The Lost Soldier

By The_Kim_Club

57.7K 1.6K 63

Beckett Rowan Stark is Areum Xavier's best friend, he has been deployed to Iran for a whole year. He finally... More

Finally Home
Becoming Friends Again
This Girl Is On Fire!
The Perks Of Being Suspended
Getting Dumped Sucks (For Her)
Secrets and Scars
Tin Foil Hats
I Love You
New Beginnings


4.3K 119 4
By The_Kim_Club

Two years later...

I awoke to screaming.

I sat up in bed and gently rubbed his shoulder "Beckett honey, it's just a dream baby wake up." Suddenly I was shoved against the bed, I couldn't breathe,

"Down! Down! You need to get Down!" Beckett yelled he was breathing hard. 

"Beckett" I soothed, I needed to stay calm "Beckett you need to wake up!" I shook him and his eyes snapped open. He rolled off of me and held me in his arms.

"Baby I'm so sorry, did I hurt either of you?" he cried looking me over for any physical injuries 

"Shhh, shhh its okay Beckett we are fine, was it the same dream?" I asked caressing his face and he nodded. The same dream of the bombing, the same dream of losing his leg in the explosion and trying to save lives. There are still some things he hasn't told me about the aftermath of that bombing, he said there are still things he's coping with. He nestled his face in the crook of my neck "do you think you'll be able to go back to sleep?" I gently asked as I let him hold me. He inhaled my scent and shook his head letting out a muffled "no." I frowned "do you want me to stay up with you?" I asked and he shook his head again and pulled away from me,

"No, you need your sleep angel" He said delicately laying me onto the bed "Fenrys will keep me company" Beckett whistled and Fenrys was at his side in an instant prosthetic leg in mouth. Beckett had to have his leg below the knee amputated, there was no way of saving the tissue it was already dead, not to mention he said the rest of his leg was annihilated in the blast. He sighed and grabbed his sleeve off the night stand. He knew the process by heart now, first the sleeve, then placing the limb in the prosthetic joint, and finally rolling the sleeve on the prosthetic up and he had a functioning second leg. He gingerly stood and followed Fenrys out of our bedroom, I laid a hand atop the swell of my stomach, ever since I'd started to eat for two I've had to increase my insulin levels. I even got a new pump, it was a small compact patch one that came with the bluetooth handset feature, it was much more convenient for me and I set alarms on my phone at least four times a day everyday to check my blood sugar levels. With a little one growing inside me I've become much more responsible and caring for my body, I exercised with Beckett regularly now, walks with Fenrys, trips to the gym, yoga, and recreational means of exercise that made my face heat even thinking about. We were close to our wedding day it was in three days, was I excited? Yes but Beckett and I are living together now, I'm pregnant, and we share custody of Fenrys together I guess the only other things to do involves taxes and an official document. Plus Lanie would hate me if we didn't have a wedding, she was helping me plan it which took loads off my plate, thank god. I'm a wedding planner who doesn't want anything to do with planning my own wedding, I find it kind of ironic. Luckily Lysandra and Freya took pity on me as well and are helping Lanie with the wedding details, they still ran their ideas by me but most of it is supposed to be a surprise. With a meow and a thump our now two year old cat Manon was curled next to me on the bed, she was a longhaired white cat with peach colored ears and tail, Beckett originally wanted to name her creamsicle but I vetoed it instantly. I stroked her soft fur and fell asleep to the sounds of her purrs.

Wedding countdown: Three days till W-day

Lanie bought this little countdown sign as an engagement present but as soon as this party was over I was burning it. I was sick of looking at the stupid little bows that adorned the chalkboard frame, Beckett placed a dry piece of toast in front of me kissing my neck as he walked by. "See if you can hold this down before you try to eat anything else angel" he instructed. Oh, the joys of pregnancy it's overrated, puking my guts up every morning wasn't a pleasant thing to look forward to. I took a small bite of my toast and admired my beautiful shirtless husband's back as he stood at the stove. Every time he moved the corded muscles on his back moved with him, I did good his low hanging joggers revealed the dimples at the bottom of his spine. He had a couple scars on his back from shrapnel and a scar from a bullet wound but even with his scars Beckett Rowan Stark was flawless from head to toe, inside and out. "Enjoying the view?" Beckett jokingly threw over his shoulder.

