Imagine || N.H

By niallerskiwi_

44.3K 663 413

Tweeting your idol and asking them to marry you is just simple, tap the keyboard, find the right letters, put... More



1.5K 31 33
By niallerskiwi_


Noelle comes back from the kitchen and sits next to me as I give her a canned water from the fridge that I've just gotten. She mumbles a thank you and proceeds to sit back, feeling her leg brush against mine, making a shiver run down my spine unexpectedly.

A few chats going on until harry claims a game of truth or dare. Everyone said yes and sat down on a circle on the floor. Me being in between of Zayn and Elle.

"I'll start! Mhmm Niall, truth or dare" Harry speaks, all their heads turn to me as I internally groaned.


"I dare you to go on the balcony and yell "I feel like a free dragon" and run back inside as if nothing happened" Harry smirks and I shake my head.

He is so millennial and it shows.

I stand up and walk to my balcony, feeling their eyes following my movement.

I yelled what I had to yell, trying to do it as fast as I can and scurried inside my apartment, sliding the glass door before anyone looks out the window.

A few rounds has passed until Harry was dared to do thirty push-ups.

"Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen- oop can you still do it H?" Elle teases as Harry stops on fourteen to catch his breath.

"Shut up"

Noelle chuckles and continues to count until Harry finishes, looking exhausted and uncomfortable with the sweat that has drawn from his body as he isn't in gym clothes.

Harry catches his breath and smirk, looking at Zayn.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare" Zayn answers as he narrows his eyes at the smirking boy.

"I dare you to give Elle a hickey"

I widen my eyes. Feeling her tense beside me and her smile from earlier dropped as fast as it came.

"Come on, there aren't any meaning on it is there? It's just a game lads" he says, trying to cut the tension in the room but with a change in his tone. Obviously tensed up on why he said it.

Zayn looks at Elle wearily, almost having an eye conversation whether to do Harry's stupid dare, him knowing that he just flew here for a few reasons.

"Uhm, yeah sure" Noelle then speaks, fiddling with her fingers, myself noticing her nervousness.

I crept a hand on the small of her back and laying it there, sending her a small side smile. I see her cheeks turn pink and looks down.

Zayn then crawls in front of her, looking into her eyes, the room suddenly becoming hot as they stare at each other. Zayn dips his head on Elle's neck as she closes her eyes.

I avert my eyes on the floor, not wanting to see what's about to happen as it makes me feel weird on the stomach. As if negative butterflies were flying and I didn't want to happen what's happening right now. More so making me uncomfortable because my liking on the girl has grown the past few weeks.

I look back at them as Zayn pulls back crawling back on his place beside Harry who's biting his lip. Elle brings her hair on either sides of her neck, trying to cover up the pink bruise that has been made that made my stomach churn, now that I'm looking at it.

"Okay, since Harry's stupid dare was done, I think Elle deserves to have her turn now, huh" I speak up looking at her.

She clears her throat and averts her eyes to Harry.

"Truth or dare, Harry Styles?"


"I dare you to kiss Zayn's big toe" her smile comes back up and looks at the boy with a glint on her eyes. "What!?" Zayn shrieks, but it doesn't faze her, more so her smile turns into an evil smirk.

"Hmm, would you like an easy one?" Harry nods his head vigorously.

"Well, lick Zayn's big toe then" She shrugs, but still has the smirk on her face.

We all laugh at Harry's horrified face as Zayn yells no. The dare becoming worse.

"Well it's my dare, Harold. You need to do it"

"Fine" He huffs, reluctantly going to near Zayn's feet, agreeing to kiss his big toe.

We all laugh as I take a subtle glance on Elle, her eyes crinkling as she laughs, unexpectedly laying her head on my shoulder and placing her hand on my knee subconsciously as she continues to laugh hard at Harry's disgusted face with my hand still on her back pulling her closer with my head tilted back as I join the laughter.

I'm really glad she's good with Zayn suddenly arriving although I really wanted to spent time with her.

"I cannot believe I just did that. That was so gross" Harry gags. We decided to finish the game already, needing drinks. We stood up and I walk to my fridge in the kitchen pulling out a few beers with Zayn's help.

"You like Noelle, lad?" He lowers his voice, I look back at him as my hand stopped from getting another six of beers, startled. "What makes ya think that, mate?" Proceeding on getting the beer.

"I've known you for years mate, I saw the way you were looking at her" I nod, thinking about if was that obvious. we walk back but Zayn places a hand on my shoulder, stopping me from going further.

"I know your heart has been broken before, but I think she's a keeper, mate" He smiles, with a lace of guilt in his voice. He walked further as I thought of why his tone was different but I brush it aside and continued my way to the living room.

We pass around the drinks, finding myself sitting beside Elle after.

I see her glancing once in a while at Zayn while him and Harry were having a conversation, thinking.

I didn't know why, but I was so disturbed that I finally spoke. Asking the dumbest question. I will probably regret this but I've just been itching to ask the question because it's been going since the minute he step foot on my house.

"Have eyes for Zayn huh?" She looks at me and takes a gulp of the water I gave her earlier, avoiding my eyes. I suddenly have a feeling that it was really more than that. That her stares had more.


"Is there something wrong?" I asked, getting more curious as to what have happened but also tried to gently ask her.

"You can trust me, Elle" noticing that she's thinking very deeply about whether to tell me or not. The guys walked out to my balcony chatting to each other.

Elle fiddles with her hands nervously, while I look at her, patiently waiting for her to tell me.

"Noelle" I softly spoke, placing my hand gently on her thigh. Indicating that she can tell me anything and that I won't judge her. She jumps slightly at the contact of our skin and looks at me in the eyes. Mine staring back into her.

"Niall, Zayn Malik is my ex"

My eyes widens, looking at Elle. Her features showing that she's upset and angry at the same time but still keeping her calm.

"I'm really sorry, Elle. I didn't know I- I'm so sorry, oh god-"

"It's okay, Niall. You're friends and I understand that. I know you just wanted me to have fun so thank you"

I shake my head, God why does this girl have to be so fucking understanding. "No, it's not okay. I literally made him do-" I momentarily looked at her neck, "that. You looked so uncomfortable and I knew I should've said something. I'm so sorry" I run my hand through my hair and look at her with weary eyes, once again glancing at her neck on the now purple hickey. Not hidden by her hair because she pulled it back.

"I'm sorry if you were uncomfortable earlier" I say as my insides are fueled with guilt. I should've gave her my undivided attention and should've asked if I could have him over because I was the one who invited her at the first place but she places her hand on top of mine on her leg, and smiles at me.

"It's alright Niall, I swear. I'm sure we're going to work things out. It's been years anyway. It's time to move on" she says with a glint on her eye, I smile back at her and nod

God, why does this girl have to be so fucking understanding.

I let out a breath and stand up and reaching for her hand, she looks up confused but I just smile. "So what do you say, let's have fun and forget about what the yesterday has become and make some new memories together?"

And she took my hand.

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