You may now kiss the husband!

By Rumbadaa

145K 9.4K 1.4K

The famous playboy prince, known as Singto was again in the tabloids! His mother was fed up, completely exasp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 11

4.4K 330 73
By Rumbadaa

Don't lie, I know you've been thinking it
And two times, you let it slip from your lips
You've got too much pride to make any promises

Thinking that we got time, and you want to keep it in  

I want you out in the pouring rain
I want you down on your knees
Praying to God that I feel the same
I'm right here, baby, so please  

Hold me up, tie me down
'Cause I never wanna leave your side
Swear to never let you down
And it's been eatin' me alive
You can take me home
You can never let me go  


Krist smiled as he got more comfortable. His turn to tease the prince now. He thought it over and set out his two truths and one lie. 

The first set of Krist:

"My favorite actress is P'Apple."

"My favorite actor is P'Singto."

"My birthday is on the 18th October."

Singto instantly glared at him: "Okay I don't like this game." as he took the cushion next to him and hugged it, sulking. Krist burst out laughing: "It's a cool game. Go ahead, point out the lie." "I don't want to.", said Singto as he hugged the cushion tighter to him. "P'Sing..", reprimanded Krist. "Can't you see you are making me miserable?", asked Singto with sad puppy eyes. Krist shook his head playfully. "I should be your favorite.", muttered Singto into the cushion. "I can't hear you.", asked Krist and Singto merely glared as he shook his head stubbornly. Krist said: "I am waiting for the answer." 

Singto said: "The lie is My favorite actor is P'Singto." Krist averted his face to hide his smile as he saw the angry bird expression Singto was making. He was so cute. "Good answer, P. Now your turn."

Singto's first set:

"My birthday is on the 28th July."

"My favorite is black."

"You are going to say no tonight."

Krist chuckled and shook his head. "This is not valid." Singto shrugged: "Point out the lie please." Krist said: "You are not playing fair now." Singto smirked. Krist laughed and said: "The lie is You are going to say no tonight." Singto clapped his hands and shouted a YES. Krist retorted: "This does not count. This is cheating." "Aww my Krist.", teased Singto as he pinched Krist's cheeks. "Owww, it hurts!", Krist complained and he tried to remove Singto's hands. The latter grabbed his hands and said: "Next one?" "Are you even listening to me?", asked Krist incredulously and Singto just winked at him. Krist chuckled and said: "Fine. But I am ignoring this lie."

Krist started his second set: 

"My last mobile number is 4."

"My- what are you doing??", he exclaimed as he saw Singto try to get his phone to check the number. "This is cheating again!", he shouted as he tried to remove the phone from Singto's hand. The latter resisted. And the wrestle started. Singto shouted: "I am the prince! I can cheat!" Krist rolled his eyes: "No way, give it to me." Singto retorted: "Are you going to say yes first??" Krist ignored his question and continued to try to get the phone. In the end, with the phone in his hand, Krist found Singto's head on his lap, grinning mischievously at him. "What are you doing?", asked Krist and Singto rubbed his head on Krist's thigh: "It's so comfortable."

And Krist burst out laughing. He said: "Did you just say that my lap is very comfortable?" Singto nodded and moved his head more comfortably on Krist's thigh. The latter went rigid as the prince's head moved a bit too close to his private parts. "Could you-", he started to say but then stopped. Singto raised his gaze to his cute omega and asked quite innocently: "Could I what?" Krist sighed and stroked his hair: "Never mind. It's fine as it is." Singto grinned and took Krist's hand in his. He kissed the back of his hand and held it in his grasp near his heart. Krist felt Singto's warmth and he tugged on his hand lightly to finally entwine his fingers together with Singto's. Krist whispered: "I sort of thought that our last burnt date was a very special one. It still is. But this one is even more special. Thank you."

Singto smiled and brushed his mouth to their entwined fingers. He asked: "Is that an opening speech to your yes?" Krist chuckled and leaned down to whisper back in his ear: "You wish." Singto complained: "You are such a tease." Krist smiled as he said: "Not as much as you are, my dear prince." Singto said haughtily: "Well, I need to impress you right?" And he added in a serious tone: "If for one day, you get to choose how to change one thing in your life, what would that be?" "What, another game?", asked Krist jokingly. Singto replied in a serious tone: "Come on, tell me." Krist stroked his hair and thought it over. He then finally whispered: "For us to be just Krist and P'Singto, no status and rank between us."

