Monsters 🌖 Stiles Stilinski

Von DcComics2018

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In the fourth book of the Set Ablaze series, the McCall Pack faces the possibility of a future without each o... Mehr

♟ Season 5A ♙
♟ Prologue ♙
♟ Summer Circa 2012 ♙
♟ The Vision ♙
♟ Tremors & Caffeine ♙
♟ Trusting Is Hard ♙
♟ Mind-Blowing ♙
♟ Research Equals Naptime ♙
♟ Protection ♙
♟ An Auditory Hallucination ♙
♟ Twin Flames ♙
♟ Nightmares Versus Reality ♙
♟ The Banshee's Off Day ♙
♟ Only Human ♙
♟ Catastrophic Repercussions ♙
♟ Epilogue ♙
♛ Season 5B ♘
♛ Prologue ♘
♛ These Violent Encounters ♘
♛ Promises Made, Promises Kept ♘
♛ Yep, Still Hate It ♘
♛ Liberation ♘
♛ Delirium ♘
♛ Disconcerting Tales ♘
♛ Execute the Plan ♘
♛ Better On Paper ♘
♛ Renewing Trust ♘
♛ All Hell Breaks Loose ♘
♛ Plan A Sometimes Works ♘
♛ The Hero Thing ♘

♛ Best Laid Plans ♘

25 0 0
Von DcComics2018


"And everyone knows I'm in

Over my head, over my head

With eight seconds left in overtime

She's on your mind, she's on your mind"




Malia had been trying, for the past hour, to wrack her brain as to why she was designated to help Kira manage her powers. It wasn't like she had the patience to tolerate something so tedious or an encouraging mentality to provide the Kitsune with. Regardless, she followed Scott's orders while the urge to mention how the plan would fall through gnawed at her. She couldn't help the skepticism as she jutted her chin forward at the device on the table.

Kira stood across from her, merely shrugged her shoulders, and widened her eyes, questioning, "What?"

"Do it. Do your thing."

"What thing?" Kira asked again, eyes briefly flicking to the table. "I don't have a thing."

Malia urgently reminded the Kitsune, "You did it before. You had to learn how, right?"

"Actually, no. It just happened."

"How'd you learn to fight with a sword?"

"That just kind of happened too."

Malia stared off, commenting aloud, "So you've never worked for anything, and basically, you're a cheater?"

Kira sighed exasperatedly with a slight head shake, "This wasn't my idea. How are we even getting past the front gate?"

"I have a guy on the inside," the werecoyote mentioned offhandedly, causing Kira's dark eyes to widen in suspicion. "And stop changing the subject. Do your thing."

With an unsure expression, Kira took hold of the metal wires in front of her and squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the power of the Kitsune flow through her. Malia watched the lightbulb burn brighter with the amount of electricity surging inside it before her brown eyes glanced at the arrow until it hit the 150 mark with a high-pitched whine. The bulb shattered, scattering pieces across the table and floor.

"It didn't work," Kira sighed in defeat at the experiment before noticing the shard of glass lodged in Malia's forehead.

Growling under her breath, Malia tugged out the sharp piece and stated bluntly, "No. It didn't."

Malia handed her another lightbulb uneasily. She was beginning to understand now why Scott left her with his girlfriend.


"That's the worst plan I've ever heard."

To say Jordan Parrish was not on board with the idea was a bit of an understatement. It wasn't that he lacked confidence in the teenagers' abilities and skill sets. He lacked confidence in Stiles and Scott's attempts at plans. Bree had filled him in on some of the worst plans she had experienced — Boy, he couldn't wait to tell her about the new one Stiles addressed to him.

Stiles blinked rapidly, arguing while Parrish slid back the keys the teenager offered him, "Okay, the plan is perfect, and it'll work perfectly, especially if you agree to drive the van."

The deputy sighed doubtfully, "Is the Sheriff on board with this?"

"How do you think I got the keys?"

"I thought you stole them."

Staring back dumbfoundedly, Stiles answered rather quickly, "While that's a perfectly reasonable assumption, I did not steal them. And we need you because all of the Eichen guards know all of the Sheriff's Deputies, okay? We need a real deputy. And one who won't ask questions."

Parrish shook his head, reminding the kid anxiously, "It's not safe to bring me along. I'm dangerous.

