Shadow Dancer | | Michael Cli...

By h-pper

2.5K 48 1

Not everything works out some things do and some things send you back to hell Completed More

Authors Note


145 3 0
By h-pper

PAY ATTENTION! I'm only saying it once



It was finally the day I got to go back home.

The hospital rooms are always so freaking boring.

Ashton is driving us home. We all agreed not to let me drive. I thought it was the best incase I see her again in the middle of the road.

The four of us pile into the car. Luke and Ashton in the front and Calum and I in the back.

We get to the flat and walk in and I see her sitting on the couch. I must not be the only one because Ashton drops the keys on the floor and all of there jaws are dropped to the floor.

"Hi Michael! Long time no see." She says brightly.

"M -Michael is t - this the girl?" Calum asks.

"Yeah, yeah it is. Why are you here and why can they suddenly see you?" I asked a bit pissed.

"Luke shut up for one. I can hear your thoughts by the way," She hints and Luke's eyes go wide. "I let them be able to see me now. I need your help."

"I'm not fucking helping you until you explain who the fuck you are." I demand.

"Michael chill out! Ashton for one that's gross and Calum i won't do it again." She says.

Now i am curious with what they are thinking.

"Will you give me fucking answers before I stab you with something. You put me in the hospital!" i yell at her.

"if you calm your ass down and get these idiots over here I will." She says and the guys sit down and I follow.

"Who the hell are you?" Ashton manages to get out.

"How do you know us?" Luke blurts.

"And how did you get in out flat?" Calum adds.

"Shut your traps and I will answer all your questions."

We all are really quite and look at her. They guys are still in shock, but I'm just confused on why they can finally see her.

"I don't want any interruptions or questions until i am done. Got it?"

We all nod.

"My name is Scar. No its not short for anything, that's my actual name. I died 6 months ago. I am 19 and i was in a car crash. My friend was drunk and i died. I came from heaven. Now you are probably freaking out right now. But don't because i can kill you. The point is i left heaven because it was boring. Everyone thinks it's riding unicorns and fluffy cloud houses but really it isnt. It's like your own little dream life and it gets boring after a while."

What does this have anything to do with anything?

"Michael i am getting there. Remember i hear your thoughts. I know Michael because when you reach heaven you are assigned a person to watch over. i was assigned to Michael. You learn everything about that person in like 2 minutes. And when i say everything i mean everything. i was like his dumb guardian angel."

Now it makes sense!

"So I was getting bored and I fell from heaven to have some fun on earth. I came back to Sydney because it was my home for a while and I was going to find Michael. That's the reason why he could only see me because I am his guardian angel."


"So when you get into heaven you aren't supposed to leave unless told by the boss. I didn't ask though, I snuck out. Now I am being hunted by angels and a few demons because I might have screwed up something in hell."

I still don't understand why the guys can see her now.

"Michael I am getting there god damnit! Anyway. The reason you guys can see me is because I snuck back into heaven. They all have there heads up their asses to even notice. I went to the guardian angels of you guys and found out all of your information and I killed them. I am now a guardian angel of all four of you guys. So that'd why you can see me. And I need your help."

"Why should we help you!?!? You but me I'm the hospital because you were standing in the freaking road!" I yell.

"Because I know everything about you and I have no problem leaking all of it in the Internet for your little fans."

Is she blackmailing me!?!?

"Yes, yes I am Clifford."

"What do you need help with?" Calum asks.

Luke, Ashton and I look at him like he is mental.

"Cal are you freaken insane!?" Ashton is the first to even say anything.

"No. If we help her she goes away." He explains.

I guess that makes sense.

"Calum is right. I just need to get rid of this." She says and holds up a small glass bottle with a misty sliver substance in it.

"What is that?" Luke asks.

"My angel grace. I can't destroy it. I've tried. But you guys can."

"How do we do that?" Ash asks.

"We have to make a very important call." She winks.

I don't know what that means but it can't be good.


Sorryfor the cliffhanger.

So that's some background information on Scar. If you don'tknow what I am talking about reread it because it's important.

Update soon! Love yas


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