Singto sat up and exclaimed: "That's going to be our next date then!" Krist looked at him in confusion: "Huh?" And Singto went back on his lap as he proceeded to explain it to the omega. And Krist just lightly stroked the prince's hair as he listened to his next plan. At some point, Singto was startled as he felt Krist's head hit his shoulder. He turned to look at him and hearing his even breaths, he lightly raised Krist's chin and saw that the omega was sleeping right there. He laid Krist on the bed and sat there, watching him sleep. He smiled as Krist curled over like a cat to sleep more comfortably. He touched his nose and whispered: "So cute."

The next morning..

He pushed Singto to the wall, his hands on his chest and said: "Yes, you dummy prince! Now that I am finally accepting to be your boyfriend, you think I am fooling you?" Singto narrowed his eyes at him as he nodded suspiciously. Krist rolled his eyes and grabbed his prince's chin forcefully. Staring right into his eyes, he kissed him. Singto's shocked gasp was lost in Krist's mouth as he deepened the kiss. His hand slipped down to Singto's neck and he slightly tightened his hold in a gentle dominance. Feeling Singto's reluctance, he kissed him hard. And he finally smiled into the kiss as he heard a sweet moan from Singto as he submitted to the kiss. But of course, to try to dominate an alpha was not usually an easy feat. And Krist soon lost his precious hold on his alpha as Singto held his wrists and switched their positions, pushing Krist against the wall. 

Krist looked at Singto with a hot stare and he trembled as Singto held his wrists above his head. "I dare you to mate me right now, P'Sing." Singto glared at him and his alpha aura suddenly surrounded Krist. And the omega automatically bowed his head, leaving his nape vulnerable for the mating bite. Singto said coldly: "Lift your head." Krist raised his head and looked at him. Singto stared him down and stated: "If I wanted, I would have bitten you since the very first day. I still can. For me, the alpha prince, nothing is impossible. Why have I not done so yet though? Because I do not want to get you by force." Krist fought hard against the alpha dominance on him and raised his chin in defiance. Singto glared at him. "Don't test me, Krist."

Even though he was trembling under Singto's stare, Krist grinned. "Then do it, love. Bite me." Singto closed his eyes trying his best to control himself but when Krist chuckled mockingly, he jerked Krist to him and turned him to face the wall. Singto leaned heavily on Krist, causing Krist to press himself against the wall again. Their bodies were molded together in wild abandonment and Krist rubbed himself against Singto. Singto's breath hitched and he swore he could see stars. "Stop playing with fire, Krist.", he warned in Krist's ear. The latter shivered and lowered his neck, exposing his vulnerable nape for Singto to bite. "I asked you to do it. So do it dammit!!", he ordered yet again as if the alpha's warnings were just fuel to his desire to be bitten. 

"Krist. Krissst. Kit, please. For freaking sake, KIT!!! WAKE UP!!!", shouted Singto as he shook Krist's shoulder. Krist opened his eyes and reality hit him hard. This was just a dream. He took deep breaths trying to calm himself down. What kind of dream was that? He swallowed hard. And who had woken him up? He froze as he realised who was behind and what exactly was poking his back. And on what kind of pillow his head was lying. "Shit", he whispered as he sat up hastily. He turned to look at Singto. His breath hitched and he caught himself from gasping out. Singto was all red, biting his lip to control himself. Just like in his dream. He whispered: "I am sorry, I- I- I- was dreaming.."

Singto gaped at him: "Just what kind of dream was it?" Krist averted his eyes in embarrassment. Singto pressed him in telling him: "I want to know. You kept rubbing yourself against me. And made me wake up with a big hard-on. This is not even morning wood anymore. At least tell me if I was into this dream?" Krist instantly shook his head. He tried to get out of the bed but Singto jerked him back on the bed and cornered him under him. "You are not leaving. If it was not me, then who was it?? Is there someone else in your life?" Krist stared at him and then tried to push him away. "Let me go. It was a dream anyway." Singto instantly grabbed his hand and raised it to his mouth to gently kiss it. "But I still want to know, Kit. Tell me."

