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"i thought you were a guy, that's why we even answered your craigslist offer!" "well i look like a little bo... More



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i hated secrets and normally that was because they aren't fun to keep from people. especially when you were bad at keeping them like me. i mean, i was awkward as it is but with something i had to keep hidden on my mind, i was definitely worse. either way i had tried to make my actions as simple as possible. "joey why are you wearing a mask inside the house when it's february?" grayson questions as i freeze in my spot as i had cleared my throat and turned toward him.

my hands now pull the thing down as i attempt to smile normally. "can't a girl wear a bunny mask on a sunday morning?" i get out causing grayson to put up his palms in surrender as he shakes his head.

"not going to even question that any further because i just won't understand it." he tells himself as he goes beside me when reaching into cabinets to get ingredients to create something. either way i believe i was acting weirder now and that is only because he comments on it once more. "what's wrong with you? is there like something air too? because ethan was acting really weird also, did something happen last night when you went to the club?" he questions with furrowed brows as i laugh loudly now and quite nervously from his words. my head shaking furiously as i then shrug my shoulders.

"why would you say that? i'm not acting weird, i'm just normal joey with no secrets in her head." i knew once the sentence had fallen from my lips i would definitely regret my decision on rambling because that just lets grayson stop completely. his eyes still not on me as he finally turns around to face me with a small smirk present on his mouth.

"oh i see." he begins when crossing his arms as he leans against the counter now with his gaze trailing my body up and down. "so you have a secret! that's why you're being so weird. i should've known too, i mean look at all the signs." he scolds as i groan now when trying to get away as i had already stated too much.

"joey has a secret!" he hollers as i speed walk to the walls of my room as i yelp from his announcement.

"i do not!" i scream out as suddenly troy is walking from the bathroom with a simper placed on his lips from hearing our words.

"joey has a secret? that's fun- oh wait, where do you think you're going?" he questions now when blocking my way inside my room as his hands go to my waist when putting me over his shoulders. it lets me whine now as i am limp once he holds me.

"guys this is roommate abuse and also you're using me. i can't keep a secret so now you're going to toy with me until get what you want." i inform as they seem to not fully care as i am being thrown on the couch with the two boys hovering over me.

"spit it out." grayson states as i cross my arms now when shaking my head from his command. i had wanted to refuse it, to not let it fall out but the more they stared. the more i was beginning to break.

"stop looking at me like that, i'm already sweating as it is." i say causing them to still have strong eyes gaping right at me as i begin to fidget in my seat as i was about to blow up. my chest hurting when i screw my eyes shut as i finally part my lips. "i kissed ethan last night!" i scream and open one eye when i had seen their determined faces turn into shock as on cue ethan dolan walks through the door with a smile. his hands filled with bags as he gazes at us with contentment at first until that disappears from our faces.

"i brought coffee and- oh no." he finally mumbles as grayson points at his brother.

"joey fucking kissed you!" grayson shouts causing the man to stop in his tracks, look at me then back to grayson as he slowly backs up outside only for troy to scold him on making his way out of the apartment. that lets him whine as he slams the door and walks over to the living room. his head hung low as grayson is in a mood of pure shock as he glances between the both of us. "someone want to explain?"

"well you see that's a really long story because if i were to do that we would be here for hours which i don't think any of us want to do." i make up as they all gaze at me with the same stares filled with them not being amused. i knew they didn't care about that as i sink into my seat which lets ethan sigh in response.

"there's not that much to explain besides that her one night stand didn't go as well and she came home. then one thing led to another and she kissed me but i mean, i obviously kissed back." he goes on as the two men only still gaze at the both of us with the same reactions as before. not being so convinced fully on how something like this could happen.

"and what? you were just going to pretend it never happened, never tell us or speak about it ever again?" grayson rambles when using his hands to speak. my arms now crossed when i nod slowly in response to his comment.

"yeah that's what i was planning on doing." i inform when a scoff falls his lips as he shakes his head. suddenly the room is being filled with a clap from his palms together as he gazes at all of us around him.

