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Scar ran off and I have no way of finding her. She could be anywhere.

I run out side to see if she is anywhere near the flat.

"Scar! Scar where are you?! God damnit!"

i run back I into the house and rush upstairs. I see Ashton is staring at the floor. He should feel bad.

"Michael i am really sorry. I just didn't know."

"Save it Ashton! She is gone! Thanks a lot!" i snap at him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. She still had you end up in the hospital, she isn't even human mate!" Ashton argues with me.

"She is now! That's why I went to go pick her up! Because she is fucking human!" i yell.

"Oh," is all he says.

"Yeah 'oh'. You didn't eve give me time to explain what happened before you got all pissy. You just jumped to conclusions." I say a bit calmer than before.

"I'm sorry Michael. I didn't mean to, it's just a bad habit." Ash says softly.

"Whatever. Okay we have to find her. Calum and I will check the woods and Ash and Luke drive around and see if she is anywhere near the flat." I say and we all split up.

"I'll go left you go right." Calum says and I nod.

I walk for about 10 minutes when I hear soft sobbing. I move closer to the sound and I see Scar sitting on a broken tree trunk. I sit down next to her and embrace her into my arms.

"Shhhh it's okay." I whisper and she turns so her head is in my chest.

"M-Michael I c-cant be h-here. They h-hate me." She sobs into my chest.

"No they don't hate you. Ashton just jumped to conclusions. He didn't know you were human. I'm sorry he was a jerk. To be honest Luke thinks your really pretty and Calum just doesn't care about anything really." I explain and her sobs slow down a bit.

"Thanks Michael. You are making this whole starting from nothing easier. I am scared and upset I can't access my old bank account or see my friends and family." She gives me a weak smile.

"We can be your friends and family. We are all here for you, and I love you very much." I say and kiss her forehead.

"We should go back." She suggests and I nod.

I text the guys and tell them I found Scar and to meet back at the house. I show Scar where the bathroom is and hand her a pair of my old sweat pants and one of my band shirts.

I make pasta for her, considering the guys and I went to Nandos before. It's almost 1 am already.

Scar comes into the kitchen and I set the pasta on the table. She sits and starts to eat. i sit across from her and hold her hand. i love that she is mine.

"So i was wondering if you could take me out shopping tomorrow? i can't wear the same thing everyday and i can't keep wearing your clothes to bed." She asks.

"Sure! I'll pay for them because it's the least i could do."

"No you won't have to, because i have a bank account that my parents don't amd won't know about. i can access it i still have my wallet with the credit card."

"No I'll pay for you. That's final!" i protest and she sighs then stabs her pasta.

Luke walks in the kitchen and goes to the fridge. He comes over to the table and sits down with a small bowl of pudding.

"So you living with us now?" He asks Scar.

"Until i land on my feet. i will be getting my own place in a week or so." She explains and my heart drops.

i guess she isn't going to stay with us as long as i thought. It kind of makes me really upset. i want her with me all the time, not just for a week or so.

"Well having you here might do all of us some good. I think you are going to keep us from being lazy." Luke chuckles.

"Oh Hemmings you have no idea." She winks at him and we both laugh.


Sorry about putting this off and taking forever to update. Please don't kill me. I am starting school on Monday ! I don't wanna go back!

So if my updates are really really slow it's because I am swapped with homework!

But ily all!


B xoxo

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