The Girl Behind It All

By Tinyreadaholic_

68.2K 1.5K 231

For those who ship Felicity and Oliver, this story is for you. It's full of confusion and heartbreak and the... More

The Girl Behind It All
Chapter 1
Chatper 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Finale pt. 1
Chapter 16: Finale part 2

Chapter 8

3.9K 84 16
By Tinyreadaholic_

"This is for you." I handed John the paperwork that I printed this morning. "I have no other way to get it to- oh, good morning Oliver." I let go of the papers as John folded them with a weird look on his face. "If you'll excuse me." He said and stepped away.
Oliver took me by the elbow and pulled me to the side. " Do you have plans for tonight?"
"No. I mean, I work until 7 and then I'm going home to . . . do nothing, I suppose. Why?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to cash in that rain check for dinner." His smile made me catch my breath. He leaned his head in slightly and lowered his voice. "I'd like to have dinner with you, very much."
I opened my mouth to tell him no, but I couldn't. Why would I say no? Because I so desperately wanted the Hood to invade my privacy again, to give him any opportunity to kiss me again, for real this time!? He'd think I'm crazy. "Okay." I answered. His smile was rewarding, it made my heart stop beating for a split second.
"I'll pick you up at nine?"
"Yes, nine is perfect. What should I wear?"
"Whatever you want." He stepped back and I caught myself before I leaned forward. "I'll see you tonight."
I got to my office and sat at my desk and stared at the wall for I don't know how long. I decided to leave a little bit early, so I clocked out and waited for the elevator. Once the elevator opened I stepped in without looking to see if it what was empty.
"Well, if it isn't Felicity." Samantha Barns leaned against the wall. It took everything in my power not to sigh outwardly. I have a date with Oliver Queen. I have a date with Oliver Queen. I chanted to myself.
She sneered at me. "I saw you with Mr. Queen today. Think you can get a promotion from within?" She raised a prefect eyebrow. In all truths, she is more Oliver's type then I am, but I'm the one with the date. So, I just smiled at her. "No, I prefer being in the tech department. I was just doing something for Mr. Diggle, Mr. Queen's bodyguard. He and I are friends."
Thank the mother ship that the elevator doors opened then and low and behold, in walks Oliver freaking Queen. This time a sigh escapes me. To Samantha's obvious disappointment he doesn't notice her.
"Off early?" He asked me.
"Yes." I said. There was a twinkle in his eye that I hadn't seen in the previous days. An excitement that made my nerves jump and goosebumps raise on my arms.
"Hello, Mr. Queen, how are you?" Samantha purred.
"I'm getting better." He answered her, never taking his eyes off me. I squared my shoulders and smiled as the doors opened to the lobby. We all walked out of the building the same way, towards the garage entrance outside, all the while I tried to keep my amusement at Samantha's attempts to speak to Oliver to myself. In the garage Oliver turned to me, "Which level are you on?"

"This one. It's creepy, so I try to stay as close to the main door as possible." I stepped off the sidewalk just as a car screeched around the bend and came straight for me. Oliver grabbed my elbow and jerked me to him. If it would have been 2 seconds slower I would have been hit. Samantha gasped and pressed herself against the wall. Oliver's arms wrapped around me, holding me to his chest. I took some deep breaths to try and calm down and Oliver smoothed my hair down my ponytail. Pulling me away he leaned down to level his eyes with mine and asked, "Are you okay? Did you get hit anywhere?"

I couldn't answer. I was too awestruck by the crystal blue color in his eyes. The feelings I read in them, the worry that creased his forehead. Finally I managed, "I'm okay." 

Just over his shoulder I saw the way Samantha looked at us, the way she watched us and it set me on edge. I moved away from Oliver just a little bit and straightened my skirt. Oliver walked me to my car and then shot me a quick smile before getting on his phone. As I got in my car I heard him say, "License plate number 8HC..." It struck me as odd that he'd call in a plate number to John most likely, because he wasn't in any danger. I was the one who wasn't paying attention, who wasn't looking before I walked.

At home I showered and put on a royal blue dress that snapped on one shoulder with some black suede heels and grabbed a black handbag. With some time to kill, I sat down and turned on the TV. The news was on and showing some criminal hanging from the rafters in an old abandoned warehouse with footage of the Hood fleeing from the scene. "The Hood strikes again, are we sure he's doing harm to this city, though?" says the news anchor, "He captured and left to be caught one of Starling City's most notorious drug dealer. But, is what he doing legal?" She droned on and on but I was smiling. "I have a crush on a criminal." I laughed. Figures. A few minutes later my buzzer went off and when I answered, without the bat this time, Oliver stood in front of my door. Wearing a nice button down white shirt and a dark blue blazer with black pants. "We match. Should I change?"

