Enigma: A JenLisa One-shot Co...

By PerilouslyDexterous

62.7K 1.4K 190

ENIGMA noun enig·ma \i-ˈnig-mə •someone or something that is difficult to understand or explain More

Foreseen (2)
Foreseen (3)
Best of Friends (1)
Best of Friends (2)
Best of Friends (3)
Best of Friends (4)
Right Kind of Wrong (1)
Right Kind of Wrong (2)
Right Kind of Wrong (3)
A Letter to Lisa M.
As (I)
If (II)
It's (III)
Your Last (4)
Me, My Boyfriend, and Her
Me, My Boyfriend, and Her (2)
Me, My Boyfriend, and Her (3)
Me, My Boyfriend, and Her (4)

Foreseen (1)

5.4K 110 1
By PerilouslyDexterous

Lisa and Jennie met when they were 16. Jennie went to Bangkok with her mom for a business venture and they accidentally met in a lake near Lisa's restaurant when Jennie lost sight of her mom. Since Jennie is not familiar with the place, she sat on a bench hopelessly. She can't ask help with the people passing by because they can't understand her and she left her phone in their hotel room. What an unlucky day for her.

'Perhaps I'll be spending my nights in the street.' she thought. But heavens seem to hear her silent prayers when she heard someone singing Stay by Blackpink. 'Finally. Thank goodness.'

She walked and walked until she found a girl sitting under a tree, with earpiece plugged on her ears connected to an ipod, and 'ohh, she's playing guitar and she has a great voice too.' She had an internal battle with herself on whether she'll approach the girl or not. 'But she might help me find my way on our hotel room.' So, she walked towards the girl faked a cough go get the girls attention.

"Annyeonghaseyeo" Jennie said politely to the girl and girl stopped singing.

"Sorry to disturbed you but, can you help me go to YG Hotel?" She said in Korean. The girl bowed her head and signalled Jennie that she can't speak Korean and the girl started speaking a weird language which Jennie presumed Thai.

"Oh God. Why am I so unlucky today? This pretty girl is a catch tho." The frustrated Jennie said in english.

"But I can understand and speak english, Missy." The girl said smiling. She has a cute accent, and Jennie has a soft spot for accent. She's easily turned on by accents.

And when Jennie realized what she said earlier, she blushed immediately and turned around to hid her face.

"I'm Lisa, by the way. And you are?" The girl asked, making Jennie turn to the girl.

"I'm Jennie. Jennie Kim." And they shook hands.

Jennie studied the girl's features starting from those orbs. She has a beautiful, expressive orbs that seems like an ocean that Jennie would gladly be drown into. Then down to her cute nose that she wants to pinch, down to her full, plump lips and she wondered how soft it is. She wondered how did it fitted on such small face? She also noticed that the girl has  blonde hair and has bangs above her brows. And she's very tall and slim too!

The girl faked a cough. "Staring is rude, Jennie. I know, I'm gorgeous. I've been told." Then she let out a boyish smile that made Jennie's heart beat fast.

"I'm not staring." Jennie said. You know that she can't let someone speak to her like that. It bruised her ego.

"So, what are you saying awhile ago?" Lisa ask and Jennie sat down beside her.

"I'm lost." The hopeless girl said.

"You're lost? What are you? A kindergarten?" Lisa laughed that made Jennie annoyed.

"Obviously, I'm not from here. I'm from New Zealand and me and my mom came here for a business venture." She explained.

"That explained why you have a Kiwi accent. But you aren't a Kiwi, judging by the way you look." Lisa said as she study the features of the brunette.

"I'm Korean based in NZ. I was born and raised there. So you're Thai? How come you're so good in english?" The brunette asked.

"I'm studying in international school. And fyi, mostly of Thai population know how to speak english because it is part of our education curriculum. But they aren't confident in speaking."

"You talk a lot, you know that?" Jennie said.

"I've been told, gorgeous." Lisa showed Jennie her deadly cute cheeky smile.

They shared a comfortable silence after that but it was broke by the cat-eyed girl.

"So can you help me get back to YG Hotel?" Jennie asked the blonde.

"Sure but if you're lost on a place you aren't familiar with, then probably your parents might be on a police station seeking for help to find you." Lisa said that left Jennie dumbfounded. 'Why didn't I think of that? And why is this girl so clever?'

"On the second thought, maybe you're already hungry. It's already quarter to 7. Come with me." The blonde said and drag the brunette.

