It's You | Rosekook

By pinkpunked

158K 6.3K 2.9K

They stared into each other's eyes. Soft, yet intense their stare could break the glass between them. Her bro... More

Welcome Reader!
I. Time and Its' Wings
II. Drawn
III. Strawberry And Vanilla
IV. Baby Pink Roses
V. His Scar
VI. Helpless
๐ŸŒธHey My Bbys๐ŸŒธ
VIII. To Love Again
IX. Caught
X. For You (Pt. 1)
XI. Just Go
XII. Day By Day
XIII. My Eternal Sunshine
๐ŸŒธLittle Bit of Sageuk๐ŸŒธ
XIV. In Between The Strings
XV. The Truth Untold
XVI. For You (Pt. 2)
XVII. A Perfect Storm
๐ŸŒธJust Because๐ŸŒธ
XVIII. Price and Present
XIX. If It's You
XX. It's You
๐ŸŒธThank You, Next๐ŸŒธ
E1. Baby One More Time

VII. To Win Him Back

5.1K 236 71
By pinkpunked

This chapter credit soundtrack:

Dean ft. Crush, Jeff Bernat - What 2 Do

*play this at the end, as if this is a kdrama


The trip to the ice cream parlor was a bit quiter than she expected.

They were both sitting silently through their way to the place called 'Masimo Gelato' that she recommended to him earlier.

"Take left after the minimarket, it would be right beside the clothing store." She told him.

"Oh, okay," He just nodded and turn the streering wheel to the left.

And there they were, sitting at the corner of the room near the window.

Jungkook was silently scooping his ice-cream to his mouth, while his eyes were glued on his double scoop cup of strawberry and vanilla.

Chaeyoung was staring at him worriedly right now. She had two scoops of hazelnut and strawberry in front of her but she couldn't seem to enjoy it even though it's her favorite ones.

Did he hate this place? Oh, God, she must have brought him to the wrong place, she thought to herself.

Chaeyoung couldn't stand this situation, so she gathered her courage and asked him. "You hate the place, don't you?".

Jungkook who was now staring at the window, turned to her, "Oh, uh..."

"Hmmm?" Chaeyoung kept looking at him worriedly.

"No, no, Chaeyoung, it's a very nice place!" He said, and scoop himself another the strawberry one.

"But, you seemed like you didn't enjoy it, is everything okay? Oh! Are you tired? Oh, My God!! Do you feel sick again?" her voice was full of concern.

Jungkook shook his head, "No, No, I'm not sick again, I'm just..."


Jungkook sighed, he recalled the phone call that happened right before they leave the graduation ceremony. He was just confused now. Confused of how could Yee Eun easily found her way in to his life again after a almost a year of disappearance.

Congratulations for your degree

She said that as if she had never left him for no acceptable reason. Her voice was so content but he could sense a hint of longing in it.

Damn it, why? Why is Yee Eun came back in this moment? While Jungkook had struggled himself day by day to forget about her and finally try to move on. Such a great timing isn't it?

"Jungkook..." Chaeyoung concerned voice broke his thoughts.

He brought his eyes to meet her gaze. The sincerity of her eyes was clearly shown. She looked worried.

Jungkook felt a remorse came to him, seeing how this girl in front of him showed her worried towards him made him feel bad that he was thinking about Yee Eun the whole time they were together.

"I'm sorry Chaeyoung... " Jungkook said.

"Don't be, people normally need their own space, and you're not an exception." She said.

"Whatever happens in your mind, it's okay to feel that way. I'm sure you'll tell me what it is when you want to." Chaeyoung smiled and scooped the last spoon of her ice cream.

Jungkook was snapped just like that, when Chaeyoung said those words.
She continuously surprised him with her persona. How could she knew that lately he needed his own space after the absence of Yee Eun? Gosh, he felt like he didn't want his moment with her to end soon.

"I'll make it up to you, tell me what do you want to do after this." Jungkook said.

"Hmmm, well... "

Jungkook raised his eyebrows, "Well...?"

While, Chaeyoung spared him a joyful grin, "I have something in mind."


After a long flight she had, she finally could breathe the fresh air outside. Seoul's spring is the best weather in the world for her. It gave her warmth, a bit of cool breezes, and a beautiful scenery---flowers were blooming around the city.

"Miss, your brother is here to see you." the older lady in a black attire told her.

