Players Get Lonely Too - A M...

By NelajRechtas15

180K 2.9K 5.5K

A few nights after Izuku and Bakugo's fight, Ochako pays him a visit; one she soon will never forget... More

One Lonely Night
So About Last Night...
And To No Surprise!
Just Hurry Up
Mall-icious Escapades! : The Beginning
Mall-cious Escapades II- The Sequel
Mall-icious Escapades Part 3- When Will It Ever End!?
Mall-icious Escapades: The Final Chapter
A Night To Remember, Part 1
Chapter 11 And Onward? (also annoucements on other fanfics and more)
A Night To Remember, Part 2
Small Hiatus
A Night To Remember, Part 3
A Night To Remember - True Infatuation
Music To Her Ears
I Quit
Great Art I Forgot To Show Part 1 of 2
Great Art I Forgot To Show Part 2 of 2
What Now?
Wasn't Expecting This
I Made A Mistake

Makeup And Over, Go Down And Under!

11.4K 190 522
By NelajRechtas15

(Warning: Features some scenes that are Grape Juice-like! You have been warned!)

After breakfast in the dining/living area, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and Izuku made their way to his dorm. While walking, Momo and Todoroki asked a few questions.

"So, Midoriya, how did you and Uraraka start dating?", Todoroki asked, his hands by his side, barely moving at all. "I'm still a bit curious about it all."

"Um, well, she came into my room, we started t-talking, a-and then..." Izuku continued, remembering the night very clearly. Each time he told the story, no, their story, it made him nervous as always. But it never stopped him from smiling even a bit, savoring the taste of Uraraka's lips, sweet fragrance, soft hair, gorgeous smile...

"You ok, dude?", a voice says behind the trio. Instantly, the young teen once more jumped in surprise.

"K-Kirishima!? How long have you been there?"

The Hardening Quirk user smiled a toothy grin, showing his ever-sharp teeth. "Ever since you started doing that weird thing when you start thinking out loud." He came closer to the group, with a more serious face. "Is it true?"

"Is WHAT true?", Izuku asked with a shocked voice.

"About you and Uraraka?", Denki Kaminari asked with excitement in his voice, unbeknownst to him there were still people around him.

Flustered was far from what Izuku felt right then. With a bright crimson hiding his usually visible freckles, a shrill left his mouth as he stood there shaking nervously. His whole body felt like it was going to explode from sheer embarrassment alone. Many thoughts ran through his mind at that moment. 'How did Kaminari even find out I and Uraraka were dating!? Does the class know about us already? How will Uraraka handle all of this? Damn it, how am I going to handle all of this?' Trying to gather himself, he quickly tried to speak on the subject. "W-W-What do y-you mean by that?" Like a boomerang, his stutter came back into action immediately.

Luckily, most of the class had gone to their dorms, leaving only Kaminari, Kirishima, Jirou, And Tsuyu left. With a joking smile, Kaminari said, "You know what we're talking about, Midoriya. Don't play games."

"Yeah, quit teasing us, man! Not very manly of you, ya know.", the red-haired teen said. "We know about you and Uraraka."

"S-Seriously guys, I d-don't know what you're t-t-talking about!"

"So you guys aren't going to the fireworks show tonight?" Kaminari asked, somewhat confused.


"Aren't you guys supposed to be going to the fireworks show later on?", the Electrification Quirk user asked. "We couldn't help but overhear you were talking about there earlier, right?" His smile was genuine, giving his friends a sense of comfort.

With those words, Izuku wiped the sweat from his forehead. "O-Oh, right! That's what you meant..."

"Yeah, dude. Sometimes you overthink everything.", Kirishima added with a joke.

"I think you mean all the time.", Todoroki replied, both Kaminari and Kirishima shocked he even knew he could be humorous.

"But if you're gonna go, then you need some new threads."

"What's wrong with the clothes I already have!?", Midoriya cried out unintentionally.

"Nothing, at least not entirely.", Yaoyorozu said, joining the conversation. "You just need something to at least stand out amongst the others."

"Yeah, I can't lie, sometimes I barely notice you outside of your messy hair.", Kaminari added, rubbing the back of his hair and he shrugged a little.

"You are kind of plain looking, Midoriya.", IcyHot said, his hands finally moving naturally with his body.

"Thanks, I guess.....", Izuku replied, feeling a bit down but still moving forward both literally and metaphorically.

"So, what's the plan?" Kirishima asked, imitating Kaminari's previous action.

"Honestly, we could just go to the ma—" Midoriya's answer was cut off by a squeal of excitement by Yaoyorozu.

"We're going to the mall!? Again!? Yes!"

"What's got into you, Yaoyorozu?", the messy-haired teenager asked.

"Don't you see? We can go shop—, I mean look for some clothes for you, Midoriya! Isn't that what you were implying?", she said, her excitement levels reaching soaring heights.

"Um, sure, but—"

"Great!", she continued, raising her hands in the air, "We'll come and get you at 2:30 exactly!"

"Alright! I like that spirit, Yao-Momo!", Kirishima said, clenching his right hand happily. "Very manly, I mean womanly of you!"

"Agreed.", the yellow-haired teen added, "Well, I guess we better prepare for later on today, right?"

"Right.", Izuku chimed in with an adorable smile. "Thank you, guys!" Soon, he was headed straight back to his room, along with Kirishima and Kaminari.

However, Yaoyorozu has one more stop she had to make before she made her way back to her dorm. 'Whatever Jirou gave me earlier, it has my stomach in knots....', she thought to herself, holding her abdomen tightly as she walked throughout the halls. To her dismay, there were no empty bathrooms, and since she was two floors from her dorm, this became an uncomfortable situation. "M-Maybe I can just hold—" Before she could finish, a rumble was felt within her stomach, and immediately she knew what this meant.

Fortunately, some of Class A's student's students were in this hall, but most of them had left or were sleeping in for the day, which wasn't great news for Momo. With her stomach caving in, and despite not willing to spill all over, she didn't want the embarrassment of having to use one's bathroom for her "troubles". Still, she happened to stumble upon someone's room, and she was sort of thankful due to a TV being heard on the other side of the door. But it was only then that Momo realized who's dorm she came across, and it almost made her scream in horror. The nameplate read Class 1-A's own hotheaded time bomb of anger. 'Bakugo'.

This was it. Ask Lord Explosion Murder to hopefully let her in. Or to continue suffering until she made her way to her dorm. Momo knew that even if she tried, she probably wouldn't be able to make it to her dorm, not without some serious consequences. But was it worse than this? 'I'll just have to find out...'

Standing up as best she could, Momo prepared to knock on the door. However, when she did, the door seemed to be only slightly closed, opening on its own soon after. And what Momo did see was something that almost made her scream. "B-Bakugo....!?"

The teen was sitting on his bed, relaxed until he heard Yaoyorozu's voice. "What the hell?", he started to ask, surprisingly soft. That soft tone soon turned to a look of embarrassment and anger, as he then realized why she was in shock. The darkness in his room, which was shockingly normal, the relaxed manner he was in, and what was playing on the TV...Bakugo was caught red-handed. Well, right-handed in Momo's eyes.

"What the hell are you doing in my room!?", Katsuki yelled at the embarrassed girl, he in the same predicament.

Her flustered face flushed with crimson, as she tried to hide it desperately. "I-I-I didn't mean to barge in here....I-I just need to ask you something..."

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