In the Woods When First We Met

By AnneWithAnEStory

298K 11.7K 8.5K

Gilbert is there for Anne when she needs someone the most. Billy did far more damage than seen in the episode... More

1. Prologue
2. Ambush
3. Slander (Warning Bad Violence)
4. Vengeance (Warning Bad Violence)
5. Rescue
6. Aftershock
7. Teardrop
8. Bandage
9. Warmth
10. Shield
11. Unhidden
12. Nightmare
13. Resolve
14. Connection
15. Pause
16. Need
17. Interim
18. Truth
19. Patchwork
20. Sundown
21. Mask
22. Flashback
23. Insistence
24. Books
25. Fade
26. Next
27. School
28. Carrots
29. More Carrots
30. Uncertainty
31. Off
32. Confrontation
33. Question
34. Love
35. Just Kids
36. New Worry
37. Dinner Conversation
38. Company in the Dark
39. Sleepless Night
40. Darkness
41. Broken Trust
42. Porridge and Promises
43. Sharing a Spoon
44. Hardship
45. Closed Gates
46. Decision
47. Rise
48. Belief
49. Bravery
50. Early Dismissal
51. Shock
52. Disbelief
53. Start
54. Try
55. Case
56. Ways
57. Reason
58. Gilbert
59. Wonder
60. Truth Revisited
61. Truth Continued
62. Words
63. Baby
64. To Avoid Accusation
65. What We Can Control
66. Made New
67. Angels
68. Bosom Friends
69. See You Then
70. Close to Change
71. Becoming a Woman
72. Misunderstanding
73. Make Some Cheer
74. Sick Days
75. Gilbert Waiting
76. Reunion
77. Overheard
78. Reaction
79. Attempt at Clarification
80. Closer
81. Sunday Morning
82. Forgive Us Our Trespasses
83. Communion
85. Strengthening a Bond
86. Sweetness and Light
87. Sisters
88. Distraction
89. An Uncomfortable Truth
90. Heard
91. Wish Granted
92. Better Days
93. Fever
94. The Injury
95. Anne's Words
96. Jane Knows.
97. Not With, But To
98. House of Secrets
99. To Be On Her Side
100. "We Have To Be Nice"
101. Fresh Start
102. Trying
103. The Crooked Path
104. A Harbinger of Glad Tidings
105. Dedication
106. A Mystifying Surprise
107. Anne Shirley, Author
108. Forever
not a chapter, but check it out : p
109. The Blythes at Home
110. A Winter Picnic
111. Health Effects
112. Billy is Tested
113. Walden Pond and False Words
114. Complications
115. Plans
116. Needlepoint
117. White Dresses
118. Presents
119. Idea
120. Rachel Lynde
121. To Talk
122. Mean
123. Bruises
124. Everything
125. Cookie Baking
126. Baby Presents
127. Christmas
not a chapter but anne related :)
128. Partial Truth
129. After Christmas
130. Progress and Hesitation
131. It's Starting
132. Darling Diana
133. Slight Changes
134. Ruby Gillis
135. Josie Pye
136. Full of Light
137. The Telephone Game
138. Secrets and Lies
139. The Only Two Left
140. Excuse to Leave
141. Hiding Or Healing
142. Sugar
143. Buggy
144. Flight
145. Let All That You Do Be Done In Love
146. Bridge
147. Mothering
148. Boundaries
149. Matthew
150. The Wedding Planner
151. Billy and Josie
152. New Plan
153. Anne on Trial
154. A Noticeable Absence
155. Parenting
156. The War of 1812
157. School Plans
158. Heart to Heart
159. Diana Comes Back
160. Team Anne
161. The Andrews
162. No Reassurance
163. A Potential Ally
164. Reconciled
165. In Gilbert's Thoughts
166. What May Come
167. A Cuthbert Baby
169. A Cuthbert Baby Again
170. A Grown Up Friend
170. Anne is Away
171. Through the Evergreens
172. A Confidant
173. Feeling
174. In Marilla's Room (Warning- trigger)
175. Coming of Age
176. The Bravest Thing
177. Harm, Part I
178. Harm, Part II
179. Not All Secrets Hurt
180. Delay
181. Exhibit A
182. Explanations
183. Goodbye
184. Morality
185. Not Alone
186. A Safety Plan
187. Conspire
188. Not More, Just Differently
189. A Place to Be
190. Holding the Cards
191. Sign of the Times
192. Settled Accounts and Imaginary Surprises
193. Another Step Closer
194. Back to School
195. Ruby and Jane
196. Distance
197. Admittance
198. Mother Nature Returns

84. The Reverend

1.4K 57 88
By AnneWithAnEStory

If you read the book series, the reverend is someone Anne is very close to, she calls him a "kindred spirit". BUT since this is a story from the tv show, I am making him unpleasant like he is on tv...the reverend sucks.


"Is something troubling you, Anne?" Matthew asked as they got into the buggy to head for home.

