Book of BxB One Shots

By Whimsically_Me

524K 9.3K 1.5K

[Boyxboy, LGBT fiction] One-Shot : A literary work usually between 100 to 5,000 words, with no chapters or se... More

Loving You Hurts
Loving You Hurts part 2
Let's Get Even
My Secret Admirer The Artist
Deceitful Desires
Losing My V-Card
The Voices
Mountain View
Be Mine?
Mated to the Future Alpha (part 2?)
Worth a Thousand Words
Be Mine? - Spiderman Sex Scene
Social Pyramid
I'm Not Gay
Yes Maxie
Demonic Love
Nixon POV - TTA Bonus Chapter 1
Save Me From The Monster
The Boss
Cat and Mouse
Paid With Cash
Paid With Cash -Sex Scene
Dream Boy
Moonlight Stroll
Flowers and Motor Oil
Piece of Cake
Never Walk Alone
His Name was Jayce
Cold Love
Peeping Tom
Never Fighting Fair (Never Walk Alone #2)
Locked Out - Part 1
Drunken Affairs

Mated to the Future Alpha

22.3K 365 132
By Whimsically_Me

**A/N: Thanks to Skye for inspiring me to write this. The prompt consisted of this:

--werewolf bxb; omega finds out he is mated to the alpha, which the alpha doesn't like so he rejects the omega; the omega is bullied and abused by everyone in the pack for being gay; the alpha mates with a girl, but doesn't fully mate with her; omega catches alpha making out with the girl and starts to cry and break down; include making out and whatever else; in the end, the alpha catches the omega talking to himself and saying he isn't good enough, and the alpha storms in saying all this cute stuff and what not; bother boys must be hot, but the omega doesn't think of himself as being hot; in the very end, the two mate.

Hope I got that right :)

Check out this site for a list of ranks and their description here:

New cover! Check out the new cover I created on Canva, in the media image. The reason the title is Mated on the cover is because I feel the name Mated to the Future Alpha is a bit of a mouthful, and so once I get around to transforming this into a full-fledged novel, the title will be changed to Mated. (11/10/16)

[WARNING] some scenes may contain mild swearing (I think the eff word is used about five times during the whole story), sex, nudity, abuse, bullying, and other mature themes. Reader's discretion is adviced. 

Copyright © 2014 by Gracilyn


"Pet, get up here now!" the voice of the packs Theta bellowed down the rickety stairs of the basement, which acted as my bedroom, storage space and laundry room. The Theta was the lead medic, and for her to call for me wasn't unusual during the summer months, when the pups were at their most wildest.

"Pet!" I jumped to my feet at the sound, my body surging with panic as I scrambled to get up the wooden planks to the closed door at the top.

Rushing through the kitchen and into the main level hallway, I raced toward the last door on my left, where I knew the Theta would be waiting -impatiently- for me.

"I'm s-so sorry Miss, I was d-downstairs doing la-laundry," I stammered, my head hung low in submission as I closed the oak door behind me.

"Enough of your excuses. Omega, bring me some ice from the kitchen, since it seems you forgot to refill my freezer with some," Beth, the Theta, snarled as she glared at me over the top of the injured pups head.

Before fleeing the room for ice, I quickly took in the scene in front of me. Beth stood beside one of the five beds near the back of the large room, her blue eyes narrowed behind black framed glasses as she examined the two year old pup sat on the starched white sheets. Her brown hair was pulled back into a perfect bun, her knee length black pencil skirt and red top hidden under the white lab coat, and a stethoscope laid around her neck. Beth was once a Lota in her early twenties. She held with great pride the knowledge of being one of the best herbalists in the pack, which ultimately earned her the title of Theta in her mid-thirties. Now she leads the new Lota's of the pack -two medics fresh out of med school.

I collected the ice from the kitchen and rushed back to Beth, who took the freezing ice cubes from my bare hands without even a bat of the eye in my direction. With my head hung low and my eyes cast to the ground, quickly retreated to the kitchen to begin washing the dishes from lunch and preparing the food for supper. The steam rolled off the pan like fog, filling me with dread and making me cringe as I plunged my bare hands into the scolding water, soap bubbles floating lazily on the surface. I didn't want a repeat of last time, when I earned five strikes of the whip for giving the Zeta's son a dirty plate. A zeta is the war general of the pack, which is a fairly high up position, meaning the disrespect I had unintentionally giving his son was an act worth a whipping. I shivered from the thought. I still had the scars on my back to prove it, among the many other marks that reminded me of each punishment I had brought upon myself. There was no way I would do something so stupid again. So to get all remnants of food off of the dishes, I willingly stick my hands in water hot enough to burn my flesh. It was a painful, but I could live doing this daily if it meant no more whippings.

