The Other Woman

By beynikafics

60.6K 3.3K 2.4K

"She consoled me during my time and she was having a hard time with her marriage as well. Believe me when I s... More

New Beginnings
Gotta Keep Going
Nice To Meet You
More Comfort
Saks Off 5th
She Shook The Table
Let's Get Real
Keep This Pussy In Versace
Beautiful Roses for a Beautiful Lady
Sunshine & A Peace Of Mind

I'm Giving Up

3.9K 235 206
By beynikafics

Omniscient - 6 PM

The dark-skinned woman grabs her purse as she steps out of her matte black Range Rover. She then makes her way into the busy restaurant where she goes up to the hostess and smiles politely.

"Reservation under Ali Knowles." She says.

The hostess smiles and grabs two menus. "Of course. Right this way, Mrs. Knowles."

The dark-skinned woman follows the hostess to a small table in a secluded area of the restaurant that seats only two people.

She smiles. "Thank you."

The hostess smiles back and sets the table with silverware, glasses, and the menus. "My pleasure. Can I get you started on a drink while you wait?" She asks.

Ali nods and asks for a simple glass of ice water. The hostess leaves, leaving Ali in her thoughts as she waits for the woman she's having dinner with.

About five minutes go by before she sees the familiar face come into view.

She chuckles. "Unique, nice to see you again."

Unique sits down facing Ali and they both smile. A fake smile, but a smile nonetheless.

"Cut the bullshit, Ali. You know I don't like you or that trifling ass wife of yours. What's the plan you wanted to talk about?" Unique says with a slight eye roll, causing Ali to scoff.

"Nicki. We both want her gone, correct?" Ali asks.

Unique nods as she looks through the menu. "Having her gone would ultimately end the case, that is if her family do not drop the charges once she is gone. Anyway, you want her gone so your brother can be free and I want her gone so she can get away from my wife." Ali states as she looks at Unique cautiously.

Unique chuckles. "Mhm. How are we going to achieve that?" She asks.

Both women notice the waitress coming their way so they halt all conversation. They thank the waitress once she sets two glasses of water down in front of them and is then on her way back.

"I got a good way to start out, something that will shake her up. Don't worry about it, I got it. As for how we'll actually accomplish that... you're gonna have to give me a minute. I have an idea, though." Ali replies with a wink that causes Unique to laugh and shake her head.

The two women enjoy their dinner, not talking about anything else that doesn't have to do with Nicki and how to get rid of her.

Once they finish their meal, they head their separate ways. Ali, finding herself in front of Nicki's apartment with a note in hand that reads:

"You better watch your back, Onika."

She slides the simple note under Nicki's front door and then starts making her way back to her Range Rover.


Nicki's POV - 8:35PM

I snuggle my head into Bey's chest as she wraps her arm around me. We're laying on the couch in her office and I don't want to leave.

Her and I finished talking about the case about an hour ago, but I just didn't want to leave and she didn't want me to leave. I definitely couldn't say no to her.

"You're from Houston?" I ask as I rub circles into her upper thigh.

I feel her nod. "Mhm. Born and raised. I did my undergrad there then moved to California for Law School." She explains. I smile.

"Really? What schools did you go to? How was college? I always wanted to go, but Safaree got in the way of that." I tell her.

"I went to the University of Houston for part of my undergrad then transferred to Baylor and finished there. Then, I went to Stanford for Law School." She explains.

I lift my head up from her chest and look at her with wide eyes. "Stanford?! Wow... That's amazing." I smile.

She chuckles. "Thank you, thank you. It's something I'm still proud of till this day."

I 'aww' loudly and grin. "Was college fun?" I ask

I feel her nod. "Extremely. I did a lot of partying my first two years because I didn't know what to do with all that damn freedom I had, but I always kept my grades up. I made lots of new friends and I remember learning so much about myself. It was probably the most important stage of my life." She tells me as she rubs my back softly.

