DCAbatman Part I: The Batman:...

By MASAtheVast

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My version of the caped crusader. I mean, have you seen the DCEU? Now have you seen the MCU? Now, compare the... More

The Goddamned Batman
Chapter I: I am Bruce Wayne
Chapter II:Robin, the Boy Wonder
Chapter III: Hugo Strange and the Man-Monsters of Arkham Asylum
Chapter IV: The Lamb and the Wolf
Chapter V: The Puppet Master
Chapter VI: Scare Crow
Chapter VI.V: Merry Christmas, Mr. Wayne
Chapter VII: The "Avengers"
Prometheus vs. Thanos III
Chapter VIII: The Joker Returns
Chapter IX: Bruce and Rachel
Chapter X: Wayne and Crane
Chapter XI: Rise of the Human Scare Crow Part I- Jason
Chapter XII: Rise of the Human Scare Crow Part II: Don't Stop Me Now
Chapter XI: Rise of the Human Scare Crow Part III: I am Batman
By the Way..

Chapter IV.V: Bruce Wayne: Origins

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By MASAtheVast

November 7, 2015

"BRUCE!!! I told you to RUN!!!" "No no no no no... Daddy... No.... NOOO!!!!" "I wanted a killer, not a knight. A man, not a coward. A soldier, not a son." "Either you die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the-..."

Bruce wakes up, hearing the word "-villain." in his head as he hears bones cracking at the same time. "ALFRED!!!" he yelled, "AAAAAALFFFREEEED!!!!" 

Bruce walks down the stair case as he wipes tears from his eyes. He yawns, calmly. He sees Jason on the table with breakfast already set. "Big Brother Mr. Wayne!" cried Jason, "How wonderful to see you this morning! Good Morning! Hehe..." "Morning, boy." said Bruce. The twp eat breakfast, eggs and bacon, as Jason then rambles on about something. Bruce lapses out, staring at his bacon, "-and that's how my friend got adopted. Great story, right Mr. Wayne? Uh... Mr. Wayne?" "Huh?! Wha?" Bruce looks up, confused. "Why, why did you adopt me?" Bruce hears a voice, whispering, "Can I have a quarter?" in his head. "Uh... Because why not?" said Bruce, sipping his coffee, "Besides, technically Alfred adopted you, so you're like my adoptive brother, or some shit..." Bruce lapses out once again as Jason keeps on rambling on. "WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE HER A QUARTER??!!!" asked a deep gargling voice in his head, "She was clearly hungry, and she needed money... She probably did 'shit' for those men purely for the purpose of receiving currency... But no... No.... You just let her go, and you basically murdered the child, you filiciding mutt..." "What about you..." replied Bruce, "You just had to exist, didn't you? You dare say this to me, when you yourself just won't let me handle this. I'm the richest man in the world..." "And you think they'll listen to you? That's why I'm here... That's why I exist." said the voice. "Why?!" asked Bruce.  "It's because we're Batman!!!" replied the voice, "You should've killed him.... and Ra's would've made us the greatest warrior in the world, even greater than that asshole, Slade." "He had the right to live!!!" "What of those wolves you've murdered in cold blood?!" "They were animals! They don't count!" "You snap their necks as if you were Petelguese twisting some nice Rems for dinner." "Screw you, we're the same person." "Screw you, you said that to yourself." "F*ck you." "F*ck you!" "You think you're a hero! You think yourself as a shadow that flies in the night sky, thinking that your some f*cking animal of some sort?" "I am an animal. I am the animal that you are. We are one and the same. I am you. I think that I'm a hero, you say? Well you think that you're a god. Know this, that every time you act like some dumbass arrogant abridged version of Tony Stark, remember, I'm inside you..." "Gross." "See? You just did it again... You think you're so funny, but when I am unleashed I will break the 'one rule'. I will kill a person. I will, and I won't hesitate. I'll go on to break every bone in his/her body, then I will slowly, but surely, slit his/her throat, and I will make every one that cares about that particular person,  watch. That person will suffer, and they will suffer, watching him suffer, at the fault of ever caring for that person. You think you're a god, Bruce, since you see yourself so high. Though, remember this... No matter how high you see yourself as, you'll never live up to the gods. Those ones that can run really fast, fly with red capes, god killers and the such? You can never live up to that. Why? Because you are just a man. Just, a, man. Remember, every time you, lost your cool? Yeah... You like what you did to him, don't you? I know you're shaking your head right now, but somewhere, deep inside, you liked how you broke his back. You liked it, how you broke Dorrance... You liked how you humiliated him in front of his family. You liked spitting on his face and beating it as loud as a beating drum. You liked taking that match and-..." "STOP!!! W-why... Why are you doing this?!" "Why? Heheheheheh... It's because I'm the Goddamned Batman... Bruce... Bruce? Bruce!"

