Sweet Like Chocolate

By Ibtrill

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Southern raised new CEO Edward Greene never expected to be put at the top of the business he longed for. When... More

Sweet Like Chocolate: Author's Note
Twenty One
Twenty Two


10K 400 50
By Ibtrill


"I'm outside."

"You are? Hold on, here I come."

Outside of Aubrey's complex, my ankles were freezing in these sandals. The temperature had dropped a few degrees since this morning, and a sistah was wearing jean shorts.

Lord, bless these thighs . . .

I had a good few minutes to pre-check this place out, so guess what I did?

The complex itself stood independently on the end of the block. It was pretty damned high up, maybe five stories. The neighborhood that it was sitting around looked decent besides the few pot heads hangin' around the side gates.

I stood at the door for another minute before it began to shift open. Aubrey came from behind it holding a mug in his hand. His nodded and gestured for me to come on in. The first thing that I noticed on him were a pair of Versace sweatpants. They actually made those? This man must either be a big ass fan of Versace, or had money to blow like that. Shit, I would assume both.

I followed him in, but a little confused as to why I found us walking passed the steps and down an extra hallway. My curiosity was quickly set to rest when I spotted two elevator door chambers.

"Did you have trouble getting here?" He tapped the arrow pointing up. He then looked at me when he took a sip from his mug.

"Not really, just two buses,"

"Wait, you don't drive a car?"

The way he said car made me a feel some type of way... It had been a while since I'd been driving... I couldn't remember the last time I was behind the wheel of a car. I shook my head a litte bolder than what I had expected. "Nope." I simply said.

He started studying me with a smile. He stood there like he was waiting for me to carry on as to why my ass was on public transportation instead of riding in a Rose. When I felt his growing curiosity with them damned lingering eyes on mine, I walked into the elevator with the story about as to why.

He listened intently to my story, too, y'all. He'd take a few sips from his lil' white mug occasionally and keep such eye contact.

The story I told was about how I was in a car accident the year that I got my license. The driver hit me head on, and the motherfucka almost killed me. Of course I went into more details.

"Wow, so you haven't drove anything since then?"

I shook my head. "Nah, and I've been livin' just fine."

"Ain't nothing wrong with that." He chuckled.

When we stepped off on what seemed to be the last floor, he lead me down a narrow hallway of suits.

"Sorry about this mini voyage and shit," he chuckled when we finally reached his suit. It read Suit 18B.

I laughed, because it was long ass time coming up to this condo. "It's alright."

He smiled along with me, jiggled his keys in the hole, and lead me on in.

It was a spacious condo. Ahead was a balcony, to my left was a HD flat screen, and to my left was a beautiful dining room set for four. There were hallways leading different directions, like damn. Did this man live here all by himself?

He tossed his keys on the couch. "Make yourself comfortable, Cherry. You want something to drink? Champagne?" He said that shit like he was offering a glass of water. He began strolling to


"Yes, please," I took a seat on the couch, and got a little comfortable by crossing my legs. As I took a look around, I observed pictures around the wall of Aubrey and some well known people. In one framed photo above the TV, he stood next too Jhalil White. In another, he had his arm wrapped around Keyshia Cole in what seemed to be a night club. On shelves across the room were several framed pictures of him and some women I didn't recognize. They wore skimpy clothing, but they were beautiful in the face. In one small framed picture he posed with an Asian woman who had a poppin' ass. In another, a caramel skinned sistah was sitting on his lap in some strip club. They'd be kissing him on the cheek in some pictures, or he'd be grabbing their ass in the next. It ain't take me long to realize that he was with those women at one point.

"Here you go,"

I looked over my shoulder and Aubrey had been coming my way with two glasses. He took a seat beside me and I gently took the glass from his hand. While taking a sip, he said, "so, Miss Cherry. Does everyone call you that?"

"My friends call me Nicole. My baby girl calls me Mommy."

His eyes grew wide at the word mommy. "What's her name?" He asked, instead of 'you have a daughter?'

