Invisible and has a secret

By Karamel16

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Kara's invisble. To her family... To her classmates.... To her teachers.... to everyone.... Apart from Luke. ... More

Invisible.......Chapter Two
Invisible................. Chapter Four

Invisible.......Chapter Three

705 18 25
By Karamel16

Chapter Three:

''KARA WAKE UP NOW!''A voice yelled.

I opened my eyes to see daylight spilling in from my window. I climbed out of bed and staggered over to the window. Californian sunlight was back. Out side looked hot. I grabbed my towel and rushed to the bathroom. I had a quick shower before washed my hair. I climbed out and flung open my wardrobe. I heard the doorbell go off, but ignored it. It was probably the postman. I pulled on a white skirt, black leggings, a tank top and a white cardigan. I pulled on my black plimsolls with white laces. I ran a brush over my hair and tied it to the side before grabbing a black and white ribbon before I rushed downstairs. I had just finished tying the ribbon in my hair when I looked up to see the boy from yesterday and a girl sitting at the kitchen table with my mother who was watching me.

''Kara, this is Lucian and his sister Melissa from number six. Remember I was telling you about our new neighbours?''

I nodded

''well, there starting school and I thought it was a good idea if you took them in today. I was trying to tell you yesterday'' my mother cooed. I nodded and picked up my car keys and my pouch. They took this as a sign I was leaving and stood up.

''it was nice meeting you Mrs. Johnson'' Lucian said.

''Kara, aren't you going to say goodbye?'' my mother asked.

I turned and looked at her. She done this everyday and I hated it. I narrowed my eyes and was going to tell her to piss off but when she saw I was going to speak. I smiled sweetly and waved. All expression apart from anger left her face. I turned and walked off down the corridor.

''Maybe, you can find out what's going on with her why she wont speak'' my mother whispered to them.

Great. They had been talking about me.

I opened the door and walked over to my car: a silver BMW convertible. I took the roof off and climbed in. Lucian climbed into the back behind his sister who was in the front. I started the car and drove off.

''My names Luke NOT Lucian and that's Lisa not Melissa'' Luke growled.

''So why don't you talk?'' Melissa piped up.

Luke's mouth dropped open and I turned to look at her. We were at a red light so it was ok. She was pretty with long brown hair and she had a bit of a baby face. She looked around my age more a year or two younger. I smiled slightly before turning round. About ten minutes later we reached school. I pulled in and

watched as people turned to stare at my car and its new occupants. I climbed out with the two of them following me.

''Who's that?''

''Are they new?''

''Must be-''

We passed all the murmurs and whispers until we reached the office. The receptionist looked up and frowned.

''New?'' she asks.

I nod.

''alright Kara. When you going to become a captain of the cheerleading squad again. I remember you were all kind and bubbly as well as smart.'' She

sighed. I bend my head and sign them in. She found their schedules and hands them to me.

I get passes and begin showing them the school. When we're done its period three. I hand Melissa a piece of paper. She unfolds it and reads it to Luke as I walk off:

''Meet at two forty-five the latest or you walk.'' She reads.

''Nice.'' I turned and smile sweetly. Luke runs up to catch up with me. We have history while Melissa has music.

''So what's your problem?'' he asks. I turn to him confused.

''You act like something earth shattering has happened to you. Your parents are upset over you but you don't care or don't respect them enough. They beg you to tell them what's wrong but you refuse or act like you're going to say something but change your mind. Don't you think that hurts them, like their not worth talking to?'' he sneered. I stumbled away from him shocked. He didn't have to talk to me. Didn't he know that? I didn't care what he thought of me, with

his cocky guy self. He was just like other guys: jerks. Didn't he think it upset me because I couldn't tell my parents? Didn't he think it I hated looking at them and not telling them anything? I was only close to one person and that was my brother. But he was dead. Didn't he think I wished he was alive, so I could spill everything to him? So I could shout and scream at him for leaving me, after he promised? I knew there were tears in my eyes and I turned and carried on walking. He could just piss off if he thought I was a bitch.

Luke's P.O.V:

I stared down at her confused face.

''You act like something earth shattering has happened to you. Your parents are upset over you but you don't care or don't respect them enough. They beg you to tell them what's wrong but you refuse or act like you're going to say something but change your mind. Don't you think that hurts them, like their not worth talking to?''I sneered. She stumbles away from me, like I just hit her. Her face was a mask of shock, then anger then hatred, before I saw tears in her eyes.