"Bruce!" yelled Jason. Bruce looks up. "Why are you staring at that spoon? Are you okay?" asked Jason, looking confused and worried. "It's because I'm Batman!" yelled Bruce. "What?" asked Jason. "What?" asked Bruce. "I was just asking you on how you became Batman..." said Jason. "Oh... That's a long story..." said Bruce, "So... Once upon a time..."

20 minutes later...

"The end..." said Bruce, "Now... Training Session Time!" "Wait.. What happened after you dad died?" asked Jason. "Oh.... well... Haha... The story begins in May, 1939, where I fought The Joker, drugged Giants,  an evil cat lady and the Joker again where he stabbed himself several times... Then I went on to become a zebra one time, and cause physical damage everywhere. I also fought a shark with shark repellent. I also fought Dracula that one time. Then I fought and killed Joker. Then I killed the hot cat lady and some bird guy, then a guy with a huge scarred face using a coin that looked like Harvey and a ginger in a green suit with question marks all around that looked like Eddie. Then I fought a plant lady and an icy guy with 'cool' puns with a Batsuit with nipples, and I hated that. After that I got rebooted and fought Crow, Ra's, The Joker again, Harvey again, Eddie again who tried to expose me, and Dorrance, who became really terrifying with that Asthmatic get up." said Bruce, confidently. "Uh.." hesitated Jason, "Two of those events happened a few months ago, but I'm not so sure about the other half, or, 80%, though." "Oh wow... how long was I looking at that spoon?"

May 1, 1999

"Master Bruce, it's been almost a year since your father passed away. Are you sure you still choose to be home-schooled?" asked Alfred. Bruce is shown looking outside the window, lifting a dumbbell with his right hand, wearing his sleeveless shirt. Alfred then looks confused, "Uh, Master Br-..." "Hand me my towel, Alfred. I would like to got to high school." said Bruce, still staring outside the window. "What about Rachel?" "Forget about her..." said Bruce, "She said she wouldn't love me, anyway... I don't care... She's completely useless to me at this point." "Master Bruce, I really do not like the way that you just keep staring at either inanimate objects, or the backyard, because I noticed you've been doing those a lot latel-..." "Yes I do." said Bruce. "What was that, Master Bruce?" asked Alfred. "That boy from almost a year ago asked me if I think I'm a hero. Yes I do. I should've answered that before I bashed his face several times with my own fists and lick my knuckles, swallowing the blood as if it was a nice strawberry Sunday in the hot summer." said Bruce in a monotone voice, still staring outside. "Uh..." hesitated Alfred. "I should've killed him." he still said in a monotone voice, "I should've gauged his eyes out in front of his friends. But no... You would've gotten arrested. But then I thought, 'Who cares? I'm rich!' But then again I'm 8... So yeah...." "BREAKING NEWS!!!" yelled the man from the TV behind them, "AN UNIDENTIFIED BLUE OBJECT FALLS FROM SPACE, WITH ENERGY LEVELS BEYOND THE POWER OF THE SUN ITSELF COMING FROM WITHIN IT?!! WAIT... NOW THEY ARE TELLING ME NOW THAT IT'S... RISING?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! THEY'RE SAYING THAT THE OBJECT CONTAINS A NUCLEAR DEVICE OF SOME SORT?!!! NOW IT'S CALMING DOWN!!! THE ENERGY LEVELS SEEM TO MATCH THE SOUND WAVES OF A... CRYING BABY?!!! OKAY THIS IS JUST REALLY DUMB... IN OTHER NEWS, THE NEW VIGILANTE LAW BY THE UNITED NATIONS... CREATED BY THAT RACIST, I MEAN  RICH GUY... ROBERT QUEEN WILL BE PASSED SOME TIME NEXT YEAR IN JANUARY-!!!" Alfred turns the TV off, "Master Bruce, are you s-..." "I want to go to high school... NOW..."

"So I went to high school..." narrated Bruce, "And I beat everyone. Turns out, I was a prodigy, and I became Valedictorian. And, by the time when I was 10, I went to College, and I studied so hard and so fast that I was entered in S.T.A.R. Labs when I was 14..."

August 9, 2004

"Hey look, it's the new kid..." said one guy, wearing a white lab coat, as Bruce walks in, "Look kid... if you're trying to find the local school, go downtown to the east from here." "Hello black man." said Bruce, "Lucius is it? Why are you even here?" "Excuse me?" asked Lucius. "Why are you even here?" asked Bruce, "I can see that you are wearing a white lab coat... But why? The others here are wearing casual clothing. Are you telling me that you are ashamed of your own skin color?" Lucius, angrily, walked towards him and said,  "What the hell did you just-???" "Oh no..." said the young Bruce, "Don't get me wrong. I'm not a racist. I'm just trying to point out, *breathes in* that you have scars all over your face... Old scars... probably from when you were a child..." "And?" asked Lucius. "So, were you abused?" asked Bruce, "Probably by a racist white father who didn't want you? I can see that you have a slight white shade on your skin, or is it just me? I don't know..." "How dare you!!!" yelled Lucius. "How dare I, for berating someone who is ashamed of his own skin color, though you berate me for being some dumb school child? F*ck you, you insubordinate dumbass illegitimate man child." said Bruce in a monotone. "I'm sure, *sniff*, dad left me for a good reason..." whimpered Lucius. "It was because he didn't want you nor did he want anything to do with you." said Bruce, as Lucius cried and ran away. One man then says, "Uh... Why are you-..." "Shut up and give me a job." said Bruce. Another guy then asks, "Why did you say all those-???" "My dad was murdered in front of me and his blood was splattered all over my face. Also I was constantly bullied at a young age, beaten to a pulp. I remember the taste of my blood in my tongue, splashing around in my tongue. F*ck you for asking." said Bruce.


