Naruto | Imagines and Smut |

By ScarletWrites-Too

304K 3.8K 1K

including most all male characters from the hit series Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and the most recent Boruto. ... More

Shikamaru Smut
Kiba Smut
Kankuro Smut
Shikamaru Smut
Kiba Smut
Shikamaru Smut
Kankuro Smut
Kankuro Smut
Kiba Smut
Shikamaru Smut
Sasuke Half-Smut
Shikamaru Smut
Sasuke Smut
Requests XOXO
Gaara Smut
Happy 2019!!!
Sasuke Smut
Sasuke Smut
Shikamaru Smut
Kiba Smut
Kiba Smut
Gaara Smut
Kakashi Smut
Pein Smut
Sai Smut


6K 70 20
By ScarletWrites-Too

Life Without You

Imagine you and Shikamaru are getting married! One thing you're looking forward to the most is the vows, both of you decided to write your own, though it took him a little convincing.

I giggle lightly as I stare at the Polaroid photo on my vanity. It's a photo of Shikamaru and I on our first date. Mrs. Esly insisted she take a photo of us with her camera, she said 'a photo makes it last longer' maybe it did.

"Y/N." I hear Inu say knocking on my door.  "In here, you have the dress?" I ask. "Yes I do, Sakura and Hinata are brining the bridesmaid dresses." Inu says hanging up my beautiful dress.

"OW THAT WAS MY CHEST YOU IDIOT!" We hear Shikamaru yell making us giggle.

"Let's get you in the dress." Inu says.

A little while later

Soon my other two bridesmaids show up with their iditical dress.

We all sit around doing eachother's hair and makeup, up until it is time for us to go leave to the standing room, before I walk the aisle.

The Usher comes in and walks us to the door. When I open the door it will reveal the outside decorations of my clans's arch, the arch everyone in our clan gets married at.

I try to steady my fast breath as my bridesmaids walk out the door, my arm linking with my father.

We slowly step outside taking in the gorgeous sunset. My eyes trail to Shikamaru's as he let's out a happy smirk. I smile, my eyes never leaving Shikamaru's the whole way there.

My father soon hands me off to hold hands with my fiance, soon to be husband in a half an hour.

"We are Gathered here today to celebrate the coming together, the joining of soul and heart between Y/N L/N and Shikamaru Nara. As Well as the joining of the clans L/N and Nara as the marriage between them is set in stone." My grandfather aka the cities officiate takes a pause. "Now I do believe that Y/N and Shikamaru have wroten there own vows." He says. "Well I tried." Shikamaru mumbles making the village laugh a little.

"As the tradition goes for the Naru clan Y/N you may start." My grandfather says.

"Alright, Shikamaru we grew up together, I remember when we little kids our mothers used to sit out on the porch as we played games together, a favorite our ours was Ninja as that's what we wanted to be, though in the end I always ended up cleaning your wounds, you were very frustrating as the fact you could never do something without getting hurt, but I didn't mind.

We both went into ninja school, though very quickly I decided to change my branch, it was you who made me do that, not the silly play games when we were kids, but when you stabbed by Kabuto, you almost died, I knew I couldn't let that happen and decided to become a medical nin. I did that because I love you and I ended up loving it. I want to marry you because I love you and you helped me decide who I wanted and needed to be." I finish. "Shikamaru" he ushers.

"Uh okay, I'm going to tell you the truth, I couldn't write vows, I tried, but I couldn't seem to put how I felt about you into words. So instead I thought about how I wanted our future to go. You're the person I want to grow old with, I know I'm not
A very cliche person but what I do know is that I love you. I want us to have kids, I want us to have grandkids. I want to have an official ninja death ceremony with you buried beside me or me buried beside you depends on who croaks first." He says making me chuckle. Y/N I love you and I want to be with you so bad. I've wanted this since we were kids, it's kind of crazy what I always said about women, but you changed that,  you always have. It just took some time to realize that." Shikamaru finished.

"The words they celebrate not only show what they love from the past but also the future. The love of these to is something the dangerous jobs they lead can't even break together they can't break." He says

"The rings please." My grandfather continues. Choji passes my grandfather the rings holding them out.

Shikamaru and I grabbed eachother's rings. "Shikamaru Nara do you take Y/N L/N to have and to hold in sickness and in health, poverty and richness good and bad." He says. "I do" Shikamaru says.

"Do you Y/N L/N take Shikamaru Nara to have and to hold in sickness and in health, poverty and richness good and bad." He says. "I do" I say smiling.

"Alright Shikamaru repeat after me, With This Ring" "with this ring" "I Be Wed." "I be Wed." Shikamaru then slips the beautiful wedding band on my finger.

"Y/N Repeat After Me, With this Ring." "With this ring" "I be wed" "I Be Wed". I slip the ring onto Shikamaru's finger.

"With the power invested in me by the Hokage as well as the L/N Clan, I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride."

Shikamaru quickly attaches his lips to mine in an loving embrace, I hear cheers of our friends as well as several clicks of cameras.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Shikamaru Nara!"

Our lips break as we lean our foreheads against eachothers heads.

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