Great Luke, upset the girl why don't you. She had been nothing but....well she hadn't been rude but here you go making her cry. I looked at her properly for the first time. Yesterday I hadn't real seen her because of the rain and this morning she had her head turned away from me or bent. She was...beautiful. She had long light brown hair the same colour as mine, hazel eyes that looked so clear and her lips...they were so pink and full. She was her bottom one gently and as the blood rush to the place it made her look even more beautiful if that was even possible. She skin was lightly tanned and her body was all curvy in the right places. The bell rang and she turned away, wiping away her tears. Oh shit, she's hot and I just made her cry. She probably thinks I'm an obsessive jerk. Or worse. She ran off, and as I followed her I tried and failed not to look at her arse. She reached a door and pulled it open. We burst inside to see we had everyone's attention. The class was seated and the teacher was at the front explaining something. He looked at Kara, then back to me. Her face was flushed and a tear was rolling down her cheek. Damn this must look like I did something to make her cry. Well you did I thought. I noticed everyone's eyes were on me.

It was like no one could see her.

She was invisible.

''Sorry we're late. I'm Luke Jenkins. I just started here. Kara was giving me a tour.'' I explained.

''who?'' the teacher asked puzzled.

I blinked and Kara bent her head.

I pointed at her ''Kara Johnson?''

''oh right, Lara...''

Kara walked to the back and took her seat.

''you can sit at the back next to ...mike'' he stated after looking around. I looked up to see a group of guys in football jackets. They were on the opposite side of

where Kara sat, I noticed. A guy with dirty blonde hair and a cocky attitude raised his head.

''yeah?'' he smirked.

''Luke here's going to work with your group' the teacher sighed.

''cool'' mike turned to me and grinned. As I made my way to the back, I saw Kara flinch. I frowned slightly but chose to ignore this.

''Hey man, the girls are checking you out''a mixed race guy hooted. I turned to see every pair of female eyes glued to me. I knew I was being mentally striped

right there. In particular I saw a girl with long blonde hair that was thrown over one of her shoulders and stopped over her breasts. She was wearing a tight

white top and low slung jeans. I could se the tip of her pink throng. She was tanned and watched as her roamed my body and a small smirk took over her

face. I turned back round and shrugged.

''charity's, checking you out too'' another guy spoke up.

''I'm mike, that's josh, Liam, Lewis, Aaron and Diego'' mike grinned.

''Charity, Claire and Clarissa are the most wanted girls in school'' he continued. He could be useful for information I decided.

''what's up with Kara?'' I questioned.

''no one knows she was popular and everything coz she was captain of the cheerleaders. She went to parties and hangout with us but then she just stopped.

She missed two weeks of school but when she came back she handed in her uniform and didn't talk, laugh or smile.'' Lewis shrugged.

''and boy did she look good in her uniform''Aaron sighed. For some reason that annoyed me and I was just about to say something when mike cut in.

''she just changed. She couldn't meet people's expectations'' the way he said it made the subject drop.

''some think it's because of what happened to her brother.'' I turned to see Charity leaned on my shoulder.

'''He died in a car crash on the night she was with us. I guess she just couldn't take it, but who cares she's had months to get over herself, she just being a

bitch who wants attention still.'' She rolled her eyes and her eyes locked with mine.

''hi I'm Charity. You can figure out why I'm called that'' she flirted. I bet I can, I thought. I wasn't hard to figure out, but damn was she hot. Her voice sounded

like it was a little girl's, all high. It reminded me of Nikki Minaj's voice in ''bed rock''.

''wanna work with me?'' she smiled sexily. I frowned and looked around. Everyone had gotten into partners. Well almost everyone. Kara was sat at the piano

by herself, Mr. what's his face was talking to her quietly I saw her nodded and few times before she started played random notes.

''sure'' I shrugged. She walked over to a piano right at the top, where no other instruments where. My eyes couldn't help but follow as she arse swung side to

side, teasingly. I reached the piano and sat down. Charity or char as she insisted I call her, leaned over the top of the piano so I could get a good look at her breasts which looked like they were calling me closer and closer. I snapped my eyes away from her or more specifically her breasts and looked down.

''so what do we do?'' I asked, puzzled.

She sighed and walked round until she sat down next to me. Really close.

''we've meant to practice this piece and if we want to at the end, we can perform it''

So for the rest for the lesson we practice, well at least I tried. Charity leaned close to me and pouted because she couldn't play it or even understand it. She

made me take hold of her hands and put them in the right position over the piano.

''amazing, when getting into positions, I've never needed help from a guy before. I met have to practice my positions later.'' She smirked. I shook my head

and remained quiet because I knew exactly what positions she was talking about and it didn't have anything to do with a piano, if you get my meaning.

''quiet everybody. We have someone who wants to perform'' Mr. What's his face boomed. I stood up so I could see him and the performer. I nearly dropped

back down again, when he turned to Kara. She was still sat at the piano. Her face was blank and expressionless. I caught her eye but she turned away,

looking down.

