Enchanted: The Greatest Treas...

By RusslonzoBucx

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4-Seaofthieves 88-Beckylynch After the defeat of Frostbite, Sasha, Becky, and Bayley join a group of pirates... More

[READ FIRST] Introduction
Slick and Alex: Final Mission Act II


1 1 0
By RusslonzoBucx

It was morning. Mr. Cottonsworth came down The Hold with a bell in his paws. He ring it, receiving groans from his crew mates.

"Rise and shine!"

"Oui, Cottontail, lay off the loud noise, fella" Xander said, laying in a hammock, using his pillow to cover his face.

"It's a beautiful day for treasure hunting. Come along, everyone."

Mr. Cottonsworth walked up the stairs as the crew got up from their sleep and went on their daily routine.

Bayley, Sasha, and Becky use their magic to wash up and made their way upstairs.

The sun was bright with no cloud in the sky to block the rays beaming down on the ship.

The rest of the men walked up to the deck to see Mr. Cottonsworth and The Captain.

"Morning everyone. Glad all of us are doing great well others had too much to drink last night.

"Last night during the fiasco, we met these three ladies. One of them gave Xander a noggin knocker. Please meet Bayley, Becky, and Sasha. They will help us find treasure as we find Bayley's lost brother.

"Please introduce yourself."

Xander was flabbergasted as he looked at the women. "I thought I was having a dream. They're real."

"Yes they are, Xander" Cottonsworth said, deadpanned.

"Oi, my name is Xander. I'm sorry that you had to deal with the other side of me last night."

"All is forgiven. Right, Sasha?" Bayley turn to her cousin who was sneered at her.


The seal stepped up next, beside Xander. "Aren't you three Felinians?

"Yes we are" Becky answered.

"That's awesome. Back where I live, my friend's neighbor had a daughter that was Felinian. Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm Snappy.

Pippen raised his paw, waving at the three ladies. "I'm Pippen. We...met last night, kind of..."

"He goes by Pippy, Pip, Pipsqueak, whatever the author throws out there" Xander added in.

The wooden idol stepped up and waved at the three. Mr. Cottonsworth step right next to it.

"This is Matatoa. It means fearless. Being made in Idol Springs, he traveled to Luau Island with his brothers and sisters enjoying life."

Bayley hugged the crew, while Sasha and Becky shook their paws.

"Alrighty, enough of the introduction. We got a whole to find some treasure. Let's get out there."

The crew yelled out as they disperse in different sections of the ship.
Mr. Cottonsworth show the ladies to where they be working at.

Bayley help Pippen on look out. Becky was working with Xander and Snappy, fishing for food. Sasha, unhappily was cleaning the ship with Matatoa.


Ocean Speedway, Avalar

In the realm of water is a castle. The citizens were busy with everyday life after the damage done by Darla when she took over the castle.

After Slick and Alex were gone, Queen Finny made sure that she sent her right hand soldier to find the treasure of her late husband, King Gilligan.

The Queen look at the sea outside her kingdom, awaiting to see the ship with the chest.

"I will find it, my love."

"Your Highness, your ship is ready."

The Mermaid Queen turn to her knight. "Good. We'll leave in the morning."

The knight left the room. For Queen Finny, it wasn't that she didn't trust her soldier. She will get her husband's treasure. Even if she has to find it herself.


The redhaired Felinian turn to the Satyr, wanting to ask him what she's been thinking for a while.


"Yes, little lassy."

"Why are you doing here from Fractured Hills?"

The Satyr smiled at Becky's question.

"I get asked that a lot. Back home, people...think I'm loser. I was a guy who couldn't keep a job and when I could, I would drink my money away.

"I was a joke. So, I went to travel around the world. I arrive in The Forgotten World before the evil wizard closed the gates to the world

"Along my travels, I met The Captain and Mr. Cottonsworth. I was drunk and wanted to fight the bunny to prove I was tough. I was proven wrong.

"Cottontail wasn't tough, but he use his smarts to his strength. After he beat me, he gave me a offer to help him and Captain find something called The Greatest Treasure."

"The Greatest Treasure?" Becky asked.

Xander had a big grin on his face as he imagine holding on to the treasure.

"The Greatest Treasure was from King Gilligan of Ocean Speedway. He sailed all over the worlds, searching for treasure.

"His last journey would be his last as him, his crewmembers, and his ship were attacked from the inside. He wrote a letter about finding his greatest treasure.

"Pirates searched everywhere for the chest. But to unlock it, they need the three keys. Nobody has found the chest and the keys. But when they do, it will change your life.

"With it, I'll be a hero back in The Hills."

"Or get a lifetime supply of beer" Snappy said, getting a chuckle from Becky. Xander rolled his eyes and laughed as they continue fishing.

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