Confessions of A Teen Mom

By mimiireads

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* PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION* Pepper is a sixteen year old girl who got pregnant by her boyfriend. She found out... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Ben
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Ben
Chapter 12: Ben
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: Ben
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Ben
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Ben
Chapter 22
Chapter 23: Ben
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26: Finale

Chapter 5

111 3 4
By mimiireads

After the talk with my parents I head back upstairs to my room. I sit down on my bed and grab my phone off of my nightstand. I go to my contacts' list and hover over Ben's number. I press his number and type out a text message, "Hey we need to talk, could you and your parents come over tomorrow maybe?" I hesitate a moment before pressing send. I lay back on my pillows and turn on the TV, I glance over when the phone chimes. 

""I'll ask my parents." he replies. My phone chimes again. "They said sure. What time?" he messages again. I go downstairs and ask my mom. "Around six-thirty." she says, I nod and go back upstairs. I reply to his message and then plug up my phone to charge it. I shower and get into bed. Emmett knocks and then comes into my room. 

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" he asks. I look up, "Mom and dad didn't tell you?" i ask. He shakes his head and sits down beside me. "I wanted you to tell me, so spill." he crosses his arms. I sigh and look at the TV. "I'm pregnant" I tell him. Emmett's eyes widen and he stands up. "You're pregnant?" "By who?" he asks. I glare at him, "Who do you think. Ben obviously" I look back at the TV. 

"Wow. Just wow. Didn't mom and dad give you the talk? Wait, I know they did!" he exclaims. I look down at my eyes as my eyes water again. I'm so sick of crying. "Pep-" I cut him off. "Don't! Just don't okay? I already feel bad enough, I don't need you adding onto that. Why don't you just be here for me." I say. Emmett stares at me for a moment before sitting back down. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to upset you. I just never would've thought you-" he shakes his head and sighs. 

I nod. "I never would have either. But it happened. So now I have to deal with it" I sigh. "Can you go? I just want to go to sleep" I add. Emmett nods and pats my shoulder. He walks out closing the door behind him. I turn onto my side and stare at the wall. Soon after I drift off to sleep.  

I wake up in the middle of the night feeling sick to my stomach. I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom. I barely make it to the toilet before spilling my guts everywhere. I sit on the floor for a good ten minutes. Every time I'd think I had to throw up again. I sigh and stand up, I walk over to the sink and splash my face with some cold water. I gargle with some mouth wash and then dry my face. 

I slip on my robe and walk downstairs quietly. I get a glass out of the cabinet and fill it with some cold water. I open the fridge and look around it before grabbing a piece of cake on a plate. I grab a fork and turn, I jump when I see Emmett and huff. "Thanks for nearly giving me a heart attack" I start eating the cake. Emmett grabs a bottle of water, "You really shouldn't eat that so late at night." he says. I roll my eyes, "What, are you a pregnancy expert now?" I respond. 

Emmett smirks and shakes his head. "No, chocolate always used to tear up your stomach late at night. But go right ahead and eat it." he says, I make a show of putting a big piece in my mouth. "I will" I put the plate in the sink."How are you feeling?" Emmett asks. I shrug looking down at the floor. "Nauseous. Sad. Many other emotions." I sit on the counter. Emmett nods and scratches his head. "I, um don't really know what to say. I could say that it'll be alright or it'll get better but I don't really know if it will." he says. 

I lean my head against the cabinet. "I hope it gets better though. For your sake" he says. I nod looking at the wall. "I hope so too" I say. Emmett nods. "Alright well uh, I'll see you in the morning. Oh yeah, mom told me that douche and his family are coming over later, so if he gets out of hand just let me know" he says. I smile and nod. "I will" I say.  

Later on that day after I've slept more I start helping mom cook dinner for later on tonight. Despite our conversation last night my dad still isn't really talking to me, or making eye contact with me. I know he's disappointed but that doesn't make it hurt any less. My mom though has been as understanding as she can, I know that she's disappointed as well but she took the news a lot better than dad did. I wipe my hands after putting the cornbread in the oven and sit down. I yawn and look at the time. 

"Go take a nap. You have-" mom glances at the clock. "You have thirty minutes. Then you need to get dressed and come back down here to help me set the table" she says. I nod and go upstairs, I set an alarm and lay down on my bed. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Thirty minutes comes too soon, I feel like I was only sleeping for ten minutes. I get up anyways and take a quick shower then get dressed. I put my hair in a bun to get it off my shoulders and make my way downstairs. 

Mom is sliding food out of the oven when i walk into the kitchen. I grab some plates and start setting the table. I go back to the kitchen and forks, knives, and glasses. I set them on the table and look up when the door bell rings. "I got it!" Emmett calls out, seconds later I hear his footsteps and then the front door opening. "What's up douche bag." I hear him say. I smile. "Emmett shut up and go help your mom and sister." I hear dad say. "James, Olivia please come in." he says. Emmett walks into the kitchen and ducks when mom tries to pop him with a spoon. 

"What?" he grins. "He is a douche" he says. Mom turns away but I can see her smiling slightly. "Doesn't matter. We respect people in this household. Boy if you don't get out of my kitchen!" Mom says when she catches Emmett dipping his finger in the pudding. She flicks the towel at him as he runs out of the kitchen. "He's is certainly his father's child" she mutters. I laugh softly and put the cornbread on the table. 