''she will be performing a song of her choice. Kara you may begin''

At first there was silence, everyone waiting to see what would happen. Slowly Kara moved her hand and placed it above a group of keys:

She pressed the first down before she launched into the song. It was sweet and quiet she played it once before she startled again only this time she sang. By this time I had recognized the song as 'Ave Maria' and as she sang notes as she played. Her voice just over a whisper, I heard it. It was magical and soft like velvet. High but not fake like charities. I felt my breathe catch and my heart race. I looked around wide-eyed and saw that I wasn't the only one underneath Kara's spell. She was amazing. When it ended, silence followed. Everyone was shocked. To them she hadn't spoken in months but now, sure she hadn't spoken but she had sang. And that was worth something.

''Kara, fantastic, fantastic'' the teacher boomed.

She looked up startled as if she was under a spell, and stared at us in shock. She really had forgotten we were there, watching, listening.

Charity yawned loudly. Everyone turned to her and she smirked.

''so Kara, that was simply...wonderful. I'm just a bit tired though. You were really good'' she apologized. The silence was broken and everyone laughed at charity's obvious comment. She was saying, Kara made her bored and tired. I remained quiet and watched as Kara's face shot a look of pure hatred at her and everyone. She face became blank and she stood up quickly as soon as the bell went.

I jumped down from the back and raced after her. I heard people calling after me but I ignored them. Kara ran down the corridor, dodging people who looked shocked. I came after her and grabbed her arm. She stumbled and almost fell but I caught her.

''didn't you hear me?'' I panted. She kept her face hidden behind her hair. I became aware of everyone watching us so I grabbed hold of her hand and gently pulled her until we reached the tennis courts she had shown me earlier. The place was deserted and I led her up to the bleachers.

She sat down and dropped my hand.

''Kara, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't think about how you must feel and that you probably had a good reason to feel the way you do, what with your brother and all.'' I murmured. Her head snapped up and her eyes narrowed. I could see she had tears in her eyes from music but had not released them. Her face was a mask of pure rage and anger.

''Why I don't talk has NOTHING to do with you. You think you can just come here and flirt with any girl and you'll get your way but ITS NOT TRUE. MY PERSONAL LIFE AND FAMILY BUSINESS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. SO STOP RESEARCHING ME AND FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING PERVET/DICKHEAD!'' She screamed. I leaned back shocked. I was apologizing and here she was screaming at me.

''Do not shout at me. Ever.'' I growled. She eyes widen and she looked....afraid. Her eyes went misty and she stood up quickly and ran off, tears pouring down her face. I sat there surprised at myself. I was normally nice. Something about her words, made my emotions change. Maybe because it's the true, my mind whispered. No, it couldn't be. Yes I had a lot of girls around me and true I flirted a guy, what do you expect? And I didn't think I could always get my way. I just happened to always get my way. So what? I stood up and walked back into the building. I spotted Aaron and walked over to him.

''what happen after I left?'' he jumped in surprised but quickly smiled once he saw who it was,

''oh, char started calling you but you ignored her. Mike wanted to ask you to join us for lunch but stopped once he saw you were going after Kara. What

happened there?'' he replied.

I shrugged ''I apologised for my behaviour towards her and about her brother and she freaked. She said just because I come here and start flirting with any

girl, I can think I can get what I want. And she was swore at me a lot while calling me a pervert and dickhaed.'' Aaron's eyes nearly dropped out.

''Kara spoke. She swore at you?!!'' he exclaimed. Everyone around us stopped and stared at me. I shrugged ''yeah, she does talk you know'' suddenly

whispers where spread and everyone was talking at once. Oops, i might have just started a rumour for Kara. Oh well the bitch deserved it.

Aaron and I walked off to lunch, debating about Charity's breasts. Real or fake?

''it doesn't matter as long as I have a good time'' Aaron laughed. We reached the end of the line for food and paid quickly. Aaron walked over to two large tables. Both either had cheerleaders or footballers. Aaron sat down next to mike with me on the other side next to him and a good-looking brunette. She looked up at me and smiled.

''hi I'm Shana.'' She announced. For some reason she reminded me of Kara. They looked so similar.

''yeah, we used to be best friends'' she sighed. I realised with a start I had spoken this thought out loud.

''really, well I'm her neighbour now and she has already, sworn at me and called some really harsh names'' I fake pouted. Shana dropped her fork and turned to me.

''what? She spoke?'' her eyes were wide and a frantic look crossed her face.

I frowned ''yeah, less then ten mintues ago''

''what exactly did she say?'' she murmured. Everyone on the table was still oblivious to our conversation.

''that her family business and stuff wasn't any of my business and the fact that her brother died wasn't the reason she wasn't the reason she refused to talk'' Shana listened and nodded thoughtfully.

'' Wow, I can't believe-''

Just then the whole room became quiet and I looked up to see....


Dun dun dun...

Vote comment and fan to find out what happens next.

am soooo sorry for taking this long, but now that ive sorted out the problem i want ppl to vote and comment as well as read the good girl and the player.

love you loads Christbe97 my consistent reader.

Luv ya

peace out


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