Yet Another Cullen/Black (A T...

By PaigeDaniels

219K 1.9K 377

This story picks up 100 years after the events of Breaking Dawn. The Cullens have moved yet again, to avoid b... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1

41.1K 234 50
By PaigeDaniels

A/N: This is my first fanfiction, so I hope you guys can comment and tell me how to improve it! XD


vote, like and comment!!!!

>> The picture on the right is Henry Black >>

---------- Chapter 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Henry!" mum chimes, just above a whisper, though I'm sure the whole house heard her. I put down my much abused copy of Sherlock Holmes and walk down the stairs at human pace.

Everyone's sitting around all over the living area, which is...pretty small. I've seen the old house in Forks, and I have to say I am quite upset over the fact that I never had a chance to live there. According to mum, some people were getting a little suspicious of them. So we moved.

Much like forks, our new home is a really small, laid back town. The best thing about it? We have an entire rainforest as our backyard...or ahem, hunting ground.

"Henry, we're going to be late for school!" dad is just as excited as everyone else. Oo, wee, a new school! Again!...Not!

It's only my third time in high school, but I've had more than enough of it!

Reluctantly, I grab my bag and head out to the garage. Since there are so many of us, we take the Jeep and the Volvo. As usual, nobody let's me drive! Seriously, they treat me like I actually am 18. Heck, even 18 year olds are allowed to drive! I guess, that's the down side of having ancient family, they always see you as a baby!

I climb into Edward's (I have to constantly remind myself not to call any of them uncle, aunty, mum or dad) Volvo, along with Bella, Alice and Jasper. Mum, dad, Emmett and Rosalie take the Jeep. Sometimes, I prefer being away from mum and dad...they always baby me!

I stare moodily out the window as everyone else talks excitedly about a new year of school. At least Edwards seems as bored as I am. He calls school a purgatory, well at least he used to, until he met Bella. Now all he does is stare at her...not like I know what he was like before meeting Bella, I'm just going by what everyone else tells me. It's odd how Edward is actually my grandfather, when he actually looks younger than me. And don't get me started on great-grandpa Carlisle.

We pull up in the school parking lot, with all the other students staring at us. I suppose I can't blame them for staring...we are kinda beautiful, to human eyes anyway. Some of us are, anyway. Not that I'm jealous of my ancient relatives, but still!

The nine of us walk to the office to register, and I have to admit, this is getting ridiculous! We're sticking with the story that we are all Carlisle's adopted children! Hello?! Nine adopted children? With seven achingly beautiful god look a-likes, a russet skinned model and then...there's me!

We register for our classes, earning weird, confused and a somewhat flirty looks from the ladies in the office. Edward did the talking, of course.

Edward, Bella, Alice and dad are pretending to be juniors. Mum is going to be a sophomore. Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett and I will be seniors, as usual. Heh, taking high level then both mum and dad! Though, I do look older than both of them.

Mum, being a half vampire, stopped aging and now permanently looks between 16 and 17. Dad, since he's always around vamps, heck, he lives with vampires, he is also stuck looking about 17 or 18. I, on the other hand, being a mutant hybrid, half shape-shifter, quarter human and quarter vampire, I stopped growing later. So I look 18, maybe even 19. Let me tell you, sometimes it sucks looking older than your parents.

Emmett and I head to Biology, apparently we share the same timetable. Grand-uncle Emmett is awesome! He's a ton of fun to be around, though kind of...horny? So, bio should be an interesting class for us.

We sit side by side, Emmett engrossed in the subject matter, the female anatomy, while I day dream. Hell, I probably know more about the female anatomy than my teacher...theoretically, of course. I mean, I do have a PhD in Medicine. Though, I can't fathom how Emmett, who is an expert at the female anatomy, can find this class worth his time.

Hmm, I wonder what's the plan for tonight. Oh, that's right; it's going to be like every other night. Edward and Bella will be doing the nasty in their room, Alice and Jasper will play dress-up, Rose and Em will be trying to outdo Edward and Bella...oh, and worst of all would be mum and dad! Their room is right above mine, and they are loud! God, really, there's only so much crap a person should have to deal with, and over-hearing your parents 'doing it' is definitely crossing the line! Sometimes it gets so noisy, I can't even read! I'd have to hook my guitar up to its amp, turn up the volume and try my best to drown out the noise.