"Pet!" I whimpered at the sound of my name, knowing all to well who's voice could make my bones shake from it's echoing force. The Alpha's son, Ryker.

My whole body seemed to be vibrating as I scurried up the stairs to the third floor of the pack house, my head hung low enough for my chin to be pressed into my chest. I knocked twice, waited a second, and knocked twice again in succession -the signal of an omega. My hand burned, the skin red and sore from the water, as I waited for a command.

"Come in," the order came through clear as a bell as it swept through my mind as if it were my own. The packs mind link.

I opened the door, the coolness of the doorknob pleasant to my skin, and shut the door silently behind me as I enter. The walls were dark, possibly a navy blue, the black curtains drawn shut to keep out the afternoon sunlight. A king size bed sat in the middle of the room off to my right, it's headboard facing my left, where a large flat screen television hung from the wall over top of a rich oak stand filled with discs for different machines, and one of said machines was currently turned on. 

Dropping to my knees at the foot of the bed, where Ryker and Cruz, the Beta's son, sat on two beanbag chairs with controllers in hand. Their eyes never left the screen, not even as I sat there with my legs going to sleep and my knees beginning to ache. I attempted to move my legs so that they might wake up, but a sharp order took hold of my heart and froze my body.

"Stay in the waiting position Omega, unless you wish to feel my belt across your back," Ryker demanded, his eyes never leaving the screen.

"No Sir, I'm sorry, Sir." I quickly sat back on my legs, hands on my knees, with my chin digging into my chest. I bit my lower lip and waited, eyes trained on the wooden floor in front of me like a good pet.

I was compelled by my status as Omega to follow every command Ryker said. Being the Alpha's son didn't guarantee he would be the future alpha, but it did help his odds by a lot. At seventeen-years-old, Ryker Hayes stood at six feet fives inches, a domineering total of ten inches taller than me, with an eight pack of abs and toned muscles that were drool worthy. His black hair was short, but long enough that it pricked his striking emerald green eyes and hid most of his ears from view. Two silver studs glinted in the lobe of one ear, while a small matching hoop sat hidden beneath his jeans. How I know this? Because of all the times I would find myself handing out clean clothes to the naked men and women who came back from hunting or running. Ryker could be summed up in one word: Hot. He was unnaturally good looking, and had the strong muscles and powerful title  along with money to flaunt. 

Unlike me. 

My hair was long from having not managed to cut it in months, so it now brushed my shoulders. The light blonde strands were dirty and much darker than normal from cleaning the chimney early this morning, my loose clothes filled with holes and stains from being hand-me-downs of other pack members, and my violet eyes were often thought as abnormal and freaky. My body was only toned because of all the chores and rigorous situations I had to do as well as the fast metabolism of a werewolf, although it was much slimmer and leaner than that of the other wolves. I was also shorter than the other males, who all stood over five feet ten inches tall except for the pups. And of course, I had no parents or family to speak of. I was found by the hunting party as a four-year-old boy, just wandering around in my naked human form, crying and shying away from everyone who came near me. No one knew where I came from, but they suspected by my fair skin and pale hair that I was from up north, how I managed to travel to almost the equator was a mystery in itself. The pack sent out the Delta's, who were the messengers of the pack. The four that left came back with nothing, and so the pack took me in as the Omega because of my submissive personality and my small stature. It wasn't a great position, but I knew if I left there would be little possibility of me surviving on my own as a rogue. At first I was well treated, and received "Thank you"s and smiles for the chores I did. But after I told them I was gay at the age of thirteen, things changed and suddenly I found myself in a position less than scum. I was beat everyday, and even now, I received a daily beating each night by Ryker, who thought it fun to "beat the gay out" of me.

"Pet," Ryker snarled, his tone bordering on a growl.

Without moving from my cramped position, I replied, "Yes Sir?"

"Go fetch us some drinks."

I jumped to my feet a bit wobbly, my legs and feet tingling as they woke up, and it wasn't until I was already opening the door that I thought to ask what type of drink they wanted.

Ryker glared at me as he gave me his and Cruz's order, and I quickly fled the room before he could rip my throat out. Upon my return, I struggled to balance both drinks in one hand as I knocked on the door in my usual fashion. Two knocks, a pause, and two knocks again. Ryker called a gruff "Come in," and I entered without hesitation. If I wait to long, that would mean another punishment, and I flinched at the thought. 