She turned around from the scenery she was enjoying, joyfully.

"Aren't you going to give me a hug?" the man teased her.

A wide smile formed on her face as she ran towards the tall man. "Oppa..."

"I miss you so much," He whispered.

She nodded, she missed him too but she couldn't say it because she might burst into tears, and she didn't want to soaked her brother's shirt with her tears.

The man pulled away, his hands still rest on both of her shoulders. "How are you feeling? You've eaten don't you? Oh, you must be tired from the flight."

"Oppa, I feel way better now that you came here to see me." She replied.

The man laughed, "Well, have you eaten, then? You were not answering that question."

"Hmmm well, I just have my banana. Does that counts?"

The man shook his head, "Let's go, I know just where to take you." he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the door.

But before they reached the door, a woman in a black formal attire stopped them. "Young Master Min Hyun, where are you taking Miss Yee Eun to?"

Both of them turned around to the familiar voice. The woman in black bowed to them, and they bowed back.

"Ah, Madam Yoo, I'm just taking my sister to lunch, I miss her so much. I want to spent the afternoon with her."

"I see, but don't come back too late. Miss Yee Eun has a doctor appointment this evening." said Madam Yoo.

With Madam Yoo reminded her with that appointment, Yee Eun felt a glimpse of sadness creeping inside. Seeing his brother's expression, she could tell that he felt the same way. "Yes, I understand. My brother and I won't be late, right Oppa?"

Min Hyun nodded, "Oh, yeah, sure, we won't come late! Now, if you excuse us, we are going to the best pasta shop in town!"

"You're the best brother!" Yee Eun smiled brightly.


"So, here is the place where I most likely to be found on weekend." Chaeyoung pushed the door open and guided Jungkook inside.

The place was spacious, it filled with vintage decorations and a view racks of famous singers' or groups' EPs.

Jungkook never saw such a comfortable EP store before. His eyes wandered around the place and find some of his favorite artists' EP were displayed.

"Whoah, how come I never knew this place!" he exclaimed.

"That's why I called it, hidden jewel in Dongdaemun." Chaeyoung make her way to the rack near the sofa.

Her eyes scanned all the displayed EPs and finally found one that caught her eyes.

She picked it up and showed it to Jungkook.

"Norah Jones?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, I thought you might like some relaxing Jazz music to listen to. I've been in your car for about... 3 times? It's enough for me to know that you love a soothing melody playing inside your car." Chaeyoung said.

"I feel like you've known me very well know, huh? How can you do that?" Jungkook chuckled, he was again amazed by how Chaeyoung knew him that well, but in fact they only knew each other for like... Days.

Chaeyoung let out a light laugh, "Just... Consider me as a fun person to hang out with." She then took a step back from the rack and walked towards the EP player near the sofa. "Come on, let's play this one."

Jungkook followed her to the EP player, and watched Chaeyoung carefully placed the EP on the surface. And soon, the piano sound echoed from it.

I waited 'til I saw the sun
I don't know why I didn't come

I left you by the house of fun
I don't know why I didn't come

I don't know why I didn't come

Norah's soothing voice soon followed. Chaeyoung closed her eyes and slowly drowned into the rhythm. She hummed the melody and quietly sing along to the song. Norah Jones is her go to soothing jazz music. She loves to listen to her everywhere.

This moment, where Chaeyoung quietly sing along to the song, eyes close, and the content expression shown from her face, is something that somehow brought Jungkook to serenity. Just by seeing her in her tranquil state, succeeded to brought a smile in his face.

"Beautiful..." He whispered intendely. Afraid that Chaeyoung would be distracted, and also he was shy if Chaeyoung caught him saying it right in front of her face.

With no intension to ruin this moment of theirs, he just stood there by her side, admiring such a peaceful scene before him. And without him noticing, his mouth began to hummed the melody with her.


"So... Can I say see you again?" Jungkook scratched the back of his head.

The were now standing in front of Chaeyoung's place. It wasn't a luxurious 50 floors condo. No, it was a moderate yet lively three stories house. Chaeyoung rented the 3 floor, as she told him on their way back.

*ps: it kinda look like this

"Uh?" Chaeyoung lift her head, a questioning look plastered on her face.