I must have been really zoning out, because I didn't even hear my teacher, Mr. Albarn, approach. He slams his thick textbook on the table, making me almost jump. Em sniggers beside me and tries to pass it off as a cough.

"Mr. Black? It's your first day, and you're already not paying attention? I know your previous Biology teacher praised you to no ends, but that does not

mean that you can doze off in my class. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"It better not," Mr. Albarn mutters under his breath. Em smiles angelically at me, under the table though, he slaps my knee. Great, I'm going to be called the only hybrid-part-vampire-part-shape-shifter that can be snuck up on!

The minutes crawl by, and I try my hardest to pretend to pay attention. Then finally the bell rings. I shoulder my bad, and head to my next class, French with Miss Delacroix. The other students give Em and I a huge berth, but that's mostly because of Em's sheer size. Heh, I wonder how they are reacting to dad! He's even bigger than Em!


Miss Delacroix is divine! A beauty! Every guy in the class ogles her. Even Em, who has the gorgeous Rose all to himself eyes her. She, however, seems oblivious to the drooling, or maybe she's just used to it? Either way, she definitely made me want to whisper sweet nothings in her ear. And the moment I have that thought, I blush. Oops, I'm sure Edward caught that one. I've been playing scenes of having her in my bedroom all throughout the double period. I hope he doesn't tell mum and dad!


The bell rings and we head to the cafeteria. I'm famished and load everything in my sights on a tray and head to the table farthest away from the entrance where my family is already sitting.

Edward is feeding Bella, who shyly refuses. Yawn! Rose and Em don't even pretend to eat, food that is, but they do suck at each other's faces. Alice and Jasper talk quietly amongst themselves, laughing slightly at something. Mum and dad are eating, but also completely lovey-dovey. Good god! They haven't been together since school started, not for months! I slam my tray down on the table, utterly irritated. My family glances up at me, exchange looks, then get back to their own things. They're used to me, and pretty much ignore me when I'm in one of my 'hissy, diva fits' as mum calls it.

Eventually, everyone gets a little bit more conservative. They stop making out and stuff, and pretend to be regular teenagers.

"How were your classes Henry?" mum asks, trying to get me out of my reverie.

I look up and force a smile on my face, "Oh, umm, good. Yeah, it was all good. Though, I pretty much know more than my teachers now."

"What class do you have next?" dad asks, his mouth full of pizza. I notice Rose shudder ever so slightly.

"Umm, literature, d-...umm, Jake," ugh! It still feels wrong calling everyone by their first names. Okay, well not so much the others, mostly just mum and dad. My mouth seems to have a hard time forming the names Jake and Nessie.

Suddenly Edward stiffens, and as a result, the rest of us do as well. Bella looks anxious, and holds on to his hand, tightly, "what is it?"

Edward shakes his head, infinitesimally, and smiles, signalling for us to be normal again. Edward takes a bite of pizza, with a martyred expression on his face. He motions, very slightly to somewhere behind me, and I understand what he means. The rest of us act normal, gossiping amongst ourselves.

"We're being watched," Edward says in his smooth, velvety voice so softly that I have to really listen in.

"Read some minds, boy," Em says in a chuckle, no doubt hoping he's scaring people.

Edward smiles and closes his eyes for a fraction of a second. "There's a group sitting behind Henry. One of the guys is eyeing Nessie, wondering who she is. The boy on her right is trying to fill them all in. He works in the office, and was there when we registered. The other guy is wondering why it looks like all of us are with someone. He's also wondering how tall Jake is. Then there's a girl on the other side of the cafeteria, she wants my number, and the guy with her wants Bella's. Oh, and Rose, it sure seems like at least half the guys here would die to sit with you," Edward ends with a small smile.

Rose's chest puffs out ever so slightly. I catch Edward's eye, and the both of us smile, thinking the exact same thing. Em seems unhappy nobody thought about him, but you can't blame them! Em is ripped and all, but dad is just so ginarmous!

"Alice, that girl standing by the door, was in your class just now. She's seething with jealousy over your grace! And that guy by the cashier, he seems to be into you Jazz," Jazz sighs, much to the amusement of everyone at the table. For some reason, gay guys always tend to fall for Jazz!

But again, no one seems to have been thinking of me! Edward, Bella and Rose are probably the best looking of our group. Mum, Alice and Jazz are achingly beautiful too. Dad is huge, and is always noticed, just like Em. But nobody ever notices, insignificant Henry Black!