"Her name Layla."

"Cute name. I bet she look just as beautiful as you."


Aubrey took another sip of his glass, and added, "I love kids. I don't have my own yet, though."

"Why not?"

He snickered and sat his glass on the coffee table in front of us. "I'm twenty-seven. I feel as though I need to," He put two quoting gestures up with his fingers, "'live it up', first."

"Shit, ain't nothin' wrong with that," I took a gulp from my glass. He was a little older than me, but shit, I was with him on that. We shared some shit about our interests, and had a second glass each.

I had began to cut down to business no sooner than ten minutes into our conversation about family. "So, this video? When and where can I start?"

Honestly y'all, I just wanted this money. I dealt with producers, promoters, and rappers who came through Georgia plenty of times. They see this ass first before they see Nicole. I knew they wasn't interested in what my hopes and dreams were. They ain't even care about the fact that I had Lay. They just wanted me for the night. I had learned from that in the last too many times. This man wasn't no different, I assumed.

"We can start now."

For a second, I thought I was trippin' when I seen him nearing my face with his lips. I pressed my palm to his chest and pushed. "Uh, what is you doin'?"

Aubrey looked me in my eyes. "Cherry, Nicole, I find you so attractive. You are a beautiful woman and I,"

My eyes got bigger than before.

"I want you." He nibbled at his bottom lip softly as he watched mine.

"Aubrey, I'm sorry but," I shook my head and began to stand up. "I'm just with the business. I'm not interested in you that way," I stood to my feet, my mind scattering everywhere now.

He had watched me stand, and suddenly threw his head in both his palms. "You right. You right. I'm sorry," He stood to his feet. "I'm sorry about that. This champagne got me trippin'..." He rubbed his forehead and suddenly had a look of shame across his face. "Look, Nicole, if we can pretend this part never happened... and still do this videoshoot, I'd love to-"

"How much you payin'? " I said upfront, now. I didn't want him wasting my time if it was some pocket-"

"Six thousand." I heard almost instantly. "We put you in the finest, most expensive clothes. You do different scenes, photoshoots on the beach, you name it. I want to send some of the work to magazine companies like GQ, Vibe, Ebony... It'll last for two months tops," He grinned at my surprised reaction. "Are you interested?" He asked, knowing damned well what my answer was now. Despite his little coming on to me, I still needed this money. Let's just hope that don't happen again.

"When can I start, Aubrey?"


The   following  week...

I was scheduled to be there at eight-thirty, but I was walkin' in the front door at eight sharp. I had to drop Lay of at her Nana's at six. That girl was not ready. I had to push her to do everything - get dressed, brush her teeth, eat her breakfast...

I felt bad for having to rush her, but Mommy needed this job for us. I wanted to show them that I was top tier material. Miss Cherry was top tier material.

"Ah, hello. May I help you this morning?"

"Hi, I'm Cherry Morton. I'm here for my first day?"

The woman flung a few strands of auburn silk brown hair from her eyes and looked down rangers papers.

I stood there, waiting for her to spot my name and tell me where I needed to go.

From behind the glass doors, an old Prius came pulling up. A familiar lookin'smile Prius.

"Ah, here we go," the woman had found my name, but my attention was drawn somewhere else. Some sweet old school Lyfe Jennings was being turned down, before Spike came climbing out his car. When I realized that it was Cry, I was already taking my first look at this brotha. He had some black shades on, a nice tie-less suit, with the top few buttons loose.

I smiled when he shut the door and strolled to the doors. I grinned and tried to hide it by looking down at the woman. "Miss Morton? Here's your name tag." She handed me a pin on with my name printed on the top. Cherry Morton.

As I clipped it to my blazer's jacket, I heard the doors open, then close from behind me. I then felt a gentle pinch at my waste. Spike peeked from behind me with an open smile. He turned to the desk and told the woman his name respectively, and reached for the sign-in clip board. I was waiting for them shades to come off, to reveal those dreamy eyes.

