanted to recall the actions of the Aurors and the Ministry of Magic against the One-Who-Must-Not-Pronounce-The-Name. Now that this is done please make an ovation for the Boy-Who-Overcome.

Harry got up, taking with this simple movement cries of joy and a ton of applause. The whole room rose as well, continuing to applaud. Even the Minister applauds the time he goes on stage. He did not know what to do. But why was he there? Why did he come? He should have stayed in their apartments. He really did not want to be here.

"Harry, my dear Harry, I am honored to hand you the First Class Merlin Order.

And why did he have this honor? What had he done to have that? To be acclaimed in this way? What had he done in the name of Merlin? He had ... killed a man. That's what he did. Harry froze suddenly. Oh no ... he killed a man. One who tried to kill him forever, who had tortured hundreds and thousands of Muggles, but a man anyway.

A great cold invaded him. Invades his whole being. He had not thought about it, he had not thought about the war for a long time. He had not thought about what he had done. He had become an assassin. He had lowered himself to the rank of his enemy.

All of a sudden, he did not want to be on stage anymore. He dreamed only of being in the arms of Severus and Draco. He wanted their warmth. Supports them. Their understanding. He needed them. More than anything.

In their chair, Severus and Draco exchanged a look of worry. Their respective wrists burned so their bracelets were cold. Something was wrong. But they could not take it off the stage without making a mess. They would require explanations later. For the moment, they had to try to take their trouble.

Scrimgeour tied the medal where Harry's heart was beating at an hour. After a sign from the Minister, Harry moved in a trance towards the desk. He was asked to make a speech ... A speech ... He did not know what to say. He had not prepared anything. Could not Dumbledore have warned him?

He cleared his throat, handing Scrimgeour's note sheets to the edge of the desk. His hands were shaking. His breath was slightly short.

"I," he began, his voice trembling. I would not make a long speech. I ... I'd just like to talk about those we forget too quickly. I want to honor Sirius Black, who died as a hero last year, and Cedric Diggory, who died in the final of the Triwizard Tournament two years ago. I would like to thank all the people who died all these years that I did not know. I would also like to say that without the Order of the Phoenix and especially Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy I would not be here today and the world would be plunged into darkness. In the end, he said looking at the medal hanging on his chest, I do not deserve this medal but all the dead people, members of the Order, Severus and Draco should receive it. All the credit is for you, my friends.

His eyes rose to the sky and then descended on Severus and Draco in the front row. Yes, without them he would not have arrived. He smiles. The room had become silent as his little speech. In this room, everyone had seen a person who was dear to him during the two wars that Voldemort had led with a master hand.

And while everyone was looking at him, dumbfounded, Harry snatched the medal and put it on the desk. Scrimgeour, behind him, opened his mouth but the hero cut him off before he started.

- You can not give me this medal. Others deserve it more than me. Thank you, Minister, but I can not stay longer. Please excuse me.

Harry came down quickly from the stage. Then he made his way to the exit among the crowd that had risen. The eyes started to burn and he did not want to cry in front of everyone. Especially not in front of the journalists who would not lose a crumb. If he cried now, tomorrow in the newspaper his picture would be front page.

Severus and Draco stood up, quick as quick as they were, and followed in the footsteps of the Survivor who, they felt, needed them.

The flashes of the wizarding cameras followed their way to the exit, already looking for the photo that would serve as a newspaper. The Minister's protests echoed in their ears until the doors closed behind them. They advanced to Harry. The Survivor's cold mask cracked gently until it disappeared completely, leaving the eyes ravaged with tears.

Severus sighed then, without a word, put his hand on Harry's shoulder, grabbed Draco's wrist, and apparated to the witchcraft school.

He knew that Harry was not ready to confront everyone, but of course Dumbledore was doing as he pleased. As the tears finally flowed silently down the Gryffindor's cheeks, Draco quickly grabbed his hand to reassure him. Quickly, they crossed the deserted park to find the tranquility of their home.

Finally, the ceremony did not last two hours for them, but a good hour. It was not late, strictly speaking, only after the events of the evening, Severus knew they were not going to watch tonight.

In their living room, Harry began to shake, unable to stop the flood of tears that overwhelmed him. Merlin, he did not want to move from school anymore, he did not want to see anyone. He only wished to forget, but the ceremony had stirred a little something inside him. And he knew he could never forget, that he was made to remember all his life. His miserable life.

He felt a presence behind him.

- Go to bed Harry, you need rest.

Yes surely. Rest. He needed it. Then, in a second state, he went to their room without paying attention to the worried looks that followed him. He dropped into the bed in the middle and curled up. Merlin he was cold. Could he never feel that flame that burned his body before? Before ... before all that.

Why was he so cold?

He wanted to scream his frustration, his rage, his helplessness. But instead, he cried. He could do only that.

A body came to stick to his from behind. A hot body Two arms wrapped around his waist. Two powerful arms. A head rested on his neck. Like a crazy guard. Draco.

Harry sighed well. His body gradually stopped shaking, the heat creeping under his skin. Finally.

A second body approached him, this time before. Harry closed his eyes when he pressed against him. He pelted against his strong and comforting body. As a pillar. His head found its place in the hollow of Severus' shoulder.

What he could love them both. He could never survive without them. He kissed the offered sword of the Potions Master.

Then closed his eyes. Hoping to forget or, at least, not to think too much about his past. He fell asleep, protected, loved on both sides. And Draco and Severus were quick to join him.

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