"So is the giant murdering werewolf that's killed over 30 people but somehow didn't kill you." Parrish scoffed at his words, looking away briefly before Stiles came up with a different approach with a worried sigh, "Come on, Parrish, we need you. Bree needs you."


Stiles sighed as he and Scott marched down the staircase of the school library, "My dad's got the lab working on the shoe prints, but, uh, we're both kinda mystified about how giant clawed werewolf feet turn back into a pair of sneakers."

The Alpha beside him nodded, telling Stiles, "Well, Argent told Allison it wouldn't be like anything we've ever seen before."

Scoffing, Stiles jerked his neck out and glanced back at Scott, retorting, "Did he say it was going to defy the laws of physics?"

They were about to leave the library when Scott caught Theo's scent. The kid in question leaning against one of the first-floor bookshelves, flipping through a textbook casually. He peered up at Stiles and Scott, both glaring at him.

"What are you doing here?" Scott interrogated while Stiles narrowed dark eyes at him.

"I still need to graduate."

Stiles deadpanned, expressing wildly with gestures, "No. No. What you need is to be beaten severely with a lead pipe wrapped in barbed wire-"

"Okay," Theo interjected, shrugging casually. "I admit that mistakes were made."

Stiles stared at him in disbelief, reminding the Chimera, "Murders. Some murders were made."

Theo merely ignored the spastic teenager, flipping through the history textbook in his hands as he informed the two, "You know how the Soviets helped us win World War II? They knew how to make it through a Russian winter."

Stiles wet his lips, throwing his arms out in a questioning manner. "That it? Okay. Thank you, Theo. Very informative."

The teenager started to head out the door before Theo clarified, "If you're planning to break Lydia and Bree out of Eichen House, you still need to get past the Mountain Ash."

Stiles stopped in his tracks, turning back and folding his arms while glaring at Theo. This kid was seriously getting under his skin. His eyes flicked to Scott as Theo reminded the Alpha, "We can make it through. You can't, Scott."

"What do you really want?"

"I know you saw the fresco," Theo divulged, observing Scott and Stiles' eyes widen and listening to their heartbeats. "Two seriously pissed-off creatures, the Hellhound and the Beast, fighting over a pile of dead bodies. I don't want to be one of the bodies. It's that simple. I can get you to Bree and Lydia. Or we can see who gets to them first."

Stiles' grip tightened on his arms slightly, watching Theo close the book and place it back on the bookshelf. Theo gave them one last look before strolling out of the abandoned library.

The Stilinski kid muttered to Scott, "There's no way he knows what Valack's doing. Why's he so interested in them?"

"He probably thinks what we're all thinking," mentioned Scott, eyes on the exit doors that Theo walked out of. "That Bree and Lydia's got something bigger to do with this. And maybe they're the ones who can actually save us."


Scott couldn't believe what he was hearing. After the pack returned to his house to check up on the plan, Malia was the first to say something concerning his girlfriend's training. "She took out the whole school?"

"Uh, she took out the whole grid," Malia corrected him.

Liam glanced back at Kira, watching the Kitsune shake her head, negativity flooding the group again as she told Scott, "Look, I failed every single practice try. This isn't going to work."

The beta wolf tried helping her out, inquiring, "How far can we get without the brownout?"

"The front door," Stiles replied skeptically.

"We're going."

Kira mentioned again, worry surging through her as he stepped forward, "Scott, we went through boxes of light bulbs."

He shook his head, a hopeful expression on his face, claiming, "It doesn't matter. You can do this."

Malia and Liam shared a look while Kira reminded the Alpha, "The key card won't work unless there's a reboot. And there's no reboot without a brownout."

"I know you can do this," he restated, practically whispering it to her encouragingly before turning to his pack. "Anyone here think she can't?"

Liam shook his head eagerly, afraid to disagree, "Not me."

Stiles divulged brightly, "I was the one who put you in the plan."

"What?" asked Malia when all eyes fell on her.

"I believe in you too, Kira," Stiles whispered for her to say.

The werecoyote's eyes widened, reminding her friends, "I'm the one who's going to be locked in an electrical room with her." Stiles gestured at Kira, begging for her to say it anyway. Turning to the Kitsune, Malia meekly reiterated to her anxious friend, "You can do it."