I'm slightly more tanned than mum, a kind of creamy colour. I have black hair, like dad, brown eyes, like mum and thin, aristocratic features like Edward. I'm taller than Edward, easily as tall as Emmett, though not quite so thick. I'm pretty toned, but not beefy. I read, a lot! Since, I don't have a significant other to spend my nights with, I spend it with my books. I'm more vampire than anything else, which kinda shocked everyone. I can phase, like dad, but it takes up a lot of my energy! I'm the second fastest of all of us. And even with all of that going for me, I'm easily the plainest in our group!

Maybe if I hung out with humans things would be better! Maybe then I would stand out! I have a PhD, but so does almost everyone in my family. I'm an accomplished musician, but so is Edward. I'm pretty good at fighting, but so is Jasper. I'm good at cards, but so is Emmett. I'm pretty handy with fixing things, but so is Rosalie. I like fashion, but so does Alice. I like reading, but so does Bella! You see what I have to deal with?!


(Renesmee POV)

I nudge Jake and point my chin at Henry. He looks upset again. I don't get it...he's always down. What does he have to be upset about? He has anything his

heart fancies and then some! He's travelled the globe, he has enough money to buy his way as the President of the USA!

"Jake...look at him!" I whisper in Jake's ear.

Henry is savagely forking his chicken, barely paying any attention to us.

Jake shrugs, and continues eating his pizza! Seriously, sometime he drives me up the wall! He notices my pout and cups a hand under my chin. He tilts my head up and gives me a quick kiss before winking at me and continuing to eat his pizza. "Chill, Nessie. We'll talk to him when we get home, okay?" he whispers under his breath.

Edward, dad, looks at me and smiles. He mouths the word teenager to me and grins. Bella laughs too and then smiles reassuringly at me. She puts her hand on the top of Jasper's hand and immediately I feel calm and happy. The grimace on Henry's face is replaced by a calm look, immediately making me smile. Jasper smiles at me and carries on talking to Alice. No doubt planning a shopping trip for later today.


(Back to Henry's POV)

Jazz is at it again. I guess they noticed my expression again. A wave of calm sweeps through me and I don't resist. I could use the calm. Honestly, I don't understand why I am so bothered by this! So what I have nothing to offer that someone else in the family doesn't? It doesn't matter, right? I have a family that cares for me and that's all that counts.

I feel a smile snake up my face, before Alice squeals in laughter, knowing exactly what I'm about to do. I pick up my slice of pizza and send it flying at Em with my mind! Heh, I guess there is some stuff I can do that they can't!

Em dodges the pizza, naturally, but that doesn't make it any better. He grabs a handful of food from the tray and throws it at me. I duck and it flies across the room, caking one of the jocks. He gets pissed off and throws a pie to his left. It's a matter of minutes before someone calls, "FOOD FIGHT!" and the cafeteria is full of flying food.

Edward pulls up his tray and shields Bella from the incoming food. Rose runs out of the cafeteria, worried about getting her hair messy. Alice runs after her. Em and Jazz start throwing food at each other, while Edward and Bella make their escape. Mum and dad pick on each other, while I randomly throw things around, finally having some fun.

A girl runs from her friends who are throwing food at her. She doesn't watch where she's going so she runs right smack into me, causing the both of us to fall over. Luckily for her, I'm not made of granite!

"Ohmygosh! I'm so sorry!" she thrills, standing up. She extends a hand to pull me up.

I politely take her hand and stand up, cleaning myself off as I do so. Then my eyes meet hers and it's like an electric current runs through my body, jolting me!

"Umm, hi! I'm Henry Black," I stammer, slightly lost in her gaze. She smiles confidently up at me, making her pretty blue eyes crinkle at the sides. She

has violet highlights in her naturally black hair, giving her an air of...I don't know, rebellion?

"Hi, Henry! I'm Castella. You're new here, right?"

"Umm, yeah."

"Oh, well, I'm a junior, are you?"

" I'm a senior."

"Right, makes sense. Anyway, I'm umm...sorry for running into you."

"Oh, it's no big deal. I didn't mind it at all..."

"Uh huh. Well, I'll, err, see you around?"

"Yeah, totally, see you around," I stammer, but she's already running back to her table, smiling.


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