"Good morning, Miss Morton." His voice sounded extra deep and manly on this first day, oh Lawd...

"Good morning, Mister Proctor."

He peeked from the corner of his shades, grinning from cheek to cheek.

The White woman seemed to already be aware of his name when she enthusiastically gave over his name tag. "Here you go. Elijah."

Oh, well excuse me.

I seen the way that woman looked at him. She wanted to give him a little more than that name tag.

"Thanks, Miss Kelson." Spike snatched off his glasses and flashed her his classic smile.

"Oh, you're very welcome... "

I neared the elevator with Spike following behind me, pinning his name tag to his suit as well.

"You ready?"

I pressed onto the elevator arrow to take us upstairs.

"I hope so."

We stepped on, and the chambers closed behind us.

Running through my mind had me wondering over so many things. Elijah seemed chill standing there upright and slim... The silence of the ride ain't bother me, because I was too busy being anxious.

When we stepped off, Spike had turned to me and told me to have a good first day as he went to the other side of the office.

"You too. Be good."

"Me? I should be telling you that." He smirked.

I would barely see him in the office, unless I was to make a run around his work area. My office sat on the other side near the boss.

My heels let my presence be known for sure when I stepped around the corner of my office. My office, the desk, and space had been cleared and ready to use... Damn. I bet whoever was workin' up in here couldn't wait to move on outta here.

I sat my purse on one of the chairs facing my desk and swung around to mine. The chair was a nice, rolling one. I plopped my ass on that cusion, but there was something wrong. I couldn't use this chair...

Ain't no way I can fit my ass into it! I began squirming and scooting around, trying to get mysef comfortable, but it just wasn't happening.

After a few moments of trying, I knew there wasn't no way that this one would work.

I got on up, and was suddenly distracted by who was strolling on in his office from across the hall through the clear glass. He'd been focused on his hand for which key would go to his office lock it looked like, and that suitcase was secured tightly in his other.

I knew I needed to let this lil' issue be addressed... But, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. My ass couldn't fit in their damned office chairs!

I tugged my blazer down at the thighs as I crept out my office. "Hello, Mister Green,"

He looked up from his keys. His face looked a little surprised, kinda like, 'wow, what are you doing here?'

"Miss Morton, good morning. It's good to see you reporting punctually."

"You're welcome, Mr. Green." I offered him a smile that read that I was ready for work. "If you need anything, I'm over here."


This woman had a way of keeping me a little impressed here and there. She was nothing like what I was dreading to expect.

"But uh, Mister Green sir?"

I had finally found the right key to my door and stuffed it into the keyhole. "Yes?"

"Is it possible, in anyway, that I would be able to get a replacement office chair for my desk?"

I studied the chair sitting in her office. What was wrong with that one?

"Um, sure," I pushed my door open and a breeze came flying through my hair. God Damned that new air conditioning installment was a brilliant idea. "May I just ask what's going on with the chair you already have?" I had asked while taking a few steps into my office to toss my suitcase on the nearby couch.

The woman seemed to turn a dusty auburn-red around her cheeks spontaneously when I speculated back at her.

"Well," she took in a deep breath and let it go. The word well came out of her mouth like wail. Was that some type of Ebonics or something?

"I'm havin' an issue fittin' in it,"

I lifted an eyebrow. "Fitting in it?"

"Yes," She took another deep breath before saying, "I may need a bigger chair for my uh... my rump,"

Almost instantly I knew what she was talking about. "Oh! Ooh, okay." I nodded when I finally understood. I lived in the South long enough to understand that one. 

"Of course. I'll have someone bring you another chair up as soon as I can."

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you so much."

Why was I feeling so awkward? Was it because I'd never encountered a problem like this with any employee before? Or was it due to the fact that I just wasn't expecting this?

When she disappeared back into her office, I pulled my jacket off my back and scooted into my desk. I typed in an extension number into my desk's phone, and waited for the ring.