I smile. I love hearing people talk about their college experiences because it seems like such a fun time in everyone's lives. It does make me slightly jealous when I realize I missed out on that because of a man who ended up abusing me in the end.

"Bey, I should really get going." I say reluctantly.

She groans under me. "Five more minutes, mama."

I roll my eyes. "It's getting dark and the traffic is starting to look pretty dense again. I'll come by tomorrow or you go over." I tell her, hoping she's convinced enough.

I get up from beside her and grab my purse and my phone.

"You'll text me when you make it home." She more so tells me then asks. I nod with a giggle.

"Yup. And you'll do the same." I reply, slinging my purse over my shoulder.

She smiles and nods and we walk out of her office and go straight for the elevator. When we finally make it down to the parking lot and over to my car, we hug and I pull off as she waves.

About forty-five minutes later, I finally make it to my apartment. And as I open the door, I look down and notice and little white piece of paper sitting on the ground.

I furrow my eyebrows and close the door then lock it.

Bending down to pick it up so I can throw it in the trash, I notice some writing on it.

"You better watch your back, Onika."

My heart drops right along with the piece of my paper and my purse.

What the fuck?

My breathing picks up and I do the first thing that comes to mind: I call Beyoncé.

She picks up on the third ring.

"Hi, mama. You home now?" She asks happily.

I take a deep breath. "Bey, please come over."

"What? Baby, are you okay? What's wrong?" She says into the phone and I hear shuffling in the background. "Please just come over as quick as you can." I reply and hang up.

I stay by the front door because I'm scared to move anywhere else around the apartment.

That note can't be a mistake... It has my name on it. I'm hoping it is a mistake, but I know it can't be. Why can't I ever just be stress free? Am I meant to live with anxiety and crippling fear everyday? Who would do this?

Half an hour later, I hear a knock on the front door and I look into the peephole where I see Bey standing with a worried look on her face.

I open the door and usher her in so I can close it as quick as possible.

"Onika, what's wrong?" She asks, examining my entire body with her eyes, probably looking for a wound or anything out of the ordinary.

I hold back tears as I hand her the note. She reads it then stuffs it in her pocket.

"Pack some clothes. You're not staying here. What's the nicest hotel?" She says the last part more so to herself than to me as she pulls her phone out.

"Bey-" I start saying, but she cuts me off. "Onika, please go pack some clothes now while I make a phone call." She instructs.

I sniffle and just let my tears spill. Her face softens.

"Baby, please don't cry. I promise you don't have to worry about anything. I'll take care of you," she tells me as she wipes my tears with her thumbs.

I take a deep breath. "I'll be right here. Just pack one small-ish bag, okay?" She says.

I nod then she pecks my forehead before I head over to my bedroom and go into my closet.

Once I'm done packing, I head back out and see her pacing the living room while she's on the phone. She looks up as she sees me walking in.

"You ready? I'm about to call the hotel and reserve a room." Beyoncé says as she takes my bag from me. I nod. "I'll call you back in five, Julius." She says into the phone before hanging up and stuffing it in her purse.

"Bey, I don't want to stay by myself in a hotel. I want to stay with my parents." I tell her as I dig my phone out of my purse and shoot my mom a quick text.

She sighs and nods reluctantly. "Okay. I'm gonna have my bodyguard Julius watching over you at all times. Don't try to argue with me about it. It's just for now until this all goes away."

I nod and she takes my hand with her free one after grabbing my purse. We rush out of my apartment and she makes sure I'm in my car and buckled up before she makes her way over to hers. I then lead the way over to my parents house.

Soon, we're parked outside their house and Bey makes her way into the passenger seat of mine and shuts the car door.

"Onika, I really, really think you should stay in a hotel. I'll pay your entire stay, you don't even have to worry about it." She pleads.

I shake my head no. "I'm too scared to be by myself." I confess.