Handing Ryker his drink first, I sighed in relief when he just settled down into his bean bag chair and sipped at his pop. Next, I moved to hand Cruz his drink, the slight smile on his lips making my stomach to flutter. Someone finally acknowledged me in thanks, and it felt great even as I saw him struggle to set his lips in their usual straight line. That's when my heart almost stopped and I could have cried, because before I realized it, my momentary glee at someone giving me a smile caused me to forget the drink in my hand. The glass had tilted to the side a bit, setting it off balance just as I was passing it over Rykers head. The liquid inside splashed down on him, causing all three of us to freeze as the glass tumbled out of my grip and smashed on the ground at my feet. I watched in fearful silence as Ryker moved swiftly to his feet and, before I had time to react, his hand had me by the throat with my back pressed against the door. Tears pooled in my eyes at the thought of angering him, but something was odd about his touch. It was like my body was vibrating, his touch burning against my flesh, and his scent...was it always so delicious smelling? My eyes grew wide when I also smelled my own arousal, and I noticed with a scarlet blush both Ryker and Cruz sniffing the air as well.

Ryker growled, his eyes flashing dangerously as he glared down at me. 

"Faggot!" he roared, his grip tightening.

My body seemed to shrink under his intense stare, while my lungs gasped for air.

"Pl-please...I-I'm s-sor-" I could barely manage to get the words out as each second meant less and less air was making it to my brain.

"Shut up!" He threw my limp body to the floor, his breath coming out through clenched teeth as he then proceeded to drag me by my hair into his personal bathroom. I whimpered, but otherwise tried to remain silent as the pain from him pulling my hair seared through my body. 

He dropped my hair and I watched through blurred eyes as he turned on the cold water. Oh no...

"Pl-please..." I cried and blubbered on the floor as he towered over me, looking down through his sticky wet hair at me cowering on the floor at his feet.

"Get in." The order was calm, but I knew it was an act. Even so, it didn't stop me from begging even more. "Shut up!"

He grabbed me by my hair once more, making me stumble to my feet, and he shoved me inside the shower. Closing the glass door once I was inside, he held it shut with one vice like grip and watched with a blank expression as I thrashed around and screamed bloody murder. My body was shivering, goosebumps breaking out across my skin, and my teeth chattered with in the first minute under the harsh spray. My clothes were soaked and heavy on my frame within five minutes, and by the time ten minutes rolled around I was on the floor, curled up and whimpering as my body shook violently from the cold. The door opened and the water stopped, but I never once moved from my spot. Two pairs of footsteps walked away and a door closed quietly behind the two blurred figures, all while I watched through my tears. My heart was heavy in my chest, and I didn't understand why, nor did I know why I suddenly found myself hugging a dirty bath towel I had found on the floor with my nose buried in its softness. 

Such an alluring smell...


I woke up to a dark room, a soft blanket wrapped snugly around my naked frame. 

It was silent, except for the slight patter of footsteps coming closer to the door. Then it hit me as my vision adjusted to the darkness. I was in Ryker's room, curled up in his bed, with no clothes on. How the hell...?

"We need to talk," a familiar commanding voice stated, sending shivers up my spine. 

I looked to the door to find the owner of the voice closing his door, his emerald green eyes trained on me. They weren't filled with menace, which was good. But I still shied away as he came closer.

Without a reply, Ryker continued speaking anyway.

"Guess what today is," he instructed, now only a foot from the bed.

I scrunched up my face in thought. Today? Today was...oh, shoot me. 

"T-today's y-your birth-birthday," I answered, waiting in fear for what was to come. A part of me came to the conclusion last night that Ryker must be my mate, but I forgot completely about the fact that on his eighteenth birthday he would be able to feel the bond as well. Today was his eighteenth birthday, and I knew for a fact he wouldn't like the news of our bond.

"I suspect you felt it yesterday?" he questioned.

"Y-yes Sir." I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to prepare myself for the next words out of his mouth.

"Hmm," he hummed, and I felt his dominant aura move closer to the bed. "You know I can't accept this."

"I kn-know," I squeaked, bringing my knees up to my chest. 

"I, Ryker Hayes, reject you, Pet, as my mate." He almost sounded sad, but I told myself it was the bond. 

My body felt like it was dying, my throat closing up, but I knew I had to force the words out. So I did. I spoke in a croaky voice and accepted his rejection, and once the last word had left my mouth, I was out the door, not caring who saw my naked body as I flew all the way from the top floor to the basement. My body slammed onto my bed, diving under the covers as if they would take the pain away. It felt like someone had just ripped out my heart with their bare hands. Even though I never loved or even liked Ryker like that, the bond that bound our souls together was enough to kill me. Once our souls had bonded together, if either of us were to break it, it would have dangerous consequences. And Ryker had just broke our bond. Being the future alpha meant he could deal with it much better than most, but an omega...

