Runaway Hearts

By XxBulletDreamsxX

33 0 0


Winter Heat
Bullet Dreams and Reality
Candied Pleasure
Blizzard Escape


14 0 0
By XxBulletDreamsxX

Have you ever looked out of your window, and wondered if you were destined to be something greater than you are now?

Or maybe you just wondered if there was an imaginary world, where you can escape to and leave your troubles behind? To make a new identity. To make a clean start.

But then you ask yourself. Does a place like this exists for me? Am I worth this sanctuary? Am I worth more than what everyone thinks of me?

Well if you haven't asked yourself these questions, then do it now. Put yourself in the minds and bodies of the two leading characters of this tragic, fantasy tale. Try to put yourself in their situation, and experience their despair.

Don't just read this story; experience it.

Be prepared to be blown away by the touching tales these two young people have to share.

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