The Truth

By MaryWis92

999 106 109

At the age of sixteen Camil's parents died in a tragic unexplained car accident. This accident left her and h... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.

Chapter 25.

8 1 2
By MaryWis92

Camil's POV

I open my eyes and as soon as do so I feel how bright it is I close them. Why didn't I close the contains before I went to sleep yesterday?

Slowly I turn around from window and try to open my eyes once again. As soon as I do I see the most handsome men ever. Unintentionally smile appliance at my face, but next the realization.

What is he doing here?
What happened yesterday?

I remember I was talking to Daren. Then Lexi came, I fell, I heard Raley's voice.

My mind starts to racing again and again I feel pain. I rub my temple.

You need to relax Camil. I inhale deeply and again look at his beautiful face, his breath is steady and he looks so peaceful.

"Like what you see love?" He asks with a smirk in a sleepy voice and with closed eyes.

I feel my cheeks are getting red. I put my blanket to my nose, covering my blushing.

"You're so cute when you're blushing." Theo says while he opens his eyes and they pierce into mine.

"Mind to tell me how do you fell today?!" He asks again, his tone is strict, but soft at the same time. He doesn't break the eye contact.

"I'm fine." I mumble looking everywhere but his face.

"Don't lie to me love."

And again! How does he knows when I'm lying?

"My head hurts just a little." I reply almost in whisper.

It takes him seconds to get up from the bed. He takes his phone and deal someone.

"Bruce be here in fifteen." Theo says firmly.

While he is on the phone I continue to look at him, how can a man be so handsome?

He is still in the shirt, his sleeves rolled up and the shirt looks like a mess, because he was sleeping in it I guess.

He turn to face the window and it seems like he is deep down in his thoughts.

Something is bothering him.

Phone starts to ring, Theo picks it up and again this cold, emotionless tone.

"Speak." He says coldly.

He listens to someone on the line staring in the window, no emotions, nothing. I feel like it's another person not Theo I know.

He hungs up and turns and looks at me. His face expression changes into a light smile and softness in his eyes.

No Camil you just imagine I?

"Cami, I have to go now. Something with work came up. Bruce will be hear in fifteen minutes to check on you. Please stay in bed, take medicine and do as he says." Theo says softly coming to my side of the bed where I'm sitting up right now and looking at him.

I just nod and again I can't even argue with him. He kisses my temple then gives me a soft smile and leaves the room.

When he does that I feel like...I can't even describe what I feel. This is so weird.

Well I suppose I need to call Ben and tell him that I'm not going to work today and I think I really need to stay in bed and have some rest.

I turn to my right and take my phone from my night stand. I look at time. It's 11 a.m already. Ben is going to kill me for sure.

I deal Ben's number and starts to chew on my lower lip. I just hope he isn't going to fire me.

"Well Hello Camil." Ben's voice interrupts my racing thoughts.

"Um hey Ben sorry I didn't called you earlier and I know it's already 11 a.m but please don't dismiss me...." I mumble in the phone when Ben interrupts me.

"Camil don't worry Lexi calmed me yesterday and told me what happened as well as Raley did this morning, just don't stress I don't want you to get to the hospital. Better tell me how do you feel today?" He tells me softly.

"I'm fine, my head hurts a bit. Ben I'm really sorry..." I starts to say when he interrupts me.

"Cam, it's all good ! Don't stress it's not good for you, just rest and I'll see you in a few days and don't worry about work. I'll take care of it! I'd love  to talk to you a bit longer, but it seems like Sam needs me right now. I'll talk to you soon."

"Thank you Ben."

With that I hung up.

Well next thing I'm going to do is to call Daren.
It's not that I'm thrilled to talk to my brother, but it's need to be done before he will call yelling at me. It's better when he isn't pissed which is such a rarely lately. I think I need to ask James what's that all about.

I deal Daren'd number, after few seconds he picks up, his voice is soft and there is no hint of anger.

"Morning Cam. How do you feel?"

"Morning D, I'm fine." I sight. I'm a bit tired of this question.

"Lexi told me earlier that you didn't feel well today, so you stayed at home. I know the stubborn person you are, but let me call a doctor. I'm really worried about your health." He says and by the way he speaks I know that my brother is very concerned, but not about his work or anything else, but me. I smile to myself, because normal Daren is back.

"There is no need for the doctor. I'm sure it's all because if the relocation, time shift and a bit of stress, nothing to worry about."

"There is no way I'm going to persuade you, right?" He chuckles.

"You don't need to question me about that when you already have an answer." I laugh.

"Alright, but promise me if you  feel worse, you  will call me!" And again this demanding tone.

"Promise." I reply calmly.

"Cam I have a meeting in a few, but before I go I want to apologize for what I said to you the other day and actually about everything. I really am sorry..."

"I forgive you D..."

The line is silent for the next few seconds.

"You better go now or you will be late on your meeting." I say softly interrupting the silence.

"Ok, I'll call you later Cam."

As soon as the phone call is over I think to myself that time back at home is about 6 in the morning. What "normal" person have a business meeting at this time? Well probably it's Daren.

I put my phone to the night stand and lay down comfortably in my bed burying myself in the covers. I close my eyes and finally my mind is relaxed.

Soft knock on the door interrupts my comfort and Bruce appears in the door frame.

"Morning Camil." Bruce greets me with a light smile.

"Morning Bruce."

"How do you feel?" He asks me coming closer to my bed.

Once again my already "favorite" question.