"Wow you used to be f*cking insane!" yelled Jason, "And edgy! Don't forget edgy!" "Yeah... I was an edgy little shit back then..." said Bruce, "But I'm fine now! At least I think I am... Don't worry! After a few months... I went to the next phase!!!" "There were phases?" asked Jason. "Good bye to the Imperfect Phase... Time, for the Semi-Perfect phase, or I like to call, the B.R.A.T. Phase! Jason then blurts out, "The wha-???" "The 'Basically Raising Arrogance Tremendously' Phase!" replied Bruce.

March 3, 2005

"Two of you idiots..." yelled Bruce, sitting on his chair as he has reached Department Head, "Shine my shoes..." "But we're just here to find do his dad..." said the blonde child pointing to the ginger child. "I don't care... SHINE!!!" 


"And that's how I met my old childhood friends, Dent and Nigma, respectively." said Bruce. "???" questioned Jason with a confused look.

July 23, 2006

"Happy birthday Master Bruce!" said Alfred. "HEADLINES FOR TODAY!!!" yelled the news guy in TV again, "FISH BOY WAS CAPTURED IN ICELAND: HOAX OR LEGIT?!  PILOT DEAD AFTER JET EXPLOSION, LEAVES CHILD ORPHANED!!! HAHA... I MEAN... SO SAD... BOO-HOO.... AND FINALLY... WORLD WAR I PHOTO RESURFACED WITH A SUPERHERO OF SOME SORT-..." "Alfred, can you please turn that off... I'm trying to become God, here...." said Bruce, reading while eating cake. "Master Bruce, narcissism is unhealthy and bad for you ego." said Alfred. "YOU'RE AN EGO!!!" yelled Bruce. "You will be." whispered Alfred. "Also I want to got o this weird... place... Ghul, is it? The shadow nation? Yeah... I wanna train there... I heard World War II's the Human Terminator came from that weird ass nation. I wanna go there...."  said Bruce. "Master Bruce!" yelled Alfred, "You can't just leave in such a short notice!" "But I wanna!!!" yelled Bruce. "Master Bruce, NO!" yelled Alfred. "I wanna!" yelled Bruce, "I WANNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!!!!!"


"And then he brought me to Ghul..." said Bruce. "Wow..." said Jason, "Just... wow..." "Yeah, I know." said Bruce, "I was that obsessed... and you're going to ask 'Why?' again, aren't you?" "I don't get it..." said Jason, "Why did you act so edgy, then obsessed like a f*cking brat who just wants some attention from his mommy?" "Don't judge me." said Bruce, "When I was eight I thought that I should train to bring honor to my father, it drove me to near insanity just to become 'The Best'. Instead I ended up becoming 'The Bat'. When I became successful was when my ego started to grow." "What's an eg-...""Can you not be a little shit right now, Jason." said Bruce, "Anyway... yeah. I became so obsessed to become the perfect guy. For f*ck's sake, I learned every known branch of science (except String Theory, because f*ck that), philosophy, mathematics, linguistics, arts, engineering, law, technology and livelihood education, etc. I was obsessed with bringing honor.... Because why not?" "Oh." said Jason, "Okay?" "That's incorrect." said the voice in his head, once again returning, "You did it because you thought you weren't good enough... You though you were just a spoiled brat with no purpose or knowledge to bring justice to his own father. You though you were useless." "Shut up!" yelled Bruce. "What?" "Huh, what?" 

Aug 9, 2006

A private jet enters a mountainous area of the Himalayas. Bruce, in the jet, gives Alfred a small mirror, "Use this at the right time, Alfred..." he said. Alfred smiles, saying, "But of course, Master Bruce." "Okay..." said Bruce wearing warm clothing with a backpack, now walking towards the door of the jet, looking at Alfred, "Now what?" "Wear this, Master Bruce..." said Alfred, "Remember all my teachings of education and physical strength, young Master... Also find for the mountain with eyes." "What do you-???" before Bruce could finish, Alfred pushes him off the jet. Bruce screams for a bit. He then looks at his pack and says, "Oh yeah..." Bruce pulls a string from his pack, as a parachute comes out as he slowly lands. 