"Yeah... I mean, I... Want to see you again, if that's okay?" Jungkook finally finished the sentence that he kept in his mind. And, yes, he really want to see Chaeyoung again. He didn't know what have gotten into him. He just love the comfortable feelings he got when Chaeyoung is with him.

Chaeyoung's eyes widened. She never be with such a forward man before. Though he looks cool, and a bit shy, she didn't expect that Jungkook would be as straightforward as he always did. Well, back then, Junhoe is a type of person who's not really good at expressing his feelings or intentions to a woman.

Seeing Chaeyoung's reaction, Jungkook quickly state, "Oh, uhm, I didn't mean to be a creep... Haha, It's not that I will see you everyday haha, well actually I wanted to... But hey, I just find that you're an awesome person to hangout with! Just like you said at the EP store. And I really do enjoy your company! So... You know... Let's hangout again sometimes? When both of us has the time to."

He was afraid that Chaeyoung might think of him as a creepy possessive dude who likes to cling on her.

Chaeyoung giggled. Jungkook really is different. "Sure! I would love to. Just tell me when, okay?"

"Definitely!" Jungkook replied.

"Thank you again for the ice-cream, and a trip to my favorite EP store. I hope I didn't let you down with my hangout choices." Chaeyoung said.

"No, no, I love them. I'm sorry that I was kinda ruin the mood back at the ice-cream parlor..." Jungkook still feel bad about him being absentminded at the ice-cream parlor.

"Come on, don't apologize. You did nothing wrong! When you're ready you can tell me about it." Chaeyoung pat Jungkook's shoulder and comforted him.

"Same goes to you..." Jungkook muttered. He still curious about Chaeyoung's dream. What is it about that made Chaeyoung cried in her sleep.

"Uh...?" Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows.

"Naah, nothing." He cut off. "Oh, yeah, before I leave... Can I... Uhm... Have your number...? You know, so we can communicate easily, and schedule our hangout or any trip." Jungkook asked her carefully.

Chaeyoung herself forgot that the two of them didn't have each others contact after all this time. "Oh, sure! please, give me your phone, I'll save my number in it."

Jungkook quickly reached his phone in his pocket and handed it to Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung type her phone number and save her contact. "Done! Save as Park Chaeyoung."

"Thank you." Jungkook received his phone back. "You better get inside, the air is getting cold."

"Ah, yes, be careful on your way back, drive safely okay!" Chaeyoung said.

Jungkook smile, "I will, so see you again Chaeyoung!"

Chaeyoung nodded and wave to Jungkook "See you!"

And so Chaeyoung entered her place. Jungkook still stood there until her figure disappear as she the door closed. He then walked to his car that parked near Chaeyoung's place.

He couldn't stop smiling even now he was in his car. He reached out for his phone again and scrolled for Chaeyoung's contact. After he found it, he stared at it for a while and something came into his mind. He smiled widely as he erased the contact name and changed it to something that will always remind him of her.

+82 156 8706 5512

Rosie, yes, it resembles roses. The first thing that came into his mind whenever he thinks of her. Baby pink roses, the scent of roses from her shampoo, and... Rose garden, the place where they kiss for the first time. Oh, geez, his cheek felt heated and light laugh escaped his mouth just to think of that moment again.

He started his engine and drove away. Well, being dragged out by the boys and came to Yoongi party turned out to be the best decisions ever.


"Here's your order, thank you for visiting Lé Petit Bordelais." Chaeyoung smiled as she handed the customer order.

Today, was another lovely day at work for Chaeyoung and her co-workers. They had managed to handle a long line earlier and completed all the customers orders. Now that the line has ended they can relax a little bit.


The door bell rang and soon two customers walked in to the shop.

One was a tall handsome man, which she thought she knew and the other one was a beautiful woman, with a silky shiny black hair that falls right below her jaw line.

*ps: this is our beautiful Yee Eun

"Welcome to Lé Petit Bordelais, can I take your order, please?" Chaeyoung greeted the two customers.

The man looked surprise to see who stood behind the cashier. She is familiar for him. "C-Chaeyoung-ssi?"

"Hi, there Min Hyun-ssi." She waved at Min Hyun. "And, Aga-ssi..." She nodded and smile to the beautiful lady next to him.

The lady quickly responded to her formal greetings, "Oh, please, you can call me Yee Eun!" She smiled to Chaeyoung.

"Oh, yes, Yee Eun." Chaeyoung replied.