Kira glanced around the room at the pack with a small head shake, telling them, "You guys are all crazy. We're gonna die."


Allison was starting to question whether or not she was the right person for the assignment Stiles and Scott gave her. It was hard enough trying to move on from what Theo and the Dread Doctors did to her that put her in a bad place mentally. But this... trying to convince Irene Simmons that her daughter was in danger at a mental institution because of her supernatural abilities? There was no way she would believe it.

She had been waiting on the front porch for a while, debating how to start the conversation when her finger finally found the doorbell, clutching a folder tightly to her chest. It was an abrupt decision, her body working against her as she held her breath, terrified. She could hear footsteps approaching when the door swung open, revealing a distressed Irene, who had dark circles under her eyes that gave away how she had been doing.

"Allison," she greeted exasperatedly, almost unsure of letting company inside the house. "What's going on? Are you alright?"

After swallowing the lump in her throat, the teenager replied, "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about Bree."

Irene sighed, exhaustion weighing heavy on her shoulders. "Look, honey, I know Eichen has a reputation for its eclectic clientele, but—"

"Ms. Simmons, Bree's not safe there," blurted out a nervous Allison.

Irene paused, green eyes staring at the girl before her. "What?"

"Bree's in danger at Eichen. If she..." Allison remembered to take a breath, continuing slowly, "If she stays there, she'll die."

The woman's shoulders slumped skeptically as she began telling the girl off, but Allison was determined to clarify the situation, "You don't understand. Please, everything is explained in this folder—" She shoved the object in her hand through the closing gap. "They're not performing E-C-T on her."

Irene tilted her head, wondering how she could have possibly known that.

"Stiles told me about your conversation. He's right. Everything you need to know about what they're doing to her is in that folder." Allison could feel tears starting to form in her eyes as she finished, "Please, please don't leave her there."

Bree's mother shook her head, still trying to deny what she knew, but took the folder regardless as she closed the door, muttering, "Goodbye, Allison."


Jordan Parrish did not want this job. The one Stiles asked him to do for Bree and Lydia's sakes. The one that forced him to return to the creepy institute of Eichen House. As he drove the transport van to the security checkpoint, he sighed, remembering the last time he visited. He had shot Brunski to save Stiles, Lydia, and Bree after Hunter had come to him worried about his sister's whereabouts.

Let's just say that if he wanted to, the deputy would gladly burn the cursed place down.

As he stopped the van, Parrish had to silently remind himself that he was doing this to save those two girls' lives. This was for his godsister, whom he had protected for a long time, and Lydia, who had helped him out with the rest of Scott's pack. He eyed the security guard approaching with a clipboard in hand and a dull expression. Going over his list, the guard's eyes lifted from the paper to stare blankly at the deputy.

"Delivery to the morgue."

Parrish waited, holding his breath as the guard flipped through the papers, shaking his head. "I don't see you on the list."

"You heard about the animal attacks, right?" The guard nodded in answer to Parrish's question. "The hospital ran out of refrigerated drawers, and Eichen's got the only other up-to-code morgue in the county."

The guard waved the deputy out of the truck to check, "Let's have a look."

Parrish leaned forward in the seat, claiming firmly, "I don't think you want to do that. The stench back there almost made me pass out while driving."

"Open the back of the van, please."

Nodding, Parrish obeyed and cut the van engine to join the guard at the back. The guard clicked on his flashlight, shining over the bodybags before insisting, "I'll need to log the names off the toe tags."

Jordan was starting to believe that the plan was already failing while informing the guard beside him, "There's significant decomp. They were found in the county tunnels way past rigor."

"Open them up, please."

The deputy did what he was instructed and pulled the zipper back, releasing a foul stench that made his eyes water and the security guard gag. With bated breath, Parrish tried unzipping another bag when the guard ordered in disgust, "No, no. Go, just go."

With a hidden smile, the deputy obeyed by zipping up the body bags, closing the van doors, and heading for the driver's seat. Upon arrival at the morgue dropoff, Parrish was greeted by a few orderlies, prepared to take the bodybags inside Eichen. He helped carry them inside until the four were laid across the tables before retreating to the transport van. The orderlies simply left the bodies in the morgue, choosing to work with them later.

