
By balorchickk

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FINN BÁLOR x OC "there's a path that we chose, there's a life that we share, there's a love and it grows." x... More



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By balorchickk


Honestly I hate myself too for not updating for so long, I've literally had this book planned and finished for so long now ugh

I'm not even going to use excuses to get out of this, just know that I got a laptop for Christmas which is a lot nicer to write on, so hopefully this book will finish soon? I can't promise anything but I'll try my hardest.

This chapter contains a lot of swearing btw, more than usual.

I'll always be here


Barclays Arena, Summerslam

1 month later

I was met with applause as I walked back through the curtain. I thanked everyone, wiping sweat from my forehead as I watched Mercy holding the Raw Women's Championship in the air.

After a long fought match, it was scheduled for Mercedes to win. I wasn't angry, as I knew that I had a good run as champion and she deserved it. I grinned as I watched her celebration on the monitor, the cheers of the WWE Universe echoing around the arena.

I waited until she walked through the curtain to embrace her. She was sweaty, but that's what you expect after wrestling for 15 minutes.

"So proud of you, Mercy," I said, kissing her on the cheek before giving her one last squeeze. She smiled and adjusted the title on her shoulder.

She opened her mouth to say something, but instead let out a squeal as she glanced behind me. Her eyes widened with excitement as she held her arms out in front of her.

"Baby!" She exclaimed, rushing over to whatever it was behind me. Frowning, I turned around to be met by my sisters- and my 3-month- year-old niece, Birdie.

Brie and Mercedes immediately delved into a conversation, cooing over the baby and discussing the match we just had. I shook my head and grinned before turning to Nicole.

"Amazing match, Dan," She said, pulling me in for a hug. "I can't get over how talented you are in the ring."

I smiled and whispered a "thank you" before turning to Brie. I hugged her gently, careful not to disturb Birdie.

"She stayed awake during the whole match," Brie said, rocking her gently in her arms. "she wanted to see her auntie kick some ass."

I cooed and stroke her soft cheek. Her blue eyes shone brightly under the gorilla lights. "She slept so much on the way here," Nikki said. "I was surprised she didn't start crying because she wanted a nap."

"Precious girl," I said, kissing her forehead and glancing at Brie. "Can I hold her? Maybe show her around to everyone?"

"She's already met all the girls, but yeah, of course." She said before placing her gently in my arms.

I spoke softly to her as myself, Birdie and Mercy made our way over to catering. Everyone sat there, some eating whilst others waited for the next match to start.

"There they are." Mercy said as she pointed to one of the tables. I looked over to see the New Day and a few others gathered around the food table. They noticed us standing there, and beckoned us over.

"I would hug you all but I have a baby in my hands," I said as Mercy embraces everyone.

"Hey, Bir-Bir." Trinity cooed, pinching her cheeks softly. I chuckled and let her hold her.

"Cute baby," Ettore said, studying Birdies face before turning to me. "Is she coming to the after party tonight?"

"There's an after party?" I asked, shocked. Kofi started laughing.

"You're the first person to know if there's a party or not, Dan," he said. "obviously there's one for Summerslam."

"Well, I guess I'm going now then." I grinned. I turned to Mercedes. "Want to get ready in my room?"

She thought for a moment. "I don't think I'll go tonight. I'm way too tired, plus I have champion duties now and I need to rest."

I rolled my eyes but gave her another hug as Trin handed me back Birdie. We stood there for ages, talking about babies and everything happening in the company.


I finished applying the last bit of lipstick before clasping the lid back on and putting it back in my makeup bag. I ran my hands through my wavy hair and turned to the en-suite.

"Nikki, you ready?" I asked, pulling out a pair of Loubitons from Nicole's suitcase. Moments later, she walked out of the bathroom wearing something similar to me. "Yeah." She said breathlessly.

She rummaged through her suitcase before sitting down on my bed. "Where are my shoes?" she asked, looking around at the floor of the room. Her eyes landed to my feet, and she immediately lunged for them.

"Nicole!" I squealed. I took a step back before bouncing onto my bed and rolling over to the other side. "Can I please wear them, just for tonight?"

She contemplated for a second, then nodded. "What am I supposed to wear then?" she said, throwing her hands up in the air.

I looked round towards the end of my bed and spotted my black Loubitons. "Wear them," I said, pointing towards them before reaching for my clutch on the bedside table. I made sure I had everything I needed: phone, wallet, room keys and lipgloss.

