By FashionabelyyyyyLate

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[#9 in Dominating on 21/07/18] Why stop dreaming when you're awake? ~~~~ Welcome to the story about a girl, w... More



122 10 60
By FashionabelyyyyyLate

My power is turned on,
Starting right now I'll be strong,
I'll play my fight song.

                             -Fight song


Ria's pov:-

"Open up, darling."

"I am really full. No more please," I begged.

"Ria," Miranda's stern voice called out.

I bent forward to look into the soup bowl and nearly gagged with the amount still left for me to finish.

"I don't like it!" I pointed at the nasty greenish white coloured liquid in the blue porcelain bowl.

"It's good for you."


"Enough with the complaints. Pick up the spoon and start eating. I will return for the empty bowl in ten minutes," she said, her tone stern and her face stony, as she got off the bed, "I want it empty."

Picking up the spoon, I blowed over the surface, aiming to delay tasting the nasty coloured liquid.

Just fucking do it!

Bringing the spoon closer to my lips and taking a wiff proved to be a mistake, as my nose scrunched up in reaction to the new smell and a tingly feeling arose in my nose.

"Eww," I whispered nearly gagging from the smell.

"Five minutes are up!" Miranda's voice called out and without giving it a second thought, I shoved the spoon in my mouth and gulped it immediately.

Repeating the process, I continued swallowing the weird liquid till the china bowl was empty. Placing the now empty bowl on the nightstand, I burry myself under the cover and try to sleep off this awful cold I have caught.

I hate rains!

"Wakey wakey, princess!"

I groaned and pulled the quilt over my head to block out the noise and the bright light.

Insensitive people.


I felt the voice whisper above my head, so I raised my right arm and then smacked the person. Hard.

"Ouchiee!" The voice yelled in my ear.

"Shit baby? You alright?!" A feminine voice filled the air.

"Yes. I almost forgot how good she is at all this shady stuff."

Shady stuff ?


Nah! I am as innocent as a cute little puppy.

"Wake up Ria!" the voice yelled, and I winced at the shrill sound.

Peeking from under the covers, I narrowed my eyes at the jolly couple sitting comfortably on my bed.

"Will you two fuck off already?!"

"Hey! That's not how you greet your friends," yelled Paige.

"I clearly remember stating the fact that you two are not my friends anymore."

"Ria, you have to listen to us atleast," Brandon said, as he brushed my hair gently.

"No! What explanation do you even have to offer? Why the fuck would you ask my ex to "protect" me when the guy clearly doesn't give a shit about me?!"

They were silent.

"Answer me!" I yelled, but regretted it instantly as my sore throat ached with the sudden pressure.

"Calm down," Paige said as pushed me down and rubbed my back.

"Listen Ria, we both are extremely sorry about the way Zeeve behaved with you. I really didn't know he would fuck it up. The bastard will pay for hurting you, promise. But till then, am I forgiven?" Brandon asked, a cute smile painted on his face, while his eyes begged for forgiveness.

"Only if you tell me how the hell am I in danger?"

"No," he said, his voice firm and strong, "I don't want you worring over all this. I will look into the matter personally. Please don't over work yourself."

"Seriously?! You mean Zeeve kept me locked in that house for weeks trying to "protect" me and now when he is no more interested in the damn bloody job, you are going to look for someone else to do it rather than alerting me about the danger! This is fucki-" before I could finish off my angry rant, a sharp pain in my chest made it difficult for me to breath.

"Calm down Ria, please," Paige begged as she rubbed my back vigorously.

"Are you alright?"

I only nodded in response, not trusting my voice at the moment.

"I understand that you are angry at us, but ple-"

"I am furious at you both! Why on earth would you ask him for help, when he hurt me like none other? Why?!" My scratchy anger-filled tone sounded foreign to my own two ears.

"He was perfect for the job," Brandon mumbled.

"You're nuts!"

"He might have been harsh with you, but the guy still cares for you."

"Cares for me? It seems like you've forgotten that he is the reason I am lying on this bed with a fucking cold and a bloody headache."

"But how do you think you reached the hospital in the first place?"

"That doesn't matter! If that fucktard wouldn't have returned, then there would have been no hospitals involved in the first place!"

"But he is-" Paige began but I cut her off.

"Why the hell are you justifying his actions! You are begging me to forgive you yet you are supporting him! Just get out off my house, I already have an awful headache."

"Ria he is a good guy," she whispered.

That's it!

"Good guy? Are you fucking insane? Did you forget that he was the one who bullied you?! Did you forget all those days when you cried yourself to sleep? Is he still a good guy?!"

"Calm down Ria," she spoke, her voice soft and calm unlike my annoyed, anger filled tone, "you'll end up making yourself more sick."

"I don't see why you care about that?! Zeeve is the good one right? Go talk to him then."

Pulling the blanket over my head, I curled into a little ball and tried to calm down. Soon I heard the sound of the door closing and I peeked my head out of the blanket only to find the room empty.

Shutting my eyes, I tried to sleep but their words kept ringing in my head.

Does everyone really deserve a second chance?

I didn't realise when sleep invaded my mind, but when I woke up, it was already past lunch.

Deciding on a warm shower, I quickly grabbed my clothes and headed into the bathroom.

"Miranda?! Miran-" I stopped yelling when I saw her doing something in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, curiosity evident in my tone.

"Making your apology present," she answered, without turning around.

"Apology present?" I asked, while taking a few steps in her direction so that I was directly standing behind her.

"Of course, you ended up ang-"

"Chocolate cake!" I squeled in excitement cutting off Miranda's sentence, causing to to turn around and smack me, twice.