Once the last orderly closed the door, fingers from inside the farthest bag reached through and unzipped it. Gasping for air, Scott effortlessly exposed himself to the cold air inside the morgue, Liam following directly after. The bag in the middle kicked underneath the decomposed body Parrish had shown the guard earlier, throwing it off as Stiles struggled to open the zippers. Finally, surfacing from it, Stiles whispered to Scott, "Oh, my God. Never again."

Scott nodded in reply before checking his phone. "Fifteen minutes starting now."

Immediately, Stiles wriggled inside the bag until he fell to the floor with a groan. Scott and Liam gave one another a look before unzipping themselves and helping the Stilinski kid to his feet. Once they were all vertical again, Scott headed for the door, listening for orderlies as they walked past the morgue before opening it up.


Kira stared at the wires in the electrical panel, wondering how in the world she would be able to complete her task. She reviewed the paper specs in hand, glancing between it and the real model before determining with a hand outstretched, "I think it's these. But they're covered in rubber."

Scanning the room, the werecoyote found a pair of metal scissors neatly placed in a cup on the desk behind them. She grasped them eagerly and headed back for the wires, ready to cut at the rubber. Noticing what she was doing, Kira gasped and held Malia back with two hands. Malia merely looked at her in confusion as the Kitsune asked, "You wanna electrocute yourself?"

"I'll heal," Malia shrugged with narrowed eyes, but Kira's grip only tightened, eyes wide with worry.

"Not if you die."

Grunting frustratedly, Malia thought of something else and held up her hands, claws extended. Kira's eyes widened further as she watched the werecoyote scratch at the rubber layer. At the first sign of sparks, she flinched back with a groan. Kira crinkled her nose at the smell of Malia's burnt skin, who held up her darkened fingers that had smoke radiating off of them. "I didn't die," she simply stated before taking out her phone to check the time. "Four minutes."


Stiles managed to make his way to the lead as the three softly stepped closer to the Closed Unit, having memorized it the last time he visited. Just as he was rounding a corner, he held an arm out, forcing Scott and Liam to back up at the sight of two orderlies at the end of the hallway.

"What are they doing there?" asked Scott frustratedly.

"I don't know," Stiles whispered back. "Their rounds should've ended five minutes ago." He peeked around the corner, watching them prattle on in casual conversation.

Liam stated, "I can take them."

Scott and Stiles whipped their heads to him with disbelieving stares, the Alpha telling him, "No one's taking anyone."

"How much time?" Stiles questioned nervously.

Catching the smell of his best friend's rising anxiety, the McCall kid pulled out his phone to check, sighing in response, "Three minutes."

"I'll just knock them out and hide the bodies."

"Oh, my God, please stop," commented Stiles, who had a pained expression while staring at Liam.

The three flinched at a loud thud resonating ahead of them. All eyes were on the young patient on the other side of the glass, who inquired worriedly, "Did you take the doctor?"

Liam whispered back in confusion, "What?"

"Did you take the doctor? I haven't had my medication. I need ten milligrams at 8 am, 15 milligrams at 1 pm, and no more than 20 at dinner."

Scott lowly assured the boy as Stiles glanced down the hall to find the orderlies looking over, "We'll get the doctor."

"Dr. Fenris. Dr. Fenris. They took Dr. Fenris," the patient cried, banging on the glass panel repeatedly. Scott shut his eyes in thought. If they were caught now, they'd never be able to save Lydia or Bree. That wasn't an option. "I haven't had my medication. I need to see the doctor."

Noticing the orderlies coming down the hall, Stiles begged quietly, "Hey, somebody shut him up."

"I need to see the doctor," the patient claimed, banging at the glass again.

"Shut him up," Stiles tried again, feeling his heart race faster with each pounding the patient made on the panel.

Having had enough, Scott opened his bright red eyes and bared his fangs, growling deep and low at the patient, who backed away with widened eyes. The poor kid backed up into the corner of his cell as Stiles watched the orderlies walk through another door that led to the exit staircase. Liam gave the patient a mean look as Stiles led them further into the facility's basement, no one saying a word.

As they continued walking through the hall, a voltage transformer hummed, signaling the brownout was in effect. Stiles glanced upward, finding brighter lights above them. Liam exclaimed with a newfound confidence, "She did it. Kira did it."

