My First Love

By zeuyly23

7.5K 257 21

while ming always with playing with a girl and another girl , kit always wish one day ming will look back whe... More

Love can be hurt
We finally meet again
Are you happy
the moment i fall in
when we came back
let the time come
when heart didn't give a answer
Pain will do
make a move
love is stay there
continue or end

fight for it

491 17 3
By zeuyly23

let me finish it... i love you

kit pov

i angry plus nervous at the same time .. it just one day i take a breath at thailand now i just meet him here.. when wayo told me that ming had a date i thought it will outside of campus but it not happen.. as i can go a far from him look like fate want us to meet as soon i back from oversea .

i just give glance to ming and turn my attention to hanna.. she just shock and closed her eyes maybe overthinking about that accident make me talk slowly for make she calm again and take deep breath and i afraid if something happen to her child..

when i realized ming want to near me I just want to run away from him. not because that accident  but he just take easy another life just he late for meet his girlfriend. that me more angry and walk away.

"pkit... im okay.. no need to worry.. "

"okay nong.. let go .. i will buy dim sum for you and be ready to go your home"

"alright pkit.."

i go buy some dim sum and make it take out and walk to hanna because i decide hanna can eat in my car and i want go fast i can disappear from ming.

while my car .. hanna just eat silence and i know she become uncomfortable around me

"are you okay hanna?"

"im just feel tense because i drag you in my problem.. i did not know what i do in future if you are not  here.. im truly sory pkit..."

"hanna.. we talk about it early.. it become my part when i agreed to help you.. there nothing will happen okay.. i always by your side.."

"thank you pkit.. sory for the trouble.."

"it okay.. just do like we plan okay... "

hanna home

finally we arrive .. it was a big house with a beautiful garden..

"i nervous when i see your house... did combine between a doctor and a eniginer make your family rich?"

"it not like that pkit... let go .. my mom is waiting us"

from far i see a woman in a middle age wait at the door and make my leg become heavy to get along in their house.

"you must be kit right... hanna's husband?"

"yes mam.."

"no need to.... call me mom .. just mama .. come.. let meet your father "

that will be easy if hanna father is nice like his mom..

"so this kit... i wait for you a long night.. i could't sleep at all ..when i accepted a call from my daughter that she had a husband.. what just you did.. steal my daughter .. marry she without permission .. without my bless .. what did you think?"

"im soory sir for my action.. i did not think very at the time .. i just in love .. that way i take a short decision without thinking anything and keep it as a secret and we decide to tell after come back from australia. .. im soory again sir ..."

"im soory too pa... it not pkit fault at all.. i want to marry him.. maybe our decision is so suddenly but it was just happen i did not have a strength to tell you .. afraid you will stop it.. im sorrry pa..." hanna say .

"but you are my daughter .. how can you this to me? you came back with husband.. what i tell anyone then? my daughter marry with someone i didn't had meet before.. it was so suddenly .. what happen actually..  how can i explain to everyone? and you pregnant too now... oh my god... i told you already .. i need you to focus on your study to help me .. my company need you.. but you had a child now.. what just happen right now.. you.. haiysshhh.. lucky you are my daughter if not.. i will throw you away from this house... "

"it enough honey... that are nothing we can do.. they are already married.. its okay then.. it will more shame if hanna come back without husband and she pregnant too.. just accept them.. save your energy... i so happy if you happy hanna.. is kit is good husband for you.. soory i did not you well kit.."

"yeah.. pkit is very good and nice to me mom.. and want to know mom pkit study in medic mom.. he will be lecture after this.. "

 "nice... it good to know it kit.. so you're doctor.. what did you plan?"

"i will be a doctor for while for the training and do some research for be a lecture .. i did not know yet be a doctor fully or make my phd for become a lecture.."

"owhh.. i think maybe you need to be a doctor first... gain your experience to handle patient and so on.. if you fell want to explore more then become a lecture.. be a lecture without experience will make you empty.."

"yeah... you are right.. i will do so..."

"if you want anything... just tell me.,.... i will arrange for you.. how about work?"

"i already got a place in government for my first step.."

"sure.... work hard then.. "

suddenly it become a quiet moments when i finish talk and i see hanna dad just have a talk with hanna outside and hanna cry in her dad shoulder 

"he always like that ... angry without think first and will regret later.. thanks you for take care of hanna there.. i hope she did not make a trouble for you.." ma say

"it not like that ma... she is good woman .. and pretty to"

"hahha.. yeah she very pretty.. let go kit.. let eat something.. i did not know what you like but because you just arrived from oversea you must miss our food right.. so i make it all for you... go call your wife.. maybe she done cry right know."


i walk to daughter and dad .. stay with same condition i see a few minutes ago... when dad realizes me come near he just smile and put a gap between his daughter .. walk slowly pass me and peck my shoulder and go away..

hanna still in tears...

"im soory pkit.... im soory .."

"husiisshh.. it okay.. im here.."

maybe my happiness will not come on time but i can still save another happiness...

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