"For three days, I walked pass the bases of mountains above me. I went hiking on the final mountain, a mountain with two large boulders on its face that made it look like it has eyes... And yes, it is dumb. When I finally reached the entrance to Ghul..." said Bruce, sipping for more coffee, "I met... him..."

Aug 12, 2006

As Bruce ends up laying before a giant, brown metal door with Arabic writings on it, A tall, masked man, with Royal Arabic armor, steps before him. Bruce looks up, and faints, as the man's green eyes glow, staring at him.

Later that day....

"Welcome to Ghul..." said the Arabic man, "Welcome..." "Liam Neeson?" asked Bruce. "Rise, Dumbass." said the Arabic man as Bruce stands up, "And bow before me, the King of Ghul." Bruce then finishes standing up and goes back down to the floor to bow before him. "So you're Bruce, right?" asked Ra's. "Yeah." answered Bruce. "From now on, I shall call you, Dumbass." said Ra's. "But why-..." "Silence, dumbass." said Ra's.

"He trained me for 2 years, I endured the basics." narrated Bruce. "BREAKING NEWS!!! CRAZY KID THINKS HIS MOM DIED FROM A 'LIGHTNING MAN' INSTEAD OF HIS FATHER!!! WHAT A DUMBASS!!!" said the man in the TV as Ra's turned off the Television. "DO MORE PUSH-UPS, DUMBASS!!!" yelled Ra's, as behind the sofa Bruce does more push-ups with spiked below him and a large rock tied to his back. "'Sup dumbass..." said a tall manly man who decides to sit on Bruce's rock. "F*CK YOU!!!"  he yelled. "For another two years, he taught me the basics of being an Arabic ninja." narrated Bruce. "Arabic Ninjas?" interrupted Jason. "Did I not mention about the League of Assassins? A clan of extremely dangerous warriors from Ghul, aka the most dangerous army in the world. An army that even the Foot Clan of Japan fears?" asked Bruce. "Now you did, I guess....." "Anyways, I met friends there. You know, there was dumbass there, named Dorrance, who pissed me off throughout the years I spent there. But his hot adoptive sister, Princess Talia, became my only friend." he narrated more, "She grew very fond of me.... Since I was the greatest student in Ra's' batch. Also she was the same age as I was, 20..."

"Hey..." said Talia, walking out to the icy balcony with Bruce staring outside, "Why do you like staring outside like that?" "What do you mean?" asked Bruce, turning around. "Why do you keep staring at objects and staring at landscapes? Dude... It's creeping everyone out..." said Talia. "Oh...." said Bruce, "It helps me think...." "In what way?" asked Talia. "It helps me, think... Really hard... It helps me, know...." "Know what?" asked Talia. "Know if I'm screwing up, knowing that I'm still not good enough. I need to be perfect, woman. I need to be perfect... I need to be... a god...." "Well, well..." said a handsome young man with luscious hair waving from the cool howling wind of the mountains with a very manly voice, "If it isn't the Bat kid...." "It was real, you f*cking dumbass...." said Bruce. "Wohohoah!!!" said Dorrance, "Picking up some language from my father, I presume?" "Dorrance, stop..." said Talia. "Dude... Why the hell are you such a jerk to me?" asked Bruce. Dorrance then punches Bruce down to the ground. "Dorrance!" yelled Talia. "Bitch please... Acting so edgy...You merely adopted the darkness... " said Dorrance, "I was born from it... You piece of shit dumbass... Oh by the way... I dyed your Father's shirt pink.... Also, ha! Your father's dead!" he said, kicking him more.  "You are quite literally, the bane of my f*cking existence..." said Bruce, "You're just jealous because I'm better than you." "Haha..." said Dorrance, kicking Bruce once more, "You think you are better than me? No one's slick as Dorrance! No one's quick as Dorrance!" "No on sucks dick, harder than Dorrance..." said Bruce. Dorrance kicks him harder. "Why, aren't, you, fighting, back?!!" cried Bane as he kicks during every word said. "Because you're not worth my effort..." said Bruce, staring dead into his eyes with a monotone voice, "You're nothing more than a dumb idiot who looks like Tom Hardy. You may see yourself as the Prince of Ghul, but no... You're just some dumb asthmatic orphan.... No different from me.... At least I got a chance to meet my father. How about you? You never met your real parents. You didn't even have a chance to meet them because your mother died in child birth and your dad was murdered by a Goddamned Indian man. He died, you can never meet them and there's nothing that you can do about it. You're nothing more than trash the League found to become heir in case they don't have one, and now they do, since Talia was born months later. Why are you even here, dumbass? You useless piece of shit loveless f*ck? Shouldn't you be dying my hair pink right now? What's wrong, cat got your tongue? No quips? No selfish ideas from your f*cking worthless brain except kick me? I have an IQ of 275 and I heard your IQ is 99. What a dumbass indeed. What else? You were friendzoned by your own sister? That's just sad... Not even a mother could love your piece of shit dumbass personality. Did I mention that your mother was dead?" Dorrance then cries  while Talia smiles and starts to make out with him in front of Dorrance's eyes.