"Five minutes to get to Lydia and Bree," Scott sighed in relief... until they hit a snag.

"Where's the card reader?" Stiles asked with the keycard in hand. "It should be here. It has to be here."

Scanning the area, Scott guessed, "They must have taken it out when the Dread Doctors got through."

Stiles stared at him in disbelief, his anxiety rising once again. "Are you telling me we came all the way down here just to be stopped by an ordinary key? Are you kidding me?"

Liam shook his head, replying, "We don't need a key." Scott and Stiles looked at him expectantly. "Not if we can break it down."

Without further hesitation, Scott and Liam went for the gate, pressing against it as hard as they possibly could. After a few minutes, they had little success getting it to open. Both grunted painfully while Stiles glanced over his shoulder.

"Guys, we're running out of time."

Scott groaned, stepping away from the locked door, "We can't. The Mountain Ash. It's too much."

Panting heavily, Liam was determined to keep going, clenching his fist as he told Scott, "Hit me."

The Alpha wasn't sure if he had heard him right, brows furrowed downward in confusion. "What?"

"Hit me. I'll get angry, then I'll get stronger," Liam reminded, recalling the night of the super moon and how powerful it had made him.

Scott glanced over at Stiles, who immediately exclaimed, "Hit him. Hit him!"

Liam tried a different approach at Scott's headshake, "I tried to take your powers. I tried to kill you. Hit me."

"He also left you for dead," Stiles added.

"I wanted you dead." That was all it took for Scott to punch Liam's cheek hard with an angry growl. When Liam recovered, he pressed, "Do it again." Scott did so without question, hitting him in the same spot, causing the teenager to bend over and groan.

Stiles tightened his lips and looked at Scott as if he thought it was a pathetic attempt, announcing casually, "It's gotta be harder than that."

"Do it! Do it!"

With his heartbeat rising, anger flowed through the Alpha, allowing him to hit Liam several times, not letting him catch a breath until he remembered to calm down. He wasn't here to enact revenge. He was here to save two of his best friends. With one last exclaim of encouragement from Stiles, Scott delivered a final punch at his beta, heart beating loudly in his ears.

"You angry?"

Liam merely flashed yellow eyes and bared teeth at him, growling lowly.

"Me too," Scott claimed. "Let's do this."

The two clutched at the door once more, and with an unrestrained shove against the metal, the werewolves sent it crashing down. Stiles lifted his arms above his head at their victory over the unforeseen obstacle, wanting to shout it from the rooftops when Scott yelled at him, "Stiles, go!"

Stiles obeyed the command, stepping away from the door on the ground, and headed down the hall in search of the girls. As he rounded a corner, he approached the gate with a card reader and finally used the keycard in hand to get inside the closed unit. Opening the gate, he raced down the hall, abruptly stopping at Lydia's room. The redhead blinked in recognition of Stiles before a sorrowful expression crossed her features.

Upon entering the room, Stiles took note of the lack of tools in her cell. Remembering what Deaton told him, Scott, and Allison, the anxious teen took a knee beside the Banshee, observing the side of her head. He sighed in relief that her head was in perfectly good shape, with no shaving done to it and no drill holes marking her. Loosening Lydia's restraints, Stiles helped her off the bed.

"You okay to walk?" Stiles questioned, watching as her face fell in fear.

With a gentle whisper, Lydia predicted, "You'll die if you stay here. All of you."

Stiles' breath hitched before he cast the thought aside, needing the plan to work. He confidently led her outside the room and down the hall, asserting, "I'm getting Bree out. I can't leave her here."

Remembering the cell he visited, Stiles walked further down, Lydia in tow. His heart was beating so quickly that he thought it would beat out of his chest. Leaning Lydia against the wall out in the hallway, Stiles' shoes squeaked loudly against the concrete floor as he slid open the door to the familiar cell room. He immediately stopped at the entrance at the horrific sight he saw before him.

Next to the bed was a tray of surgical tools, blood staining the metal alongside wet red rags. With a choked gasp, his whiskey-brown eyes looked over at the still body on the bed. A shallow breath escaped Bree's lips as Stiles found her eyes. The off-white pillow and sheets she laid on faded from dark red to light pink. Panting heavily, Stiles knelt beside her bed while shaky hands moved her hair to assess the damage. He was too late.

