Prince of the Wild [Link x Ma...

By DreamDepot

177K 4.9K 2.7K

You had never been able to confess your feelings for Hyrule's greatest swordsman, but a second chance at life... More

Prologue - An Unusual Offer
Chapter 2 - The Knight Returns
Chapter 3 - Lost and Found
Chapter 4 - A Parting Gift
Chapter 5 - A Night of Song and Remorse
Chapter 6 - The Lord of Akkala
Chapter 7 - A Fresh Start
Chapter 8 - Infiltration
Chapter 9 - Eye of the Storm
Chapter 10 - The Master Sword
Chapter 11 - Homecoming
Chapter 12 - It's Over, Isn't It?
Chapter 13 - The Prince and his Knight
Extra Chapter 1
Extra Chapter 2 - Absolutely Divine
Prince of the Wild: Media Credits

Chapter 1 - Farewell Hyrule King

13.5K 349 101
By DreamDepot

You drew the cloak tighter as you moved through the mass of people on the street. Fortunately, no one noticed you. Unfortunately, you were helplessly lost. You moved among the crowd but kept getting pushed deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of streets. The buildings seemed to close in on you, climbing higher and blocking out the sky. You trembled and curled up in a corner, near a storm drain. Here you were, supposed to be a tough boy to help Father and sister, but you sat in a back alley crying again, like every night since Mother's passing.

"Are you lost little one?" A big woman, possibly Gerudo, knelt next to you with a fluffy white cat draped over her shoulders. Her arms were full of fresh produce from the market. "Oh my, you're just a tiny voe. How old are you?"

"Seven," you sniffed.

She brushed your cloak hood back. You thought you saw something cross her eyes, but she kept the same warm smile. "Why don't you come with me? You can stay in my shop as long as you want." The cat mewed in agreement.

You rubbed your eyes and took her hand, still sniffling. "I'm sorry, I don't wanna be a crybaby..."

"You're fine little one. Everyone cries sometimes. It's sometimes best to let it out."

She led you to a pub in the back alley, making you wonder if you made the wrong choice. She ushered you in and dropped the vegetables on the counter. "Now, my name is Telma, what's yours?"

"[Y/n]" you said, rubbing your tears on your sleeve. You didn't know why you didn't lie.

"So I thought, little prince." She smiled at the fright on your face. "It's okay, you're safe here. I can imagine many reasons as to why you might be running from the castle. My offer still stands, you can stay here as long as you like. I'll get some food for you. It might not be what you'd get in the castle, but I can make a mean stew!"

She began chopping up some gourmet meat. You, meanwhile, took a look around. It seemed like an old dungeon, somehow made cozy. A few people met at a table deliberating over a map. A little boy with hair like wheat ready for harvest and eyes blue as the sky watched silently. You hoped he wouldn't look and see your bloodshot eyes.

He did.

The boy ran over with a smile. "Hi, I'm Link, what's your name?"

You were a bit taken aback by how friendly he was. "I'm... [Y/n]."

"That's a cool name. My dad is meeting with his friends. They're all really cool warriors!" Sure, seemed that way to you, looking at the variety of weapons on the table. They looked tough, like when things were bad they would fight and win without a sweat. "I'm gonna be a warrior like them too!"

There are times in everyone's life where they make a decision that defines the path they will take. Usually, it happens, and they don't realize it until much later. This was one of yours.

"Me too."

▲ ▲

You woke up groaning, with every bone in your body stiffer than a thousand-year-old Gibdo. With a groan, you wrenched your back to bend, and you sat up. You were no longer at the canyon bottom but in some kind of cave. You sat at the foot of a Sheikah shrine, though there were easily over a hundred of them, so that didn't narrow down anything. Unlike Zelda, you couldn't read Ancient Sheikah, just Hylian – not that reading the shrine's runes would help. The cave also housed a few powder kegs and a couple of crates. You stumbled to your feet and realized you were naked. All of your wounds were completely healed. Your Royal Guard uniform was clean and folded neatly next to you.

Though you didn't expect any visitors, you decided to put your clothes on. Your weapons were gone, replaced by a Rusty Greatsword that probably wouldn't last a real battle. You cracked open the crates and found an old Traveler's Bow, a couple arrows, and some – inexplicably – fresh apples. The cave was completely sealed, though a few boulders were cracked.

