Take Over

By LolaOnTheInterweb

205K 5.4K 4.5K

"S-Stay, p-please," Keith mumbled, hiding his face in his pillow. Lance nodded climbing beside the small boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
New Story By Moi

Chapter 10

8.4K 277 145
By LolaOnTheInterweb

Keith P.O.V
I groaned, getting off my bed to head to the bathroom. I emptied what little food I had into the toilet, feeling empty inside. My body felt hot like something was burning me from the inside out. I went to the sink, turning on the faucet when my reflection caught my eye. I jumped, taking in my appearance. Along with my skin and eyes, I had two fuzzy, purple ears, making me look like a kitten. My yellow eyes filled with tears. I'm a Galra. Or a...half-breed? Was that what that witch called me? My eyes trailed to my arm. I had a stab wound, but what really scared me was the Galra brand sitting there.

I stumbled out my room, limping a little from when Lance cut me. I headed to the main room, wanting to see Pidge.

"...guys, we have to help him, " Pidge explained, "He's still a paladin."

"Pidge?" I asked. Everyone turned to me, my eyes landing on their bayards. I backed up, my ears flicked back, I didn't want to be hurt again.

"Keith?" She asked, "Keith what are you doing up? Your injuries aren't healed, " She started towards me, but Shiro stopped her. He looked at me, arm glowing. I backed away, wary of his Galra arm.

"Keith, " Shiro started, walking towards me. I growled low, knowing he would hurt me without hesitating, "Keith?"

"D-Don't hurt me, " I growl, my fear evident, "I-I'm sorry, I-I'll leave. J-Just don't come a-any closer.

"Keith we're the ones she should be sorry, " Shiro stated, coming closer, "We should have believed Pidge." 

"We don't want you to leave, you're our red paladin, " Hunk smiled, "We need you."

"I suppose my life would be a lot more boring without my rival around, " Lance smiled, his blue eyes bright. My eyes flicked to Allura and Coran, she looked hesitant but she didn't object to my staying. My ears flicked back, my emotions on full display.

"Aww!" Lance cooed, "You look like a kitten!" He scratched behind my ears, and I sank into the nice touch, "He's purring! Adorable!" I nuzzled my head into his hand, then I realized what was happening and smacked his hand away, making him laugh. My stomach grumbled, making everyone burst into laughter.

"I'll make you some space goo, surprise flavor, " Hunk smiled, walking to the kitchen. My ears perked up to that, and I followed him. 

"See?" Pidge bumped my shoulder, "They don't hate you." She smiled and I smiled back. I felt happy, something I haven't felt in a long time.

"Keith!" I turn to see Lance pointing at my face, "You're going back to normal!" I touched my face, not feeling the purple fur on my cheek. I smiled, and my body reacted. I felt myself get shorter, my claws becoming fingernails and the yellow tint I usually see disappeared.

"You're normal!" Pidge hugged me, and I patted her head. 

"Bon appe- Keith! You-You're-" 

"Normal? I know, I don't understand, " I laughed, taking the bowl of green space goo. I hungrily gulped it down, Hunk supplying me with as much as I wanted. I sighed content, my stomach feeling full for once.

I looked at Shiro, "Wanna train?"

"Don't go easy on me, " I yelled, readying my bayard.

"I wouldn't dare, " Shiro chuckled, powering up his arm. 

"Go!" Lance yelled from the sidelines, signaling us to start. I lunged at Shiro, swiftly dodging his arm. I swung at him, but he grabbed me, pinning me down. His arm glowed and flashes of the Druids' lightning shocked my mind. I whimpered, not able to take it anymore.

"G-Get off, " I pleaded.

"Already? We were having so much fun, " Shiro laughed, something in my brain triggered what was about to happen. I growled, my fangs filling my mouth. My claws dug into his real arm, making him jump off of me.

"Nice trick, " Shiro hissed, rubbing his arm.

"I-I'm sorry, " I whimper, "I-It was an accident." Shiro gave me a weird look.

"You mean, you didn't mean to trick me? Or change back?" Shirt asked.

"C-Change back?" My voice cracks.

"Yeah, look, " Shiro presses a button, a screen pops up. I watch as Shiro pins me down, and I plead. I freeze, watching my body change back into a Galra. 

"Maybe your fear makes you turn back, " Pidge theorizes, pushing up her glasses.

"Haggard did call me a half-breed, " I mumble, making Pidge light up.

"That means that one of your parents was a Galra, " Pidge says, walking out of the room rambling under her breath.

"I'm going to my room, " I mumbled, picking up my bayard. I left the paladins in the training deck, trudging to my room. I curl up in my bed, taking deep breaths. I feel my body get smaller and know I'm back to normal. I curl tighter, my body feeling heavy as I drift off to sleep.

I'm floating somewhere. It's dark, really dark, and...cold. I look around, nothing catches my eyes. I float, wondering where I am right now.

"Hello, Keith, " Haggar chuckles, "I see you've figured out what I meant by "half-breed"." I try to speak, but no sound comes out, and I close my mouth.

"Only I can speak, so don't try, " Haggar bites, "Anyway, as the green paladin thought, one of your parents is a Galra. It was your mother." I furrow my brow, trying to imagine my mother as a Galra.

"She was a great warrior, but, sadly, we had to kill her for treason, but not before she sent you away to Earth. You are Zarkon's greatest experiment, the half-breed of all half-breeds. Those liquids I injected in you, will soon affect you, and since your transformation has been almost completed, you'll see in due time what I mean, " Haggar cackled her voice fading away, "You will kill the paladins of Voltron."

I wake up drenched in sweat, my breaths coming in short gasps. I sit up, but a sharp pain makes me yelp. I feel around my back, trying to find the problem. My hands land on something hard and soft, and as I run my hands down I realize what it is. I have a quiznacking tail! A tail! I sit up slowly, wincing with every step. My tails swing behind me, taking a mind of its own. It swings around, hitting the wall and doors. I grab it, keeping it still as I get some space goo from the kitchen. My ears flick as they pick up sound of grumbling paladins. I shrink in my seat, knowing it's my fault I woke everyone up.

"Did you hear what was making all that noise, Keith?" Lance asks, grabbing a plate.

"I-It was me," I lower my head, "I-I'm sorry." I stuff my tail under my leg, biting my lip at the small amount of pain. Something crashes and I jump, my tail swinging madly. 

"Sorry! I dropped a plate!" Lance apologized, cleaning up his mess.

"Keith?" Hunk pointed at my lowered tail, "Y-You have a tail." Something steps on my tail and I yelp, softly cradling it in my hands.

"My bad Keith, I didn't see it there," Shiro rubs his eyes, grabbing some space goo. I glare at him before slowly sitting, slightly wincing at the pain.

"Does it hurt?" Pidge asked, reaching for my tail.

"Yes, don't touch it," I snap, smacking her hand away.

"So let me get this straight," Lance waves his spoon, "You're part Galra, have a human and Galra form, and are as cute as a kitten?"

"Yeah, except the kitten part," I grumble, pulling out my tail.

"No, I think that part is right on the nose, " Lance smiles, his hand scratching behind my ear. I lean into the touch, purring softly. My tail pulls his hand away, my cheeks flaming.

"Stop, you know that happens every time," I mumble, making him laugh. I get up to leave, but another pair of hands makes me sit, purring loudly. My tail pulls the hands away and I feel drunk with pleasure.

"Really? Guys-" My purrs interrupt my complaints, and I'm so glad I have a tail or this would go on forever.

"Really Lance?" I glare at the boy, my cheeks burning.

"You know you like it," Lance smiles, making my blush deepen.

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