I Give Up

By GoddessOfBlack89

464K 14.7K 4.9K

Rank #1 in Team7 (01/31/2019) Rank #1 in runaway (12/13/2018) Rank #8 in Naruto (01/23/2019) ...... Naruto wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 6

19.8K 668 235
By GoddessOfBlack89

Naruto in her disguise sat down on the couch, in her hands is a picture frame of her and a clone transformed into Naruto. Their age was 14 in the picture and Jiraiya stood behind the two blushing kids with a grin on his face. Naruto was going for another guilt trip for Team 7. She's going to use emotion and tears to drive them away.

Kakashi came down stairs followed by Sai, Sasuke and Sakura. They saw Natsume absent mindedly stroke the picture frame while she looked like she was thinking about something the way her eyes glaze over. Akai nudged her master, feeling her gloomy aura.

"I'm fine, Akai. He will come back...... When he's ready" Natsume smiled sadly, wiping the tear on her face away.

She looked at their direction, startled she stood up and hastily wipe the tears away.

"Is.... Is there anything I can help you?" Naruto asked, helding herself from saying 'dattebayo'

"Ah.... Natsume san, we should be leaving now, you see, our target had changed location" Kakashi eye smiled, Naruto paused as she stared at them then to the picture frame on the corner of the room, the picture of Team 7 with Yamato and Sai after the war.

"...........why do you want him back" Naruto asked

"He's our friend, of course we want him" Sakura answered without hesitation, Naruto could not help but changing her smile into a frown

"You already drove him away. Isn't that enough?" Naruto asked, displeased, dropping her sweet facade

"it's not our intention-"

"What? You're going to retrieve him and take advantage of his kindness once more? Haven't you done that already? How many years was it, I remember correctly, it was even on your academy days, so 14 or 14 years I think. 14 years you have taken advantage of the fact that he has no one and cherished friendship, he considered you all his family. Family that did not even care for him. He sacrificed everything for that damned village, his happiness, his freedom, his loyalty and what did it gave in return? Enmity! And Konoha wasn't even satisfied, crushing his dreams and the only thing the pushed him to rise to the top only to get pushed from the platform and fell hard" Naruto let her hatred and disgust show on her face, her tears keep on falling, good thing she put on some waterproof make up

"We did n-"

"Shut your mouth! You! A Teacher that couldn't even teach his students well and show favoritism, not wanting to face Naruto because he looks like his father, well aren't you a coward? And look what that favouritism lead to, a hole in the chest from the Chidori on his 12 years old student. You may have been there after three years but you missed 12 years of his trust" Naruto spat at Kakashi then turned to Sakura

"And you, you're the worst. I am disgusted with you, using his childhood feelings to push him to retrieve the Traitor. Such a dirty thing to do, and you're a Konoichi. Disgusting and Shameless. Who do you think you are, cilia born bitch!? What standing does your clan have to use the Prince of Uzushio as your personal punching bag? Using him to vent you anger, what because he's the dead last and is an orphan!? I am too, try and hitting me, I Dare You! You're nothing but a girl who has smart but can't do shit. You did not even say thank you for bringing Tsunade back to the village in which you ran to and begged for apprenticeship, if it weren't for him, Tsunade won't step a foot in the village, and you know what that cost him, almost died because of Kabuto, throwing his life away to save hers. And what did you do, using your monstrous strength to beat him up, did you know, his rib had broke and stabbed his lung and slightly wounded his heart, if it were for Kyuubi he would have died! Not to mention you cracked his skull every single fucking time you hit him, and how frequent did you hit him? 6 to 10 times a day! Tell me, if it was the Uchiha would you dare? No! Because you showed favoritism once more!" Naruto laughed bitterly as she sneered

"And don't even get started with you. Avanger you say. Killing your brother you say. And then you killed your biological brother, oy to get disappointed and guilty, someone was there and was like a family to you. Aren't you just allergic, killing those close to you, you did not even hesitate to deliver killing blow on him, now you are next to your other teammate, why aren't you digging their heart out huh!? Favoritism! What a fucking bastard, I have no idea why he tolerate you so much, such a bastard whom had a dark heart... You don't deserve his attention. None of you does. But of course he was a fool, he had longed for family and you, stepping on fresh wounds even insulted him. Having your family killed on front of you might be better than not knowing at all, at least you won't be thrown out in the orphanage when you were 3 and lived in the streets for an entire year, digging on the garbage to find food and had to sleep in the shabby and unstable shed during winter, worrying everyday that it might fall because of the wind and snow. You don't understand what pain, suffering, and loneliness are. He had experienced it, every single fucking one of them, tell me, if it were you in his shoes those who had been at least had warm home and food in the table as well as friends and family, can you survive it!? I know you won't! A Jinchuurikis barely survived! Eating one moldy bread a month, is too much, almost none at all, once again, if it weren't for the Kyuubi's chakra, I am afraid an ubmark thumbs tone would be his fate. And when the Masaccre happened, everyone pitied the boy who has it all! Isn't that funny, they are fueling the flame to someone who would later desire to destroy that village and who took the blow and protect? The boy they scorned! Giving false praise and after everything was solve, once more thrown aside for the Uchiha that was a traitor. Favoritism! I hate that fucking word! I hate that to death!" Naruto gritted her teeth so harshly as she leak our her bloodlust

"I have no enmity with Sai, he never really brothers with Naruto but he never stood up for him either. I can see him as an ungrateful shit, nothing more. All of you better get out and don't come back. Because of Konoha, my husband could not return home. Because of Konoha my husband could not make it back to at least have a glimpse of our daughter. Because of Konoha, my father figure died in the hands on Pein in which he turned out that way because of Konoha! Because of Konoha, they produced Uchiha Madara. And because of Konoha, my husband suffered! Get out, if you show your face to me once more, I will become another Uchiha Madara and destroy Konoha. See if you can stop me. I would certainly won't be stopped by him, he would support me that I am sure. At least I would get some revenge and justice for our suffering and the lives of the love once I lost. Isn't that right, Avenger Uchiha Sasuke. Isn't that your view?" Naruto was seething in anger

"Now, out! Get out!" Naruto threw them out of her door, throwing the photos of Team 7, the photos that had to do with Konoha on the ground, causing it to shatter, Naruto rip the Shodaime's necklace from her neck and threw it on the ground and slammed her door hard.

The Team 7 took it all in without opening their mouth. Thunder and lightning could be heard as rain poured.

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