His eyes raked over my body and I felt slightly self conscious until he said, "No. You look absolutely amazing." I felt a blush start at the base of my neck. I squared my shoulders and locked my door behind me as we left.

Oliver took me to this beautiful little restaurant outside the city limits. Even though he looked a little distracted, we talked and laughed and he even asked me to dance. Though I must admit I'm not the best dancer, in Oliver's arms I felt like we were gliding on air in the small area reserved for dancing. There wasn't many people, or many tables, but the atmosphere was romantic and intimate. All night I've had the urge to ask him how many of the girls before me he bright here but I bit my tongue. I don't really want to know the answer. For dessert we shared a steaming lava cake. It was the best damned chocolate that I've ever eaten. Creamy, moist, and perfect. I looked up at Oliver when he stopped eating and he smiled at me.
He leaned forward and wiped the side of my mouth. "You had a little chocolate there. Thank you."
I smiled, a little confused. "For what? I should be saying thank you. You saved me from a world of embarrassment."
"Thank you," He said, "for saying yes and coming with me tonight."
"Oh." I shrugged. "You're welcome. Thank you for asking. It's not everyday someone like me gets to go out with someone like you. I mean, you know, who you are. No, I mean like I'm not your type. No, it's just-" Oliver's laugh stopped me.
"I know what you mean but it's not everyday that a guy a like me gets to be in the company of someone like you."
"Well," I cleared my throat, "Thank you. I think."
"It's a compliment, Felicity." He said and stood. "Ready?"
I nodded and wrapped my arm around his elbow. We walked to his car where John waited. It felt weird being chauffered around, especially by John, but I suppose it's something Oliver lives with. He opened the door for me and I slid in. I heard John say something to Oliver but didn't catch what was said and then Oliver was sitting next to me and we were on our way back to Starling City. 
Oliver walked me to my door and waited until I found my keys. I turned to him, "well, thanks again. I had a really good time." It felt good to say that and finally mean it. 
Oliver didn't say anything back, he just bent his head close to mine and kissed me. It took me by surprise but I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. With one hand cupping my face Oliver slid his other hand down my back and pressed me against the wall. Throwing all inhibitions out the window I wrapped my arms around his neck and tiptoed to deepen the kiss. He tangled his fingers in my hair and tilted my head. I was almost certain he was going to kick down my door if it wasn't for his phone ringing. He didn't answer the call but he did pull away from me. Oliver rested his forehead against mine and breathed deeply. I did the same, holding on to his shoulders to keep my wobbling knees from giving out on me. 
"Felicity, I-" His phone rang again.
"Answer it." I said, coming back to my senses. I straightened and pulled out of his embrace. I ran my hands along my dress to smooth it down as Oliver answered his phone. I didn't miss that his eyes followed my hands down my body. 
"Okay, I'll be right there." He hung up. "Can we do this again?"
"Yes." He kissed me quickly, just a light brushing of his lips against mine that struck me as familiar. 
"Goodnight, Felicity. I'll see you soon."
"Goodnight!" I called after him and entered my apartment. Alone. Thank god, I'm not sure- no I am sure- what would have actually happened had Oliver come inside. I didn't have long to replay the nights events before something covered my face and I blacked out.

"Felicity is on the move." Diggle said through the earpiece. They were waiting in her apartment. 
"Be sure to remind me to set up an alarm system on her apartment." Diggle gave me the route the Count's men were taking her and I followed close behind. I spotted the car that almost hit her in the garage and anger washed over me. Without even trying I placed her in danger. Diggle voice sounded through my head, "It's not your fault she was brought into this. You couldn't have known that asking her to do this as Oliver would bring her into this through the Hood."
"She's in trouble because of me, Diggle. It is my fault."
"Just think before you act, Oliver."
I pulled back as the car turned on to the docks. I turned off my bike and followed the rest of the way on foot. Someone slung a body over their shoulder and as it kicked and squirmed I saw blonde hair. My heart calmed slightly at knowing she was okay. Well, as okay as she was going to be for now. I jumped to the fire escape and climbed into the window on the second floor. I crept along the beams until I saw Felicity tied to a chair. Some men stood close behind her, as of she was the danger. I saw the Count pull up a chair and start talking to her. 
"Hello, my dear, sweet girl. My name is the Count."
That was all the confirmation I needed and I swung down off the beams and on to the closest guard. The Count fell backwards off his chair, laughing as he easy bring dragged away. "The Hood! Hello, hello!"
I aimed knocked my arrow and aimed. "Count Vertigo, you have failed this city." I released my arrow just as his bodyguard jumped in front of him. The arrow sunk into the bodyguard's leg. The rest of the men, including the Count, ran.
"We'll meet again, Vigilante." The Count called from the darkness.
I turned to Felicity, who stood still as a statue. Her eyes were wide, and accusing. 
"You set me up?" She asked, hurt coating every word and sticking in my chest like one of my arrows.

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