"Stiles," she whimpered, wide eyes focusing on him. "You're not supposed to be here."

"The hell I'm not," his voice shook as he answered, finding the drilled hole in her head and quickly recognizing how she was strapped to the bed.

He carefully removed the light hairs that had settled on her face out of the way to see the forest-green color he had grown to love.

"I don't want to kill you," she spoke, a tear slipping down her cheek that blended with the perspiration across her face.

Stiles panted softer before jumping into action immediately, ignoring the tug at his heart with every struggling breath she took. Unloosening the straps around her wrists, he heard her protest quietly, "He's coming, Stiles. You have to go."

He declared as he continued to free her from the restraints, "I'm not leaving you, Bree. I won't lose you again."

"You don't have a choice," she argued, meeting his eyes again before a faint buzzing sounded throughout the Closed Unit. He stopped in his attempt, head glancing at Lydia across the way, who looked back worriedly. "Go, Stiles. Save Lydia."

He turned back to her, watching the pained expression on her face deepen. The thought of leaving her in a God-awful place like this angered him.

"Please," she begged, more tears falling down her face. "I can't lose you."

Licking his lips, he turned back to the door before deciding. He fastened the restraints back on Bree's wrists with a heavy heart. Despite everything that happened between them, Stiles pressed a heartfelt kiss on her perspired forehead, a silent promise that he wouldn't leave her there. That there was still hope.

"I'm coming back for you," he whispered delicately before leaving her in the cell, taking Lydia with him to the back of the hallway as Valack approached.

Closing her teary eyes, Bree prayed no one would spot them while Valack entered the cell room. Valack sat across from her bed, placing another rag at the hole in her head gently. "Stay focused, Ophelia."

The teenager squeezed her eyes shut, hoping it would be enough to block out the pain she was in, shuddering, "What did you do?"

"I've amplified your abilities. Something that might just save the lives of your friends," Valack claimed. "Now, tell me, Ophelia, what happened next?"

Despite the throbbing in her head, Bree croaked out from what the Phoenix allowed her to see, "Theo and Hayden found it. They were..." She grunted softly from the pounding in her head getting louder. "They meant to find Noah, but... But found the symbol instead. A circle inside another circle. It was carved into the wall. Scott's pack."

"It was more than a symbol, wasn't it?" Valack questioned. "It was a promise to reunite them."

Bree answered raggedly, "Yes."

Valack interrogated the poor girl further, "But has Scott done it yet? Will he be coming for you?"

A buzzer sounded across the hall, notifying Valack that someone was heading their way in the  Closed Unit.

"Someone is coming, Valack," the blonde whispered hauntingly, her eyes glued to the ceiling. He turned back to her with slight concern. "And it isn't Scott."

"Who then?"

Despite the throbbing pain, Bree flopped her head to the side, staring straight into his eyes as she spoke quietly, "You know."

Swallowing harshly, Valack stood from his seat and exited Bree's room to meet Theo and his pack of Chimeras out in the hallway. "You don't wanna do this, Theo," the older man attempted as the teenagers stalked closer to him. "She's safe in here. The Dread Doctors don't know how important she is yet."

Theo merely nodded at Tracy, whose Kanima skin showed prominently against the side of her face. The girl snarled and charged at the man, pinning him by the throat against the concrete wall with ease. The rest followed Theo into Bree's room. Theo narrowed his sharp eyes at the girl lying on the bed, blood running onto her pillow from the wound Valack inflicted upon her head.

"She doesn't look good," Josh pointed out.

Corey's eyes flicked over to the girl's side, deadpanning, "She has a hole in her head. It's not a good look for anyone."

Theo's expression turned to worry due to his comment. Walking over to where the Phoenix was, Theo tilted her head over, watching as her eyes fluttered open and shut like she was on the verge of conscious and unconscious states. Observing the hole, Theo shook his head disappointed. "I can't believe this is actually a medical establishment." He turned to Josh, instructing, "Pick her up. We're getting her out of here."

"Now, what would a pack of Chimeras want with a Phoenix?" Valack questioned curiously.

"I'm not here for a Phoenix," Theo told him. "I'm looking for a Hellhound."