"What? Why?" Anne asked quickly. "Oh, you mean because I didn't take communion?" She gave a sigh. "No...I just didn't want to do it if I was doing it wrong."

Marilla looked surprised. "Doing it wrong? How could you do it wrong? You're just coming to God repentant and asking for forgiveness of sins."

Anne said, "Well, that's just it. I wasn't sure about all this repentance stuff." She was about to go on, but realized she did not want to talk about this with them, because she might accidentally let on that something bad had happened to her. So instead she asked, "Marilla, Matthew, may I go back and speak to the reverend? I want to ask him a question."

"Right now?"

"I feel it is most urgent," she declared.

Matthew and Marilla looked at each other. "Well...all right," Matthew said, turning the buggy around.

When they arrived back at the church, most of the congregation had gone. The church had only a few people still standing around chatting. Anne got out of the buggy.

"Would you like me to go with you?" Marilla asked.

"I think I best go alone," she answered.

Anne wasn't sure where the reverend was. She looked around the church until she found his study and knocked on the door.

"Come in," she heard a voice say.

She slowly opened the door and peeked her head in. The reverend looked up.

"Come in, child. What can I do for you?"

Anne slowly walked to his desk where he was writing. "Reverend, may I ask you a question?"

"Certainly," he replied, setting aside his papers. "Please, sit down."

"I hope it doesn't take up too much of your time. It's just a little question."

"What is it, my child?"

"Why do bad things happen?"

The reverend chuckled. "That's a 'little' question? That is a question that has plagued humankind for centuries."

Anne wasn't smiling.

He said, turning serious, "In Sunday School you've surely learned the story of creation, haven't you? And what happened after- when Eve, the first woman, sinned, the world became tarnished. She tempted Adam, and he fell into sin too. Every sin arose from Eve."

"So it's all her fault, then?" Anne asked hotly, "None of it is Adam's fault? I mean....just because Eve said something to him, it doesn't mean he had to do it."

The reverend replied, "True, there's enough blame to go around. Though, it would seem that the serpent went to Eve because he knew he could not deceive Adam, but could surely deceive Eve, who, naturally, was the weaker of the two."

Anne felt an angry heat rise to her cheeks. "Eve couldn't have been that weak and ineffective if she could convince Adam to throw away all of humankind."

"The devil knows how a woman can so easily lead a righteous man astray."

Anne felt quite impassioned by this and said angrily, "So Adam isn't responsible for his own actions because a woman tempted him? Why couldn't Adam just do the right thing no matter what Eve said?"

The reverend, confused by her taking the matter of blame so personally, backed off and said, "We seem to be moving into murky waters. No matter what we feel about Adam and Eve, the end result is that sin entered the world. It's only natural that bad things run rampant due to it."

Anne tried to calm down, and moved on to her next question: " if something bad happens to me, it's just because the world is fallen in general? ...It isn't because of something I've personally done?"

"I wouldn't put it that way; sometimes God allows bad things to happen to us to teach us something. Or to change our ways."

"God punishes us," Anne said flatly.

"Sometimes, yes..."

Anne didn't know what else to say. Finally she said, "I better go. My family is waiting for me."

She got up to leave. But she stopped at the door and then turned back. She already knew she didn't like the reverend- but now she liked him even less- feeling he was terribly unfair to women. But, she still had another question, and she didn't know who else to ask. "I ought to ask you...I wondered about the sermon. About forgiveness and trespasses and all that."

"You were listening to the sermon!" He said with a smile. "I'm never sure whether children do. Or some of the adults, for that matter. What about forgiveness is troubling you?"

Anne bit her lip. "You see, I didn't take communion today because I can't quite get my heart right with God."

"In what way, child?"

" said forgiveness means you want the best for someone. That you have no ill will and you want only good for them."


"...And, well, I'm not sure I can do that. I don't know if I have it in me to forgive...I'd like to do the right thing. But it doesn't seem to be coming easily."

The reverend said, "Nothing worth doing ever comes easily, does it? Forgiveness can be a tricky thing."

"Then what do you do?" Anne asked.

"It seems to me that it may be your sense of pride," he continued.

"What do you mean?" Anne asked.

"In order to be forgiving, you have to be humble. You have to realize that you, too, are a sinner. You have to realize that the person who wronged you is not worse than yourself."

"Really? But what if they are worse than myself? People do all kinds of terrible things murder! I've never done anything that bad."

"To God, sin is sin. If you begin to compare and to rationalize why your sins are not as bad as other's sins, you are giving the devil a foothold. After all, even an unkind word, or a...a wrong thought is a sin. The bible says 'Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths; get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander'..."

Anne just stared at him. Finally she said, "I'll...I'll keep that in mind, reverend. See you next Sunday."

And she walked out of the dark church and into the blinding winter sunshine.

She felt absolutely no resolution from this conversation.

(Note- I know the reverend is mean but it will work out okay in the coming week.)

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