Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRE...

By cUtiE0502sEcRet

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Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 1
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 2
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 3
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 4
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 5
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 6
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 7
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 8
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 9
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 10
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 11
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 12
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 13
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 14
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 15
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 16
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 17
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 18
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 19
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 20
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 21
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 23
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 24
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 25
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 26
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 27
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 28
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 29
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 30
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 31 End

Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 22

23.9K 258 49
By cUtiE0502sEcRet

Chapter 22

Luke's POV:

"Well that was fun." Jason said in a teasing tone, while buttoning his pants. I smirked.

"We should do this again soon." I winked fixing my dress shirt, so that no one would notice. Jason laughed.

"Well then until next time...Luke." he said in a husky tone, giving me a light peck on the lips. I chuckled Jason was something...

Since I reach puberty I knew there was something wrong with me because, well, I wasn't at all attractive to women, but to men. I was always the odd one out; I never knew what or whom I was, until I saw Sonia's older brother shirtless. Since that day, I knew I was gay and, well, had fun with that acknowledgement. Luckily for me no one in my family knows nor suspect, because every time my mother would set me up on a date I would go, shag her and then break it up, like most of my brothers would do. Even though my brother Lucas is a mind reader, he can't really get into my head to know my secrets. Nevertheless, if my family ever finds out the truth, I'll end up being a embarrassment to the family... or they would accept me... but I wasn't going to take that risk.

I made my way out of the bushes and towards the ballroom, when I finally saw the ballroom, my mood suddenly soured. I hated, no detested, parties that my parents would honest. Everyone knew everyone, women gossiped or threw themselves at my bothers and I, men talked about politics and business. It's just plane boring. Nothing fun would ever happen.

When I was about to step foot into the ballroom, I sense that there was something wrong.... something was missing. I looked around, with my brows furrowed, Looking over the garden. When my eyes stopped at the fountain, in the middle of the garden, I felt my gut twist. I slowly walked towards the fountain.

For some reason every step I took towards the fountain I would feel an uneasy sensation wave through my body, while my gut twisted. I felt like I was going to throw up, but was able to keep it steeled inside.

When I got to the fountain, I slowly bent down, keeping my head a little over the sitting wall. I inhaled deeply, a scent of lavender and honey invaded my nose.

Katie, first thought I had. I couldn't help but smile. That girl did smell divine, and to add to the equation she was stunning. If I wasn't gay she would have tempted me.

I couldn't help but chuckle at that thought, in that second a new sent attacked my nose, it smelt like gravel and oil, mixed with the smell of spices. For some reason this sent was familiar, I inhaled again it smelt like.....Oh no it can' be....

I felt my eyes widen in shock and my whole body freeze for a fraction of a second. She must be saved! My inner voice yelled at me. And for once I actually agreed with it.

I swiftly got up, and with my vampire speed, ran into the ballroom to find my mother. I couldn't find her anywhere in the ballroom....

'Son, we're in the kitchen.' I heard my mother's beautiful voice mentally communicate with me. With that information, I sped into the kitchen.

I saw that both my parents and most of my brothers were there, except for Lucas. They all had a grim expression.

"They took her!" I stated in shock.

"We know." my Father, Raphael, said with his head bowed down.

"How...?" I was about to ask when my mother sighed, but it was Philip that answered my question.

"When Father hugged her, he saw that one of the Diablo's followers came to pay her a visit while showering. He threatened to kill us all if she didn't do as he said. And of course being the stupid human she is, she agreed to go with them." Philip said the last part with disgust.

John growled at him, "Shut the fuck up you mighty ass whip! She's the only Pure blood alive! We don't fucken need you here if you don't want to help!" John yelled at him.

Everyone in the kitchen was silent, shocked at how John burst out at Philip, even Philip looked as surprised as everyone felt. John, was taking in deep breaths, trying to cool down, John was mostly known for being the calm and quiet one, but he was much stronger than any of us. So it was surprising that he was the one faming with anger and bursting out at Philip.

"And she left a note, though I can tell this isn't her handwriting." My moth, Angelica said handing me the small piece of paper. I looked at it and saw that it was handwritten, and who ever wrote it was very old by the style of writing.

Dear Raphael and Angelica

I would like to apologize, but I could not stay here any longer. I would only be a burden, and I could not stand to get your family in danger because of whom and what my blood is. I sincerely apologize.

Love Katie.

I re-read the note again and couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you kidding me? Who in hell would be stupid enough to think we'd fall for this!" I exclaimed waving the note in the air.

Philip snorted, "Yea they think we're just like humans."

Right then I saw John was fuming with frustration and anger. With in seconds Philip was up against the wall. Everyone in the kitchen just watched, even my Mother looked bored.

"Listen here! I don't care if you're the fucken God of assholevill, but you will stop insulting humans and you will keep that mouth of yours shut or I'll make sure you won't see the sun shine for a long time... Got it?" John said in a deathly tone that could make any warrior scared shitles.

Philip just nodded, he look terrified. John let go of him and made his way back to the group.

"No back to the point, do we even know who took her? Except that se was taken by the Diablo's, that we know." Manuel said, sounding deep in thought.

I sighed, "I'm not sure but I think it's Mike."

"How do you know this?" My Father said, eyeing me closely. I gulped. We stood there for a few moments looking at each other. I sighed and stretched out my hand, and my Father took it into his.

My father has the gift of sight; with just one slight touch, he can read and see all the thought you've had and experienced. However, my Father was able to control his power to see only what he needed from the person and not their thoughts or lives.

