Written In The Scars

By AdamAfzal

682 113 26

The story sets in a world where mankind is on the verge of extinction, where monsters dress as saints, where... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 5

38 10 0
By AdamAfzal

I ran, as fast as I could clinging to my worthless life, I couldn't even feel my feet with every step I took my body became number and number. I felt like this was the end for me, despite losing every reason to live I was still running away from an eventual death. It's not like I didn't want to die, my feet just moved on their own. As we exit the hideout I glanced back and could see Emma's face full of fear and behind her, was a man the same man I saw earlier and even now he had an evil grin on his face. 

My pace got slower and slower, soon Emma ran past me. I never felt weaker before, my breaths got heavier, my vision started to blur and I fell onto the ground full of sand. "Alex!" Luke's voice filled my ears. My eyes started to shut down and I could see my death. I laid down on the ground and in a few seconds, I lost my consciousness.

My head felt heavy as I opened my eyes, Where am I? I questioned myself. I somehow managed to get up, I found myself in a luxurious room, the mattress underneath me was so comforting and the room itself was neat and beautifully decorated. For a moment I thought I was in heaven until the door swung open and a bald muscular man appeared. Hell it is

"Our king has summoned you, kindly come with me" his voice was formal. What's with that? I thought, maybe they treated a person nicely before eating them. I sighed and followed the man, he led me to a huge hall where I could see a chair, not an ordinary one but a throne almost 6 feet long. apparently, I saw no one there, but the chair turned and a figure wearing a black shiny cloak was visible, the man beside me bowed him and left.

That grin, it was the same I saw last night perhaps he was the same person. I was about to speak when he said it, "It has been a long time, Alex". Wait do I know him I wondered I tried best to recall but couldn't recognize him or its voice. "It's a shame you don't even remember your own father" he smirked. What my dad? Didn't he die? Is he truly the man behind all this? I thought. "I don't believe it, a person like you can't be my father" I shouted.

His smirk faded as he approached me, with every step he took my heartbeat raised. His blue eyes met mine, he raised his hat "I am Steve Mcmillon, the God of the new world and do you really think God like me can be wrong?" He barked, "by the way, we both share the same eyes, don't we?" he continued his presence was eery it was as if someone, not human was in front of me. Sweat ran down my forehead, " I don't think the path you have chosen is the right one" I hesitated as I spoke. 

"Do you really think it that way, Alex" he questioned me.

"Your men killed my mother, do you really think I can forget that?" my voice raised a bit.

"Your mother died because she was weak and weakness disgusts me, It's the survival of the fittest, Alex and what these people are doing is wasting precious resources" he uttered.

"What is your aim and what do you seek?" I looked straight into his eyes.

"Fine then, I'll tell you " he sighed and continued " I created this organization to eliminate weakness, that's what my father, your grandfather told me. To survive in this world you need to erase those feelings inside you. This world has become so cruel, I've seen comrades kill each other for food. Pathetic, right?. The sole purpose of us dragons is to kill every human not worthy to live on this planet. To kill people before they kill each other, to put people out of their misery and to be the last ones alive and to retain limited resources. you may think that's too mean but people out there think the same, people kill in order to survive and what we are doing is making good use of them, humanity no longer exists" he finished speaking and turned towards me. "What do you think, Alex, would you like to join me and take over the throne after I die?

Be the ruler of such a massive organization? Live a luxurious life without running away. The heir to the throne and rule over humans, however, the thought of consuming humans and my mother being killed by the dragons were stopping me from accepting his offer and my comrades Luke and Emma, I want to see them once again.

"Look, old man you and I both agree on eliminating, but different things, you want to erase humanity and I want to erase the dragons from existence" I defied him. "I am an avenger and I shall avenge my mother's death, I hereby challenge you for a duel over the throne, I simply cannot let a scum as you continue to live and rule" I continued.

He giggled and laughed when he was done laughing he let out a sigh.

"Don't forget you're alive because of my passing whim, but if you are that confident then I shall show you the difference between you and me" he grinned.

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