"I didn't know you work here..." Min Hyun said. Still amazed that he would met Chaeyoung here.

"Hehe, yeah, I just started last year actually." Chaeyoung started to remember that she had explained this to Jungkook too before.

"Wah, so apparently you guys know each other?" Yee Eun asked them.

"Yes, we met at Yoongi's birthday party." Min Hyun told her.

"Yeah, we met there, hehe." Chaeyoung added. "Ah, yes, by the way you have such a beautiful girlfriend, Min Hyun-ssi."

"What? No no no!" Both Min Hyun and Yee Eun exclaimed.

"I'm his sister, hehe" Yee Eun corrected.

"Yeah, people always mistaken us as a couple sometimes hahaha." Min Hyun laughed.

Ugh, Chaeyoung felt like a dummy... "Ah... I see... Sorry for talking nonsense, hehe, okay, so, anything to order?"

"Ah, yes, hmmm I think I'll have the fruit pie, and macha latte, please." Yee Eun made her order. "Oppa, I'll find us a table, okay?" She tap Min Hyun shoulder, who still read the menu board. "And, see you later, Chaeyoung!" She smile widely to Chaeyoung, before she left them.

"So... Have you decided yet?" Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows, patiently waiting for Min Hyun's order.

"Oh, uhm, I'll have the signature cheesecake, and caramel macchiato, please." Min Hyun finally fixed his order.

"Okay..." Chaeyoung type in their orders, "That would be ₩25.000."

Min Hyun reached out his wallet and handed her the money.

"Your sister is really pretty." Chaeyoung couldn't help but commented on how pretty Yee Eun was.

Min Hyun chuckled, "She got my refined genes."

Chaeyoung laughed at his answer. Well, yeah, it is true that Min Hyun was extremely handsome. His porcelain-prince like face must have attracted million of girls in Korea.

"Very sweet of you to take her out on such a lovely day." Chaeyoung said, while storing the money inside the cashier machine.

"It's been a long time since she visited Korea, she was busy in Canada. So, when she has the spare time, I decided to take her out and show her around." Min Hyun glanced towards Yee Eun who was sitting on their table.

"Ah, she must have missed you so much that she decided to come back here."

Min Hyun shook his head, "Although she said that multiple times, but I know the reason that she came back wasn't because of me."

"Uh..?" Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows.

"She came back for someone that she love." Min Hyun added.

"Ah, well, that someone must be very lucky then." Chaeyoung took the change from the cahsier and handed it to Min Hyun. "By the way, here's your change, and your orders will be delivered to your table." She said.

"Thank you, and, uhm, it's really nice to see you. I hope we'll see each other again, maybe?" Min Hyun received his change.

"Maybe," Chaeyoung replied with a smile.

Min Hyun smiled back, and head to his table where his sister was waiting for him.


Min Hyun took his seat in front of his sister who was enjoying the view through the glass window.

"I just remember, Junghwan Oppa owns this place." She said.

"Oh! Yeah, I just realize it too." Min Hyun replied.

Yee Eun turned her gaze to her brother. She rest her chin on her hand. "Oppa... Do you think that he would ever forgive me?"

"Who?" Min Hyun asked.

"Jungkook." She answered shortlty.

Min Hyun leaned his back to the chair, he didn't know how to answer either. Because he knew for sure that Jungkook was in a really awful state that time when his sister had to leave.

"Maybe..." That's all Min Hyun could say.

Yee Eun sighed, knowing that she has to work extra hard to make Jungkook forgive her and to have his heart back.

"I hope that he still love me enough to forgive me." Yee Eun laughed bitterly.

"But, to remind you again, he can never find out about that night. You can tell him about what happened in Canada and your current condition, but never told him about that night." Min Hyun warned her.

Yee Eun shook her head, "No, he can never find out about my condition either."





Heheheh okay okay I hope this chapter entertained you enough 🌸🌸🌸

And sorry for the typos and the grammatical error hehehe just to remind y'all again, english is not my first language. Bcs I'M FROM INDONESIA yuhuu!

Where's my Indonesian reader at??

Oh yeah please tell me where your from on the comment section andd most importantly... PLEASE COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS and tell me is this chapter suck or nah heheheh

And please kindly vote my dear bbys ❤😘

Bcs I still have another chapter coming!

Thank you so much for waiting on me!! I love y'all 🌹🌹❤❤❤

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