daddy's baby // yoonmin

By crackheadbangtan

166K 7.1K 2.5K

jimin is a little which is filled with anxiety and suffers from depression, yoongi is there to help, but big... More

twenty three


4.9K 221 72
By crackheadbangtan

the sun had rose not long after. jimin was now in his bathroom, brushing his teeth, getting the usuals done. he hadn't showered when he came home so now he fixing himself as a whole. 

changing into something more comfortable like a t shirt and a pain of sweatpants, he tried to recall what happened last night. he remembered going to yoongis for dinner. cooking and going home but there was som thing that happened before he slept. but he couldn't think of what it was no matter how hard he tried. he figures it wasn't much and so just left that thought. 

he felt anxious to step out of the house. almost as if, scared of the outside. he was perfect yesterday. whats wrong now? he thought he was strong and brave. the overwhelming feeling of thoughts clouded his mind, making him feel dizzy. but why? he stumbled, making sure to not lose his balance. it was another one of those times, the times where he'd just lose focus of everything and collapse. it wasn't uncommon but jimin forgot how it felt since he was so happy these days.

he went to the kitchen to grab some medicine. something he shouldn't do cause he almost overdosed himself one time. he took 1, putting it into his mouth and chugging a glass of water. 

he still didn't feel okay. what was wrong with him? he picked up his phone and tried to dial ahra, but went straight to voicemail. daeseok lived too far away to be able to help so the only choice he had left was yoongi. he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of yoongi but. he wasn't gonna risk passing out. 

"y-yoongi?" jimin muttered to the phone when the phone had picked up.

"hi jimin, whats up?" yoongi picked up with a casual tone. 

"p-please come o-over." jimin's voice just screamed 'send help'. he was now holding on to the counter for support.

"jimin? are you okay? why do you need me over?" yoongi started to get the memo. jimin wasn't okay. 

"j-just hurry p-please." jimin pleaded and hung up. he didn't want to sound that vulnerable but he couldn't help it. 


yoongi was rushing down the stairs. he woke up early so he went to the rooftop to write. after getting jimmies phone call, he closed everything snd ran to his apartment. he tried to open it and found the door was unlocked. 

"jimin?" yoongi called out. jimin was no where in sight. snooping around, he found jimin back against the kitchen corner, knees hurdled to his chest, near where the oven was. he was rocking himself back and forth and sobs could be heard coming from him.

"jimin. are you okay?" yoongi stepped closer to jimin and tried to touch jimin. but all jimin did was flinch when he heard the older's voice. 

"are you little? what do you need?" yoongi was desperate to help but jimin didn't give an answer back. yoongi figured he was probably little so having natural instincts like a parent, he sat down on the floor with jimin and pulled him into a hug. he was semi awkward but it was the most he couldve done. he stroked jimins back in small circles. 

yoongi was whispering calming phrases to jimin. ensuring jimin that yoongis here to help and no one will hurt him. saying everything's gonna be okay. soon later, jimin was sniffling. yoongi didn't know if he was okay, jimin face was buried in yoongis neck, his shirt practically soaked in jimins tears but he didn't care. 

yoongi tried to reach for his phone,  playing some calming piano music. hoping to sooth jimin of his wild thoughts. 

"jimin?" yoongi called out. "you okay? want me to put you to bed?" yoongi asked. 

jimin sniffled one last time. "d-daddy, I want c-cuddles please. want daddy." he said. yoongi was aware that jimin was deep in little space. not wanting to agitate the child no more, he put jimin in his bed and climbed in with him. jimin wrapped his arm over yoongi and moved his head to yoongi's neck. one of jimmies leg was on yoongi's thighs. jimin wasn't aware of what he was doing.  he just did it. 

yoongi however was very confused. was he supposed to stay like this? should he fall asleep with jimin? deciding on the second option, he moved his arm to make him more comfortable then, shutting his eyes and going to sleep. 


"daddy, where are we?" jeongguk asked taehyung as they arrived at hoseoks apartment. "is it uncle hobi?" jeongguk guessed. 

"yeah, you wanna say hi bubs?" tae asked. 

"yes! uncle hobi is my favourite!" jeongguk exclaimed and jumped up and down, excited that they were meeting hoseok.   

"I thought I was you favourite. you know daddy's rules." Tae warned jeongguk to not get too close or he's gonna get a punishment tonight. 

they knocked on the door but there was no response. knocked again, the door finally opened, revealing a very hungover hoseok. "yah, why are you guys here?"

"we just came to say hi." tae said. "we can go out for coffee." 

"uncle hobi!" jeongguk went to hoseok and gave him a hug. 

"hi, jeongguk-ah. have you been a good boy?" hoseok asked. jeongguk nodded. hoses turned his attention to taehyung. "have you seen yoongi I can't find him." hoseok asked, maybe yoongi went out and couldve bumped into tae but he shook his head.

letting them in, hoseok shut the door.


yoongi was woken up by a sensual feeling, he felt some movement and wetness at his neck. wondering what it could be, he opened his eyes and saw jimin sucking on his neck, littering it with tons of hickies. 

"j-jimin, what are you doing?" yoongi asked.

"can daddy play with minnie?" 

well fuck.


oHOHOHOHOHO its gonna get good. anyways id like to shout out 3 people that are active in my comments because they're so nice and precious jefkefjefgeh I love you guys if you want to be shouted out, be more active commenting and voting!

first: moonriseangel

second: @phanatic_2022

third: @baekhyunpancakes

thank you so much guys ily 

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