I would surely die from a broken heart.


"No, no, no! Ugh, start over!" Luna Jane instructed me, motioning with a flick of her hand for me to redo the dessert I had just almost finished for Ryker's birthday party. 

After my pity fest down in the basement, I was dragged up by the ear by the Alpha's wife and Ryker's mother, Jane. Luckily, she had allowed me to put some clothes on. But now, after two hours of preparing twelve dozen mini muffins and bunch of other desserts for the birthday party of the guy who rejected our bond, I have to begin from scratch with only five hours before the party. And I still have to cook the actual meal. 

Placing the sweets in containers and stuffing them inside the fridge, I sigh and begin mixing up a new batch of cupcakes, cookies, brownies and any other treat Jane could think of.

It didn't matter that I would rather curl up in my bed and cry. It didn't matter that a part of me wished that I could get up the courage to tell Luna Jane "No," or at the very least, spit in the food. But no, my feelings were void compared to the rest of the pack, so I locked my emotions away as my body continued to ache from the bond being severed.

By the time the party was starting and people from other packs were showing up, I had finally finished cooking and was assigned by the Alpha to cater the party. So there I now stood, a silver platter in each palm as I raised them to shoulder height, my figure dressed in a black tux that made me look like a ghost, with my light blonde hair freshly groomed and washed and styled so that the bangs covered both eyes. It was hard to see, which was why looking down was a great thing to do at the moment. Especially considering that the place was brimming with dominants. Very little did you see a submissive among the higher ranks, unless they are mated to someone higher than themselves of course. So it is easy to see why my body would be visibly shrinking under each and every stare brought my way. And to top it all off, I was the only light haired wolf at the party. That's right. Every single werewolf there had dark blonde, brown, black or even red hair. And all of them were tan. None of them were a light blonde or pale skinned, causing me to stand out with my fair complexion. It made me feel like all attention was swerving my way, spotlighting me like a bug under a microscope. 

My skin was hot and itchy from all of the attention, and I just wished that the Alpha and Luna would release me for the night so that I could hide away in my room instead of being scrutinized.

"Oh, sorry-" a random woman said as she accidentally bumped into me, causing some of the liquid in the glasses on the drink tray to slosh around. She stared wide eyed at me, her mouth open in an O shape.

"Delilah, what are you do-" the man cut himself off, his gaze locking on me as he also stared at me in shock. 

It was then that I realized more eyes were falling on me by the second. My skin began to burn even more as I blushed heavily, praying to the goddess that whatever I had done to earn so much attention wouldn't get me punished or worse, killed.

"Oh my goddess," the women gasped, her delicate hand flying to her mouth. 

"Ma'am, are you alright?" I asked, my gaze flickering from her to the man, then to the crowd of people staring at us. At me.

"Oh my-" She cleared her throat and forced a smile, the hand that was covering her mouth now pressed to her chest as she and the man interwove their hands together. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. I just didn't realize there was going to be an Arctic Wolf so far south."

"Arctic...Wolf?" It was the first time I ever heard of such a wolf.

"Yes, I can tell by the eyes. You're part of the Northern Ice pack, correct?"

"I-" I was cut off by the confused voice of my Alpha.

"What's going on here?" he asked, and I looked to my left to find him, his wife and their son standing there watching us three. Ryker was staring at me, his lips set in a firm line as he kept his distance. My wolf whimpered internally, but otherwise kept at bay.

"My wife had bumped into this young man and we just noticed he was part of our Northern brothers and sisters," the man explained, smiling now as he wrapped an arm around his wife.

"It's wonderful to see you've been able to reach the Northern Ice pack, I thought for sure they would never recover communication with outsiders after the attack," the woman gushed, grinning as she continued to gaze at me. 

I quite liked the fact that she was an inch shorter than me, but being a female it was common for such thing to happen. The males close proximity was what caused my anxiety to peek.

"I never thought..." Jane breathed, a hand pressed to her throat as she stared at me, as if trying to connect the dots.

Alpha Richard looked at me as well, his eyes wide in surprise, as Ryker just raised an eyebrow.

"Who's the Northern Ice pack?" Ryker asked, his gaze shifting to his parents.

His mother was the one to explain, "They were a pack of three hundred wolves up North. They were the only pack of wolves who had a white coat of fur and violet eyes. Of course, there was the odd one who would go rogue, so we just assumed...It was exactly fourteen years ago yesterday that a group of rogues attacked the pack, causing a bloodbath to break out. By the time the Northern Ice pack found out that they were under attack, they had already lost half of their pack during the dead of night. The warriors were first to go, then the Alpha and Beta, and by dawn there was only about sixty members left, most of whom were women and children who had been protected heavily by some of the men who had not been initially sent out on attack. Many of the women had ran, fleeing for their lives with their pups."

