Friends? (A blesiv, brandon...

By golden_blesiv

48.3K 1.2K 440

When Y/N starts to gain feelings for her best friend Alex (Blesiv) things change in theyre relationship. Lots... More

1- Gaining Feelings?
2- Just a Kiss
3- More than friends?
4- Can you be mine?
6- Fake Friends
7- Brandons getting in the wayyyy
8- Late
9- Im lucky
10- Secrets
11- ksksksks couldnt think of a title bare with me
12- "Either way you lose someone"
14- Its time
18- It's A Suprise :')
This story is dying sksk
Thank you for 20k♥️ & 28
29// Merry Christmas!
Not an update
Please read! Important!
new story up!

5- Apology Accepted

2.2K 51 4
By golden_blesiv

On Saturday At Y/n's house

3 Texts:

Lil Bro😄

Y/n's POV
I wonder what Brandon wants.

Texts: Brandon

Brandon: hey im rlly sorry abt the other day i was being a dick. want to get ice cream?
Me: ill see if i have plans...

Y/n's POV
Thats weird. Since when does Brandon ever talk to me and for once hes being nice...

Texts: Alex
Alex: Good morning princess
Me: morning ally
Alex: heyyy😂😑
Me: wanna know whats weird
Alex: what
Me: Brandon just apologized.. and asked to hang out at the ice cream shop
Alex: are u going to...😐
Me: im not sure.😬 maybe if hes rlly sorry i can be friends with him who knows?
Alex: i wouldnt if i were you
Me: y not?
Alex: pls dont
Me: untill you give me a valid reason im going
Alex:  um 1. hes an ass. 2. he slapped your ass. i could go on.
Me: but hes apologizing. maybe i should give him a chance
Alex: fine whatever ill ttyl have fun just not too much fun
Me: okay bye handsome

Alex's POV
I cant believe she going to hang out with him! Shes too sweet :( I through my phone down. ugh i swear to god if he tries something. WAIT i have an idea.
I call Gio.

Gio: wassup

Alex: I need you to do something for me

Gio: sure fam

Alex: so you heard abt the fight right with me and Brandon right

Gio: ya..

Alex: i need you to go to the ice cream place and watch Brandon and make sure he doesnt try to do something.

Gio: What y

Alex: He wants y/n and im not gonna let him take her away from me

Gio: sure should i invite a friend so im not just some creepy guy staring at two ppl alone in an ice cream shop *laughs*

Alex : good idea *laughs* just make sure its not one of y/n's friends

Gio: alright bye man

Alex: bye

Alex's POV
This is gonna be risky.

Y/n's POV
im scrolling through instagram and "Brandon wants to facetime " pops up
I decide to answer.

Brandon: hey

Me: hey

Brandon: so we on later?

Me: sure i dont have any plans

Brandon : okay ill see you there at 12?

Me: okay

Brandon: see you there cutie :)

He hangs up.

Thats weird he called me cutie... Maybe its friendly? when i was just friends with Alex we would do that whatever its not a big deal. I throw on a pair of blue jean short shorts and a black crop top. I put my hair in half up half down and curl it and throw on some shades and sandals to complete the look.
Crap i dont have a car... I guess ill have to walk bc i dont think Alex will wnt to drive me to hang out with some other guy.
I walk to the ice cream shop realizing i got there i few minutes early bc the walk didnt take as long as i thought it would.

I text Brandon: Im here

Brandon: im just pulling up

I see a green lamborghini pull up to the shop. dam thats a nice car.

Y/n: *i walk up to his car* nice wheels

Brandon: *smirks* pays off when your the favorite son.

Y/n: arent you an only child?

Brandon: Exactly *laughs*

Y/n: *laughs* lets go in

Brandon : after you * he gets out of the car*


Brandon: what do u want?

Y/n: i was thinking either orange sherbert or mint chocolate chip.

Brandon: Sherberts for old people  *laughs* Get mint. i think ill get that too.

Y/n: is it rlly *i giggle*

Brandon: *smiles at me and wrings the bell*

A waitress on roller skates comes out and we order.

Brandon: waitttt!

Waitress: what

Brandon : and whipped cream and a cherry on top for the lady

The waitress nods.

Y/n: how did you know i wanted that? * i laugh and put my arms onto the table*

Brandon: I saw you eyeballing that guy behind us just a feeling *laughs *

Y/n's POV
Were both laughing and we slowly stop and he leans in for a kiss and im about to kiss back and then i pull away.

Y/n: im sorry i cant

Brandon: its okay (youll want me eventually dont worry)

The waitress brings us our ice cream and she slipped on some water and the ice cream landed on me

Y/n: omg  *i picked up the bowls*

Brandon: wtf you ruined her shirt

Y/n: Brandon its fine

Waitress: im terribly sorry i will get you new ice cream.

Brandon: my god if you cant roller skate dont roller skate *he laughed*

Y/n: *i kinda laughed but then i got up*im gonna to the bathroom and try to clean this up.

Brandon: then youll have a wet shirt so here *i pull off my shirt*

Y/n's POV
Oml he is so ripped.

y/n: Are you sure? *i tried to hide me blushing*

Brandon: Yes *i hand her the shirt*

Y/n: *i walk to the bathroom and change into his shirt and i tie it up in the front so its not as long.*

Y/n: *i get back to the table and sit down*

Brandon: *smirks* you look cute in that shirt

Y/n: thanks

Gio's POV
I walk into the store with Cheskino.

