
By daviidsofiia

106K 3.9K 224

Jemma Jones has had a rough life right from her birth. Born of a prostitute, thrown out by the age of ten, th... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Cast- Part Two
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 36
Status & Glory
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 17
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 31
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New Story- Forever His

Chapter 7

3.2K 117 8
By daviidsofiia

"Let's go" I said running down the stairs.

"Finally," Paige rolled her eyes and I pouted at her.

We were currently going to Maddy's house for the sleepover meaning that today was Friday. The entire week ran pretty fast and things were good.

We both entered her car, me in the passengers seat and she drove off. She would never allow me to drive her car as she always said that her car is her beloved, she calls it 'Lexi'. The girl is really weird and funny at times.

Everyone was back to normal and stopped acting weirdly. Jasper had to go home because he had some things to settle. He pretty much disappeared because nobody had heard from him. The few times I asked Kyler about him all he said was 'I'm sure he's still pretty busy'.

Okay maybe I just really wanted to apologize to him about the other day and my conscience was eating at me.

"So what exactly are your sleepovers like?" I asked turning to Paige.

"Well they're pretty fun and crazy," she giggled. "I remember one night when we dared Quinn to go sneak into her neighbors room and steal his boxers"

"What? Did she do it?" I looked at her in amusement.

"Yes. The best part was that he caught her and then they ended up making out. It was crazy!" she laughed and I joined her.

"Wow, you guys are really something else," I shook my head.

"We're here," Paige announced and the car came to a halt.

We both came down walking to the porch of the house in front of us then Paige rang the doorbell.

Their neighbor was obviously having a party and the music was pretty loud so she rang the bell multiple times so the people inside could hear.

The house was really huge, but not as big as ours. The entire street screamed wealth like ours so I wasn't surprised.

"Waoow! Calm down, I'm here," Quinn threw her hands in the air as she pulled the door open.

"Just had to be sure you'll hear," Paige shrugged.

"Come in, Maddy's in the shower," she opened the door wider ushering us in "Hey JJ," she hugged me.

"Hey" I hugged her back.

Pulling away from the hug, my eyes scanned the house. From outside, you wouldn't expect the house to be this richly decorated. Art pieces hung around the black and white walls. Most houses I had been to had art pieces in a few places but one look at this house and it's obvious that the owners of the house love art.

Everything in the house is black and white, the furnitures included. Maddy's parents really have great taste.

"You ladies ready for tonight?" Quinn asked as we walked up the stairs.

I willed my hands to keep from touching everything I saw, "what's happening tonight?" I asked as confusion took over my features.

"Well it's a tradition that during our sleepovers everyone must get drunk," Quinn grinned.

I could tell that she was excited for this, "I guess so," I shrugged, a bit open to the idea of getting drunk.

I'm not one for drinking because I'm still a minor but who doesn't drink at this age. I mean I'm almost there.

"Hey girls," Madison greeted as we entered a room which I'm guessing is hers.

The room is really big, well as big as my room. Probably bigger.

"Hey" Paige and I greeted.

"Let the sleepover begin!" Quinn and Madison exclaimed at the same time causing us all to shake in laughter.


"Let's play Truth or Dare," Quinn slurred clearly drunk.

It's been an hour since we arrived at Maddy's house and due to all the excitement we all got drunk in no time. I was actually having fun.

"Yeah!" I cheered.

"If you don't do a dare or say the truth you'd have to take a shot!" Paige piped in.

"Perfect" Maddy agreed.

"Jemma truth or dare," Quinn asked.

"Dare," I said without thinking.

"I dare you to go out on the streets and make out with the first stranger you see and Paige is going to record it all," Quinn dared

"Easy," I jumped up, not thinking twice.

If I was sober I would have said no but something in me wanted to do it. I can say it's the alcohol working.

I got up followed by Paige with a phone in her hand fully ready to record me do something that I'll most likely regret in the morning.

I ran towards the door walking outside, feeling the cool night breeze on my face, I smiled.

Her neighbor was hosting a party so spotting a stranger at this time wouldn't be a problem.

I spotted a guy with blonde hair who looked extremely drunk with the way he was fumbling with his keys trying to open his car. It was dark and since he was backing me all I could see was his black jeans and shirt. Even from behind I could tell he was hot.

I slowly walked up to him feeling like all those girls in strip clubs and I felt on top of the world. The alcohol was really working up my system.

By the time I got to him I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned to look at me. Immediately he turned I smashed my lips against his and he responded rather quickly. His hands groped my ass and that made me groan. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and we both fought for dominance till he won. His hands were all over me and I put my hands in his hair, tugging it roughly.

