Beauty And The Beast (A Raura...

By LoveliestWonderfill

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Ross Lynch was a monster inside. Sometimes he could control it. Other times it just came without warning. He... More

Chapter 2: Researching
Chapter 3: The Castle
Chapter 4: You're Invited
Chapter 5: I Promise
Chapter 6: The Gathering
Chapter 7: Protecting Laura
Chapter 8: Tragedy
Chapter 9: I Can't Lose You Either
Chapter 10: Nightmares
Chapter 11: Into The Magic Garden
Chapter 12: I'd Die For You
Chapter 13: After The Chaos
Chapter 14: Epilouge

Chapter 1: Is He Really...?

8K 175 36
By LoveliestWonderfill

*At The Library - 9 p.m.*

Laura's POV:

My eyes skimmed the small words in my book. I was tucked away in the corner on a beanbag chair in my neighborhood library. I come here almost everyday, just to read. I stay for a few hours, then when it closes, I walk home. Reading is like, half of my life. I just think it's unbelievable how much knowledge and imagination it can provide for you. It's amazing.

I was currently reading a book of old legends. I just finished reading an old article on Big Foot. It's so mind blowing how much evidence they have on him. Yet, they can't "scientifically prove it" yet. I turned the page and looked at what legend was next. I furrowed my eyebrows. Huh... this is new. 'The Wolf Boy'. I've never heard of him. Well, I guess there's only one way to figure him out. I started to read a small article on him.

Apparently he's known as, and I quote, "Mean, vicious creature with uncontrollable anger. He'll tare apart any human being in his sight. He is a soulless beast who has no heart." Wow. He sounds... brutal. But it is interesting, I'll admit. I look up from my book and glance up at the clock. It's exactly 9 o'clock p.m. I guess I should start heading out. My father expects me home by now. I live with my father, only my father. My mother died in a car accident when I was just a little girl.

I only have so many faint memories of her, but I do have some old photos of her. I hide them in my pillow case. I can't ever let my father know I have them. She meant the world to my father, and ever since her death, he has totally fallen apart. But he tries to act like everything's fine. I usually shrug off everything he says, acting like I don't suspect anything. Does he really think I'm that dumb? I can honestly say he has totally shut down inside. Loosing my mom broke me inside too, but still. I never knew her, so I didn't exactly know what I lost.

I slowly got up from my beanbag chair and walked over to the bookshelf from where I first go this book. I placed it back in its original spot. I don't check books out. I just come here, read as much from the book as possible, then put it back 'til next time. And I'm really looking forward to finishing that Wolf Boy article. I walked out of the front doors and looked up at the sky. It was a dark shade of blue. Stars were starting to come out.

The cool air of night started rolling in and blowing my hair behind me. I rubbed my arms for a bit of warmth, then started walking down the sidewalk. I wasn't in super cold clothes. I had on a long sleeve red shirt, some black pants and my converse. I also put a black beanie on my head, mostly just for the look. I walked under the orange street lights and listened to my footsteps on the pavement. I lived in a rather quiet part of town. Not much happens.

As I was walking, I started to pass an alley. It was the alley I used as a shortcut to get back to my house quicker. I rounded into it and started to walk to the other side. What I would do, is I would walk to the other side where a fence was located, climb over it, then just walk down another block or so 'til I got to my house. Before I could make it to the fence, I heard someone whistle behind me.

As if they were trying to get my attention. I stopped dead in my tracks. I could hear a few pairs of feet walking towards me. I started to get a bit nervous. But, I tried to keep calm. I slowly turned around to see who was behind me. I saw two guys emerge from the shadows. They were both pretty tall. Well, maybe I'm just short. I'm only about 5'6", not my fault. They had on loose pants and big sweatshirts with the hoodies over their heads. They looked like trouble.

Guy #1: Where do you think you're going princess? 'he asks with an evil sly'

I gulped. I've never seen them around here before. And I've walked through this alley for years now! I didn't say anything to them. I just started to slowly back away. But, I then ran into someone from behind. I lightly gasped and turned quickly around. It was another guy. Taller than the other two. And more muscular and buff. And he was blocking my exit. My heart was racing. I turned back around to face the other two guys.

Laura: What do you want from me? 'she asks nervously'

Both of the guys started to step closer to me. I didn't dare try and step backwards again, or I'll just run into Mr. André the Giant again.

Guy #2: It's not exactly, what, we want... It's who, we want.

My eyes slowly widened. I then felt the dude from behind me grab both of my arms.

Laura: Hey!!! Let me go!!!

He wouldn't unhand me. Just as I turned my head back towards the guys, one of them threw a punch at me and hit me right in the stomach. I groaned in pain. Then he threw a punch at my face right by my right eye. The other guy joined in as well and started beating me up. I tried fighting my way out, but all of them together were too strong.

Suddenly, before they could hit me any more, I saw something leap out from the shadows with a loud growl, and start to attack the two guys in front of me. My eyes widened. The guy behind me let me go, and charged into the strangle. He pushed me down to the ground before he left. I just sat there watching this fight, speechless. I watched as that teenage boy tore apart those guys. I could only analyze a few of his features.