"Hey! What was the second one for?" I asked, whilst moving my finger towards the dough. Apparently, Miranda did not appreciate my little pre-tasting attempts, because I was awarded with another smack.

"Oww," I mumbled, while rubbing my head lightly, "you're over violent today."

"Deal with it," she said and got back to mixing.


"That's what you were to your friends," she said and turned around to glare at me.

"They are not my friends."

"Say that once again, and I'll ban you from eating chocolates for a month."

"What?! That is a crime!"


"No seriously, you can't take my rights away from me! I have the rights to eat chocolate and love chocolate," I exclaimed, extremely horrified at her statement.

"If you drop this cake at the right place, I'll award you with the biggest slice," she said.

"That makes me sound like a dog," I scowled but one look from her had me continuing, "but, I'll do it, for the cake of course."

"Whatever," she replied.

"Call me when you're ready," I told her and walked away.

Entering my room, I shut the door behind me softly. Taking a seat by the window, I let my thoughts run free.

Let them consume me.

Was it really my fault?

Is it wrong that I want to be independent?

I feel tired, tired of people treating me like a fragile doll. First Miranda, then Brandon and Piage. Why don't they understand that I am perfectly capable of protecting myself?!

Shutting my eyes, I let out a tired sigh. The intensity of my thoughts tires me. The questions are never-ending, but there are no answers.

Despite struggling for my entire existance, I still can't seem to find peace. Happiness.

Why is life being so harsh with me?

Unfocusing my attention from my problems, I tried to recall my time with her.

"Ria! Don't do that," she giggled, failing to sound stern.

"No! My swing will go the highest," I yelled, hoping she would hear me over the sound of the wind.

"You'll fall!" she yelled back.

"I won't," and just then the eleven year old me, lost my balance and landed on the rough, uneven ground.

"Ouch!" I rubbed my knee and elbows lightly.

"Ria! Are you alright? I told you not to do that," she scolded me with her hands on her waist and her little brown eyes glaring at me.

I giggled lightly. She was trying to copy Miss. Jasmin's angry face.

"You look funny," I commented.

She continued to glare at me but eventually extended her hand. Flashing her a bright smile, I placed my hand in her outstretched one and let her pull me.

"Your leg is bleeding! Let's go to the nurse," she said while pulling me in the direction of the infirmary.

Letting her guide me, I quietly obeyed her orders.

I trust her the most.

"Sit darling," the nurse instructed, the smile on her face making her look prettier, "Let me have a look."

"She fell from the swing," she told the nurse.

"Aww it's fine, we'll make it better," the nurse encouraged.

"My friend is a strong girl, she won't cry!"

I smiled at her words.

I am a strong girl.

I won't cry.

"Ria!" Miranda's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Quickly wiping the few tears that escaped my eyes, I rush to the bathroom to wash my face.

I won't cry! I am a strong girl.

Looking into the mirror I tried to think of the only person who made me happy. The only one who truly ever cared for me.

I thought about my bestfriend.

With a new surge of hope and enthusiasm running through my veins, I promised myself that I won't be weak anymore.

Wiping the water droplets off my face, I yelled back, "Coming!"

"What do you want?" I asked her, once I had entered the kitchen.

"Take this to your friends and don't return till you guys are back to normal," she ordered as she thrust a box in my hands.

"As you wish."

Through out the car ride, I was deciding the right way to start a conversation with them.

I even considered eating up the entire cake and then returning home claiming that Brandon and Paige were not at home.

But that would sound too suspicious.

I didn't even realise that the short journey was over and I was already in front of their house.

Eyeing the peach coloured house with doubt, I hesitantly got out of the car. Well, here goes nothing.

I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door. Secretly, I was hoping that no would answer and then I could easily avoid this super awkward conforntation and then enjoy the entire cake, alone.

But the world seems to be against me. The door was pulled open with force and Brandon's messy hair popped in my line of vision.

"Ria?" he sounded confused.

Thrusting the cake into his hands a bit forcefully, I flashed him a toothy smile.

"Truce?" I asked.

Opening the white box, he poked a finger in and got some frosting on his index finger and licked it off.

"Miranda's double chocolate cake!" he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with happiness, "Truce!" he yelled and then pulled me into a tight hug.

"Paige I got a present for you baby!"

I smiled at his immature behaviour. He will never change.

Shaking my head lightly, I walk inside, shutting the brown door behind me. Entering the kitchen, I saw Paige smacking Brandon's head.

"Hey Ria!" she called out.

"Hi," I answered and pulled out a plate and a fork. Placing the items in front of her, I smiled, "I want the biggest piece."

Soon the air was filled with her sweet laughter but she eventually pulled out a knife and cut out a huge slice for me.

"Thank you!"

Just as I put the spoon in my mouth, I pulled out my phone and clicked a selfie.

This will definitely anger Miranda.

After hours of chatting and a few movies later, I was ready to head back home, confident that my friends aren't upset with me and Miranda won't be angry anymore.

Sliding out of the storm grey mercedes, I lock the car and run towards the front door wanting to feel the warmth of my house rather than the chilly november air.

The moment I opened the door, my body went still as an uncomfortable feeling crept up my spine.

Something is wrong.

"Miranda, Miranda!" I called out, but there was no reply.

"Miranda!" I yelled a bit louder, "Why are the lights switched off?" I asked, but there was no reply.

Walking up to the switch board, I dared myself to switch on the light, but as soon as I did, a piercing scream escaped my mouth.


What do you think she saw?

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