The kiss was getting really intense and I willed myself to pull away. The look on his face said he wanted more but I smirked at him and slowly backed away. His deep blue eyes trying to lure me.

Those eyes looked really familiar.

Before I could move a feet away from him he grabbed my waist, connecting our lips once again and I hungrily kissed back. I wouldn't lie, he tasted good. After a minute of sucking each others face and almost ripping each others clothes off I pulled away and ran back into the house, not looking back at the stranger.

"WOW THAT WAS AWESOME!" Paige exclaimed giggling like a child.

I walked back to the living room and sat down back at my spot, waiting for Paige and Quinn to sit down back so we could continue the game. I totally had more than enough alcohol in my system and I was ready to do more crazy things.

Well the night got crazier and I knew that we all probably did something we would regret in the morning.

I woke up feeling like the entire world was put on my head.

"Morning," Paige groaned, sitting up on the floor beside me.

"Morning," I replied struggling to sit up.

"Oh Gosh!" Paige exclaimed making a sleeping Maddy on the couch in the room to wake up.

"What is it?" I asked shocked from her sudden outburst.

"It's eleven thirty and mum and dad will be home anytime soon," she stood up rushing to the closet.

I groaned, rubbing my eyes and standing up to stretch.

"Hurry up please I need to do something before mum comes," Paige said in a rush.

"Okay," I said rushing into the closet where all our properties were to put on my clothes

I put on my sweat pants and shirt from yesterday. After I was done I ran downstairs trying to catch up with Paige who ran out a minute ago.

"She's getting really impatient," Quinn told me as I ran towards the door.

"Thank you for last night!" I said not even replying to her statement as I slammed the door, running into her car.

"Take some pain killers," she pointed to the pills and the bottled water in the car. "I know you're having a pretty bad hangover"

"Thanks," I swallowed the pill and drank water.

The car ride was rough because Paige was driving with speed even with all my protests, thanks to the seatbelt otherwise I would have been thrown out of the car before I got home. I don't know how she wasn't asked to pullover by the police.

We finally got home and I was saved from the death ride. She ran inside and I followed slowly behind her.

"Why is Paige in so much of a hurry?" Kyler asked pointing to her room which the door was just jammed shut.

"I really have no idea," I groaned. "I'm having a really bad hangover so I don't care about that right now"

I walked upstairs but stopped halfway, "your parents are returning today?"

His eyes widened, " oh crap." he ran towards the basement.

"Okkkaaayyy," I flailed my hands in the air, speaking to no one in particular.

Why is everybody in such a hurry?

I walked into my room and closed the door before getting into the bathroom and taking a really long shower because I really needed it.

"Hey kiddos! We're back! " I heard Sarah shout from the living room a few hours later.

Paige, Kyler, Jasper and I made our way to the living room. Jasper came back not long after we came in. Well he was the only one apart from me who was not in a total rush.

"Hey mum, dad," Kyler greeted hugging both of them.

Paige and Jasper did the same thing and I just stared at them, waiting patiently for my turn.

"JJ," Sarah smiled, "how are you?" she asked hugging me and I hugged back.

It was awkward to say the least.

"I've been good. How was your trip?" I pulled away.

"It was fulfilling," the smile on her face didn't seem ready to leave.

"Hey Stefan," I greeted the man.

Gosh calling them by their names was really making me feel weird. But I can't just start calling them dad and mum.

"Hey kid" Stefan scratched the back of his head, a nervous habit I've come to notice.

He still doesn't know how to talk to me without being nervous?

"Well children I got gifts for ALL of you" Sarah chirped rolling a big box towards the center of the room.

She gave everyone including Jasper gifts but she didn't give me any and I thought she didn't get any for me till she stood up and dragged me outside.

"Don't worry, yours is special," she winked at me, "turn around and don't move till I tell you."

I did as she said and she clapped her hands. I could hear a car engine roar and it sounded like a car was coming closer.

"You can turn now," she said softly and I did as she said once again.

In front of me was a black and red Porsche. I don't know much about cars but I know that the car is really good and expensive.

She jingled the keys in front of me, "take it, it's yours," she grinned.

I slowly took the keys from her, not really believing that I'm going to be driving this baby.

I looked at the car and back at her and she nodded so I hugged her, "thank you."

She hugged back and I slowly pulled away.

I slowly walked to the drivers side and opened the door, getting into the car. As I sat I felt the comfort of the leather seats and the well designed interior. In general the car was super awesome both inside and outside.

I put the key in the ignition and started the car, revving the engine to test it. It roared and I loved it. I put on my seatbelt and started driving.

I drove out of the gate because I wanted to see what my baby could do. After test driving it I finally came back home.