He had wavy blonde hair, I couldn't quite see his face. He looked about as tall as those guys who were abusing me. He had on dark clothing. Like black pants and a leather jacket. Also converse, like mine. He started punching and attacking the other guys. I saw blood on the pavement below them. I stared in horror at it. Then, like they had given up, all three guys started to run away. I watched them disappear around the corner of the building. I was breathing heavily. I was in pain. But also, in shock. My eyes traveled over to the teenage boy.

His back was facing me. He looked like he was breathing quite heavily too. He then slowly turned around, and looked down at me. I stared up at him. Now that I could clearly see his face, I noticed a few other things about him. The first thing my eyes saw were his red eyes. They were glowing such a red. A red filled with anger and hate. He stared at me with those eyes. I got worried inside. I was worried he'd do something to me next. But, didn't he just save me? His blonde hair hung down by his right eye. His skin was just the right shade of tan. And he looked pretty fit as well.

My heart was beating fast. I didn't want this to be my last moment in the world. The boy then started to slowly walk towards me. I sat up a little straighter, not knowing whether to turn and run, or to stay and see what might do. He stopped right in front of me. I just kept staring up at him. Something about him seemed so... familiar. Have I seen him before? He slowly knelt down at my side. I then realized, something about him was changing. It was his eyes.

The red and fiery hatred in them was mellowing down to a calm, quiet hazel shade of brown. It was as if suddenly he no longer felt so angry. Was he calming down because of me? He started to move a bit closer to me. I tensed up a bit, but stayed in place. I'm assuming he could sense my nervousness, because he froze in place. My eyes stayed locked with his. The moonlight shone off of them, making them dance with light. I've never seen eyes so... pure before. Those eyes with a truth so deep that words couldn't describe it.

I realized the boy began coming closer again. He looked like he was eyeing something. Something near my eye. I could feel a sharp pain below my right eye. Probably from a punch I received. I saw his hand slowly lift up towards my face. I backed my head away a tiny bit, because I didn't know if this was going to be some sort of jump scare. He stopped his hand from coming close to my cheek. I looked at his hand. His firm hand. They looked tough, yet so, warm and gentle. I looked back into the boy's eyes. They gave me a feeling. Some sort of feeling that made me feel... safe.

But, he just harmed some people. But, maybe he was just getting them away from me. His hand slowly continued towards my cheek. He never broke our gaze. When his hand was close enough to my cheek, he lightly stroked over the spot underneath my eye. I winced a bit, because of the pain. He froze for a small moment, but then continued to stroke my cheek. His warm, soft fingers relaxed me. I allowed my eyelids to slowly shut. For just a minute or two, all the boy did was lightly brush his fingers against the sore on my eye. It hurt a little bit, but at the same time it felt like the best feeling in the world.

Soon, he pulled his hand away and stopped the stroking. I reopened my eyes and looked at him. He stared at me for a blank moment, then pulled something out of his jacket pocket. It was a small little plastic packet. He ripped it open. It was a mini towelette. He smoothed it out a bit, then let the small rapper fly away in the wind. I watched it roll and tumble onto the sidewalk. I turned back to the boy. He held the small cloth in his hand, then again brought his hand up to my cheek. He wiped at my sore gently with the cold, wet cloth. I could smell its lemony scent. I shut my eyes and just relaxed myself again.

I tried to sort everything out in my brain. I'm trying to figure out who this boy is. He looks so familiar. Where have I seen him? Never in person, I'll say that. I know I would remember him if I ever met him in person. I feel like I know who he is. It's on the tip of my tongue, I just can't seem to grab ahold of it right now. He continued to rub my sore with the small towel. I don't understand. One minute ago, this boy was on a rampage. He was attacking and punching and all sorts of stuff. Then he came to me, and now he's as calm as a kitten.

The other thing that caught me by surprise, was his growl. Humans don't growl... well, at least that's what I think. He had such a realistic growl. It actually sounded like a wild animal. Like, a tiger or maybe even a wolf... Wait... Wolf... No... it couldn't be. As he finished wiping my cheek, I noticed the pain starting to go away. I stared back into the boy's hazel eyes. He pulled his hand away and just kind of stared at me. I just sat there, looking at him.

Laura: Th-Thank you... 'she says quietly'

I didn't know what else to say. He's just a boy, who's a stranger, I've never met him before, and he... actually, saved me. I would've gotten beaten alive if he hadn't have shown up. All he did, was slowly nod his head. As if signaling a you're welcome to me. Then, in only an instant, he stood up, started running out of the alley, and disappeared around the corner. I sat motionless for a moment, then brought my thoughts back to Earth and stood up off of the ground. I stared in the direction of where the boy had disappeared. I'm trying to process what just happened. I think I may have an idea on who that boy was. It's a crazy idea, but... it seems to make the least bit of sense.

"... Was that The Wolf Boy?"


Hello loveleys! :) I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my brand new book! Now to be honest, I wasn't a whole fan of all that werewolf/vampire stuff... like Twilight. Never exactly a fan. (BTW Team Jacob ) Okay, I know some stuff. But for real, I just thought this would be such a cool plot. Trust me, you'll like what this story had to bring. I'll be sure to update super soon, and I'll see y'all later!


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