You tossed a powder keg at the wall, clearing the rubble and burning away some old bramble. You climbed out and found a river and a small forest; not a whole lot to go off of. You turned and began to climb the hill the cave was set in. As you crested the top, you wished you hadn't.

A terrible maelstrom of dark energy surrounded the ruined Hyrule Castle. The Guardians Father and Zelda worked so hard to restore seemed to be corrupted by the same energy. You were near the old Castle Town prison which lay in shambles, much like the town. The earth was mutilated and scarred by an evil ooze that tainted the land, killing any life near it. Terrible orange eyes scanned the land from the blight. Is this the Calamity? You thought. Is this the terror of Calamity Ganon?

A new terrible thought crossed your mind. With Castle Town destroyed, it most certainly meant-

No. You didn't want to think about that.

All you could do was hope that the giant obelisks that now surrounded the castle were enough to hold the Calamity at bay, leaving most of Hyrule safe. With any luck, everyone had evacuated in time to other villages. You turned your sight southward. There were no signs of civilization, living civilization at least. Even the gargantuan walls that held the Great Plateau miles away seemed to be less grand and safe than before. You hoped the other Hylians were safe, not to mention the other four domains.

As a Guardian Skywatcher whirred past, you hid behind a small shrub. From the tests, you knew they could cause a lot of damage. There was no way you could take one down with the rusty sword on your back.

Another thought came to you, though it seemed impossible. You rubbed away at the sword. There in the rust was inscribed: [Y/n] Daltus Hyrule. How long was I asleep?

You slid down the mountainside. Father had always been sure to train you and Zelda in case of emergencies, and this was definitely an emergency. Plan A was out: the castle was compromised. Plans B, C, and D were also out as they all involved the Chancellor, General, and Captain of the Guard respectively, who could all be dead. Plan E: the Sheikah. You prayed to Hylia and the Golden Goddesses that Kakariko Village was safe.

▲ ▲

It took three days for you to sneak your way across Hyrule into the Necluda Province. You salvaged an old banner to serve as a cloak to hide your identity, though you hardly saw anyone aside from a few Bokoblins and Moblins, which you gave a wide berth. Avoiding the main roads slowed you down, but the possibility of another Yiga ambush kept you away. You had to preserve your weapons as long as possible. You survived on apples, herbs, and mushrooms. It certainly wasn't anything great, but it kept you alive. Each day was more depressing, seeing the empty roads and burnt husks of homes. You held onto your hope, though it grew smaller and smaller as the Dueling Peaks loomed closer.

Finally, you made it to the gates of Kakariko Village. "Halt!" A guard you didn't recognize ordered. "State your name and business."

"Please, I'm looking for Impa. I cannot give you my name, but take this to her. She will know what it means." You had scratched out the secret message on a piece of bark: a piece of music with notes approximately at the middle, high, low, middle, high, low – a rough approximation of the song of the royal family.

A few moments passed before the guard returned, a little white-faced. "Lady Impa will see you now."

Lady Impa? You thought as you followed. You were soon distracted, happy to see that Kakariko Village was safe and secure, hardly any different from when you last saw it. You didn't have much time to dwell on it, as the guard led you up to the Elder's house. Before you knew it, he left you inside, snapping the door shut behind him.

An elderly woman sat atop a mound of cushions, head bowed. At first, she was any old woman. As she looked up to you, the face became very familiar. For a moment, the two of you locked eyes in stunned silence.

"By the Goddesses, you got old," you blurted out.

"And you look good for a dead man."

You couldn't help but smile. "You've got me there."

Her face cracked, falling into a cackling laughter with tears in her eyes. You rushed forward and hugged her, holding back your own tears.

"I didn't think it was possible. You're supposed to be dead. It's a miracle, and by the Goddesses, did we need a miracle."

"Impa, I don't understand anything that's going on."

She let go, her eyes falling to the ground. "Please take a seat. It is a long story. Paya! Please bring our guest some tea."