Krist shook his head violently. He could not tell him about that dream. He was so shameless in this dream. He raised his gaze and stared at Singto's neck just where his hand was holding him in his dream. His mouth where he had kissed him. So deeply. And he finally met his eyes, making Singto groan as he said: "Gosh, Kit you are killing me here." He leaned down and moved his mouth just above Krist's. He said: "It was me, right? It had to be me that you were giving such a hot stare, Kit. Only me." And he moved to finally kiss Krist when Krist rolled away, leaving Singto to kiss the air. Krist walked to the outside of the tent and tried to take deep breaths to calm himself down. To try to calm the thumping hard on he had on the lower part of the body. 

He clenched his fists. His dream was too intense. He knew that if Singto kissed him now, Krist would want to do everything. Absolutely everything with the prince. He closed his eyes and immediately re-opened them when he heard Singto ask behind him: "Are you in heat?" He turned to him in surprise: "Of course not!" Singto stared at him for a moment and said: "Then I don't understand you at all. You know what, let's go into the car. I'm dropping you home. We need some time to get back to normal." Krist nodded. Singto walked in front of him and Krist stared at his back as he walked right behind him. The prince was lean and his body was so well proportioned. He swallowed hard and clenched his fists again to fight the urge of touching his back and caress his chest. 

He was still staring at Singto's body when he tripped on something and instinctively tried to hold something to stop his fall. He found himself once again nearly face touching with Singto since Singto had turned back to help him. He clung on Singto's shoulders and stared into his eyes. He instinctively asked: "Are we still having our next date?" Singto frowned as he replied: "Of course. Why won't we have it?" Krist let him go and nodded. Then Singto was not mad with him. The journey to home was not a silent one but was definitely a one man show. Singto just kept on talking and Krist just smiled and nodded from time to time. When he finally came to Krist's underground parking, he turned to look at him and said: "This date was really fun, Kit. I got to learn a lot about you."

Krist smiled as he whispered: "So did I." He watched Singto look into the car mirror to wear his scarf and he instinctively leaned over to kiss his cheek to thank him about the date. Singto froze momentarily as he felt the feather-like kiss on his cheek. But he recovered fast enough to turn to Krist and accidentally, brushed his lips to Krist's as the latter was leaning away. And this time they both froze at the same time. No matter how much Krist had avoided that kiss, it finally happened. Singto pressed his hand to his cheek softly, waiting for Krist to avoid him and Krist did nothing to stop him, his shallow breathing hitting Singto's lips. Singto groaned and kissed him. Krist moaned as he cradled Singto's face in his hands. The kiss was even hotter than the dream one. 

Singto groaned into Krist's mouth: "I want you, Kit." It was then that Krist realised where they were and what he was doing. He broke the kiss and breathed out to stop the sudden dizziness that hit him. Singto leaned his head over the steering wheel as he took deep breaths too. He turned to look at Krist and said: "Was the dream that good?" Krist blushed hard and nodded. Singto whispered: "Damn.. I so want to do you right now." He clenched the steering wheel hard. And he said: "We'll meet for our date, right?" Krist licked his lips and whispered: "Yes.." Singto turned to look at him again and said: "I'll do my best not to make you dream again. We'll just turn this one into reality." Krist gaped at him. Turn this one in reality? Krist asking Singto to bite him? He shook his head as he left the car. "Bye, P'Sing.", he said. Singto blew him a kiss. And waved him bye.

Singto watched him go with a nice fluttering in his chest. He sensed that they were finally moving ahead. Well, time to get the third date ready for Krist to officially say yes. He grinned. And stared at his hard on. "We are on our own for now, buddy. A cold shower is awaiting for us. I wish I could know what Krist had dreamed that made him blush so hard like this." He shook his head and started his car when Krist finally disappeared from his sight. Krist heard the car start and pressed his hand on his chest where he could feel the thumping sounds of his heart. He closed his eyes and felt his face burn. He was so gone for now. A small smile played on his lips as he realised that the next date would be even more lit than this one.

But there was someone standing there in the shadows, watching them. The two famous actors thought that they were wearing disguises and that no one would know who they were. He chuckled. He was the royal detective though. To ensure the prince's safety was his duty. Especially when no one knew where Singto was, he usually came to look for him. Now it was time to inform the queen about the new developments. He walked to his car and went to the palace. He could already sense how the queen would be livid. 


I apologise for this very late update. 

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