"that's it, roommate meeting." he announces causing the two other men to groan. however that does not truly bother me as i sigh faintly.

"i'll get the feelings stick." i add when pushing myself up as troy takes a seat next to me. yet my words only let grayson push me back down as i fall into the cushions as he shows annoyance from that mention.

"oh no you don't." he tells as he sits across from us on a small ottoman. his hands folded together when he looks between all three of us with these unreadable emotions that was held within his eyes. "now let's make a new rule, shall we? no more secrets in this apartment." he states as that produces a frenzy of groans and whines from the sentence he had spoken. i stay remained in my spot with some silence as i watch this play out.

"no more secrets, huh? that's some bullshit, gray. judging by the fact that we all have them, even you, smartass." ethan gets out harshly as troy snorts when shrugging his shoulders.

"i don't know about you but i'm an open book, no secrets here." he taunts as ethan laughs loudly when he hears this. his body pushed forward as he goes to stare at the man beside me.

"oh really? so a certain dream about joey isn't some secret you've kept hidden from her?" he brings up as i widen my eyes now as i glance between ethan and troy in the process of hearing this.

"a dream? what type- oh my god please don't be one of those. troy you're like my brother!" i whine when he nods his body seeming to he possessed by embarrassment now as he then shakes his head as well.

"and same with you, you're like my sister. but it was the beginning when you first moved in. it just happened and i didn't expect it but it did. i don't know how to do that lucid dreaming shit. when things happen in my dream they happen for whatever reason." he rants on as i cringe now from the images of that. however before i can comment more on it troy is next to spill the can of secrecy within the walls of this apartment. "but i'm not all bad, alright ethan? don't act like you haven't finished jerking off to thought of joey. i mean you've told me after i told you my dream." he admits as i had almost choked on the oxygen i had consumed.

my vision on him who stares with shocked features of this being put out into the open. "what?" i scream when having this on my mind. it causes these mixed emotions of pure confusion as i had placed my hands over my ears now when still being able to hear their words.

"it wasn't just me, grayson does too." he fights back as i shrieking once more from the words of this being true. especially from the terrified look of grayson when hearing this as well.

"oh my god, am i just some piece of meat that walks around the house for you guys to think about when you're masturbating? is it my pajamas, should i be wearing more onesies?"  i shout with worry as ethan scoffs now causing me to gape at him specifically.

"joey don't act like you're some saint. we've all heard you having some fun by yourself. thin walls in this place, i would've thought you had learned that on thanksgiving." ethan mentions my own actions as i part my lips in shock from
his words as i stand now when beginning to shake my head.

"new rule, secrets are necessary because this is tearing us apart." i announce when running hands through my hair as i need some time in solitude from these revelations. "now if you'll excuse me i'll be in my room crying while also looking online for new onesies to have just cause."


"joey why are you wearing a turtleneck and two pairs of pants, and a ski mask?" she questions me as lana walks through the door along with julie behind her. they were now within the walls of my room with muddled features caught onto their faces. but they did have a right judging by the fact that this was definitely odd of me, yet not surprising.

"because i've just learned some new information that made me realize i've been showing way too much skin. this is my new look from now on." i explain as both of the gorgeous girls stare still with the factor of confusion. julie even goes to part to her lips in response to my words but does not get anything out as grayson pops his head in.

"joey found out we thought of her when jerking off and troy had a fun dream of her when she first moved in." grayson bluntly states as the girls now burst into fits of laughter as grayson still leans by the door watching me cringe under my ski mask.

"oh joey, sweetie, that's not going to stop them." lana adds as i cross my arms now, a scoff falling from my lips when i stare between the three of them.

"yeah if anything i think it's even sexier, joey. that ski mask really puts me in the mood." he informs with a smirk as i now feel more exposed even with the coverups. however either way he had only gave us a small goodbye as he left the rest of us alone once more. my body falls to the bed as the girls only shake their head with a small grin on their faces.

"god joey if you don't something to that pretty face of his, i will." julie tells as i furrow my brows now when gazing at the pretty blonde with a faint smile.

"julie, you're a lesbian."