A young girl, about your age, nervously came out with some tea for the two of you. She refused to look you in the eye, but you could tell she was the spitting image of Impa when she was younger. How long had you been asleep? You took a deep sip and let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know exactly why I'm here Impa. A lady saved me and said that I was needed for a task."

Impa hopped down from her cushions and held your hand. The Triforce tattoo lit up, with the top segment the brightest. "Count yourself blessed, my prince. Din seems to have plans for you. You now hold the Triforce of Power within you. This is a heavy burden, considering those who held this honor before you."

"The Goddess of Power? What would she want with me? Zelda is the one with the blood of the Goddesses... speaking of which, where is my sister? Where is Father? Oh Goddesses, Impa what about Link? And Sharpe? And..."

"One question at a time." Impa sat beside you. "Prince [Y/n], I'm afraid as you've seen, Calamity Ganon has taken Hyrule Castle and brought the kingdom to ruin. A few months after your supposed death, the Calamity struck. Our forces were not enough as Ganon infected the Guardians and the Divine Beasts. The four Champions forfeited their lives to try and contain it. Your sister was able to place a partial seal on Ganon, confining it to the Castle. I regret to say that His Majesty did not survive. That was nearly a century ago."

Your father was gone. Your heart plummeted, and you felt all strength leave your body. "And Link?"

"Link was struck down but was saved. Do you remember the Shrine of Resurrection?"

"Only pieces from Zelda, but not much."

"Ancient Sheikah created the chamber to heal anyone from the brink of death back to life over long periods of time. Link was saved but has yet to awaken. I hope your arrival is a good omen for us that he will soon return."

"As soon as he does, we'll raise an army and strike back."

"Ever the strategist. But I'm afraid that will not be possible. There are not enough people for an army."

"I know that Castle Town is gone, but what about all of the other villages? Surely, we can get volunteers from Rauru and Deya."

"Rauru and Deya are gone. Destroyed completely by Ganon."

"What about Tabantha?"

"Also destroyed."

"Maritta? Shadow Hamlet? Kolomo Garrison? Akkala Citadel?"

"All gone. The Calamity was quite thorough. Only over the past few years have we been able to actually start recovering."

All gone. Even Akkala Citadel, the second safest place in all of Hyrule. "Impa, is there anyone left?" Your voice trembled a bit. For the first time in years, you felt like a scared little child.

"Hateno and Lurelin are still safe. There are small communities near the stables across Hyrule, though everyone stays away from Hyrule Field nowadays. We lost contact with Zora's Domain and Goron City long ago. Rito Village is safe for now. Gerudo Town is at war with the Yiga Clan, though they are at a stalemate."

"So, Ganon succeeded in separating all of us..." You sighed. "Impa, may I have a moment?"

"Of course, your majesty."

▲ ▲

You wandered aimlessly through town for some time until you found yourself at the Kakariko Graveyard. You knelt at the sacred stones, saying prayers for every person you could think of, asking every deity from Hylia to Oshus and even the Great Windfish for help. "Father," you murmured, "I'm so sorry..."

"My prince," Impa called from just beyond the archway. "I came to see if I could be of assistance."

"Thank you Impa, but-" Suddenly, off the edge of the cliff, you caught a glimpse of a lone merchant with a large beetle-like sack on his back. An idea swirled around in your head; a bit crazy but possible.

"My prince?"

"Impa, I think I have an idea."

"What are you thinking?"

"The first step to beating Ganon will be uniting all of us again. The best way to do that is to create safe trade routes. We'll need to rebuild bridges, stomp out a few enemy camps, improve a couple roads, but I think we can do it."

"We've attempted in the past..."

"Impa, you have a village to look after. If we team up, I can actually go and start rebuilding with these towns."

"But you're a prince!"

"Which makes it my responsibility! Together we can start rebuilding, so when Link wakes up, he has a team behind him. Besides, I need to make sure my sister still has a country to rule when Link saves her!"

Impa thought for a moment. "Having someone devoted to working on this project would make it easier. It might be what we need. Fine, you have my support and the support of the Sheikah."

You broke into a huge smile. You might not be able to face Ganon directly now, but you could make sure Link had the support of everyone in Hyrule. The New Hyrule Trading Company was ready to roll.

▲ ▲

A/N: I thought I'd try out including more music this time. Hope you enjoy it!

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