While Bruce is asking me questions and doing my check I look at him more closely.

He seems like a nice person, beside the fact that he is always smiling which is very comforting, but probably it's just part of his work.

"Well Camil, now you need to rest. Remember no stress and don't forget to take your medicine. If your headache won't stop or something will be bothering you, just call me. Ok?" Bruce says standing up.

"Ok." I nod at him and smile.

"Then I'll see you later." He replies giving me a soft smile and leaves the room.

I lie down and burry myself in a blanket, putting my head on my pillow I close my eyes. I don't know why but I feel so exhausted, like I was working out for a few days without a break. My eyes are getting heavier and I drift to sleep.

Ringing of my phone wakes me up. I don't bother to look at the ID of a caller, so I just pick up and this voice on the other line make goosebumps.

"Hey Love, how do you feel?" Theo asks softly.
Smile appears on my face and his question doesn't annoy me at all.

"I'm fine, you know good sleep works miracles." I giggle with a sleepy voice.

"You were sleeping, I'm sorry for waking you up, I didn't  want to interrupt it."

"You didn't." I smile and turn to my side to face the window.

"How is work?" I find myself asking him. I don't know why but I don't want to end the call yet.

"Very stressing, but nothing I can't handle." Theo replies and can imagine him smirk.

There is silence between the two of us for a few seconds.

"I have to go now. Don't forget to rest and take meds that Bruce prescribed you." Theo interrupts the silence.


"I'll talk to you soon."

I hung up and smile widely while I turn around in my bed and face Lexi who is now standing in the door frame with a smirk.

"Please don't ask me how I feel. I already hate this question." I growl in my pillow.

"Alright, but Cam seriously how do you feel?" She says with a light smile.

"Better, I don't feel like a truck run over me anymore." I giggle.

Lexi comes closer to the bed and hops on it.

"Good." That's all she says.

"Um...Lexi can you tell me what happened yesterday and how came that Theo was here?" I ask her, this is actually bothers me, I want to quilt the last night.

"Well after I came to your room to tell you that Raley was here..."she starts but I interrupt her immediately.

"Raley was here?"

"Yeah I think he came to check on you, so after I came to tell you that he is here, you started  to rub your head and seconds later you collapse on the floor. I was so worried and I didn't  know why that happened, so I asked Raley to help me to lay you in the bed. I had no idea what to do, I was panicking, but you whispered about your phone. I immediately took it and as soon as the message from Theo appeared on your screen I called him and fifteen minutes later he was here with Bruce and another guy." Lexi says and from her face expression I can say she was still worried.

"You have no idea how worried I was...I didn't know what else to do or what to do next when they said that they had to leave. The wave of panic rushed through me, but when Theo told that he was staying, so I relax a bit." Lexi continues.

"So he just stayed?" I ask her confused.

"Yeah...Raley wanted to stay as well but I send him home. I was million percent sure that you wouldn't want to see his face when you wake up."

"Well that's  for sure. I actually have no idea why did he even came here..." I say and look at her.

"Who know what he was thinking...but the way Theo glared at him when he saw how Raley hold your was like Theo was going to throw Raley from the window." Lexi giggles.

"And maybe I would appreciate the gesture."

The both of us Burt's into a laugh. Alright I don't want Lexi to push me more in this topic, so I distract her.

"Thank you Lexi, seriously...thank you for taking care of me, thank you for calling Ben and thank you for not telling Daren and J..." with this words I push her in a hug.

"What else friends are for?" She winks at me.

Well this isn't that bad, probably even better to rest today.

Lexi goes to kitchen to make some breakfast for me or I better say lunch. I take my phone and scroll through my messages.

When was the last time I talk to J?

It was the day before yesterday...

I decide to text him, he probably is busy if he didn't call me yesterday, so yeah a text will be good.

Hey J! How's work is going? I hope Daren isn't an annoying ass

I press on the send button and with this funny sound my text is delivered.

The day goes buy quickly, we eat our lunch with Lexi and watch a couple of movies. I take my meds and just do as I was told. I rest which is really a great thing.

It's already 10 p.m. and I still didn't get an answer from J, probably he is busy.

It's not like I'm complaining or something but he always is here, always calling me or texting and it's so weird to not talk to him for a day or two.

The sound of my phone interrupts me from my thought. I look at the message in hope it J, no it's not him.

A wide smile appears on my face as I read the message.

Sweet dreams Love.

Theo...for the last few days he is reason I smile like an idiot and have this weird filling when I'm near him, or talk to him or get his texts and calls.

I take my phone and type my reply.

Thank you. Don't overwork.

And send. Still looking at my phone I wait for a reply, actually I don't know what can you reply on that...

My phone beeps.

I take it and open the message.

Hey Cam! Sorry for a long reply. Daren is as always an ass but you know I'm used to it,  work as always. Hopefully I'll be able to come home soon. How is your work?

A wave of disappointment rushes through me.
It's not like I'm not happy with J text, but I waited for another's one respond. Even if I have no idea what a person could normally answer on that kind of a message. Well this is so stupid.

I quickly reply to J.

Yeah I know. Work is great and I love it so far. Ben is great! I'm sure you will love it too.

And few seconds later I've got another text from J.

I'm sure I'll. I miss you.

I stare at his message, I don't reply on it, I just put my phone on the night stand. I take the my meds and make myself comfortable.

Probably a good sleep will be good for me with this thought after a few seconds I doze off.

And here is another update!!!
Well, tell me what do you think?

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