The Selection (Not as it seem...

By Pastel_Meifwa

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This is the selection, yes, but it's where I kinda create dramatic storylines with the charactors! I have maj... More

A/N Before I start
When the Rebels Were Faster
The Unexpected Allis
Something's Wrong
Help Me (Maxon's POV)
Coming Home
The New Guard
The Diary (Part 1)
The Diary (Part 2)
The Untitled Book
Guess Who's Coming?
Many Tears
Fight of the Maids
All Alone
What Happened
An Early Visit
Im Sorry
A/N You Should Read :D
An Interesting Reaction
An Unwelcomed Guest
A Selfish Newly Stranger
A/N Updates!!!
Not Alone

Help Me

147 3 2
By Pastel_Meifwa

~America's POV~

I was stirring.

"America, please wake up." "God this isn't good." a familiar voice was drifting through the air. It was then that I had taken into account what had happened the last time I was conscience.

I was beaten. My body hurt and ached everywhere. I had to get out of here.

"America?" Georgia's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Georgia? Georgia!" I practically jolted my head up. That wasn't a good idea. I can barely move. "Can you help me up?" my voice sounded not like my own, and I could feel aching all over my body. Especially from my head and I knew my ankle was at least sprained.

"Yeah, sure. We'll get back to the shack, and then I'll explain everything." she said.

I silently nod hurting my head even more in the process, she helped me up, and we were off to the shack.


We made it back to the shack in about twenty minutes. I was shocked it was that close to the Southern rebels' base. That couldn't possibly be safe. Well Georgia said this was just a temporary hideout used for specific purposes. Was spying on the Southern rebels the specific purpose? Or spying on the palace?

We walk, well I limp, inside and its the first time I realized I was only wearing a bra and undergarments with a thin grey sweater with no buttons. I was mostly exposed. It was mortifying. I also had cuts all over. Deep cuts. I just noticed how much they burn. I had two on my right leg, one on my left. One on my right thigh and two across my rib cage. one on my hand and palm, two on my left arm and one on my right. and finally one starting on my shoulder going to a little bit above my elbow. It hurts like hell.

"You can shower over there, and Ill pick out an outfit for you. When your finished showering then we'll get you bandaged up." she said motioning her hands to the mattress where many different medical supplies lay.

I step into the shower. The warm water washes all of the blood away from my injuries. I can't stand completely on my right foot, so my left foot is carrying most of my weight. My head had been hurt pretty bad, too. I also think I was starved . Looking down, I noticed how skinny I got. How long was I unconscious?

After I finished showering, I rapped myself in a towel and I stepped out to find Georgia rearranging the medical supplies.

"Okay America, first things first, we need to clan and bandage your cuts. She sat me down on the mattress and put a cool gel on my cuts and then rapped them in gauze. Next she checked my ankle. It was sprained. She said I shouldn't walk on it unless its really necessary. Then she rapped it in gauze and an ankle brace. Lastly she rapped my head in gauze, gave me a vitamin to take- I had been starved- an suggested I sleep.

"How long was I unconscious? Do you know?"I asked. I was tired but sleep can wait.

It took a moment for her to respond. She looked at me. "You've been unconscious for two days." she said.

"Well then shouldn't we get back to the palace before anyone knows that something seriously bad happened to me?" I asked.

"They already know. The palace that is. The king is still gone on the new Asian trip. He won't be back for a few months. He doesn't know, but the Queen, Prince, and Selected do. Then that sick southern rebel freak streamed live that he was knocking you unconscious while they were trying to eat breakfast." she explained with a small shrug, "Here." she walked up to the computer, typed somethin in, and a video of the dining hall pops up.

The Queen and Maxon are sitting next to each other. Neither one seems to have gotten much sleep. As I look over at the girls, they seem to not have gotten much sleep either. They were discussing something and no one in the room seemed to even notice the food on their plate.

Just then the breakfast was interrupted by a video appearing on the wall of me and the guard fighting. My read hair blazing everywhere, I didn't even notice I fought that much. I only remember going unconscious. The video continues, but then I fall limp. That must have been where I was when I went unconscious. Then that same guard cuts me. So that's where they came from. Sick freak. I was so disgusted I could throw up, but that could also be the lack of food.

The video wasn't over just yet. At the end was a chilling and no doubt threatening message from the southern rebels that was meant to worry the people. It did worry people, apparently. At the end of the video in white words on a black background said:

"That was two days ago.

She still hasn't woken up

yet. Getting worried?"

I was on the brink of throwing up. It looks like I wasn't the only one. Maxon was doubling over. Some of the girls looked on the brink of tears. Celeste was holding her stomach. She looked genuinely worried for me. I skimmed the room for Marlee but she wasn't there. Of course she wasn't there, she and Carter had to stay under the radar. At least they were safe in the palace.

"Okay how about you eat the toast and apple in the kitchen and then take a nap." I gave her a pointed look. The last time I slept here I got re-kidnapped and beaten. "Oh don't give me that look. I just won't fall asleep this time." she looked down. "I'm sorry America. It's my fault you got kidnapped. Well re-kidnapped." she laughed once, humorlessly. I could see all the guilt she carried in her eyes.

I needed to lighten the mood.

"Hey don't say that! It was not your fault I'm perfect kidnapping material." A moment of silence. Then a laugh escaped her and I joined in.

"You do seem to get kidnapped a lot." she said jokingly with a smile.

"Yeah, well, I guess trouble just finds me." I said back. With that I grabbed the apple and limped to the mattress. I put on the black dress that had two side-triangles cut out at the waist, exposing a bit of my bandages over my ribcage. It was a comfortable enough material. I sat down and started eating the apple. I finished eating, and I didn't quite feel full, but I wasn't really hungry so that will do. I laid down and rolled on my left side, only to quickly roll on my right instead. The left side was where most of the bandage was. I position my sprained ankle up.

"Get some good sleep." Georgia said. "Tomorrow I'm taking you back to the castle."

And with that exiting thought, I drifted off to sleep.

Ahhhh! How did you like the story? I know nothing that that interesting happened but next chapter maybe! Actually next chapter I'm thinking of doing it as this chapter, but in Maxon's POV. So yea I hope you liked it. Please vote and comment so I know you exist :) Everyone is amazing, and next chapter will be great...I hope! Comment suggestions too and I might do them (and shout you out obviously:) So anyway have a great day/night/week/month/life :)

Love and Hugs <3


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