Gio: Crap it looks like theyve been here for a while already

Ck (cheskino) : just dont tell alex

Gio: duhh

Waitress: here is your ice cream, again im very sorry.

Y/n: its okay

Waitress: youre a cute couple

Y/n: were no-

Brandon: thanks *smirks*

The waitress leaves.

Brandon: i know were not dating but why have to explain a long ass story to someone we dont know when we can just reply with one word

Y/n: true i guess i just dont want anyone getting the wrong idea

Brandon: dont worry

Y/n's POV
After a few minutes were laughing and talking about random things  for hours and i feel like we can really be friends :).

Y/n: Its getting late i should get going *i text alex to see if he can pick me up but he doesnt answer* I have to walk home.

Brandon: oh noo i can drive you what kind of man would i be to let you walk *smirks*

Y/n: thank you

Brandon: Whats your address *as we got up and started walking to his car*

Y/n: (addressss)

Brandon: okay

After a few minutes

Y/n: this isnt the way home

Brandon: i know

Y/n: what

Brandon: Where going to a party

Y/n: uhm i have to check with Alex.

Brandon: what is he your dad? come on live a little

y/n: okay

We pull up to Sebastiens house.
I want to text Alex but im not sure what to say...
Brandon opens my door "you coming?"

Y/n: ya

Brandon: *i take her hand and help her out of the car*

Y/n: how nice of you *i smile*

Brandon: *smirks*

Y/n's POV
Once we stepped in someone offered me a drink at first i declined but i ended up giving in.
I partied so hard i blacked out.

(In the morning)

Y/n: *i open my eyes to see im not in my room and my head is pounding* Where am i?

I get up and i cant even walk straight. I think im having a hangover. I call Alex.

Alex: Babe?! where are you??

Y/n: i-i-m-m at Seeeeeeeebbaastiens house can yooou piick meee up? *i sounded woozy*

Alex: are you drunk?

Y/n: what no

Alex: ill be there give me 5 minutes

Y/n: ok *i hang up* i walk out of the room and see Brandon passed out on the couch with Sebastien*

Y/n: Brandon.

Brandon: whattttt *yawns*

Y/n: do you know where Sebastien keeeeeps his advils?

Brandon: check the bathroom

Yn: okay *i walk up to the bathroom and take an advil*

Y/n's pov
I look at the window and i almost stumble over. What did i even drink last night jesus christ. My head hurts so bad.
I see Alex's car pull up and i see him run out. I run downstairs and out the door. I hug him so tight.

Alex: *picks me up spinning me* dont ever do that again you scared the shit out of me.

Y/n: *gags and runs to a trash can* sorrryyyyy *throws up*

Alex: I thought u said you werent drunk

Y/n: im notttt

Alex: you smell like booze.

Y/n: can you just take me home?

Alex: no we need to talk

Y/n: can we talk at my house then *i hold my head*

Alex: *sighs* fine.


Alex: I dont want you hanging out with Brandon anymore. And where did you get that shirt?

Y/n: its brandons

Alex: WHAT

Y/n: its not what you thinkk * i start tearing up*

Alex: you told me you were going to get ice cream. *i get up*

Y/n: i did! *a tear rolls down my face*

Alex: then why were you at Sebastiens and explain why your drunk and why you wearing Brandons shirt.

Y/n: after we left the ice cream place he offered to drive me home then he took me to a party. And im wearing his shirt because the watier spilt my ice cream on me. * i start bawling*

Alex: Im having a hard time beleiving you...

Y/n: i have proof wheres my shirt? *i start looking under the blankets*

Alex: i dont know

Y/n: i swear if i had my shirt i could show you the stain.

Alex: why are you drunk?

Y/n: i had  a few drinks....

Alex: why couldnt you just tell me?

Y/n: i-

Alex: im sorry i need a break *i walk outside into the car*

Y/n's POV
I grab my pillow and start crying into it. Why did i let Brandon take me to that party. Alex was probably so scared. But i texted him. Whatver i still screwed up.

Alex's POV
I dont know what to do. I felt so bad leaving her alone crying in her room but i dont know if shes telling the truth or not. Did she cheat on me ? Tear start dripping down my face and i drive home. I call Gio.

Gio: Hey man

Alex: Tell me what i want to hear

Gio: Well when me and Ck got there i seems like theyd already been there for a while

Alex: was she wearing a black shirt or a red one?

Gio: Red

Alex: son of a bitch

Gio: wh-

Alex: ill talk to you later

I call Brandon. He doesnt pick up. Crap Ona sent me a txt a while ago and i havent even opened it. its a photo? I open it and see nudes. Oh my god.
i reply: Ona you know im dating Y/n
Ona: but i want you
Me: Ona plz
Ona: come over
Me: no
Ona: atleast send a pic daddy
Me: no im blocking you
Ona: what NOOo

Alex: Blocked and Deleted.

Y/n's POV
2hours later
I call Alex. Please pick up.... after the 5th time he answered.

Me: Alex please believe me im so sorry
Alex: look y/n, i love you but your gonna have to choose
me: go on
Alex: me or brandon
Me: You obviously i love you
Alex: let me ask you one thing
Me: ya?
Alex: did you cheat on me?
Me; noo i swear
Alex: put it on me
Me: put it on you or anybody i didnt cheat
Alex: okay. and we need to talk abt something else in person can i come back over?
Me: ofc

Y/n: *I look in the mirror* it looks like ive been crying this whole time. well i have tho :(

Damn this is a long one hahaha comment if you liked it also vote!! Guys Alex is so loyal :)) i need a man like that hahahah

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