Moments Like This (Louis Toml...

By CaseyRoseHazzaHoran

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Moments Like This (Louis Tomlinson FanFic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Author's Note

Chapter 22

3.5K 18 1
By CaseyRoseHazzaHoran

Louis' POV

Nicole said her goodbyes to us over skype, and I went to my room. I was exhausted, but I had to much on my mind for sleep. I haven't seen my pregnant girlfriend for over a month, how am I suppose to feel about that? Happy? No. Angry? No. Sad? I guess. Dissapointed? Sure. But frankly, I wasn't feeling...anything. I was like an emotionless pit. I've tried my best to stay in contact with her this whole time, but I've been slacking a bit this week. Okay...maybe I've been slacking a lot. All I did was send her a text message on Monday saying "I miss you, hope you're doing good.xx" I mean it's not completely lacking emotion, but it's not exactly an "I'm dying to see you!" I don't heart just hasn't really been in it lately. I love Nicole, I don't mean to sound like a heartless arse, but trying to manage a relationship while on tour isn't exactly the easiest thing. And tonight when the lads and I were skyping with her..and she started crying, I felt horrible. And for that split second I actually felt how much I actually miss her. So that has to mean something right? Maybe it's just not physically being with her for so long that's made me drift from her. Maybe when I see her in two weeks, everything will go back to how it was when I left last month. I mean a guy can hope right?

Harry's POV

"Haz, is Louis okay?" Nicole asked, with a hint of sadness in her green eyes. The other lads had gone to bed, but Nicole and I stayed on skype to chat for a bit. I didn't really know how to answer her question...I didn't know what was going on with him.

"Yeah...why?" I asked hesitantly, trying to sound convincing.

"Cause he hasn't texted me or called me since Monday...tonight was the first time in three days that I've talked to him properly." she replied, her voice was full of confusion and pain. I felt bad for her, I did. But I also felt bad for Louis, this distance thing is putting a big strain on their relationship. And with the baby on the way..I just honestly don't know what's going to happen.

"Oh...well he's just really tired and stressed. He really wants to be with you. He's worried something will happen without him there. He'll start calling agan. Don't worry, me and the boys have been keeping an eye on him." I said reassurring myself than I probably was her.

"I really hope you're right. Anyways, I'm knackered, I need to sleep. Love you Hazzabear, see you in two weeks." she blew me a kiss through the screen of the computer. This is breaking my heart, I need to find out what's going on. I need to talk to Lou.

"I'm always right! And okay, love you too Nini. Can't wait to see you and the other girls! Goodnight!" I replied, trying to get a smile on her face. I suceeded and she signed off, leaving my computer screen dark. I logged off, and went to talk to Louis.

Louis' POV

I was laying in bed, still fishing through my thoughts, when I heard someone knock on the door. "Come in." I mumbled. And in walks Harry, with an unreadable expression written on his face. He sat at he edge of my bed, and he looked like he was about to say something but he didn't know how to word. After sitting awkwardly in silence for a moment, I asked him why he was in here.

"Harry what do yo want? Is there something you need to talk about?" I asked bluntly, sounding colder than I intended too. He grimaced a bit at my harsh tone, but he began to talk. "Lou...what's going on with you and Nicole? Before we left everything between you guys seemed perfect...but now you guys seem distant? She said you haven't talked to her since Monday.." he finished, looking at me with a mixture of confusion and concern consuming his face. How? How did he always seem to know exactly what was on my mind. I stayed silent for a moment, trying to think of what to tell him and what to leave out. I ended up spilling my guts to him. I told him everything; how I was feeling nothing right now. I wasn't sad about being away from her, about why I haven't called her in three days. And he sat there and listened to all my babbling. He's truly a great friend.

"What's wrong with me Haz? Why am I so emotionless right now?" I asked, with a hint of desperation flooding my voice. I was pleading for answers, when I should already know them.

"Personally? I think it's the distance. You've been away from her for a little over a month without any physical contact. You haven't kissed her or held her in a month. You've forgotten what being with her is like. But let me just say this, ignoring her is most definitely not the answer. That will put a bigger strain on your relationship." he said, with sincerity in his voice.

"I know...I just, ugh. What do I say to her? Do I tell her what I just told you? Do I just bottle everything up and pretend like everything's fine?" I asked.

"Tell her what you told me. She'll understand Louis, she loves you." he replied, knowing that's exactly what I needed to hear. "You still love her, right?" he asked, second-guessing himself.

"Yeah. I do. I just, I need to see her." I said, continuing to pour out my thoughts and feelings.

"Maybe we can get Paul to let us leave early, we only have two more shows left. We were going to stay an extra week just as sort of a holiday, but to be honest I'd much rather go home. I miss Jess. We should surprise all of them." he beamed, and a barely visible smile formed on my lips.

"I like your thinking Styles." I said, winking. He laughed and got up, about to leave my room, but he stopped to say something.

"Promise me you'll call her in the morning?" he almost pleaded.

"I will Harry, I promise." I said, 100% meaning it. And with that he left. I was finally able to sleep.

Nicole's POV

I woke up at 5:30 to the vibrating sound of my phone on the bedside table. I picked it up, not bothering to check the caller I.D.

"Hello?" I asked, still half asleep. Who the hell was calling me at this early in the morning.

"Hi..I'm sorry Ni, did I wake you?" I heard Louis' voice flood through the phone. I shot up, now in a sitting position, gripping the phone tightly against my ear.

"Kinda but it's okay..." I replied, not trying to sound as excited as I was that he actually called.

"Oh, alright. What time is it back home?" he asked.

"5:30, what time is it over there?" I asked still completely clueless about the time zones.

"10. Listen I need to talk to you.." he said, and my heart sunk. Was he breaking up with me?

"O-okay." I studdered, letting him continue.

"First off I'd like to apologize for going three days without calling you...I've just been busy and exhausted and stressed, and I kept putting it off." he paused, waiting for me to say somethin, but I stayed silent. He continued. "Anyways, I'm not sure about you..but I've been feeling a bit off lately. Like we've drifted apart almost. And I don't really know what to do..but I think it's because we haven't seen each other for a while. I do miss you. I miss you so much. And I love you more than anything, you know that right?" he asked, and I nodded, but realized he couldn't see me. "Yeah I know. Are you breaking up with me?" I finally asked. I heard him let out a chuckle on his end of the phone..was that a no? "Of course not love, I just need you to know that if I go a day or two without calling you it doesn't mean that I'm avoiding you. And I just need to see you. And I will see you..sooner than you think." he said, the sincerity evident in his voice. "What do you mean sooner than I think?" I questioned, wondering what he meant. "I uhm, uh. Just that these next two weeks will fly by. I promise." he said, and I just left it at that, questioning him no further.

"Listen, we're on our way to a photoshoot right now so I have get going. But I promise promise promise you that I'll call you later. I love you so so much Nicole." he said, and I knew he meant it.

"I love you too Lou, talk to you later." I hung up. I was relieved he called, but I was even more relieved that he told me what was going on. I hope he was right about the next two weeks flying by. I don't know how much longer I can be without him.


A/N: hi lovebugs! Sorry I was so late on he update! But I'm making up for that right now by posting chapter 23 right after I upload this one! I hope you liked this chappie, but don't go thinking all the drama is over because it's not! Not by a long run ;). Leave a comment below, or press the vote button? Fan me if you haven't already!♥ I lahv you guys x

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