"And that's how I met my first love!!!" said Bruce, "I got a girlfriend, I humiliated my enemy, and Ra's became a father figure of some sort. And as I became better, I came to the Perfect Phase, or the 'Vegeta' phase, which was four years later.... A total of eight years since I left S.T.A.R. Labs."

March 3, 2013 

"IT HAS TO BE PERFECT!!!" yelled Bruce. "What the hell are you on about?" asked Talia, who woke up beside him on bed. "Oh, I'm just trying to finish this new game they made... Flappy Bird, is it?" asked Bruce to himself, "I'm just gonna go on and call Felix on how the hell did he do it..." "Wait... don't you already have a gaming channel?" asked Talia. "Uh... yeah? On since 2 years ago... Why?" asked Bruce. "Can't you just ask the comment section or some shit?" asked Talia. "I need professional help Talia.... You don't understand, woman..." said Bruce, as Talia  sighs goes back to sleep, annoyed.

Later in the morning...

"Eight years..." said Ra's before a hundred men and women before him, with Bruce, Dorrance and Talia in the lead, "For almost eight years all of you have pleased me with your training. I taught you all to fight despite the fear that lurks in your hearts. I have humbled you all... Well, almost all of you... Looking at you, dumbass..." Bruce then raises his shoulders acting as if he knows nothing. "Anyways..." said Ra's, "I trained you all to kill... Despite none of you has truly killed someone... Though... You must do this last trial... You must slay the Wolf King..." "Uh..." hesitated Bruce, "Master, what in the hell is a Wolf King?"  "It's some kind of Wolf that seems to have fed off the metal known as Kryptonium." said Ra's. "What the hell is Kryptonium?" asked Talia. "I don't know, it was discovered by some smart asshole... I'm pretty sure that the word 'Krypton' in ancient Sanskrit was written on the lump of metal, so they called it Kryptonium... It's a super metal-..." "-That is extremely modifiable yet extremely durable. It can be used for super computers and is very handy in military weapons..." continued Bruce, "Uh... Excuse me, sir...." "Excuse you, Dumbass..." he said, as the rest laugh it off. "Anyways... kill the Wolf King... We just call it Krypto..." said Ra's, "Also the Kryptonium in his bloodstream gave him Super Powers or whatever... Kill it and bring me the head. By the way, group yourselves into pairs, alright?" "Nem sayidi!!!" they all yelled, which means 'yes sir' in Arabic, except for Bruce, who asked, "Nani? Wait no hints? Just... We're just going to run around in the Himalayas like idiots?" Ra's nods.

The hundred warriors split in groups of two. Bruce ended up with Dorrance. "Look..." said Bruce, "I know that we have our own differences, an I may be better than you... But we have to stick together, my friend..." "Don't call me that, dumbass..." said Dorrance, "I will defeat you, Bat boy. I will bring the wolf's body to my father, and you won't be there... BECAUSE YOU WOULD BE DEAD!!! Huhah!!!" Bruce shakes his head as he walks faster. Bruce and Dorrance venture in the mountainous range. They hiked everywhere, searching for the wolf. For 7 days, they were unsuccessful, until they found a large cave at the base of a mountain the height of six skyscrapers American. "Wow.... Large mountain..." said Bruce, "Hey Dorrance, think it's compensating for something? Hahahaha!!!!" Dorrance looks at him, annoyed. "Was that a Shrek reference?" asked Dorrance. "Shut up." said Bruce, "It's funny." "Why?" asked Dorrance. "Because I said so!!!" cried Bruce. The two enter the cave. They hear howling from within. At first, they hear steps of one, then they hear the steps of many. Suddenly, a pack of one hundred wolves chase the two. Bruce then takes out his Katana, turns around and charged towards the creatures. He cut them in half, one by one, until one of the wolves bit his sword and broke it. Dorrance climbed a tree and hid at the top while wolves tried to climb from down the trunk. Bruce went on to beat 20 wolves to near death with his bear fists. He snapped the necks of the next 30. The wolves pounced towards him, as he punched them one by one, kicked their snouts, breaking their jaws, hammering each of them down. He beat their bodies, swung them around by getting a hold of their tails, breaking each and everyone of those wolves. By the end of the day, Bruce killed all the wolves all by himself. He stood up from the snowy ground, having broken his right arm. As suddenly a large wolf, Krypto, the Wolf King, slowly walked towards them. Bruce took his broken sword and pointed at the face of the wolf. "I'm gonna kill you, f*cking wicked one." said Bruce. The Wolf, who stood by the same height as Bruce, attacked him. Dorrance came and brings out his curved Arabian, stabbing the creature in the eye, but with no effect, as the creature bites each of his legs. Dorrance limps away and hides behind a tree. Bruce then says, hiding behind a rock behind the creature as it slowly walked towards Dorrance, "Good thing I'm right hande-... Oh..." Bruce then bites his broken sword, stands up, climbs the rock and pounces at the creature from behind, strangling it with his left arm. Bruce then starts to strangle the creature with his legs, crying, "PETA IS GONNA HAVE A FIELD DAY ON THIS ONE!!!" He then tightens the grip of his legs and stabs the creature in the head. The wolf then bites his leg and throws him to the ground. Something triggered in Bruce once more, as he takes his broken sword from the ground, yelling and gargling his voice in a deep tone, stabbing it in the heart as Krypto falls down to the ground. He then goes on to beat its face with his left hand. He then bites its neck, as it bleeds out, killing the creature. He yells loudly, with a deep, gargling voice, like in the dark knight movies, as the blood from his mouth splatters out from the deep rage seething from his heart into his loud, booming voice. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGHH!!!!!" he yelled, kneeling on the creature's dead body, slicing it's head off, before fainting.


