4- Can you be mine?

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Alex: Can you be mine?

Y/n: *i blushed* but wont this ruin our friendship? :(

Alex: im not thinking about that right now *he smirked*

Y/n: well in that case... no

Alex: wait what

Y/n: jk *i burst out laughing* ofc ill be your girlfriend *i looked at him smiling*

Alex: Thats not nice *he smiled* i got scared for a second there

Y/n: whos scared now? *i laughed*

Alex: *smiled and reached out for my hand* Ill drop you off now

Y/n: how abt you stay with me?

Alex: okay beautiful

Y/n: * I hugged him tightly *

Alex: Let me go grab my stuff ill meet you in the car.

I nodded and got into the car. His phone was still in there. I saw a text from Ona that said," photo message" i wanted to see what it was but i didnt want to go through his phone. To stop me from being curios i went on my phone and saw i text from my brother saying he was coming back from the Washington DC trip (hes in 8th grade). I reply with okay.  I took a selfie and posted it on instagram and captioned it "Im in love"  Once i finished i looked out and saw alex coming out of his house. He got into the car.

Y/N: what took you so long ?

Alex: i was looking for my phone and then i realized it was in here.

Y/n: oh okay

AT Y/N's house (9:30pm)

Y/N: im gonna take a shower.

Alex: can i come with you *he winked*

Y/n: hold your horses loverboy we just did it *i laughed*

Alex:  fine whateverrrrr

Y/n's POV
After i got out of the shower i changed into an oversized tshirt and put my hair in a messy bun.
I walked out of the bathroom. It seemed like Alex had just gotten out of the bathroom too from the other bathroom. He was shirtless and in boxers.

Alex: We should probably get some sleep we have school tmr lets try not to be late * he laughed*

Y/n: alright *i turned off the light and we climbed into bed*

Alex's POV
At first we were on different sides of the bed but i looked at her and i couldnt resist. I loved holding her. I wrapped my arms around her and moved closer to her. I kissed her on the cheek. "goodnight princess"

Y/n: gn *i fell asleep in his arms*

That was probably the best ive slept in a long time. We woke up at 6:15 to get ready for school. I threw on a pink crop top and white jeans with some converse. I did my makeup and did my hair in two braids.

Alex: you look cute

Y/n: y arent you up *i lightly hit him with a pillow*

Alex: i dont take as much time to get ready as you *he laughed*

Y/n: lucky

Y/n's POV
I sprayed some perfume and asked Alex if he wanted breakfast.

Alex: sure

It was about 6:50.

Alex's POV
I threw on a pink tshirt and some loose white jeans.
Heh guess where twinning today I went downstairs and Y/N was cooking pancakes.
She turned around and her eyes widened.

Y/n: omg we look so cute together

Alex: *he laughed as he took a pancake*


Alex's POV
As we got out of the car almost everyone was staring at us. I grabbed Y/n's hand and we met up with Carlos and Ona. Ona looked pissed.

Carlos: ouu look at you too pose *He pulled out his phone*

Ona rolled her eyes.

Y/n's POV
Alex posed while kissing my cheek and I smiled. Carlos took a picture and posted it on instagram tagging it as #goalss

Ona walks away slamming her locker.

Y/n: Ona wait up! *i broke away from Alex and ran to Ona*

Ona: leave me alone

Y/n: whats your deal

Ona's POV
I cant tell her the truth.

Ona: im afraid youre gonna forget abt me with alex :(

Y/n: girl i could never forget abt you *i hugged her*

Ona: *softly smiled* lets go to class

MEANWHILE WITH Carlos and Alex

Carlos: So are you two dating?? I saw you kiss her.

Alex: ya as of yesterday, its fairly new but i love her already

Carlos: aw

Brandon: * puts his arms on Carlos and Alex's shoulders* guess what.

Carlos: what do you want?

Brandon: *looks at alex* your girl *he smirked and all his friends started laughing*

Alex: fuck you

Brandon: trust me ill have her begging for me in no time

Alex: Carlos hold me back *i tensed up my fist*

Brandon : you too scared to fight me? afraid youll lose pussy?

Brandons friends: OHHHH

Carlos : just do it

Alex: *punches brandon in the face*

Its turns into a full out fist fight with everyone surrounding them yelling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT"

After 5 minutes

Princibal: HEY HEY *he broke the crowd and pulled Alex and Brandon apart.*

Princibal: GET TO CLASS EVERYONE! Alex and Brandon come with me.


Y/N: wheres Alex?

Ona: Idk

Carlos : normally hes the first one here

Alex walks in late with a bloody nose, some cuts on his face and a black eye.

Y/n: Omg what happened???

Alex : In gym me and Carlos were playing basketball and i fell...

Y/n: you fell and got a black eye?

Carlos: *looks at Alex* someone threw the ball at him.

Ona: damn

Y/n: are you okay??

Alex: ya baby im fine dw abt it

Y/n: okay.. *i looked down*

Y/n's POV
I find that hard to believe. But i guess if Carlos was there too it has to be true.

Ona: Brandon didnt come to science today. theres a rumor saying he got suspended.

Alex: *looks at Carlos* i wonder why

Carlos: *trying not to laugh he coughs* i need to go the the bathroom... *he ran out*

Y/n: whatd he do now? *laughs*

Should Alex have lied? Whats going on with Ona? Whats Brandon gonna do?? Keeppp reading childrennnnn Vote plz!

Friends? (A blesiv, brandon, ona, etc fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