At the mention of blood and rogues, my body flinched as a few images flashed through my mind. White snow covered in blood...hundreds of wolves going at each other's throats...a medium sized white wolf urging me forward with her snout as a blizzard raged on around us...

I closed my eyes, my body swaying as I became lightheaded for a moment.

"I never thought...It's impossible," was the last thing I heard from the Alpha before I suddenly collapsed to the ground as I sucked into a memory.

"Zayden, run!" The command was sharp like an alpha's, but soft and filled with protective instincts like a luna. 

I ran, pushing my short paws faster. 

The snow was up to my shoulders, causing me to have to bound through the six inch deep whiteness. Howls erupted behind us, and the panic that leaked into my mind through the pack mind link urged me forward even faster, a medium sized white wolf hot on my tail. She nudged me gently with her snout, silently telling me to go faster, push harder. To not look back.

"Mama, where's papa?" I asked through the link, not daring to glance back at her as she once again nudged me forward.

The reply was laced with sadness, "He won't be coming with us, baby."

"Where is he?" I asked again, not understanding the pain I was putting my mother through. I was only four-years-old, I hadn't learned much about the bond of mates yet, so I didn't know that while we ran my mother was dying inside from the loss of her mate.

"Protecting his pack," she answered, just as howls ripped through the air close behind us. "Hurry Zayden!"

I surged forward, still trying to gain more speed. Risking a glance back, I caught sight of four massive brown wolves hot on our trail. Mama growled and nudged me harder in the butt, a sharp "Eyes ahead!" coming through the mind link. I looked ahead and watched the white snow fly under my feet as we continued to run through the snow. Soon the ground turned to ice, and my body was aching all over from running for so long. I wanted to stop and rest, but Mama shoved me forward even harder whenever I slowed down. "Don't stop yet," she'd tell me, even though I no longer saw or heard the brown wolves anymore. 

It was hours before we stopped, my body exhausted from all of the running. Mama shifted and lifted me into her arms. I was really small for pup, nowhere near where I should be for being an Alpha's son. Looking around, I realized we were in a small town with chimney's blazing and people bustling. Mama snuck into the backyard of a small home and broke in through a window. I stayed outside and curled into a ball in the snow. A moment later, and Mama was climbing back out of the window wearing jeans, a thick sweater and boots. She lifted me into her arms and carried me to the bus stop. A middle aged man was driving, and he looked really mean. I growled as my back bristled in Mama's arms. I didn't want him hurting her. She smoothed a hand over my fur and shushed me while asking the man where we were going. The money she had "borrowed" from the home where she got the clothes was used to pay for the bus ride to a bigger city with an air port. Since I head no clothes, I was placed inside a cage and instructed by my mother to not shift no matter what. Two flights, six bus rides and a taxi drive later, and I found myself in a busy city, wearing jeans and a loose fitting jean jacket over a batman t-shirt. I didn't know how to tie the strings on my shoes, so Mama tied them for me. Apparently we were in some place called the U.S.A? It was warm and there was no snow to speak of. I didn't like it. 

"Where are we?" I asked Mama, while she walked bristly up the street with her hand squeezing mine to death.

"We're going to a friends house," Mama explained, stopping abruptly and swivelling her head around as she scoped out the area. Very slightly did I see her nostrils expand as she took in the scents. 


"Just someone I know from before you were born."

Without anymore questions asked, I let Mama lead me around until my feet were sore and my stomach was growling in protest. But we didn't stop. We walked for hours until suddenly, Mama's nostrils flared and she shoved me forward.

"Run!" she hissed, her eyes wild as they searched out the source of what she smelled.

I surged forward, taking off up the street toward the way we were going. I glanced back some minutes later on the edge of the city now, my Mama out of sight. I sniffed the air like I had seen Mama and Papa do so many times before, but I couldn't distinguish the scents very well.

"There you are pup," an unfamiliar voice sneered, and I whipped my head around to stare in surprise at the three males closing in on me from the right. One of them was scraped up really good, a four claw marks sliced down his face from his left eyebrow to the right side of his chin. Another one had blood soaking his clothes and smeared on his face. Another sniff of the air revealed a familiar scent to me.

"Mama?" I whimpered, shrinking back into the forest behind me. 

Her scent covered the three like a blanket, and the knowledge that she wasn't hear yet her scent was pushed me to turn tail and run. I ran like she kept pushing me to do when we first fled our home. I didn't know if these were the same men or not, but I didn't really care. I didn't know where I was, and my four-year-old mind couldn't make sense of what was happening.

