Save the Drama for your Mama

By Tatianalisandra

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Light hearted story about friendship and love ♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡♡ ♡ ♡... More

Chapter 2: The Blogs
Chapter 3: Award Season
Chapter 4: Guilt
Chapter 5: Phone Call
Chapter 6: Catching up
Chapter 7: Caught in a Lie
Chapter 8: Love Letters
Chapter 9: Vending machine
Chapter 10: Uncovered
Chapter 11: Mistakes
Chapter 12: I Spy
Chapter 13: Memories
Chapter 14: Dinner
Chapter 15: Issues
Chapter 16: Coffee
Chapter 17: Carnival
Chapter 18: Accidents
Chapter 19: Crush
Chapter 20: Opening up

Chapter 1: Café

763 16 0
By Tatianalisandra

Hello I'm Rosé, always busy, getting money, great life. I have a car, a house, 3 best friends, and a boyfriend. I was fine until I let a couple of boys into my life. (sigh) Wrong move.

I was going for a coffee across the hall. I had spent too much time focusing on writing songs in my office.

As I was returning, I bumped into Lisa
"hey girl I was looking for you" Lisa looked like she had just rolled out of bed "whats up" I greeted.
"umm well Im having trouble writing my own songs so I was gonna ask you if I could borrow a song" Lisa smiled awkwardly "Lalice, this is not something you can just borrow and give back" Lisa slowly fell against the wall "Rosé come on help me out, Jisoo told me to listen to some sad songs for inspiration but Im not in the mood to feel sad" Lisa was usually a hard worker, but writing songs was hard. Even for Jennie who wrote most of our title tracks. So I unwillingly agreed "thank you so much Rosé ! but remember, don't tell YG, bye! "
"kay bye"

I went into my office and drank my coffee. Suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up, it was Joy a girl from another girl group. Joy was my girl crush so I always answered her calls. "Hey Joy" I leaned back in my seat "hey Rosé watcha doin?" " just writing music hbu" "Im going out I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join me" "just me and you?" I asked " well no, but uh it doesn't really matter its just another friend" "what friend ?" "no one, just make sure you wear your mask a hoodie and maybe some sunglasses, k bye!" "wait-" she hung up. Who else was she bringing? and why was she acting so weird? I brushed it off and got my bag, hoodie, glasses, and headed out.

I waited for Joy at the bus. As I was scrolling on my phone I noticed two feet walking up to me. I look up, it was Nayeon "hey what are you doing here Nayeon" "Im going out with Joy, what are you up to?" "So am I, you must've been who Joy was talking about on the phone" "what?" Nayeon looked confused "Joy said she was bringing someone else, but wouldn't tell me who" "oh I guess it was me" "Yeah" we sat at a nearby bench til Joy arrived. Mid conversation I hear Joys voice " hey Rosie posie cute and cozy!" I turn around to see Joy, but turns out. Nayeon wasn't the "friend" Joy was talking about.

I stay in my seat as Nayeon gets up to greet Joy. My instinct is to run but cars are driving by fast so I just start to speed walk. " Rose! where are you going!" I hear Joy shout from behind "I have to use the restroom!" I reply "lol what? didn't you just leave work dont they have toilets there?" Nayeon says running behind "Yea but I still have to go" I ran far infront of the group "wait Rose theres a bathroom in that café down the street lets stop by there" "ok" I say, awkwardly keeping Nayeon beside me as we walk toward the café.

We entered the cafe and I book it to the bathroom. I entered the stall and peed cuz I actually kinda did need to use the bathroom. I walked out, washed my hands and proceed to moisturize. I took out my phone and was about to ring up Jisoo so she could come get me, when Joy barges into the bathroom.

"Rosé did you pee yourself, you were running pretty fast did you make it on time" "Yeah but i have to go" I said turning away from her "why? we just got here" "Yea but Joy- ". Joy grabbed my shoulders and pulled me close "Rose if this has anything to do with Jungkook being here trust me no one will ever notice and if they do there's me and Nayeon, so no one can start a dating scandal" "Joy that nice of you to say, but my careers worth more than getting caught at a cafe with some random boy. And a very famous one at that". But what I wouldn't tell Joy was that it wasn't just about my career, me and Jungkook had shared something in the past, something very intimate and it made me uncomfortable to be around him.

"Listen. Rosé. Your not leaving. I've been having a bad day and you won't make it worse. So you either go to the table and sit down! or I'll sit you down!" The thing about Joy is the angrier she is the more violent she becomes. So I decided that Joy was scarier than any awkward interaction I might have with Jungkook.

I made my way to the table "hey friends" I smiled awkardly "Rosé I thought you fell down the toilet" Nayeon giggled "haha" I sat down across from her. Jungkook stayed silent. We all settled down at the table, I drank the tea they had already ordered. I talked to Nayeon and Joy, paying little attention to Jungkook who sat awkwardly at the table. He seemed just as uncomfortable as me, it made me wonder if Joy let him know I was coming.

Nayeon suddenly brought up dating, and Joy became silent. I instantly felt set up, so i quickly chimed "I heard Mina was dating bam bam what do you know about that Nayeon" Joy smirked and Nayeon was caught off guard. She began to explain and I could feel Jungkooks eyes examining me, I looked at him abruptly to snap him out of it and he pretended to play with his straw.

We left the cafe and I followed far behind. Nayeon got a call fom Tzuyu so she had to leave. I told Joy I would be off as well. As I was walking off Joy pulled me close and whispered in my ear, barely loud enough for me to hear "you know this meeting wasn't my idea" I pulled away and casually replied "I know. Nayeon always has the best meeting ideas" I sped walked away to the nearest cab, before she could respond.

I sat in the cab and wondered what Joy had really meant by that. I had an idea. But if Joy were to ask "Nayeon was brilliant for inviting us out" I slouched into my seat and watched the skyscrapers go bye.

I felt a buzzing and checked my phone Jisoo was calling "hey sexy ladyyy" "Rosé it's over this is it. I never wanna hear from him again!" Jisoo was in a lame relationship with a well known actor I kinda had a crush on him but it quickly subsided when he started showing his true colors."Jisoo thats great maybe now you can find a real boyfriend who will actually love you" "really Rosé Im heartbroken and you mock me". "No, I didnt mean it like that" I tried explaining."Oh sure next time you feel down forget about calling me!" she hung up. Jisoo always got angry and emotional during these break ups.

I pulled up at the house and entered my kitchen. I started checking the mail. Jennie appeared from the living room "Your finally back where were you" she asked."I was out with Joy" I replied. Jennie scowled "But you still couldn't remember to bring food, Rosé there is no food in the house and I'm starving. You ate all the food so you need to replenish it!" Jennie started ranting.

I made my way up the stairs, my feet were sore from the morning practice. I walked into my room and shouted back "I'll go pick up some food tommorrow" closed the door, changed, and slid into my warm bed. I probably wouldn't get food. I hadn't finished writing mine or Lisa's song and had a busy performance schedule tommorow. I mentally noted to talk to Jisoo about the incident and to avoid Joy for a while. I thought of how Jungkook was so quiet at the café and if he might have been thinking the same thing as me. I decided to forget about it and gently drifted off to sleep.

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