"Finally she's back," Jasper spoke when I walked into the living room.

Paige was on the couch and Jasper was on the floor, sitting crossed legged, both with popcorn in their hands while their eyes were glued to the TV. The place was a mess.

"Yeah," I sat down beside Paige but she hit me.

"Don't sit here," she pouted, "on the floor."

I looked at Jasper who just shrugged at me. I guess she bullied him too. I sat gently on the floor beside Jasper.

I stole a handful from his bowl of popcorn.

At least he didn't react meaning he was not still pissed at me.

"Do you like the car?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's super cool," I smiled.

"Glad you like it"

I didn't reply but continued watching the movie. I didn't know whatever movie they were watching and I didn't bother to ask because it was interesting.

The movie finally ended and I stood up, about to go upstairs before Jasper dragged me back.

"What is it?" I rose a brow at him in confusion.

We stayed like that in silence for a few seconds before he finally let me go, "never mind"

He stood up and walked out, leaving me standing in confusion.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and he was sitting on a stool.

"I'm sorry for getting angry at you unnecessarily on Tuesday," he apologized.

"Okay" I said taking the water and going upstairs.

So he actually has a heart?

After thirty minutes of sitting in my room thinking of what he said and the possible reasons of why he left, I finally decided to go and ask him.

I walked out of the room and towards his room in our house and as I got closer I started hearing voices. I stopped at the door, deliberately eavesdropping. I know it's not good but who cares now?

"Bro, where have you been? I've been sick worried about you. You didn't pick your phone calls, you didn't reply my messages. What the hell happened?" Kyler asked, his voice low.

Jasper sighed, "I just needed some personal space"

"Personal space and you didn't even show up in school?" Kyler rose his voice "I went to your house countless times and it was empty. There was no sign of life in it."

"I just needed some personal space!" Jasper yelled.

"Fine," Kyler scoffed.

The room went silent and I decided to leave but Jasper spoke up

"I was back in town yesterday and I went to a party, I was freaking drunk and as I was about to take something from my car some chick came up to me and-" Someone's phone started ringing making him to stop talking.

"It's your phone not mine," Kyler said.

"No. The phone's not inside here, it's outside," Jasper said.

Crap, it's my phone. I quickly fished it out from my pocket, answering the phone as Kyler and Jasper walked out of the room.

I grinned at them and they both looked at themselves confusion written on their faces.

"Hello," I said into the phone.

"Hey JJ I need your help please," The voice of Devin spoke from the other side of the phone. He sounded like he was crying.

"Are you okay, what's going on?" I was starting to panic.

"It's my dad please come to the hospital, I need your help," he spoke, his voice shaking.

"Alright I'll soon be there" I spoke before hanging up. I ran downstairs in a hurry, taking my keys from the table and running outside.

"What's going on?" Jasper shouted from upstairs.

"It's Devin, he needs help. I'll be right back!" I yelled back as I entered my car and drove out.

I noticed Jasper's car following behind me and I guessed he decided to come along with me since he knows Devin.

I made it to the hospital in time luckily all the lights were green. I ran into the hospital and saw Devin sitting down, his head in his hands.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked sitting beside him.

"JJ, thank God you're here," he hugged me.

"What happened?" I hugged him back.

"Dad, got into an accident," he sobbed into my shirt.

"It's okay, he'll be fine," I tried to assure him but I was failing miserably at it.

His father is like a father to me because he was always there for me. He played the father role in my life and I was forever grateful. I would always stand by him no matter what.

Jasper and Kyler ran into the hospital their eyes scanning the entire room till they landed on us. They ran towards us.

"Devin I told you that whatever happens you call me first. What the heck happened?" Jasper yelled earning a few looks from people.

"I called you but you didn't answer so I called Jemma," Devin defended pulling away from me.

"Shit," Jasper swore, bringing out his phone from his pocket, "ten missed calls. I'm sorry bro, my phone was on silence."

Devin just looked up at him and shook his head.

"So why exactly are you in the hospital?" Kyler asked.

"My dad-" he got cut off by a man who I'm guessing is the doctor.

He wore his lab coat and he had a book and a pen in his hands, "William Bates?" he questioned.

"Yes," Devin and I stood up.

"Please come with me," he said and Devin and I followed him.

Jasper and Kyler stayed behind.

We walked into an office and he told us to sit down and we did.

We both sat down in anticipation and fear of what might come next. I looked to Devin and he was shaking so I took his hands in mine and squeezed it gently and he smiled back at me. We were both not ready for whatever he had to say but we knew that we'd had to take it.

Thanks for reading and please don't forget to vote. Love you all!

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