The three wolves quickly shifted and charged after me, causing me to panic. I couldn't out run three wolves in my human form. Without warning, my wolf pushed through and shifted us, the shreds of my clothing floating down around me as I jolted forward faster now. My paws met the dirt of the forest, twigs snapping behind me as I ran. Weaving through the trees, I ignored the urge to check behind me, knowing I would end up with a face full of branches. That's when I felt it, the dominant presence bearing down on me. Looking ahead, I noticed a group of dozens of wolves racing toward me. Ducking behind a tree, my body shifted because of my exhaustion and lack of control, and I curled into a ball and listened as growls and yelps filled the air. The pack of wolves had effectively driven away the rogues, which meant one thing. I was one pack land without invitation or announcement. 

"It's just a pup," a gentle voice stated, his deep voice making me whimper.

"What should we do with him Alpha Richard?" another male asked.

Then, a more gruff and dominant voice ordered, "Let's take him back to the pack house."

I awoke with a start, sweat soaking my body, and I noticed that I wasn't in my bed. Starch white sheets covered my body, a heart monitor beeping away beside me. A few wires were hooked up to me, most of which I was unaware of what they did, and a thin curtain separated me from the rest of the Theta's office.

"How are you feeling, Pet?" Beth asked, with -for once- a concerned look on her face.

"I-I...What ha-happened?" I asked, my voice scratchy with disuse.

Her sad eyes peered down at me from behind her glasses, a wane smile on her lips.

"You fainted at the Alpha's son's eighteen birthday party, don't you remember?" she asked, her voice bordering on pitying.

"The alpha..." 'What should we do with him Alpha Richard?' the questioned repeated in self in my mind. "Alpha Richard?"

"Yes Pet," the alpha's voice answered, as he stepped into the makeshift room.

"What's g-going on, Sir? Wh-why am I-I in the Theta's office?"

His expression was blank, but I could see the pity in his eyes.

"You collapsed last Saturday's now Tuesday."


"Pet, have you by chance found your mate recently?" His eyes held a knowing look, but of what I didn't know. Did he know I had in fact found my mate? Did he know said mate was his son?

"Yes Sir, the day before the party."

"And did your mate reject you?"

"Y-yes, Sir." It was hard to force the words out.

"I see." He looked away, but not before I saw the pity he held for me. "I'm sorry Pet..."

"I know Sir, i-it's alright." He glanced at me a bit surprised, but nodded soon after and left.

"Well Pet," Beth sighed, fixing her glasses on her nose. "Looks like you'll be staying here with me until..." She didn't need to finish, both of us knew what would come of me soon. I would be staying in the infirmary until I died.

It was a few hours later when I found myself in the kitchen, cooking supper and cleaning dishes even though Beth highly disagreed with me even getting out of bed. I was the omega, and I would continue to be so no matter what. I didn't their pity even if it meant I wouldn't be punishment ever again. 

Like usual, I made sure everyone had their fair share of food before I sat down in the kitchen to eat my own meal, my gaze on the window looking out into the back yard. It was then that I was sucked into another memory, this one shorter than the last.

"Where'd he come from?" a female voice asked Alpha Richard in a whisper.

"We don't know. I suspect up North, but whether he was a rogue's son or part of a pack is unclear," he replied, his voice hush as well as they stood on the other side of the papery curtain that separated my four-year-old self from the rest of the Theta's office. "Don't worry, Jane, I've sent out the Delta's to ask around. Maybe one of the other packs know something."

It was quiet for a moment, but then Jane spoke up. 

"If we don't find out where he came from or who he belongs to...I say we should keep him."


"Richard, he's a pup, he has no one else. Like you said, if it weren't for you and the hunting party coming across him when you did, he would have been killed by those rogues. Who know's, maybe his pack was slaughtered by a group of rogues or maybe he just got lost. We don't know, and until we do, I say we keep him here. Make him apart of this pack."

"He's small Jane..."

"I know."

"The boys won't be easy on him just because he's smaller..."

"I know. But we can't just let him be killed."

A heavy sigh, and then more silence.

"What's your name pup?" the women, Jane, asked softly as she stepped through the curtain.

I thought about it, but it was like my mind was empty. Suddenly, I found myself unable to remember anything before Alpha Richard found me. So I shrugged and looked at my dirty feet swinging back and forth.

"Don't you remember?" A shake of my head. "Okay, hmm..."

"How about Pet?" a young boy asked, staring around the curtain at me.

He looked about six, with black hair and emerald green eyes peering at me curiously.

"We can't call him Pet, Ryker, that's degrading and mean. What happens when he gets older?"

