Adeline's Reign

By DianiaSilver

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Adeline the ninth and tenth companion of The Doctor and the constant companion of his didn't know how to get... More

We meet again
The ups and downs of knowing everthing
I can't love
The Original Jack Harkness
Panic and Troubles
Meeting Martha
Everyone hates Torchwood
the escape attempt
Panic's Master
Adeline's return
Reality resets itself
John Hart
Family Reunion
Secrets are never good
Authors Note Sorry!
Normal at least for me
Death itself
A long over due history lesson
a first wedding
Circuses are really creepy
I get to know my niece
A worse torture
Remedy Smith
late rescue
Amy Williams, Rory Williams, and Jack Harkness

Pieces in a puzzle

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By DianiaSilver

~Kyrin's Pov~
Kyrin liked his group. The non primordial was Diana who reminded him a lot of himself. Coroniath and Gabriel were brilliant fighters in different ways. Coroniath with a blade and Gabriel with his magic. Faye was one of the most headstrong, brave, and brash people he knew. She was a warrior in every way which made up for her jackass of a husband Drake. Kyrin hated Drake with his cocky attitude and his snotty tone, but at least with Faye he was bareable. Then finally there was Phoebe who despite being an archer was brilliant with her hand knives. They worked together well Faye, Drake, and Coroniath got the front. Diana, Phoebe, and Gabriel got the back and Kyrin stayed in the middle using his empathy powers to guide them to the nearest person. It didn't take long until they arrived at a the room, but when they got there a brunette haired woman held a shadow knife to a black haired woman's throat as if she had known they were coming. " Come any closer and I'll slit the girl's throat." She warned and the girl looked straight at him her eyes filled with determination. She looked horrible with the multiple bruises, burns, and cuts that covered the skin that wasn't covered by her purple dress." You're the empath right? My names Sabrina Hart I'm the black haried psychic." A voice in his said and the woman smiled slightly. " You're not going to kill her, she's to valuable considering she's the only one you have left Alixia." Faye replied to Alixia's threat and Kyrin smiled at Sabrina. She was smart to tell them all different pieces of information. Though now that Kyrin had a name he recognized her as one of Voids Lieutenants. The womans dark dress and dark eyes fit her nickname Dark one perfectly. " It won't effect me sweetheart I can take all of you in a heartbeat. You don't have many gifted and your only advantages are hopeless against the dark." Alixia cackled and then lights went dark." Everyone in a circle and stay calm she feeds off fear. Kyrin do you know how to do an electric barrier?" Sabrina asked in his mind.
" I do." He responded out loud and immediately made it. " Stop fighting me Hart you are no match for me!" Alixia screached as a thump was heard. Kyrin used his empathy to locate Alixia and saw she was approaching Drake. " Faye water powers help Drake!" Kyrin called and he felt her presence fly backwards into the wall. They kept at the strategy the two shouting warings at all of Alixia's attacks until she got tired
Sabrina took her chance and launched herself at the presence and soon the lights came back on and Kyrin saw that Sabrina had stabbed her in the head killing her with her psychic blade. " That is for underestimating me bitch." She smirked before pulling her blade out.
" How come you didn't do that in the first place!" Drake huffed. " I needed the distraction and to be honest I was collecting enough energy to make a mental connection. Besides I think she gave me a concussion when I was thrown against the wall." Sabrina winced as Phoebe offered her hand to help her up. " We'll get you to Remedy or Apollo they should be able to help you." Diana informed. Sabrina was quite for a moment before she replied. " Your other companions have just finished though I believe Panic's group is heading this way with Addie and Izzy." Sabrina told them." Which version are you?" Diana asked. " Spoilers sweetheart. I can tell you no such thing." Sabrina smiled at her as they walked out of the room and reconnected with Panic's group who had a girl passed out and one that looked close to it. " That's them." Kyrin said with a raised eyebrow. " Don't judge them it's been a hard couple of months. Oh and I killed Alixia." Sabrina smirked and Panic sighed in relief. " I have never been more relieved to hear something in my life. Was Calypso with her?" Panic asked as she helped lay the brown haired woman against the wall for Remedy to try and heal.
" Don't worry I killed her." A man grinned and the brown haired woman shot up running towards him.
" Jack!" She grinned hugging the man who seemed slightly surprised by the attack." It's good to see you too Addie." He smiled melting into the hug more." Who are all of you?" A red haired woman asked and her voice almost made Kyrin wince at how much it sounded like his wife's. Faye must of realized it as well since she went first." I'm Faye Huron and this is my Husband Drake." She smirked at the woman her husband rolled his eyes at her before they stepped back. " I am Phoebe Anderson a Primordials archer." Phoebe said giving her a small smile. " I'm Gabriel Adams their guy mage and this is Coroniath Weastcoat our not egotistic swordsman." Gabriel joked and Drake scowled knowing what he was implying. " I am Diana Barton Apollo's twin." Diana said pointing to Apollo who was crouched near the unconcious white haired girl. " I'm Sabrina Hart version 26 and It's good to see you too Jack, but I'm not hugging you." Sabrina sassed and Kyrin held back a laugh as Jack's eyes widened to the size of golf balls.
" John's little sister, you've grown." Jack stated before Kyrin realized he was the last one. " I'm Kyrin Peters we should probably get going." Kyrin ordered as they all grouped together some of the guys helped the wounded walk. The red haired woman and brown haired man walked beside him and she seemed to be giving him a curious look. " Something the matter..." Kyrin trailed off realizing he had no idea what her name was and the woman seemed to flinch slightly at that fact. " Amelia Williams, but everyone calls me Amy. Nadia mentioned you knew my mom." Amy said and Kyrin raised his eyebrows at her. " I wouldn't think so I don't know any humans. At least not personally." Kyrin stated and Amy laughed before the man said " My wife isn't human. She's Corrine's niece." Amy's husband said as if it was normal." Well maybe I do know her. Who was she?" Kyrin said as they exited knowing that the only reason she would ask would be because her mom was dead. " Kathleen Jackson." Amy said and Kyrin froze and the everyone stopped turning around to look at him and Amy who was giving them a weird look. " What." She frowned. " Amy your my daughter." Kyrin stated and the area fell silent.

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