I go back into the kitchen and grab the dish filled with collard greens. I carry it to the table and set it down. "Hi Pepper! How have you been?" Ben's mom Olivia walks in and pulls me into a hug. I pat her back. "I've been better. How about ya'll?" I ask. "Just fine, just fine." she nods. "Melissa honey, is there anything I can help with?' she asks my mom. Mom walks into the dining room carrying a plate filled with ribs. "Oh no, please just sit and make yourself at home." Mom smiles and heads back into the kitchen. 

I stiffen when I see Ben and follow mom into the kitchen. "I don't know if this is such a good idea."I whisper. "Oh hush now, that boy and his family deserve to know. What's done is done. No backing out now." she grabs the pitcher of tea and goes back to the dining room. I follow reluctantly. "So Olivia, how's that business of yours going? What is it again? A nail salon?" Mom takes a seat. "It's going fine. Just the way it should be considering I spent thousands of dollars just to get it open." James answers for her. 

I see Emmett roll his eyes and smile as I sit down. Ben and his family take their seats as well as my dad. Mom purses her lips and then plasters on a smile. "Well that's lovely. Let's say grace shall we?" we all bow our heads and grab hands as my dad says grace. After he finishes we start putting food on our plates. "That's quite a lot of food you got there gal. Slow down, it ain't going nowhere" James chuckles. I blush and look down at my plate. Out of my peripheral I see my dad clench his hand into a fist on the table. Ben shakes his head. "James leave that girl alone, she can eat all she wants." Olivia says. 

I stare at my plate silently eating as our parents talk. Emmett glares at Ben as he eats his food. Ben squirms uncomfortably under Emmett's stare. "So David why did you and your family call us over here? This meal is nice and everything but I know ya'll didn't call us over here just enjoy a meal" James says. Dad clear his throat and wipes his mouth. "You're right. Why don't we all get a bowl of pudding and move to the living room." he says. "Daddy I wanna go play dollies" Starla says. "Go ahead, Emmett go with her" he says. Emmett nods and swings Starla into his arms. He tickles her and she giggles as they head upstairs. 

After we've all gotten our pudding and moved into the living room my dad starts talking. "We have some news. And it's not very good." he says. James sits back. "Alright so talk. Stop beating around the bush" he says. Olivia pops his arm. "James don't be rude. I'm so sorry. Go ahead" she nods. "Pepper do you want to tell them?" dad asks. My head shoots up and I shake my head frantically. Ben glances between us curiously. 

Dad nods. "I think you do. Go on, it's alright" he looks at me. I look to mom for help and my eyes water when she shakes her head at me. I take a deep breath and turn to Ben and his family. "I-I'm pregnant" I whisper. "Speak up girl" Dad says. "I'm pregnant. With Ben's baby" I say louder. Olivia gasps and covers her mouth with her hand. James pops up in his seat and turn to Ben, he glares at him. "Boy what did I tell you about using protection? Now look what you've done!" he says. Ben stares at me shocked. "You're serious? When did you find out?" he asks. I look away from him. "Yesterday afternoon" I say. 

"Now just wait a darn minute. How do we know exactly that this is Ben's baby? For all we know-" dad cuts James off. "Now you wait a minute, what exactly are you trying to say?" he says. James purses his lips. "I think you know exactly what i'm trying to say" he says. "James!" Olivia hisses. "No Lizzie, for all we know the girl doesn't even know who the father is and she's just trying to pin that baby on Ben" he says. "You will not talk about my daughter like that. My child does not sleep around, unlike yours. And I don't appreciate what you're trying to accuse her of!" dad yells jumping up. 

Mom stands and places her hand on dad's arm. "Why don't ya'll just settle down now. Let's talk like adults." she says. Dad mutters and sits back down in his seat. "I believe her" Ben says. "What did you say boy?" James asks him. "I said I believe her. Pepper isn't like that. I believe that it's my baby" he says. Olivia stares at him and shakes her head. She turns to my parents. "So what? What have ya'll decided? Is she gonna keep it?" she asks. "We haven't decided all of that yet. But it's Pepper's decision" mom says. Olivia turns to me, "So what do you want to do? Keep it? Give it up for adoption?" she asks. 

And just like that all eyes are on me. I look down at the carpet and study the designs. "I-I think i want to keep my baby" I say. I glance up at Ben. "You don't have to hel-" he cuts me off. " I want to help" he says at the same time his dad says, "He's going to help." he says. "I just hope ya'll know what you're in for. Raising babies are extremely hard. Especially with how young ya'll are. Which means both of ya'll need to start saving up money from those jobs you got. We're not going to be paying for everything." James says. Mom and Dad nod in agreement.  

I glance at Ben and look down when I find him staring at me. I grab the empty bowls. "I'm gonna wash the dishes." I say. Ben stands. "I'll help you" he follows me to the kitchen. "I can't believe you're actually pregnant. A-are you sure you want to keep the baby? I'll be here for you no matter what you decide." he says. I fill the sink with water. "I'm keeping the baby Ben. And don't think for one second that just because I told you we're friends or anything remotely close. I was forced to tell you. I don't forgive you for what you did to me. Maybe one day I will, but as of now I can't stand you." I start washing the dishes. 

Ben nods. "I know. I deserve that, but I hope that one day you will forgive me because i'm sorry for what I did to you." He dries the dishes and puts them in the dish washer. I purse my lips. I'm not entirely sure I believe him. But i'll try to for the sake of our baby. He or she is already going to grow up in a broken home, there doesn't need to be any extra tension.

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