She sighs. "I understand that, baby, but you're not going to be alone, remember? Julius is going to be there. I just feel like if anyone wants to hurt you, a relatives' place is a very common place for them to look for you."

I swallow the lump in my throat. I hear what she's telling me, but I really don't want to be out in a hotel like that just me and a bodyguard. What if something happens to him? Then we'd both be screwed.

"Please, Bey. I'll stay with my parents and we see how it goes then I could go stay in the hotel." I basically beg her.

She nods reluctantly and leans over, kissing my forehead. "Okay, okay. Go inside now. I'll see you tomorrow, mama. Stay alert." She tells me, taking my hand into hers and kissing it like she used to when we first met.

I smile and nod. She takes my bag and purse into her hands as I hop out of the car and make my way over to her side. We walk to the front door together and I let myself in with the key my mom gave me.

"See you tomorrow, Bey Bey. Call me when you get home." I tell her and she nods. We hug briefly and then she's on her way over to her car where she hops in and immediately pulls off.

I told my mother I was spending the night here in the text I sent her and she just told me to let myself in. Her and my father are probably asleep right now and I don't want to wake them and worry them right now. I'll tell them tomorrow morning or when I get back from work.

I quietly make my way up the stairs and into my old room where I smile slightly as I look around.

My posters of Lauryn Hill, Foxy Brown, and Jay-Z are still hanging on the walls. Just like I left them.

Before laying in bed, I change into comfortable clothing and go brush my teeth in my bathroom, which is still the same as well. When I'm finally in bed, I take a deep breath.

Lord, please let all of this work out in my favor. Please allow me to remain strong enough mentally to deal with all of this. I don't know how much more stress my body and mind can handle before I completely lose focus and collapse. Please allow me the patience necessary to get through this. Allow Bey to remain level-headed throughout everything, not only what I'm going through, but with everything she's dealing with as well. Amen.

At this point I feel like I have no fight left in me. I hope I wake up tomorrow feeling better. It clearly is just getting harder and harder for me out here. I don't know how much more I can take.


Next Morning - 7 AM

I wake up and stretch then sit up, sliding my house shoes on and make my way over to my bathroom.

I have to get ready for work and I better hurry up because traffic picks up around eight in the morning and I have to be at work a couple minutes before nine.

I do everything I need to do in the bathroom as fast as I can then I head over to my bag full of clothes from last night and get dressed in my work clothes. I only did some light makeup and pulled my hair up into a high ponytail.

When I'm done with everything, I grab my purse and my phone and head out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I see my parents in the kitchen so I go up to them and kiss their cheeks.

"Good morning, sunshine." My dad tells me.

I smile as I take a sip of my mom's coffee. "Morning, dad."

"Is there something going on, princess? Is there a reason why you're staying here?" My dad asks. I sigh loudly.

"I'll tell you guys when I get home, okay? I really have to get to work right now before the traffic gets me." I tell them and they nod.

I make my way out of the house and go straight to my car, ignoring the bodyguard named Julius sitting in a black SUV. Maybe he's going to follow me to work.


12 PM

I'm finally on my lunch break and I need to call Bey because I got a text this morning from an unknown number. Again, I got told to watch my back. I didn't tell Bey earlier because I didn't want to worry her, but I'm pretty sure she's eating lunch now too.

She answers my call on the second ring and I smile.

"Hi, mama. Sorry I couldn't get in contact with you earlier; I woke up super late and had like no time to get ready and ended up having to rush." She explains.

"Don't worry about it. I didn't have time to call you earlier either. Anyway..." I say with a deep sigh.

She sighs as well. "Something else happen?"

"Yes. I got a text from an unknown number telling me to watch my back." I mumble.

I hear shuffling on her end and the sound of keys. "You're at work, right? You work by the dealership near that Starbucks I saw you at one day?" She asks.

"Mhm. Are you coming?" I ask.

I hear a door shut. "Yes. We're going to lunch. I'll be there in twenty." She says.