With an angry roar, all heads turned to the gate to find a fiery creature clawing it open. The corners of Valack's mouth curved upward as he stated, "You wanted a Hellhound? I think you found one."

Theo would have found it thrilling and quite the experience to be face-to-face with a Hellhound, something he had been looking forward to. Unfortunately, due to the current state of Parrish with his glowing orange eyes, flaming body, and extended claws, it was proving to be a bigger complication to gain his attention. Instead, the Hellhound was on a directed path for them, snarling deeply. 

Not seeing a lot of options, the Chimera entered Bree's cell, ripped her restraints off, and whipped out his claws, pressing them to her neck as he guided her out into the hall, holding her steady as she swayed. Showing her off to Parrish, Theo commanded, "Back off."

Tracy released her hold on Dr. Valack, the man dropping to the floor with a grunt while Stiles and Lydia, hidden from the scene, watched the events unfold. The Hellhound proceeded forward, provoking Theo, who lightly plunged his claws deeper into Bree's neck. A quiet gasp escaped the girl's lips as her eyes flickered back and forth between forest green and amethyst for a brief moment. Parrish's eyes only seemed to brighten in the dark as he moved. 

"Take him," Theo ordered the others, realizing Parrish was not deterring.

Corey disputed, eyes wide at the command, "The guy's on fire."

Theo didn't release his grip on the Phoenix as he directed again, "You'll heal. Do it."

Corey backed up as Tracy ran forward, eyes glowing while a hideous snarl left her mouth. She lunged for Parrish, sinking her claws into his skin with a crooked smile. The further she dug, the more confused she became of Parrish still standing. Growling, Parrish shoved her against the wall, unaffected by her attack. Next was Josh, who had ripped out an electrical pipe and held onto the open wire, placing an electrified hand on Parrish to dissuade the Hellhound.

Josh's glowing white eyes widened as he realized the Hellhound was unaffected by that, only snarling in response. Turning back to Theo, Josh groaned, "This isn't working!"

Parrish smashed Josh's head against the opposite wall, the Chimera sinking. Stiles watched as Dr. Valack took the drill in his hand and jabbed it into Theo's calf, the hard metal cutting into his skin while blood trickled down his leg. Josh stood again, ready for round two with the Hellhound. Theo released his hold on Bree, collapsing to the floor from the pain. Getting to his feet, Valack gripped Bree's sunken body and hoisted her up. 

"Sorry, Theo, but I'm not done with her yet."

On his way out, Valack was stopped by an angered Stiles stepping into his path. He wasn't going to let him take Bree away again. At the sound of Corey's horrified cries, they whirled around to find Parrish had blasted the timid Chimera with flames, engulfing them both before tossing Corey in the direction of the door. Valack moved out of the way with Bree wincing in his arms as the Chimera collided with Stiles, forcing the two onto the ground.

Theo, thinking quickly, snatched the electrical pipe Josh had thrown aside earlier and hurled it at the Hellhound. With a direct hit into the chest, Parrish fell to his knees, his glowing eyes flickering out. Struggling to push Corey off of him, Stiles watched as Valack dragged Bree with him through a back door. He grunted in aggravation, Lydia at his side as the door slammed shut, locking the two out and further away from Bree. 

As he screamed her name, Stiles slammed his hands against the metal door, desperate to get to her before Valack did any further damage, but it proved ineffective. 

"Let me try," Theo yelled while Stiles and Lydia moved out of the way, observing him kick the door down easily.

Taking the redhead with him, Stiles didn't think twice as they shoved past Theo, running to catch up with Valack and Bree.

"You're not gonna find her without me!" Theo shouted after them.


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In the third book of the Set Ablaze series, it's been near two months after the deaths of friends, and more trouble stirs within Beacon Hills in the...
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"it's not a legacy. it's a misfortune." season four. book one of the "legacy" series all rights reserved to voidohana *i do not own teen wolf, the p...
12.5K 342 15
[BOOK 3] Completed ✅ "So this is how it's gonna go." Katherine said while walking towards them and grabbing them by the throat. "Either you tell me...
364K 8.5K 88
Katherine McCall lived a normal life with a somewhat normal brother and a normal crush on best friend Stiles. It was everything she could keep up wit...