Jennie didn't noticed that they are already inside a classy restaurant, a buffet restaurant to be exact that Lisa's parents owned but Jennie's oblivious about that. The crew bowed 45° to them and then they ate. They shared their funny stories and laughed at the silliest things they did when they were little. Little did they know that they are starting to be comfortable in each other's presence and Jennie already forgot about her being lost.

"C'mon faster, Jen. We'll go to the police station after." Lisa said as she wiped the corner of her lips and rubbed her tummy.

After eating, they started walking because Lisa insisted that they should walk because it's not that far.

"Jennie, faster! You're walking like my grandmother." Lisa said as she waited for Jennie beside the light post.

"This is your fault. We shouldn't ate on a buffet. I feel like I ate a food for a thousand people."

Lisa, being an impatient person, carry Jennie on her back and she started walking.

"What are you doing, Lisa?! Put me down! I can walk!" Jennie said furiously. She just let a person she knew for about an hour carry her. And her heart started beating abnormally, which made her upset.

"Stop moving or I'll pinch you butt. You walked slower than snail, y'know that?"

Minutes later, they reached the police station and luckily, Jennie's mother was there.

"Jenjen, sweetie! Where have you been? I'm so worried." Mrs. Kim said as she hugged her daughter.

"How about your meeting with the investors, mommy? I'm sorry." Jennie said teary eyed.

"My meeting with the Bruschweiler was cancelled because they helped me find you. How did you come here?" The worried mother asked.

"Lisa helped me. " 'Wait where is she?' Jennie thought.

She went outside the police station and she found Lisa sitting on a bench.

"Lisa!" The brunette shouted and the blonde smiled as we walked near her.

"Come. I'll introduce you to my mom." Lisa didn't had the chance to speak as Jennie dragged her inside the police station. 

"So mom, this is Lisa. She helped m---" Jennie hadn't finished her sentence because an elegant woman spoke.

"Lisa, honey. What are you doing here?" Lisa was flabbergasted but she hugged the woman anyway.

"I helped her mom." Lisa said proudly.

"Thank you so much Lisa." Jennie's mother said and she hugged Lisa as well.

They found out that Lisa's parents are her mom's potential investor in expanding their logistics business in Thailand. From then on, Lisa and Jennie hanged out like they were the closest thing on earth. They spent their time together sitting under the tree near the lake while singing. Or sometimes, they will walk on the busy streets of Bangkok during night time and eat different foods. Jennie enjoys Lisa's company as Lisa enjoys Jennie's. And slowly, Jennie developed this unusual feelings for Lisa  even if they only knew each other for a week. She's afraid that the other girl doesn't feel the same way but Lisa's gestures says otherwise. Lisa is sweet, caring, and clingy towards Jennie which made Jennie confused even more.

Jennie knew that Lisa likes girls more than boys judging by the way she dressed. She dressed too cool for a girl. She likes wearing plain white t-shirt and ripped jeans. Simple, but when you Lisa wearing that, you'll drool over her, that's for sure.  

One day, on their 18th day being friends, they were seated inside Jennie's hotel room, watching a teenage American movie. They both feel the uncomfortable atmosphere or at least for Jennie because the scene is now becoming steamy because the stars in the movie admitted that they liked each other.

"What if I tell you that I like girls, will you freak out?" Lisa asked all of a sudden.

"I already know it and I didn't freaked out" Jennie said trying to avert her eyes on the monitor.

"What if I tell you that I don't like guys?"

"Lisa, you're talking nonsense. Of course that's already given." Jennie said as she try not to get pissed because of her friend's silliness.

"What if I tell yo---" Jennie didn't let Lisa finished as she threw a pillow directly on Lisa's face but Lisa dodged it.

Then she look directly in Jennie's eyes as she continued,

"What if I tell you I like you, will you freak out?"

She said sincerely, which made Jennie out of words. She wanted to say that she likes her too but no words come out from her mouth, she wanted to hug the girl but she can't move. She's drowned in Lisa's eyes. She's lost in her eyes.

"Sorry I shouldn't have said tha---" Then Jennie slammed her lips to Lisa's, shutting the Thai girl and Jennie snaked her arms at the back of Lisa's neck to deepened the kiss so Lisa kissed back and hold Jennie by her waist. They broke the kiss panting, looking at each other's swollen lips then Jennie looked at Lisa's eyes.

"I like you too, Lis." Jennie said. "Isn't it crazy? We just know each other for 18 days but I like you. Like crazy." Lisa said laughing.

"Can you go out with me?" Lisa asked Jennie.

"Are asking me for a date?" Smile is evident on Jennie's face. Her face was as red as an overripe tomato.

"Yes. Can you, my Jennie?"

"Of course, my Lisa."

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