I've known Mike for quite a while, we were enemies back when we were mere toddlers, and have been enemies throughout the decades. It's been about 5 decades since I've seen him, but his sent his unique, no other vampire had oil or gravel smell in their sent. That's why I knew his sent immediately.

A few moments passed, my Father finally released my hand. He sighed in frustration, while sliding his hand through his hair.

"We need to hurry before they do something stupid.... where in hell is LUCAS?" Father yelled walking out of the kitchen, everyone followed.

While following my father, a though popped into my head. What if Lucas's involved in this?.... I suddenly felt my gut twist.... this isn't going to end well....

Katie's POV:

My body felt cold and wet, the dripping water and my breathing were the only sounds I could hear. I slightly opened my eyes but I couldn't see anything; the room was pitch black.

Where am I? Was the first thought that pooped into my mind. I slowly bent up getting into a sitting position. I felt the ground around me, which was cold and wet just like concrete. The air around the room was stuffy and tasted like mold, and I could feel the dress clinging to me, since it was wet.

I sat there in total silence; I couldn't see anything which made me feel uneasy.

"Well , well look what we have here." I heard a familiar voice boom across the room, franticly looked around the room, but I couldn't see anything. Right now my heartfelt like it was about to come out of my throat.

"Oh don't be scared...Katie." right then I was shocked in place... It couldn't be...

"Lucas?" I gasped, still in shock, right then a white light flooded the room. The light was so bright that I had to cover my eyes with my hand, waiting for my eyes to adjust.

After a few seconds, I pulled my arms away from my eyes and looked around the room, well basement would be a better word for it. The walls and floor were all a black concrete, on the far right hand corner I could see that there was a pipe that was leaking water, making the floor and most of the walls wet.

I suddenly felt a cold breeze pass by me I looked up. Standing there smirking at me was.... Lucas...

"Wha..."I started to say but he cut me off.

"Oh don't worry I'll explain everything to you..." he said, "But first, lets get that wet dress off you shall we?" he said, sounding lustful and seductive.

I felt my blood run cold, and had the erg to crawl away from him, and that I did. Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up, and pined on the cold floor.

"Oh not so fast." Lucas whispered against my neck, I felt his hand slid down my neck, onto the curve of my breast, and down to my waist.

I heard fabric being ripped, a chilly breeze touched my body, I knew that he ripped off my dress leaving me in my underwear. I gasped and gave out an ear-piercing scream.

"Get off me!" I screamed punching and kicking him, who was now hovering on top of me.

"No." he whispered in a deadly tone, I felt tears sliding down my cheeks while his hands touched my now exposed body. I continued to hit and scream, but he wouldn't budge.

'Please get off me.' I pleaded mentally, hoping that he would hear it and get off me.

"Oh now that's much better..." I heard him say; suddenly I felt a weight being lifted off me. I looked at saw that Lucas was now sitting on a chair that I'm sure wasn't there a few minutes ago.

I slowly crawled to the near corner, pulling my knees to my chest, and wrapping my arms around my knees. I was now, shivering with fear and cold.

"Why?" I whispered shivering, looking at him straight in the eye. I could see amusement and lust in his eyes, which made my gut twist.

"Well Katie, this is a very long story but since you're not going any where I might as well tell you." He said getting up, grabbing the chair, while moving a little closer towards me. When he was about a few meters away, he turned the chair so that the back of the chair was facing me while he sat on it.

"A few decades ago, I found out about the Pure Blooded. And to be honest I was glade they were gone... because well.... why would we want a drug walking around right." he laughed, "But back to the point, When I found out about the Diablo's I decided to join, since they felt the same way about Pure Bloods."

I saw him lean a little, and say in a hushed tone, "But my family doesn't know, and they will never find out."

I could feel anger building up in me. How could he? He was the prince of vampires, and the Son of the two greatest people I've ever met! "You worthless piece of..." I started to say, but he cute me off.

"Na, na. Watch your language... Katie I have nothing against you, on the contraire, I in fact lust you... but you're a Pure Blood, one thing that can kill us vampires. I'm not willing to let anyone use you to get to us. Though I might use you to get rid of some people..... Like my family..."

Right then I froze, he couldn't be serious. Why in hell would he want to kill his family?

I heard Lucas chuckle, "Katie don't you see, If I get rid of my parents and my brothers I'll be the only one alive and the only one to take the throne. I'll be King of vampires and I'll be able to rule all super natural worlds."

I couldn't help but snort, if he though I was going a long with what his planning then his got something wrong upstairs.

Lucas suddenly burst out laughing, "Katie I don't need you to go along with my plan. I just need your blood."

I looked at him, and gulped. Lucas has gone insane, he wouldn't.

'Oh yes he would.' A small part of my conscience yelled at me. Suddenly Lucas wasn't sitting on his chair, but was bent right in front of me. I saw that his eyes turn to a lust red color. My breath caught in my throat.

'This will on hurt... a little." he whispered leaning towards me.

"Boss!" I heard a knock on the left of the room. Lucas growled.

"Coming!" he yelled back, he then turned to me.

"I'll be right back." he whispered giving me a peck on the lips, when he finally left, I whipped my lips with my hand, trying to get his filthy germs off my lips.

After a few minutes I sighed in frustration, I wanted to cry so badly, but I kept it all in... Lucas is going to get it... and get it good!...

Hey everyone!!! I know that most of you people that love this story don't like me lol.. I know i don't upload often but unfortunately SA exams are hard as hell!!!

But hope you all enjoy this chapter :)....I'll be uploading this weekend :).. So how about a deal! If i get about 30 votes or ore until Saturday... i'll upload two more chapters :)... Deal?....

Well the VOTE! and COmment!!! and of course FAN! :)


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