"They're a bit big," Nikki said, walking around in them. Her heels kept slipping out the back of them each time she took a step forward, and you could see the gap between her foot and the shoe.

Before I could suggest anything, my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID to see that it was Trin. "Wait two secs," I said to Nikki before answering the call.

"Hey girl!" Trin's voice shouted down the line. I winced at the high-pitched sound that echoed through my ear, causing me to turn the volume down.

"Hey Trin, where is everyone?" I asked, fiddling with the back of earrings. I looked over at Nicole to see her putting on another pair of my shoes.

"You need to get here quickly before all the drinks are gone!" she continued to yell. I started to hear the music thumping in the background and the voices of various people. "I've already ordered half of the tequila shots." she started laughing maniacally, before presumably accidentally ending the call. By her slurred speech, I think it's fair to say that she is slightly drunk.

"Trin's already pissed., I said, laughing before gathering the rest of my things. "You ready to leave?"

"Yeah sure," Nicole said, also reaching for her bag. "Let me order an Uber."


By the time that Nicole and I got to the club, it was clear to see that mostly everyone was intoxicated. People dancing on the dance floor, grinding against their partner whilst others hung around the bar, their speech slurred. I looked across the club and saw Fergal with Luke and Karl, laughing about something whilst taking a sip of beer. We made eye contact, and he shot a quick wink at me before turning back to his conversation.

"You guys finally made it!" Renee appeared suddenly, embracing me and Nicole. "We were wondering if you guys were even going to come."

"We never miss out on a good after party," Nicole smiled, nudging me. "do you have any drinks at your table?"

Renee shook her head. "Unfortunately, no. Trin had most of the shots, and the rest were taken by Leah." She pointed over towards there table, where Trin and Leah (Carmella) were dancing on the actual table. By their smudged makeup, it was clear they were drunker than when I got off the phone with Trin.

"We'll order some more," I said, smiling before grabbing Nicole's hand and dragging her across the dance floor to get to the bar. Along the way, I kept on hearing "Dani!" You're here!", but I didn't get to see who through all the people who were having a good time.

We eventually made it to the bar and found two empty seats to sit on. I hailed over the bartender and asked for two mojitos.

Whilst in deep conversation with Nikki, I felt someone come and touch my shoulder. I looked over to see TJ in the free seat next to me.

"So glad you made it tonight Dan," he said, his speech more slurred than what I've heard. "you look stunning, as always. More than usual."

I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes and smiled sweetly. Nicole, on the other hand, was not having any of it.

"Excuse me, sir, why don't you go sit over there with your friends whilst my sister and I have a private conversation," she said, pulling my arm closer to her. I looked at him, and shrugged my shoulders.

"Do you realize who you're talking to?" he asked, trying to sound threatening, but he was too drunk to even string together a simple sentence.

"Yeah, some jackass who gets lucky if he's allowed to wrestle once a year, and still loses. Get lost, asshole. She doesn't like you, and can do way better than some incompetent little boy like you." She flipped her hair at him and turned to take another sip of her drink.

"I'm talking to Dani, not you gold-digger. Shouldn't you be with John? Oh, that's right, your relationship is falling apart like your career. Don't talk to me like that ever again, you little-"

I jumped out my seat and stood right in front of him. "First of all, dickhead, that's my sister you're talking to. Second of all, she's right- I can do better than you, you prick. I'm not interested in whatever small package you have to offer- never have been, never will be."

I grimaced at him once more, before turning to my sister and linking arms. "C'mon, let's order some drinks for us and the girls."


Later on into the night, and it was clear to see that everyone was having a good time. Bodies grinding up against each other, puddles of alcohol spilled in patches over the floor, empty shot and beer glasses left on tables. Only few people were still seated, sipping on the last of their mojitos whilst watching, amused.

I was one of those people. Nicole was wasted, dancing alongside Renee and Trinity who was no exception. I watched on amused as they tried to drag me onto the dance floor. I set my glass down.

"Guys I really don't want to dance right now." I shouted over the thumping music, the bass vibrating the seats and table.

"C'mon Dan! Just this one song and that's it." Renee said, the most sober of them all but was still speaking slow and slurred. At once, all three of them lunged forward and grabbed my arm, and before I could even protest, I had Nicole's arm over my shoulders as she dragged me further into the crowd.

At first I moved stiff and awkward, enough so I didn't look like a weirdo just standing there and not dancing along to the song. Eventually I started to loosen up, due to the fact that Nicole was literally shoving vodka shots down my throat, but also because I started to have more fun than just sitting at the booth alone.

"Oh my god, Dani, it's our song!" Nicole shouted in my ear, moving to the beat. 'Yeah' by Usher started playing through the speakers, and I couldn't help but dance along to it with my sister. We listened to this all the time when it first came out, much to Brie's disappointment because she hates it.

As my hips moved wildly to the beat of the song, I felt a hand creep down the small of my back before landing on my ass. I turned around quickly, swatting the hand away to realize that it was TJ, only more drunk than when I last saw him hours before.

"Leave me alone, creep!" I shouted over the speakers, but it must of been too quiet to hear still as he still tried to sneak his arm around my waist. I twisted out of his hold, and made a beeline for the bar.

The bar was pretty much empty, both drinks and people there. By this point everyone was either dancing or have gone home from passing out. I glanced back from the way I came and saw no sign of TJ, so I quickly walked over to the toilets.

"Where you off to babe?" I heard a gravely voice say from behind me. I turned around to yet again see TJ, following my every move.

"Get away from me TJ." I said,my voice hoarse. I tried to sound strong, but inside I was scared. What if something happened and no one saw? I looked over his shoulder to look at everyone dancing, and knew that no one was seeing this right now.

"I want you Dani, and there is nothing you can do to stop me from having whats mine." He continued, moving his hand up my thigh onto my waist. Without thinking I slapped him hard and fast around the face, causing his hand to leave my side.

My brain didn't have enough time to register what was happening. Before I could even get a word out, he lunged forward and grabbed my waist, pulling me into the dark corridor where the male and female toilets were, as well as a fire escape exit to the back of the building. I struggled in his grasp, his hand gripping tighter at each struggle I made.

"Get off me!" I kept on yelling, but the loud music thumping over the speakers right by my head made it impossible for anyone to hear. Glancing around, I tried to find something, anything, that I could use as a weapon to hit him over the head with.

My eyes landed on an empty beer glass perched on a table. I made a quick dash for it and swung it at TJ's head. He stumbled back, holding a hand to the cut on his head that was now bleeding profusely. He must have noticed the amount of blood pouring out his head also; as he made eye contact, his eyes seemed darker than they usually are, and his free hand was clenched. He began making thunderous footsteps towards me, his expressions filled with rage. Shaking, I tried to take a step back but realized that I was stuck in the corner of the room, with only a table around me with no way out. I was trapped, and I had no idea what TJ was about to do.

"What the fuck did you just do, huh? Who the fuck do you think you're doing shit like that to, huh?" TJ screamed, his voice menacing and gruff. "You little bitch. I fucking told you that you are MINE! You don't do shit like that to me, ever!"

My breathing hitched as he finally walked right up to me, face to face, body to body. He suddenly felt and looked taller than he normally is, and I felt myself sinking onto the table behind me. He leaned forward, and for a split second I thought he was going to kiss me. Instead, his hand cupped the side of my  neck, and he leaned in towards my ear.

"You're gonna have to pay for what you did, the hard way." Suddenly, his hand moved his way up to my scalp, and he took a handful of my hair into his grasp. Wincing in pain he started dragging me towards the secluded hallway which was blocked from the rest of the club.  His breathing turned heavy, and his footsteps became louder as we began to turn away from the main club area.

I didn't know what to do. Thoughts were running through my mind at fifty miles per hour, every second turning into an idea of what TJ is about to do, and it was nothing pleasant. I felt frozen yet I was moving, and I realized in that moment that I had no power over TJ anymore. This was all him.

Next thing I knew TJ was floored, his head literally bouncing off the floor. I let out a gasp of relief, clutching onto the clump of hair that TJ had a tight grip on. I leaned up against the wall, too relieved to even realize who my savior was.

"What th'fuck do you think you're doing?" A thick Irish accent shouted. I looked over to see Fergal standing over TJ's writhing body, both of his hands clutching the side of his head where Fergal must of punched him, hard.

I let out a cry of relief, thankful in that moment that nothing bad would happen anymore. Fergal saw me and rushed over, embracing me whilst I trembled uncontrollably. I didn't even want to think about what might of happened if he wasn't here tonight.

"It's alright love," I heard him say, his voice shaking with anger. "he won't do that ever again." He pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes. His expression turned sour as he glanced over at TJ who had begun standing up, groaning in pain. "That piece of shit won't make it out of this club."

Before I could do or say anything Fergal began laying into TJ, punching him and kicking him on his chest, legs, everywhere. For a moment I let him, not an ounce of me feeling remorse for TJ after what he had just done. It wasn't until a hard shove by TJ that sent Fergal back into the bar that I knew I had to intervene.

"What the heck is going on?" Colby asked, racing over with Jon and Joe on either side. As TJ went to lunge at Fergal again, Jon reached out and pinned him up against the wall.

"Calm the fuck down." I heard Jon say, quiet but menacing as Joe helped Fergal up. Colby looked at me leaning against the wall, frozen in fear, and rushed over.

"Is everything okay? What just happened?" Colby asked, glancing over at TJ and Fergal who were desperately trying to break out of Jon and Joe's hold.

"TJ tried to.. he-he had my wrist, and I threw a glass at him but-but he grabbed my hair and was going to take me round the back of the building... if Fergal wasn't there I don't know what would of happened.."

Colby sat me down on the chair in the booth and hugged me reassuringly. "Everything's gonna be okay, Dan. You're safe."

Next thing I know, Fergal and TJ are fighting, throwing punches and kicks back and forth. A crowd forms, everyone turning away from the dance floor to the brawl that was now underway. Colby let go of me to try and help stop it, but it wouldn't stop.

In a flurry of people jumping in to try and stop the fight, Nicole rushes over to my side alongside Trin and Renee. "Dan, what the fuck is going on? What happened? Are you okay?"

She wrapped her arms around me, swaying me back and forth as I literally watched Fergal try to murder TJ. Bottles, fists, chairs, anything he could find he used to try and beat up TJ. He looked like a wild animal, his face disgruntled and bloody as he continuously pounded his fists into him.

"I need to stop it." I said, pulling out of Nicole's grasp and rushing over. Pushing past multiple people to get to the front of the crowd, I wrapped my arms around Fergal's waist to pull him off TJ. I clenched onto his arms that were still swinging wildly, and grabbed his face to look directly at me.

"You proved your point, Fergal. Don't let him get you into trouble, please." His intense breathing slowed down, but one look at him and he was set off. I pulled him back again and slapped him hard across the face.

"Listen to me! Don't waste your breath on that idiot and let the police deal with him. Right now, we need to go."

"The police were called man," Joe said, appearing next to me. "listen to her. Get out, go!"

Fergal looked at Joe and then me, nodding slowly. I looked behind at TJ to see him being restrained by Etorre and Austin. He was looking directly at Fergal, a sneer plastered across his face.

"There's a good boy, Devitt. Listen to your girl. Go and be a coward instead of staying and fighting me like a man." My grip on Fergal's arms intensified as I shot daggers at TJ. I turned back to face him, and mouthed 'lets go'.

"Oh, but, be careful Dani! He might have Mercedes waiting in his hotel room when you get back, just like before." TJ jeered, grinning. I ignored him, and tried to get past the mass of people to the back exit, Fergal next to me.

"What you gonna do when you get back, Dani? Sleep with him again?" He continued, laughing. "same old you, huh. I guess once you're a slut you never turn back."

In a blind flurry of rage I turned back around and punched TJ hard across the face, leaving him struggling to stand, only the people restraining him keeping him up. Without even thinking I took off my shoe and started beating him with it, across the face, chest everywhere.

"Don't ever-EVER- say that about me again! Do you hear me? I swear to god, next time I'll let Fergal beat the living shit out of you if you DARE cross me again! Do you understand?"

I couldn't stop. Every hit I saw a new bruise beginning to form on his already battered face, and all it did was fuel me with adrenaline. I felt people try to pull me back, but none were strong enough to get me to stop.

"The police are here! Get out the way!" Someone shouted from the entrance of the club. I wanted to stop, but my arm kept on going. Suddenly a strong pair of arms picked me up whilst I continued to try and beat him up.

"You're not getting arrested today, love. Not on my watch, especially over that dickhead." Fergal kept on saying to me over and over as he carried me through the crowd and out the backdoor of the club. "Lets get you back to your room."


Fergal called an Uber to come and pick us up a few blocks down from where the club is, just to make sure that nothing looked suspicious after the commotion that was happening at the club. Nicole was blowing up my phone with calls and texts, all of which I was ignoring. All I could focus on was Fergal, as I held his hand the whole ride back to the hotel.

"Looks like my bar brawl has caused headlines," Fergal grinned, scrolling through his Twitter news-feed as we walked down the hallway of the hotel. I looked over at him, concerned. "Don't worry, we're not mentioned." he said showing me the article.

"Good," I sighed with exhaustion as I unlocked my room door. "At least we'll get to keep our job. Fortunately that creep won't."

As we entered my room, I tossed my bag onto the seat and sat on the edge of my bed. Fergal went into the bathroom, probably to inspect the damage caused.

"You're not badly hurt, are you?" I asked, peering around the corner to try and see.

"No, just a few cuts and bruises," he called back, emerging from the bathroom. "nothing that won't heal by tomorrow."

Grinning, I stood up and walked over, bringing him in for an embrace. We stood like that for a while, swaying back and forth, my arms around his waist whilst his over my shoulders.

"You really didn't have to start beating him up like that." I whispered, leaning against his strong build. He sighed and squeezed my shoulders.

"I probably shouldn't of," he said, breathlessly. He looked at me and grinned. "Don't act like you didn't enjoy it."

I laughed slightly. "Definitely. Very therapeutic to see someone as awful as that getting beaten the crap out of." I paused, and frowned. "I didn't want you to get hurt, though. Not at my expense especially."

Fergal scoffed and chucked lightly. "I didn't get hurt, I told you. Plus I would have intervened either way; people can't get away with doing shit like that."

I smiled weakly, and nodded. "You're right." I paused to look up at him. "At least you were there. Y'know, to save me."

"You would have been just find without me, love. The way you punched him and beat him up with your shoe after was enough to make any man fear you." He looked down at my shoes, as did I, and noticed a red stain which was most probably blood on both of them.

"Shit, Nicole's going to kill me." I pulled away from our hold to take the shoes off and inspect them. There was a few scratches as well, but that didn't really matter. "I should probably wash this off."

I went into the bathroom and used the hand towel and warm water to wash it off. After leaving them on the heater to dry, I looked up at the mirror to see my makeup completely ruined, tear stains imprinted in my cheeks and everything else pretty much worn off. I grabbed some makeup wipes out of my wash bag and began scrubbing the remainder off my face.

Once I finished washing my face, I walked back into the room to find Fergal inspecting his face closer in my mirror. His constant wincing told me he was in pain.

"I've got a cut on my eyebrow." He said, noticing my concerned expression. I walked over and examined it myself.

"I haven't got any antiseptic stuff, but maybe I could clean it up with warm water?" He nodded and smiled weakly, readjusting himself on my bed. Walking back into the bathroom, I picked up a clean hand towel and damped it with hot water.

Sitting down next to him, I started dabbing around the wound to clean up the dried blood. Every wince or flinch I whispered a 'sorry' before continuing again.

"You literally beat him with your shoe." He suddenly said, propping himself on his elbow. I stopped cleaning his wound, and thought for a second.

"I don't really know why," I laughed, shaking my head in disbelief. "Latina instinct I guess."

Fergal laughed. "It was pretty entertaining to watch actually." He paused for a split second. "Pretty hot as well."

I jokingly frowned. "More like pretty concerning. What kind of a person beats someone up with a shoe?" We laughed again, the moment it happened replaying in my mind.

"And when you punched him. Now that was satisfying to watch." He continued, chuckling.

I smiled. "Yeah, it felt it as well." My expression fell as my heart began racing again. "I don't know what would of happened if you weren't there."

My arm fell from his face, letting go of the towel as I buried my head in my hands. All these thoughts flashed through my mind as Fergal's strong arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"Don't think about that, babe. What matters is that you're safe with me now, and he won't hurt you ever again." He spoke softly into my ear before planting a kiss on my temple. I squeezed his hand before looking up at him again.

"Your eyebrow should heal overnight, hopefully. It looks clean to me." I said, inspecting it one last time before picking up the towel and walking over to the bathroom.

Whilst standing at the sink washing it, I heard Fergal walk over. "I think I'm gonna head back now, if that's ok. It's almost 2 in the morning." There was a hint of disappointment almost in his voice, but that could be because he's tired.

"Oh-ok." I said, surprised. He smiled and turned away, walking towards the door. As I watched him his shoulders fell slightly as he carried his jacket in one arm.

Looking back over at the mirror, the same thoughts of TJ replayed over in my mind of everything that could of happened if Fergal wasn't there. I squeezed my eyes shut, with each thought my heart beat faster and faster until I felt sick to my stomach.

"Fergal." I said, breathlessly. I opened my eyes to see him standing next to the door, facing me again.

"Is it ok if you, uh, stay for just tonight." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. "I would really appreciate it."

Fergal's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yeah, yeah, course. That's fine."

I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked back out the bathroom. "I just didn't want to spend the night alone, not after what just happened. It still feels-weird."

He nodded, setting his jacket down on the other bed in my room. "I get it. I wouldn't want to be alone either."

It was awkwardly silent for a second, but I quickly turned away to look for my pyjamas in my suitcase. I pulled out shorts and a jumper and quickly got changed in the bathroom.

Once I finished and came out I saw Fergal lying on the spare bed, scrolling through his phone. Once he saw me he sat up.

"Is that a bullet club shirt?" He asked, amused. I nodded, sheepish, and smiled.

"Yeah. I wear it a lot." I didn't have the guts to say it's because it smelt like his aftershave slightly. He chuckled lightly and went into the bathroom, presumably to use the toilet.

Whilst he was in there I slid into my bed and put my phone on charge. I quickly texted everyone back who had asked me if I got back ok, and set my alarm for eight before setting it back down on the bedside table.

Moments later, Fergal came out from the bathroom. He smiled at me and walked over to his bed.

"You look cosy." He smiled, pulling his bed cover off.

"Yeah, the mattress is really comfy." I replied, watching him rearrange the pillows. He pulled his shirt off, and I couldn't help but blush at the sight of his toned abs. He climbed into his bed, and turned his bedside light off, as did I.

"Goodnight." He said as I lay there in pitch black.

"Sweet dreams." I breathed, turning over. I heard him turning over as well, and we both sighed deeply at the same time. We laughed.

It stayed like that for a while; no talking, no moving, but I couldn't seem to shut my eyes and sleep. The atmosphere in the room felt like he couldn't either.

"Is it just me who can't sleep?" He said suddenly after moments of silence. I turned to be on my back again, staring up at the ceiling.

"You're not alone." I said, looking over at him on the other bed. He also turned over to his back again, but stayed staring at the ceiling.

I quickly looked back up again. The tension was palpable, our breathing the only noise we could hear.

"Do you want me to go into your bed?" asked Fergal. My head snapped to look over at him, in which this time he was also looking at me. "Y'know, to help us both get some rest."

I took a shaky breath. "Yeah, yeah, you can. That would be nice."

I mentally facepalmed as I felt Fergal's body climb into bed beside me, our shoulders touching. It was a relatively small double bed, but it was also a small room.

"That's better." He breathed, snuggling deeper into the covers. He turned so that he was facing me, whereas I was too scared to move a muscle.

"Yeah." I whispered, my eyes struggling to stay open. I do desperately wanted to change my uncomfortable position, but I didn't want to disrupt him as he looked settled.

"Do you mind if I turn to face you?" I asked, saying it before thinking about it. I mentally cringed again, waiting for Fergal's response.

"Yeah, of course." He said, moving over slightly. I settled deeper into the covers and turned my body fully towards his. His eyes were wide open, as were mine.

"Do you mind if I do this." Before I could respond his hand was firmly around my waist, just like we used to sleep. A wave of comfort washed over me, and all I could do was nod a yes.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes, my eyes finally fluttering shut.  His fingers rubbed small circles into my back, comforting me.

"I really miss you." Fergal whispered, my eyes widening. I studied his expression, his eyebrows fallen into a sad expression and his mouth dropped to one side.

"I know you do, and I miss you also." He smiled, and started to lean in to kiss. I almost gave in to it again, but I stopped myself.

"But when I said that we need to talk about it like adults, I meant it." I said, propping myself up on my elbow. He did the same, his arm still on my side.

"Let me take you out for dinner, my treat." He said, his voice full of excitement. "It'll be a surprise where we're going."

I smiled. "I love surprises." I settled down again, this time deeper into Fergal's body, my head leaned up against his chest.

"And I love you."

I leaned back again, taken aback. His voice was stern, yet soft at the same time, along with his expression. His eyes studied my face, longing for a response. I didn't know what to say- it was so unexpected.

"Fergal-" I was cut off by his lips softly landing on mind. His mouth moved slow, but passionate against mine as his free arm cupped the side of my face.   As we pulled apart, he planted one last peck on my lips.

"I don't expect you to say it back," he said, moving a strand of hair off my face. "I just want you to know that it will never change. Ever, no matter what."

I smiled, and snuggled down again into his arms. Tonight showed me that whatever has happened between me and Fergal won't change the fact that we care for each other, and that we're what each other need. Even in our previous relationship I didn't acknowledge that, but now as I lay in his arms, I realise that life without Fergal by my side wouldn't be the same. For the first time in the past 2 years, I've truly felt a sense of comfort all over again as I lay here in his arms, just like I should be.

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