"He's the omega, right? So, until he can remember his real name, we'll just call him Pet or Omega, since that's his position." He spoke like an adult, yet he looked just a bit older than me. Strange.

Jane rolled her eyes and gazed at me, pursing her lips. Finally, she heaved a heavy sigh and nodded.

"Fine, Ryker. I must admit though, it's cute." 

The two adults left shortly after, leaving me alone with the boy named Ryker.

"What do you remember?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

I fidgeted in my spot and answered truthfully.

"Alpha Richard saving me."

"He's my dad, you know."


"That means I'm going to be Alpha one day, and you're the Omega, so I get to boss you around." He grinned mischievously.

I bit my lower lip and hung my head, gaze on the ground. Even at such a young age, Ryker Hayes radiated a dominant aura which almost brought me to my knees.

Shaking my head, I looked down at my half eating plate of food. Sighing, I stood up, got out the plastic wrap, and wrapped my food and stored it in the fridge for later. This was the second stage of a broken bond. First came the uncontrollable thoughts and memories that would drive you insane, than was the lack of appetite, and next was the sleeping problems. Oh goddess, why did you make me mates with Ryker? Why not some girl or another omega who happened to be a guy? Why did it have to be Ryker?


Oh. My. Goddess.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Jane had sent me up to fetch her son for her, and now there I stood, in the doorway to his room with one hand on the doorknob of the cracked door. I didn't even get the chance to knock when I heard the moaning coming from the ajar door. It seemed that Ryker had forgot to fully shut his bedroom door, resulting in an inch wide gap. Through the open door I could a girl with long waves of brown hair, wearing only a pair of short shorts and a bar, straddling Ryker's waist as they made out. Ryker laid on the bed under her, his hands moving to undress her from her shorts. I couldn't keep watching it, yet I couldn't look away even as my heart hurt and my eyes filled with tears. A low whine bubbled from my throat and suddenly Ryker's emerald eyes were piercing into mine. Guilt flashed in them, but I knew he didn't care. There was no way he could care about me or my feelings when he had not only rejected our bond but also went ahead only a few weeks after and created a bond with someone else. With a girl no less.

"Pet," he gasped, but I was already slamming the door and racing for the stairs. 

I couldn't do it anymore. My heart and soul were crushed and torn to shreds. It didn't matter that they weren't fully mated yet, it was the fact that they were already well on the way to being mated that bothered me. My soul mate...he was choosing a random girl over me, his soulmate. It wasn't fair.

I landed on my bed in the basement with a thump and a bounce, and sobbed into my pillow.  The pain I had been feeling for weeks now was nothing compared to this. This was torture. Pain pierced my heart, the burning sharp agony intensifying until I was laying on my bed, curled in the fetal position, whimpering. 

"Why did you do this to me goddess? Am I not good enough? I know I'm worthless, I know I misbehaved sometimes, I know I'm just the omega but why? Why'd you have to take my Mama and Papa from me?!" I was screaming by the end, not caring who heard me as I thrashed around in the bed. I stared up through the small window above the bed and saw the moon coming into position as the sun set. I sobbed and gasped, tears soaking my shirt and pillow. Then my eyes landed on the small mirror on the wall, where my reflection gazed back at me with red puffy eyes. I whispered, "I hate you. I hate you so fucking much. Why'd you have to ruin everything? Why'd you have to be so fucking ugly and weak?"

I grabbed the first thing that my hand came in contact with, which happened to be my journal, and I threw it at the mirror. The glasses shattered on impact, the shards flying everywhere.

"I hate you!" I screamed, crying harder. "It's all your fault. It's always your fault!"

Hugging my pillow, I whimpered, "I'm not good enough."

"Shut. Up." I froze, my body following the command before I could even think. My skin tingled and my body vibrated as my heart swelled at the voice. It's him. He's here. 

I peeked up passed my arm to see him stomping down the stairs, his footsteps heavy as he slammed the door shut and marched down towards me. His emerald eyes pierced me with their glare as he moved closer, the dominance rolling off him in waves.

"Listen." I couldn't help but comply as my wolf jumped around inside me with glee. Our mate was speaking to us, he was giving us orders. We couldn't be happier. "I never said you weren't good enough. I never said you were worthless. And I definitely never said you were ugly. In fact, you are the hottest creature I have ever seen, and you have no idea how bad I just want to tear your clothes off and take you this instant. But I can't. That girl up there? She means nothing. As future alpha, it is my duty to my pack to produce an heir, and sadly, I can't do that with a male mate. So, I figured by rejecting you and finding a girl willing to mate with me was a good idea. I was wrong. All it's done is cause me to go insane. Every time I see you, smell you or hear you, I just want to grab you and mark you as mine. What's worse? I can't get you out of my head, and I find myself dreaming about you each and every fucking night. Worse than that? The scene you saw upstairs? Yeah, I couldn't even get excited during it. How am I supposed to mate with her if I can't get it up because of you? Which brings us to now." His pupils dilated and his canines grew sharper.