"doesn't mean he's not nice to look at." she insists as i shake my head at her words as they now surround me when sitting on the mattress with their eyes on me.

"i've had enough of the dolan boys. actually thinking about moving out and living with the homeless man downstairs in his box." i bring up as they hear me out with the same emotions of amusement. either way i knew i had to tell them about my small rendezvous last night. "i kissed ethan last night after my one night stand didn't go well." i spit out as they both gasp when staring with widened irises from my words.

"you what? why?" lana gets out with a smile creeping up as i cover my face as i shake my head.

"i don't know, i wish i did. he just told me not to overthink so much and live in the moment. i think i took the advice too seriously and just kissed him." i explain as they remain with the same look of disbelief.

"you think you maybe kissed him because you might like him." julie mentions as i suck my teeth and smile softly.

"that's not true."

"i don't know about you but when i like someone, i kiss them." lana tells as i whine now when wanting to just curl up in a ball and forget all of this, to just avoid what i had done.

"and i also showed grayson my naked body but that doesn't mean i like him." i bring up as lana snorts from the comment of that. she gazes between me and julie with a grin.

"but i know you joey and you care about both of them. i mean if grayson had told you the same thing ethan did, you would've kissed him." lana says now as i do evaluate her words for a moment as i whistle now. her explanation being almost mind blowing in that sense.

"oh my god."

"see i was right, you like them." lana replies in victory as i sit up now when still holding the ski mask i had removed a couple minutes ago. my hand clutched tightly around it when i shake my head.

"still doesn't make it right, they are my roommates. do you know how bad this can be? what if it doesn't work out or maybe i do give one of them a chance and they realize i'm not everything they want? then boom we break up and i'm stuck in the box with that homeless guy." i rant on causing the both of them scoff from my hypotheticals on what could go wrong. lana even goes to put her hands on shoulders as she shakes me a little, a small chuckle leaving her lips.

"joey pull yourself together, those boys are head over heels for you and so are you. so what if it doesn't work out? wouldn't you rather give it a try then sit thinking what could of been?" she informs when i frown now feeling my heartbeat quicken from her side of the story. i was beginning to feel my hands shake and a lump in my throat form even more when i had seen his face. his eyes on me with a knowing simper.

"she's right, joey." grayson had added leaving me breathless as suddenly the girls are nodding along. their bodies leaving as grayson instead walks in, his presence sat on my bed next to me as i shake my head.

"you guys can't possibly like me, i mean especially you. ethan's right i'm not your type, i'm not the type of normal girl who you-"

"yeah because ethan knows so well about my type, i don't even have one joey. i just like whoever i like and that's the same with him. but that doesn't matter because i mean we both somehow like you." he tells as i sigh deeply now, my head hung low as suddenly his fingertips are under my chin and pushing it up. his eyes on me as he smile softly. "i'm not going to lie and say that when i found out you kissed ethan, that made my heart drop."

i had parted my lips to talk to the man but instead is shaking his head, shushing me in the process. "no let me talk for once, alright. i mean it's like you said i hold it in and i want you to know i like you. i want to be the one that you want to kiss." he informs and i had felt it, the butterflies fluttering against the walls of stomach. the sudden thinking of wanting to help him with that coming true as i had let myself do it.

to do what the girls had said and try it out, to see the difference and when my lips connected with his, i was captivated. his hands cupping my face when we move in sync with the desires for more. because with grayson he had kept it slow and passionate, he did not rush it nor was it filled with hunger. but with the intentions to keep this savory. and it was when i had pulled apart and left my forehead against his with this faint smile as his eyes were shut.

"what was that?"

"you wanted me to kiss you and so i did."


it ended really stupidly but uhhhh gray and joey kissed!!!! who are you shipping still? comment what you think lovelies!

also school is like least then two weeks as of now when i'm writing this and i'm freaking out because junior year is going be the death of me and i have a feeling it's going to be a good year but still really stressful, idk though it's whatever just felt like ranting on that : )

but yeah anywayssss hoped you enjoyed the chapter : )

word count: 2,964 words

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