"Indeed I am, you got me pregnant least you can let me do is admire your attractive masculine body" I commented. Beckett set his plated food next to my toast and kissed my cheek

"You can always do more than admire, my love" he purred. And I took a deep breath and counted to ten. Humans need to eat, humans need to eat, HuMaNs NeEd tO eAt! I chanted to myself as Beckett dug into his food, I really need to get my hormones in check, I can't jump Beckett twenty-four seven, I need to learn self restraint. I finished my toast and poured myself a cup of coffee and began to wash the pans from breakfast, my hands were submerged in bubbles when Beckett laid his plate on the counter next to me and wrapped his arms around my middle, he rested his hands atop my swollen belly. "I'm the luckiest man on earth" Beckett whispered in my ear, he began pressing kisses to my throat "you're gorgeous my love." I smiled, flattery was definitely my thing. Fenrys yawned loudly from behind us, making his presence known and I let out a laugh ruining the moment Beckett and I were sharing. Beckett released me and grumbled something about damn dogs, cock-blockers, and cold showers, he stalked out of the kitchen with Fenrys prancing behind him. I was drying the dishes when the door to our townhouse was thrown open and in came the tornado which is Lanie, she was carrying a binder and a pastry bag. Archer followed her in carrying multiple bridal magazines and different color swatches, they dumped their stuff off at our table and tackled me in a hug. 

"OMG I haven't seen you in forever bitch! Why haven't you called me you traitor!" Lanie whined pouting and crossing her arms.

"Lanie I saw you just two days ago" I said rolling my eyes and she fixed me with a glare.

"Tomato, tomato when my goddaughter is involved you better fill me in" Lanie deflected and set her hand on the bump of my stomach "anyway how is my goddaughter?" She cooed. "You know for being eight and a half months along you really aren't showing that much Reumi" Lanie said sarcastically. I flipped her off and let her pull me over to the table,

"Bucket get your ass out here!" Archer called from his chair at the table. A few minutes later Beckett entered the kitchen his hair still damp from his shower, he took one look at the hooligans on either side of me and groaned.

"More wedding stuff?" He huffed "I hate this, why the hell should I know the different shades of purple?"

"Lilac, it's Lilac Beckett" Lanie corrected examining her nails "and if you didn't want to help plan a wedding maybe you shouldn't have proposed, or got my girl knocked, up its too much stress on the baby for her to do this alone." Lanie said pointing at a rehearsal dinner layout sitting in front of the only empty chair "now start going through the layout and look for any mistakes." I smiled at Lanie and she gave me a wicked grin back as she patted my shoulder, about three hours later a knock sounded at our door and Beckett stood to answer it. He came back five minutes later with Lysandra and Freya following behind him.

"Hi Lysandra! Freya! what are you ladies doing here?" I asked

"We wouldn't miss your wedding Areum, I've been waiting for this moment since you two hit puberty" Lysandra snickered and Freya flicked her on her arm.

"We also wanted to see how the pregnancy was going!" Freya chimed in smiling "you look like you're going to pop any day now!" She joked giving me a side hug. Freya pressed a crimson kiss to my cheek and perched on her wife's knee "so what did we miss?"


