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It's been 2 weeks since I have last seen her.

Everything is back in track and the guys and I doing shows around Australia.

The fans have been amazing and we got to meet a few of them every once in a while. They were all so nice and just fantastic.

It has distracted me for the past 2 weeks.

But she always find a spot in my mind

If only I could get more information about why I can only see her and how she got out of my moving car.

"Michael you ready yet?" Calum asks me.

"Yeah I have been. I've been waiting for you guys." I laugh.

"Okay," Calum laughs "EVERY ONE IN THE CAR! Mike your driving."

I groan. Why is it always me?!

We get in the car and drive to Nandos.

We order and Calum gets a salad. We all look at him like he's mental or something.

"Cal you got a salad at Nandos?!" Ashton exclaims.

"Yeah so?"

"You're not suppose to order a salad at Nandos. Your such a girl." Luke says.

"Am not! Men can be healthy too!" Cal protests.

We get our food and Calum eats his 'manly' salad. We wait a few before we leave. Luke tries to get our waitress' s number.

He comes out of Nandos with a slip of paper.

"What did you do threaten her? Took you a while." I joke.

"Shut it Clifford!" He laughs and climbs in the back with Calum.

We pull out of Nandos. The highway is blocked so we have to take the back roads home. It's a bit longer, but i dont really have a choice.

"But like she didn't know," I stop talking.

"Mike what's wrong?" Ashton asks.

i squint to see what shining in the road. It runs off. Probably a wild animal.

"Nothing i saw an animal in the middle of the road." i say and Ashton hums, understanding.

They guys are in the middle of talking about Luke and the waitress when i see her. Two feet in front of my car.

I can't stop. i make a sudden movement off the road.

"Michael what the he, CAR!" Is all I hear Luke yell before everything becomes black.


I hear whispers around me.

I my eyes flutter a bit before I am blinded my really bright white lights.

I look around and see the guys next to my bed. They have bandages scattered on there body.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"The emergency room." Calum answers.


"You drove off the road and a car hit your side of the car." Ashton explains and the memories flow back.

"You were pretty beaten up. The guys who hit us called the ambulance. We got a few cuts from the broken glass but we are fine compared to you." Luke says.

"Mike why did you drive off the road in the first place. The doctors are going to be in here in like 10 minutes and ask you a few questions." Calum says frantically.

"I saw her. In the middle of the road." i choke out.

"Michael there was no one in the road. Who the hell are you talking about?! Don't tell me it's that girl you claimed to have seen at the pub is it?" Ashton asks and I nod.

The guys groan.

"You better not say that to the doctors or you are being shipped to a mental hospital." Luke explains and right in cue the doctor walks in.

"Hello Michael, I'm doctor James. I am going to be asking you a few questions about the accident."


"Why did you drive off the road?"

I knew that was coming.

"You know when someone close to you has passed and you see them every where even though they really aren't there," the doctor nods. "Well one of my best friends from my childhood passed away not to long ago and I thought I saw her on the road so I drove off." I explain.

"That makes sense. Well the mind plays many tricks," the doctor says and I give him a weak smile. "Well you are going to have to stay here for a few days. You have a few major cuts that we are going to treat for you. Have a good day Michael."

The doctor leaves and the guys look at me.

"Nice save." Luke winks at me and I laugh.


Okay sorry for the short and suckey chapter.

I came to the conclusion that this isgoing to be a really short story. Thereisn't much that is going to happen so I am thinking around like 15 chapters or so.

I don't know yet. I will when I get there.


Shadow Dancer | | Michael CliffordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora