Maid for you

By 4evainlovee

63.4K 2.1K 132

"Can I have a hug?" Hennessy said, tears running down her cheeks. He walked over to her, and wrapped his arms... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen

chapter nine

2.9K 115 7
By 4evainlovee

"About what?" Hennessy said, as they walked out of the room. Before they left she grabbed her slippers and put them on as they trudged down the hall.

"Things. Let's go to the balcony."

"Alright." She muttered, and was instantly terrified that he would ask about her family. They walked down the hall until they reached a huge set of glass doors. Alexander opened the door for Hennessy and she walked out onto the balcony. Instantly wrapping her arms around herself, as the wind was whipping around.

"So. I would like to know what you were having a nightmare about." Alexander said calmly, holding his hands together.

"Can I grab a blanket or something before we start talking. It's freezing out here."

"There is one underneath you." He said, and Hennessy stood up. Once again Alexander's focus couldn't help but have moved onto her finer assets, as she was leaning over in her small shorts, grabbing the blanket.

"Thanks. Okay I'm ready." She sat back down, draping the blanket over herself. Looking out into the starry sky, preparing for Alexander's interrogation. She felt as if she couldn't leave, and she didn't want to anger Alexander.

"So what was your nightmare about?"

"Um. Please don't judge me. Or look at me any differently okay?"

"Promise." They exchanged glances, and Hennessy took a breath. Not believing that she was about to tell him this too.

"So when I was younger, 6, to be exact I had a family. A sister, mom, dad. The whole fucking shebang. One day we decided to go to the beach. So we headed out. In our little car in our beach get-ups, not a care in the world. But all the sudden, a car runs into us.

"Right smack into the front of our car. Making us flip around and crash into a pole. And the other fucking driver was 100% okay! But guess who wasn't. Everyone else. My mom, dad, and sister. They all passed away."

"I am so sorry Hennessy. That is horrible." Alexander said, and felt awful. She had been through so much.

"That's not it. Oh how I fucking wish that was it."

"Fuck." Alexander muttered to himself, leaning back.

"So then I went into the foster system. Since we didn't have much family besides us, and no one that wanted to take me in. Before my name was Juanita Flores. It was my dads name, god it's been a long time since i've said that. Anyway, at the age of 15 I was adopted. By the Johnson family. Everything was good for a year or so. And I actually thought, 'Wow. Maybe I will have a family again'  Until they started to show their true colors.

"Both the dad and mom drank. Like fucking through the roof alcoholism levels drinking. You know how you asked me why my name is Hennessy, that's why. They didn't want me to remember the family I had before, so they renamed me the only thing they cared about-alcohol. God, but when they drank. I swear they forgot I was alive.

"I would go without food for days, I would have to walk to school which was 2 miles away. I would come home, and they wouldn't even acknowledge me. I felt like I was living by myself at 16. I might as well have. I would make myself food but then they would eat it. I would finish my homework but they would tear it up. Anytime they would say something to me, they would call me a whore, or useless child. But when they were sober. God they were the perfect parents. Make the best food, give me gifts. But as soon as they put a drop of alcohol in their system. It's like a switch flipped. Such a mindfuck."

"So at 18, I left. And they didn't even give a shit. I didn't tell them I was leaving, I didn't know where I was going. I just knew I had to leave that shitty place. I always asked myself, why did they adopt me, if they didn't even care enough to raise me."

"Shit, Hennessy." Alexander said. Totally distraught. He felt awful that she had been though that. But he could tell, there was something else. Another story to tell. But he wouldn't push her, not tonight.


"I am so. So fucking sorry."

"It's-can I have a hug?" She said softly, and she was looking down at her hands.

"Of course." He was so happy she asked him for a hug. It showed she trusted him even just a little bit. He stood up and walked over to her. Just then he realized she had tears in her eyes. He leaned down and brought her into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around her small form.

Alexander was now piecing together her life. She ran at 18, no plan, no college to fall back on, just wanting to get out of her life. She didn't want to become a stripper, she had to. And when that came crumbling around her she took the first job she could get. God he felt so bad for her, she could never catch a break.

While Alexander was thinking about all of the horrible things Hennessy had been through. All she could think of was what she didn't tell him. About her relationship. That ruined her life. That it was worse than her family life. But that was for another time.

"Sorry I bothered you."

"You could never bother me." Alexander said, and Hennessy realized what she was doing, putting her trust into this person way too quickly. She didn't know anything about this man. If he had siblings, what his parents looked like. God she was trusting this guy too quickly. And bad things come from that.

She pulled away from the hug and smiled at him.

"I'm going to head back to bed." Hennessy stood up, and so did Alexander. He was scared that he scared her. She seemed closed off. Like she let him in quickly, but then second guessed herself and closed the gates.

"Okay. See you in the morning Hennessy." Alexander said, his mind wandering. Even if his family all died, in a car crash. He would still be well off. He wouldn't of had to go into the foster care system, to get abused.

"Bye." She whispered, walking back into the house. She ran to her room. Opening the door and falling onto the bed. Hennessy started to worry. She knew she shouldn't of trusted him so quickly. Why does she always make such mistakes.

Alexander on the other hand, was so happy Hennessy opened up to him. He knew something else happened. Someone else had hurt her. He would make it his life's goal to make her feel comfortable with her. No matter what it would take.

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