"Hello?" The voice of my other employee, the Black bald guy, had responded. "Utility and engineering department, how may I help you today?"

"Yes, hello? This is Green. I need a medium to large sized chair to be sent to my assistant's office."

"You mean Cherry Morton?"


Proctor snickered a bit on his end before he said, "I'll be up there in a few, sir."

"Thanks." And I placed the phone back on the receiver.

From my clear office doors to hers, I watched intentally as Morton leaned up against her office desk in the meantime. She glanced at each wall in her space. She almost seemed so new and fresh to this...  The way her eyes surveyed our offices, the look in her eyes...

I took my impending stares off the woman and indulged into my work that lay across my desk. I had too many files to sign in order to take this position.


I looked out into the hallway, and Spike seemed to stumble his way across my office. He had my new chair in his arms, though. He opened my door and let himself in.

"I heard you needed new reinforcements to support that ass." He laughed as he sat my chair down at the door.

"Sh!" I batted him on the arm when he started laughing hysterically. "My boss might hear you from across the damned hall!" I told him. "But... Did he really put it that way?"

"Nah, I'm just buggin' with you."

"So that's what you'll be doing? Giving me new chairs everytime I break one with my load?" I asked him jokingly.

"Nah,  well kinda. I'm in the engineering and equipment department. I fix things around here and order any new supplies needed for the company."

He scooted around me and reached for the old chair.

From across the hall, Green picked his head on up. He nodded at Spike and then gestured for me to come here. Uh Oh. My first assignment.

"He need me," I froze. "He just told me to come here."

"Then go," Spike had laughed. "Go ahead Miss Business woman. I'm gonna go back on the other side."

"Okay, cool." I took in a deep breath and let it out. "Thanks for the chair,"

"Welcome." And he was back to work.

I yanked these damned blazers down on mo' time before heading across the hall.

"Can you see if I have any mail downstairs in my box?"

"Sure, no problem."

I walked out his door, down the hall, passed that receptionist, who may I say had been staring at my face all mornin'! I swear the man would make a perfect washcloth.

I took the elevator down stares and bumped into Nancy on the way there.

"Well hello, hello, hello! Good morning,  Miss Morton!" She giggled and smiled the brightest smile. Why was this chick so happy? "It's good to see you."

"Thank you, Nancy, you too."

Before I'd be talked to death about some nonsense, I got off on my floor and helped myself into the mail room.

In it,  just one woman worked the shift.  With ease, she placed the envelopes where they needed to be. There were a lot of papers in stacks and piles around her, waiting to be placed on theany shelves hanging around on each wall.

When she turned around and I got a better look at her, I knew that girl musta had a blunt to herself before work.  Her eyes were hanging, glossy, and red as I don't know what. She was still so elegant and gracious, though.  She was slim and had nice tanned skin. She had a short pixie cut and wore that well. She had greenish eyes, and smooth red lips. If I was to be attracted to other women, this one would have to be my first pick.

"Cherry, is it?" She just asked after sharing a glance with me.

"Yeah." I smiled.

She began my way with her hand extended.

"I'm Anya." She held out her hand for me to shake. She had the most beautiful Barbados accent, too. But it was something about her.  Something very familiar, too.

"It's good to finally see some color around here,  huh?" She smiled and handed me Green's mail.

"I'm telling you. We got to stick together." I had to laugh.  "I'm glad to see a sistah around."

"I mean,  haven't you noticed the lack of brown in this office? I knew that they would eventually  have  to hire some of us around here,"

I was a little confused, but I asked more. "Why wouldn't they have Blacks in here before?"

Anya looked at me like I've long way to go. "Because I've been hearing some shit.  Seein' this shit wit muy own eyes."

The hell? She talking about Green? "You talking about Green?"

She nodded. "You'll see what I mean."

Anya and I talked a little bit more before I had to head back upstairs. I couldn't get out of my head with what she meant about hearing and seeing shit. Did she possibly know more than what everyone was assuming she did? I ain't know too much yet, but I was going to find out.

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