I grin widely. "Yay! Okay. See you soon." I reply.

"See you soon, mama."

We hang up and I get up and head over to my boss' office, peeking my head in there.

"I'm going to lunch." I semi-yell, seeing as he has headphones in. He looks up at nods at me and I make my way back over to my office where I get all my stuff situated.

When I get a text from Bey saying she's outside, I make my way out there and hop in the passenger seat of her car.

I kiss her cheek and she smiles. We greet each other and she drives off to wherever we're going out to eat.

Not too long after we make it to the Thai restaurant and we get seated and order our drinks.

"Can I see the phone number from that text?" Bey asks. I nod and unlock my phone then hand it to her.

She looks at it then I see her take a screenshot and send it to herself.

"Baby, you seriously need to stay in a hotel. I'm worried." She says, taking my hand into hers.

I sigh. "Bey, I don't want to be by myself. It seems scarier to me to be there than in my parents, but I do see where you're coming from. If anything were to happen to me, I wouldn't want anything to happen to them. I won't let you pay my stay, though." I tell her sternly.

"I'm paying, don't argue with me. Don't go back to work, you should come with me so we can do something. I'll cancel my day." She says. I go wide-eyed as I take a sip of my water.

She chuckles. She's going to cancel her whole day to spend the day with me? And how am I even going to get out of work?

"I can't get out of work for the rest of the day, Bey. That's crazy." I tell her laughing. She frowns. "Yes, you can. I'll talk to your boss."

I playfully roll my eyes. "Girl, okay."

She laughs as she takes a sip of her water. "I'll talk to your boss. I'll even cancel my day right now so you can see that I'm serious." She says as she pulls her phone out and quickly gets on the phone with her assistant.

"Cancel all my appointments today, please. I'm not feeling good at all today. Reschedule them all for the following week. Thank you." She says. Her assistant tells her a few things then she hangs up and puts her phone away again, looking at me with that smirk I love so much.

"You're insane." I tell her with a giggle. She laughs and shakes her head. "I'll personally talk to your boss, that'll make it more believable." She replies.

She looks up and nearly chokes on her water. I furrow my eyebrows and look behind me to see what she's looking at.

I see Ali coming over to us with a huge smile on her face.

"Bey?! Wow, great to see my wife today! Hi, Nicki." She says, looking between both of us. I give her a fake smile and see her lean in to kiss Bey, but Bey moves her face and Ali ends up kissing her cheek.

I chuckle. "Anyway, you guys are probably talking business so I'll leave y'all to it! See you at home, Beyoncé." Ali says with a fake smile on her face.

Bey says nothing back and I just offer a slight head nod.

When she's a good distance away, I laugh. "That was insanely awkward."

It also serves as a reminder that Bey and I can't be together because of Ali and their marriage. Reminds me that I need to back off, but I find it so hard to stay away from Bey. She brings me immense comfort.

Bey and I order our food and talk then we make our way out of the restaurant and into Bey's car, all under Ali's intense stare.

She drives off towards my job as I complain the entire way there about her talking to my boss because she insists on doing it herself.

As soon as we make it to the dealership, she hops out and I just sit there and laugh. I'm not getting off with her, she thought. Since she knows so much, she can figure out where my boss' office is on her own!

She comes back like fifteen minutes later with a huge grin on her face. "Did he let me off?" I ask as she buckled up. She nods happily.

I squeal happily, realizing that now I'm going to spend the rest of my day with her.

"Damn. What should we do?" She says as she puts the car in reverse and starts backing out of the parking spot.

I was about to reply to her question when I feel my phone vibrate. I take it out of my purse and look at the notification.

"We told you to watch your back, Onika. We're watching your every move."


Thoughts on Ali and Safaree's sister, Unique? 👀

Are Bey and Nicki handling this well? Or should they stay away from each other instead?

I hope y'all like this chapter! Please excuse any errors. Comment and vote!


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