The Monster Underneath [FINIS...

By josiessalvatore

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Caroline is a simple farm girl. She has never known luxury and would someday love to meet the king and queen... More

Chapter 1: Caroline Forbes
Chapter 2: Arriving at the Castle
Chapter 3: Feelings She Can't Control
Chapter 4: Another Kiss That Can't Compare
Chapter 5: I Miss You
Chapter 7: New
Chapter 8: "Away From Drama"
Chapter 9: A Wedding
Chapter 10 : Another Life
Chapter 11: Talk
Chapter 12: Another Time
Chapter 13: Reunion
Chapter 14: The Plan
Chapter 15: Mikael
Chapter 16: Rekindling
Chapter 17: Elena Gilbert
Chapter 18: Him
Chapter 19: Love
Chapter 20: Illusions & Memories
Chapter 21: End of the Beginning

Chapter 6: I Love You

516 19 1
By josiessalvatore

"Klaus." The soft voice whispers in his ear and his eyelids flutter. "Klaus wake up." His eyes snap open and he squeezes them shut again at the brightly lit room. He's pulled into someone's arms. "Wake up. Please." The last word snaps him out of his daze and his eyes slowly open to reveal blonde curls.

"Caroline." He squeezes his arms around her and she sighs in relief. "Where are we?"

"I don't know. The last thing I remember is falling unconscious in your.. room." Her eyebrows furrow and she bites her lip. "You were really hurt."

"These- these things attacked. They are much more dangerous than my siblings and I." He takes her hand. "If anything happened to you-."

"Nothing will happen to me. Not as long as I'm with you."

"I can't protect you all the time Caroline." She ponders for a moment.

"Turn me then." He's shocked by her statement. "Please Klaus."

"I can't." Klaus stands up and starts walking towards the door.

"I-." Caroline bites her tongue but cannot stop the words from flowing out of her mouth. "I love you." He stops and doesn't move, only taking a breath each half a second. "Please say something." He only turns around and starts walking towards her. What she doesn't expect is for him to kiss her. He kissed her like there was no tomorrow and then pulled away to bite his wrist.

"Are you sure about this?" She slowly but surely nods her head and brings his wrist up to her mouth, taking big gulps of the blood spilling out of it. "I don't want to be the one to kill you but no one else is here."

"Do it quickly. You don't have to look." His eyes squeeze shut as his hands find her neck but he just stands there. "Klaus it's okay." His eyes fly open and he finds himself so close he can see her chest rising and falling with each breath. "I love you, Klaus." Her hands close around his and twist, her neck snapping instantly. Fear rises in his chest but he reminds himself that she'll come back as he lays the blonde gently on a couch.


"Try-." A snap sounds from the bed and all heads in the room turn. "Did her neck just-."

"She's dead." Elijah backs away from the blonde, Bonnie starts fuming. "If you would calm down Miss Bennett."

"The princess is dead. What am I supposed to tell the king and queen of Mystic?" She runs her now sweaty hands down the front of her dress. "They'll be devastated."

"I'm sure there's an explanation for this." His eyes move to his brother. "There's always an explanation."


"Bastard!" Klaus brings the white oak stake up into the air and stabs it into the original vampire hunter's chest. He quickly jumps back as soon as he bursts into flames.

He suddenly sits up with a gasp and all eyes land on him. "Niklaus."

"How long was I out?" His eyes find Caroline on the bed next to him.

"About an hour. What happened to the princess?" Her body was still unmoving.

"I gave her my blood and snapped her neck." Bonnie started chanting words under her breath and Klaus held his head in pain. "She asked me to."

"Why would she want to be a monster like you?" Klaus dropped his hands and turned to look at Caroline.

"She told me that she loved me." The room is silent when Caroline suddenly sits up, taking in deep breaths.

"Caroline!" The Bennett witch rushes to the princess's side. "Why?"

"I love him, Bonnie. I can't grow old and leave him all alone." Each word hits Klaus' heart like a freight train. "Am I a-."

"No, you must drink human blood first." Her face pales but she nods her head. "Would you like me to take you?"

"Of course." She takes his hand and they exit the room.

"This has turned into such a mess." Bonnie gathers up the candles and her grimoire. "When he leaves her, don't say I didn't tell you."


"Are you sure it's okay?" Caroline looks at the cup in her hand, filled about halfway with blood. "I mean, what if it doesn't work?"

"It will work." Klaus takes a seat next to the blonde. "I understand if you decide not to do it."

Caroline surprises herself when she brings the cup up to her lips and downs the blood. "Ahh." Pain courses through her gums as if something is trying to break through. "Klaus it hurts."

"Your fangs are coming in." The pain continues for a few more seconds and she reaches up to feel them. "How do you feel?'

"Woah." She takes a small mirror off the table and holds it up to her face, touching the veins under her eyes. "I feel great."

"Really?" She nods as her fangs retract back into her gums and the veins disappear.

"Yeah I- can you teach me control?" Klaus replies with a yes and she smiles. "Tomorrow at 2. I'll go down to the stables and we can head out."

"Okay." His hand finds hers on the table and if it's possible, she smiles even more. "I love you too."

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