"He carried me and the head for three days back home..." said Bruce, "Then he got back to Ghul, claiming his own win... " "Then you were banished for being defeated..." asked Jason, "... And lived in shame for the rest of your days?" "Oh no... they figured it was me because the bite marks on the neck (which he forgot to cut off) match my teeth and the stab wounds are from my sword! They loved me!" said Bruce, "Now... time for the next phase... after this... That drove me to complete....." Bruce's voice then becomes deeper and creepier, "Mmmadnessssss........" Jason starts to budge away from the table. "But then again..." said Bruce in his normal voice, "... It did make me the Good Ol' Big Brother Mr. Wayne we all know and love today.... Ain't that right, boy?" Jason nods, scared. "The shame happened... After..." said Bruce, sipping his coffee.

  March 15, 2013  

"Bruce..." said Ra's. The two are on the balcony. "Oh wow... this is the first time I heard you say my first name..." said Bruce. Ra's then continues, saying, "You were like a son to me, after all these years... And for killing the wolf king, you must become the true heir..." "Awesome!!!" said Bruce, "Perfect! I must be the one! I should be the one... I AM THE ONE!!!" "But..." said Ra's. "Aw man..." said Bruce. "This will be a bit hard for you, but then again, I don't care..." said Ra's. "What?" asked Bruce. Ra's then says, "You must kill Dorra-...." "YES!!!" yelled Bruce, "I mean... Oh no. That's f*cked up. He's like a brother to me. Oh my God. Nooooooooo...." "Yes... I had the same conversation with Dorrance and he had the same reaction..." said Ra's. "Psh... Of course he did." said Bruce. "So yeah... Kill him. 8:00 AM, sharp, for the throne." said Ra's, walking away, "Oh and by the way, don't tell Dorrance where the new drinking fountain is. It's in the throne room. Don't tell him or I'll lose a bet..." Bruce then looks outside, the beautiful mountain range. "Dumbass..." said Dorrance as Bruce looks back, "I'm going to break you..." Bruce smiles and looks back outside. Dorrance walks away, whispering to someone, "Bring the butler..." without Bruce hearing, "Also, can someone please give me a glass of water?"