"Pet, let me mate with you."

"I-I..." I couldn't speak, but it seemed I had no choice seeing as I found my head nodding frantically as I tried to collect my thoughts. 

Ryker smirked, and within seconds his mouth was on mine, his hands on my shoulders pushing me down into the bed. He got on top of me, his hands slipping down to mine and moving them so that he had both of mine in one of his above my head. Taking control, Ryker bit my neck, officially marking his claim of my body. I gasped as pleasure swept over me, causing a certain appendage to harden to the point I felt I needed to pee. His teeth were gone, his tongue lapping at the mark, and I blushed as he took a deep breath in. I knew what he was doing, he was smelling the air, no doubt smelling the scent of arousal coating me. His face hovered above mine, a smirk on his lips.

"Have you ever came before Pet?" he asked, licking his lips as his eyes glinted with lust.

I shook my head, whimpering. There was never anytime for me to let myself feel pleasure, and I didn't like it when I knew the other pack members could smell me, knowing exactly what I was doing within seconds. So I never touched myself like that, and usually tried to avoid anything that would cause an erection.

"This is going to be fun," he sniggered, his free hand disappearing down my body. 

I gasped, the tips of his fingers barely brushing the fabric of my jeans. It was like my body was overly sensitive to his touch. My cheeks flamed as my jeans tightened, my erection swelling as he continued to very gently brush his finger tips against my crotch. His lips attached themselves to my neck, and as soon as his teeth grazed the fresh mark there my muscles bunched and tightened. I moaned as the pressure in my lower region released. I sighed when it was over, but blushed a dark hue of red when I shifted and felt the wet and sticky mess in my boxers. A whine rose in my throat, sounding long and needy as it filled the silence between us.

"I barely touched you..." Ryker said in awe, his gaze snapping to his mark on my neck. A grin slowly took over his face, causing me to whimper. His gaze locked with mine again, "I'm definitely going to have fun teaching you about pleasure, Pet."


"What?" he raised an eyebrow at me, confused.

"M-my na-name, i-it's Zayden," I explained, biting my lip.

He smiled a genuine smile, his face lighting up. 

"Zayden," he repeated. "I like it. It's unique, like you."

I blushed. 

"Zayden, will you be my mate?" he asked, releasing my hands so that he could place both of his on either side of my head.

"Wh-what about..." I trailed off. I didn't know the girls name, nor did I want to.

A corner of his lips tilted up in a half smile, "We'll work it out somehow. No matter what, even if I have to fight each and every member of this pack to prove my right to be alpha, I will have you as my mate. We can look into other alternatives for producing an heir as well."

He would do that for me? He would risk his title as alpha for me?

I nodded, smiling, "Yes, I'll be your mate Ryker Hayes."

Our lips met, tongues tasting, teeth nipping and tugging, and hands roaming. The heat in the room intensified, making it uncomfortable to wear clothes. Ryker stripped me of mine and then did the same to himself. One hand played with my lower regions while the other trapped my hands above my head once more. But I didn't mind. He was my mate, my alpha...I would do anything to please him. 

That night, I gave up my heart, soul and body to Ryker Hayes. My mate. He kept me up well passed midnight, doing things to my body that had  ever been done before. He prepped my hole with saliva slimed fingers, his other hand playing with my member as he ordered my hands above my head. His dominance and alpha voice just made me harder as I made sure to wrap my hands around the headboard and keep them there. To make up for lost time, as Ryker told me, he brought me over the edge countless times before he even got his pulsating member inside me. I never thought I would be in this type of situation. My hands gripping the headboard tightly, Ryker's cock plunged to the hilt in my hole, with my legs over his shoulders and his eyes locked on mine as he came inside me. The wall separating our minds broke and crumbled, our thoughts rushing together through the mate  mind link. He was no longer just my alpha, he was my mate, and nothing less than death could separate our souls now that they were one and the same.

"I love you," Ryker whispered as he pulled out of me, his semen dripping from my hole as he lowered my legs to the bed.

"I love you, too," was my breathy reply as my body turned to jelly and my mind slipped off into unconsciousness. But not before I felt Ryker shift us so that he was behind me, his arms wrapped tightly around my body and our legs woven together, and his heart pounded against my back, right where my own heart pounded in perfect sync back.

I smiled, finally content with my life.

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