It was finally the day of the wedding and I felt like I was going to toss my cookies, not just because of morning sickness. Sarah and Lanie were in the bridal suite with me helping me into my empire waist gown, it was a beautiful gown the top was sheer but covered in lace, and the garment had multiple skirts giving it a full look. Lanie had just finished my hair and was pinning in my veil when Mika rushed in. "Sis you look beautiful" he gushed and cleared his throat "Beckett told me to deliver this to you" he said handing over a small folded piece of paper. I thanked him as he showed himself out, I unfolded the letter and it read;

Dearest Areum,

I can't believe you'll finally be mine, I spent my childhood pining over you and convincing myself that I wasn't good enough for you. But you've made me the happiest man on the planet, you are the beginning and end of my story, all of my favorite memories include you, some of the hardest as well. I hope you will always be happy with me by your side, and with Yuwa on the way we will be a family and just thinking about that makes my heart want to beat out of my chest. I love you Areum and I can't wait to begin our forever.

Yours always,


I went to wipe a tear that had fallen "Ah! Don't you dare ruin your makeup! I spent hours on your face!" Sarah warned.

"I'm so happy Sarah!" I cried and she hugged me 

"I know you are, and I'm happy for you but if you smudge your makeup before the reception I will murder you Reumi" she scolded dapping the tears off my face with a Kleenex. 

"Can you hand me a piece of paper?" I asked and she instantly handed it to me with a pencil, and I wrote;


You are the love of my life Beckett, you make me so happy, since the day you asked me to be yours we've been living this fairytale and it's wonderful. Anywhere you go I'll follow because if you are going to be there I know I'm home, you'll be such a good father to Yuwa you're one of the kindest people I know. I can't wait until you're mine.

Forever yours,


I handed the letter to Lanie "can you take this to Beckett?" I asked she nodded and left through the double doors leading out of the bridal suite. My mother came in later a teary eyed smile plastered to her face, 

"You look beautiful Areum, are you ready?" She asked and I nodded. She held her elbow out to me and I tucked my fingers into the crook of her elbow "your father would be so proud of you Areum" she said as she wiped away a tear that was crawling down her cheek. 

"I wish he was he eomma" I whispered, she patted my hand 

"I do to baby" she led me down to the hotel's grand lobby, and handed me a bouquet of white lilies. When the doors swung open my breath was stolen away. Beckett stood at the altar in a fitted black suit that made his pine green eyes sparkle with mischief, he looked at me like I was the only person in the room. I smiled at him and his face lit up, to his right stood Roy Charleston and Mika who were holding hands and I almost burst into tears of happiness for them. Archer and Lanie were smiling at each other from across the room, Archer caught my stare and gave me a thumbs up I nodded to him. Lanie grinned at me she finally did it, she was my maid of honor. I had let her pick out the bridesmaids dresses and she did not disappoint, they were simple and plain but still beautiful in a minimalistic sort of way they stopped just below the knee and were boat necked with strap sleeves, lilac of course. My mother and I stopped at the alter and she pressed a kiss to my cheek and handed me to Beckett and took her seat, my aunt Peggy squeezed her hand and Steve sent a stern look Beckett's way. Beckett led me back up the steps to the altar that was situated below a canopy of white flowers, we listened to the officiant and repeated our vows. Beckett whistled and in came Fenrys with the rings, the rings were attached to a pillow which was strapped around Fenrys's stomach so it would rest on his back. I laughed as Beckett crouched and removed the rings from the pillow he handed me his and we exchanged them.

"Beckett Rowan Stark do you take Areum Xavier to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the officiant asked 

"I do" Beckett responded. The officiant turned to me

"And do you Areum Haven Xavier take Beckett stark to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" I said, I had never been so sure my entire life, Beckett sent me a knee wobbling dimpled grin.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife, Mr. Stark you may now kiss your wife" the officiant declared. My world tilted as Beckett swept me into an extravagant dip and claimed my lips, thunderous applause and wolf whistles followed. Beckett pulled away and gave me a genuine smile his eyes rimmed with silver and my heart broke, I brushed one of his tears away and pulled him into a hug angling my stomach away. 

"You look stunning angel" he whispered so only he and I could hear

"Thank you baby" I whispered back. We pulled away and walked hand in hand back down the aisle, people tossed white flower petals as we passed by.

Two hours later...

We had just cut the cake when something felt wrong, I gasped clutching my stomach as my water broke. MY WATER BROKE!    

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