March 16, 2013

"It has begun." said Ra's. Thousands surround the underground Super Colosseum, as they cheer for their next heir. Dorrance walks out from the gate across, along with Bruce from the other side. "Wait..." said Dorrance, "I am really thirsty... I didn't drink anything for two days now... Can someone please give me a glass?" "Prepare for the battle of this age! Prepare for the heir to the throne, who will marry my daughter!" yelled Ra's. "Wait, what happens if I won in the battle?" asked Talia. "Since you are in the team of second place, the team who was at the closest to the area were you two, and since your partner was eaten by a wolf... You could've chosen your own groom..." said Ra's. "Oh." said Talia. The bell is rung, as the League members go full on silent. "I, Ra's Al Ghul, King of Ghul..." said Ra's into a microphone, as he stays in a glassed balcony, as everyone listens to his words "Is this thing on? Are you f*cking kidding me? What are you, Jewish?" People from the outside start gasping as Ra's continues, "Can any of you not be a complete dumbass right now? Ugh... Can I even blame you? Everyone outside is either a dumbass or a survivor. Half of them are gonna die anyway, since everyone is going to fight in this tournament... What is it, Talia? The microphone is on? What do you mean I should stop speaking in the mic? What do you mean I should just stop talking? Oh... Okay... Uh... START THE TOURNAMENT!!!!" The second bell is rung, as the two competitors prepare. Bruce is wearing the League's armor with weapons all about, and the same with Dorrance.  The two face each other in the ring. "'I'm gonna defeat you without any weapons..." said Dorrance. "I'm a foot taller than you." said Bruce as he raises his hand and shows a height of some sort, "You must be this tall to be able to insult me...""ROUND 1!!!" yelled Ra's, "FIGHT!!!" Dorrance attacks with a sucker punch, which Bruce blocks completely and finishes with a swift kick. Dorrance throws several hooks towards Bruce, he then swiftly knocks him down with his legs, only for Bruce to do a reverse cartwheel, spin and 45 kick Dorrance's head. Bruce and Dorrance exchange blows, as Dorrance is seemingly going to win as he has given most of the attacks and knocked Bruce to the ground, Bruce jumps and chops his neck. Bruce then goes on to beat him senselessly to the ground. "OH THE HELL WITH IT!!!" he yelled, taking out a large curved Arabian sword, slashing around as Bruce takes out his Katana, blocking every attack. He spins and strikes from the right, with such power that it made Dorrance's hands vibrate. "You got balls, Wayne!" he yelled as he takes out several ninja stars and throws them at Bruce, as he jumps and dodges all of them. He, again, does a cartwheel and jumps to the left. Bruce takes out a bow and shoots Dorrance in the shoulder. He grunts as he charged towards the young man and grabs his face. Bruce struggles to take his hands off as Dorrance lifts him up and throws him to the ground. "WHO'S TALLER NOW, BITCH??!!" yelled Dorrance. Bruce slowly stands up, as Dorrance beats him to the ground. "HUHAH!!!!" he laughed, raising his hands, acting like a egotistical asshole as the crowd cheers, "I AM STILL THIRSTY!!!" "Why do you hate me?" asked Bruce, softly. "Excuse you?" asked Dorrance. "What did I ever do to you? I tried to be friendly the first time I m-met you..." he, again, softly said.


"Hey, I'm Bruce!" said Bruce as he meets Dorrance, preparing to shake his hands, "I graduated College at the age of 14 and I think I'm better than you..."

March 16, 2013

 "Bruce, this is a Sunday..." said Dorrance, "And this is probably the best Sunday I could ever ask for... Huhah!" Bruce, battered, tries to stand up, but Dorrance kicks him in the face down to the ground. "As you can see... I am better than you... At first you were fine... Ego? Fine! Obsession? Even better! Edgy? Have some tea with me! But then..." said Dorrance, "You were better than me... For years I trained to become the perfect, greatest warrior..." "Even greater than Slade?" asked Bruce. "Yes... Even better!" cried Dorrance, "I could've been unstoppable... But no... You came...  A warrior far better than I can ever be... A warrior far more skilled... A warrior, that if you kill someone, if you were able to kill me, you would be the best, second only to that one-eyed bastard. But no... I defeated you... And I will do something to you, since I've won..." He snaps his fingers, as two men throw Alfred into the ring. Bruce becomes angered. "I want to humiliate you... I want to show everyone, that I am better... I am stronger... I am your bane..." said Dorrance, as he goes on and beat Alfred to the ground. "STOP!!!" he yelled. "I will kill him. I will, and I won't hesitate. I will go on to break every bone in his, then I will slowly, but surely, slit his throat, and I will make you, who is the only one who cares about this particular person, watch. This person will suffer, and you will suffer, watching him suffer, at the fault of ever caring for this person. You think you're a god, Bruce, since you see yourself so high. Though, remember this... No matter how high you see yourself as, you'll never live up to the gods. Those ones that can run really fast, fly with red capes, god killers and the such? You can never live up to that. Why? Because you are just a man. Just, a, man." Dorrance goes on to beat the poor butler to near death. The sounds of his fists reaching contact of his bones is unbearable, even for Bruce. "Please..." said Bruce, in tears, "Don't do this..." He then goes on to lift Alfred, and drop him on his knee, breaking his back. The crowd cheers louder, but the only thing Bruce can hear is the beating of his heart. His eyes go dead, staring at Alfred's seemingly lifeless body. "D-dad..." he said, softly, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGH!!!!!" he yelled, in a deep, dark, gargling voice. He stands up, and charged towards Dorrance, as Dorrance punches him in the chest down to the ground, though Bruce lands on all of his limbs, stands up and gives Bane a right hook. Bruce grunts, charges his strength, as he then goes on to knee kick Dorrance's crotch area, as a cracking sound can be heard. Dorrance, now with Justin Roiland's voice, says, "Oh... Oh no... UNACCEPTABLE!!!"  Bruce then 45 kicks him with his left leg, and pummels him down to the ground. "What...How... Why???" asked Dorrance, now permanently having Justin Roiland's squeaky voice. "Because why not?" he asked softly,a s he beats his face. He then goes on to crush his voice box, as his voice becomes more high pitched, switching to Morty's voice from Rick and Morty, as Bruce laughs softly. Bruce then bashes his face again and again. All he sees is red at this point. He then goes on to turn Bane's broken body around, jumps and knees his spine, breaking his back, permanently. Bruce then beats him even more as the crowd cheers louder. Dorrance starts to cry, saying as he whimpers, "W-why?" "Because I can. Because you are just a young adopted boy who has no family... Only to live on to be a dumbass... Just a young boy who wants his not-so-real attention..." said Bruce, as he kicks his face with his blood splattering everywhere for every word he says in the next phrase, "A, piece, of, shit, boy, who, has, no, real, family...." Bruce then lifts him off and rips his hair off, saying, "I want you to know that you are incredibly useless to me... You are a waste of my time... You are the epiphany of the fact that you really are a Bane in my own life. Your shit. You have no family, unlike me. And you just want to take that away from me, so I would be just like you." "R-right..." whispered Dorrance. "Wrong." said Bruce, breaking the bones in his arms, releasing the same noise from the beginning of this chapter, "I will never be anything like you..." Bruce then proceeds to beat him to the ground. Bruce then proceeds to beat him harder. He batters him, breaks him, shattering Dorrance's skull... The crowd cheers even louder. He then spits on his face, and says, "Why are you scared, Dorrance? There is no use in being afraid of the inevitable.." "What inevitable?" asked Dorrance. "Your humiliating death...." said Bruce, about to blow his final hook, the crowd cheers louder than ever,  until Alfred, with his badly broken body, holds up the mirror Bruce gave him eight years ago, facing towards Bruce and Dorrance. Bruce looks up, and sees the near dead Dorrance, and him above the poor young man from the reflection of the mirror. "Bloody hell..." said Alfred, "I am surprised this didn't break... F*cking hell, mate... Do you know how long it took to find this at the back of the shelf?! F*ck that was close...." He calms down and stands up. Dorrance then says, "Wait... what are you-..." "I quit." said Bruce, "I don't kill. I'm sorry. I quit." "Can I..." said Dorrance, "C-can you be a n-neighbor, please give me some water?" Bruce takes out a water bottle from his pocket, drinks all of it and urinates on Dorrance. The crowd boos at him. Bruce walks away, guiding Alfred on his shoulders. Ra's, is pissed.

March 17, 2013

Bruce is chained, beaten by two assassins. "I thought you saw me as a son..." said Bruce, panting with blood dripping from his jaw. Ra's stops them saying to Bruce, "Hey Dumbass... I lied..." Bruce looks up, with blood in his mouth... Ra's then says, "I wanted a killer, not a knight. A man, not a coward. A soldier, not a son."  Bruce slowly looks at Ra's in the eye, asking, "Does that mean you forgive m-...." "Get out of Ghul. You embarrass me."


"And that's how I was banished... And now I'm here!" said Bruce. "What about the Batman Origins?" asked Jason. "That's a story for another time, boy..." said Bruce. Jason stands up, finishes his breakfast and walks away.Bruce then sips his coffee, stands up, leaves the table and walks upstairs. Alfred passes him, as Bruce stops and says, "Hey Alfred?" Alfred stops as well and looks at him, asking, "What is it, Master Bruce?" "Thanks." he said. He then continues walking upstairs with Alfred confused as he goes on to continue walking downstairs. He then goes on to read a children's book, an on the cover, it is written, "The Bat Man- written by Thomas Wayne" as Bruce smiles softly, with tears in his eyes. "Why the f*ck are you crying?" asked the voice in his head, "There's no reason to cry, Bruce... Zip it up, boy... Your humanity is showing."

March 22, 2013

"Mr. Dorrance...." said a Ghulite doctor in an underground hospital room, with Dorrance wired to a machine with  mask on his face, "I just gotta say that you, Dorrance Al Ghul, have several damages in different appendages in your body..." "Huh?" whispered Dorrance, in a muffled voice. "Yes.. now you need that mask on and those wires connected to your back to keep you alive. Mr. Wayne's damage to your voice box not only muted you, but he also damaged your trachea and broke most of your spinal bones due to his beating, and we used this Promethium-based material, POISON to keep you alive and avoid paralysis." "Aw..." said Dorrance. "Also, we shaved your quote-unquote 'luscious' hair, to make way for the strap of your mask. Also during the fight, you had Alopecia." added the doctor. "Huhah!!!" said Dorrance. "It means you're balding..." said the Doctor. "Oh." said Dorrance. "Because we treated you with Chemotherapy..." added the Doctor. "Aw..." said Dorrance, once again. "The POISON, not 'Poison', will cure all you known symptoms...even you newly sprouted Cancer. Just exercise alot and keep that thing on your face and those stuff on your body. Oh, by the way, one of your testicles went inside your intestinal area, after Mr. Wayne, 'ahem', kicked you in the balls... Do not worry, for our latest Ghulite technology can surgically return your testicle in place..." said the Doctor. "What about the other one?" asked Dorrance, again with a muffled voice. "Oh, it's dead. Also your penis is now forever limp after the tissue in your penis was damaged..." said the Doctor. "Aw...." said Dorrance, once again. "Also did I mention your Brain Damage?" asked the doctor.

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