Beginning of falling in love

By KayBrown9

50.7K 1.3K 108

Elena slowly falls in love with Klaus when he unexpectedly showed up at the Mystic Falls. New adventures and... More

Chapter 1: Beginning of falling in love
Chapter 2: Roadtrip
Chapter 3: Blissful Night
Chapter 4: Confession
Chapter 5: Love and Death
Chapter 6: Call me Cazy but I Think I am in Love
Chapter 7: Love Forever
Chapter 8: Beginning Plan
Chapter 9: Lover's Triangle
Chapter 11: I Want You
Chapter 12: New Love
Chapter 13: New Life
Chapter 14: Down Marriage Rode
Chapter 15: Vamp Wedding(Part 1)
Chapter 16: Vamp Wedding (Part:2)
Chapter 17: Honeymoon (Part:1)
Chapter 18: Honeymoon (Part: 2)
Chapter 19: 2 years 10 months and 245 days
Chapter 20: Breaking Klaus
Chapter 21: Dead But Alive
Chapter 22: Switched At Death
Chapter 23: What Now?
Chapter 24: Not The Same Person
Chapter 25: Rough Patch
Chapter 26: Healing and New Beginings
Chapter 27: The Road of Pregnacy
Chapter 28: Baby Shower
Chapter 29: Savior
Chapter 30: Settling
Chapter 31: Selfishness
Chapter 32: Baby time

Chapter 10: Family Matters

1.7K 38 1
By KayBrown9

Klaus's P.O.V

" There is a seal on mother's casket we want to remove it." Finn said.

"And what does this have to do with me?" I said and looked annoyed.

"Your going to help us remove this seal" Elijah said and poured himself a glass of whine from the liquor stand.

"And what happens if I don't."

"Then we are going to kill that doppelgänger bitch and kill off your hybrids one by one in till your all alone. Then we will leave you to rot in hell alone where you belong." Rebekah said with a quick smile.

I sped to her and grabbed her hair and yanked her down.

"You threaten Elena again I will kill you but for now suffer.." I said as my face transformed into a hybrid and my fangs came out. I smiled and bit her neck and then snapped it.

"Anyone else wants to threaten me?" I said and smirked.

"Niklaus was that necessary?" Kol asked and smiled.

"Not at all but it was fun." I said as I wiped the blood off the side off the sides of my mouth.

"You see what this family has come to threatening one another?!" Finn said and glared at me.

"Niklaus we just want to be a family again." Elijah said.

"You talk family when it has been over a thousand years Elijah." I said.

"A thousands years does not change our bond. Always and forever."

" This is crazy! You are wasting my time." I chuckled.

"You honestly believe I would help bring back a women that literally put a curse on me?!" I added and looked at Finn.

"I told you Elijah this would never work." Finn said and walked out but I could here him still on the porch.

"You can leave now Elijah, I don't want to hear another lecture." I said and smiled.

"Oh and please do take Rebekah." I added and smirked.

Kol grinned and sped and threw Rebekah at Elijah. Elijah quickly caught her and sighed.

"I wish this family was more functional." Elijah said and he left.

"Elena you can come in now." Kol said and Elena walked in.

"Elijah really wants to have his family again.." She said and sighed.

"Its a pity really." I said and smiled.

"How?" She said and looked up at me.

"Because he has an eternity life span and he wishes only to seek family which is gone."

"But you can't blame his for having hope."

"Family doesn't matter when it's been a thousands years of threatening to kill one another, isn't that right Niklaus." Kol said poured as he poured a glass of vodka.

"Right." I said and smiled.

Elena rolled her eyes and her veins under her eyes came out.

"Hungry love?" I said and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Actually yeah I am, all I can think about is blood." She said.

Just then one of my maids walked in.

"Klaus there-" The maid began to say but Elena sped and started feeding on her neck. She choked her to the ground and drained her of her blood. It was quite sexy, her on top of one of my maid feeding on her. Then to top it off Elena snapped the maid's neck.

"Hungry little thing isn't she." Kol said and chuckled.

"Shut up Kol." I said and sped to Elena.

"Are you okay?" I said and bent down.

"I killed her.. She's dead." Elena said and a tear when down she face and mixed with the blood on her face.

"It's okay Elena." I said trying to calm her down.

Elena's P.O.V

I killed that maid because of hunger. It felt so good but I killed her! I didn't mean to.. I was just so hungry, I couldn't control it...

"I killed her! It's not okay!" I said and pushed his chest.

"Elena you need to calm down." Klaus said and rubbed my back.

"Calm down?! I killed her! S-she's dead Klaus!" I said and sped up.

Klaus stud up and tried to hugged but I pushed him away.

"Wow first kill so dramatic." Kol said and chuckled.

Klaus looked at Kol grunted at his comment.

I sped and hit the wall as hard as I could, then slid down.

"Elena." Klaus said and sped to me.

"I killed her, she's dead."

"Well grieving about it isn't going to make her come back now is it." Klaus said and smirked.

I kept feeling this nagging thought telling me to turn it off. I feel the twitched that Stefan and Damon always talk about...

"Elena?.. Elena don't do what I think your about to do!" Klaus said and hugged me.

"It's okay.. You can't be a vampire and not kill anyone." He whispered in my ear.

I cried in his chest and he rubbed my back.

"Ugh so overly dramatic." Kol said and sat on the couch.

"Well if you had a sweet heart like her's you would understand." Klaus said.

"Oh and like you do?! Wasn't your first kill our own mother." Kol said and laughed.

"Thats enough Kol."

I kissed Klaus because I thought it would make me feel better, but it only made me feel worst. I'm loving a pure monster.

Klaus gently kissed me back.

"It will be okay Elena." Klaus whispered in my ear. He whipped the blood off my face with his finger and then licked the blood off his finger.

"So shall we get some rest?" Klaus asked as he wiped my tears off my face and smiled.

I put my arms around his neck and he picked me up.

"Is that really necessary?" Kol asked as he watched Klaus pick me up.

"For her, yes..." Klaus said and sped me to the bedroom.

"Sleep it off." He whispered in my ear and laid me in the bed.

"Good night Elena." He said and walked out and then closed the door.

I'm a murderer and loving a person that is a monster. I took off my shirt that have blood stains and my pants. I put of one of Klaus's shirts and laid back down.

It smells like him...

It didn't talk long for me to fall asleep.

Kol's P.O.V

"You could have just compel her and save the dramatics." I said and sighed.

"She has to learn to control her grief sooner of later I prefer sooner so she doesn't switch her humanity switch off." Klaus said as he poured a glass of bourbon and sat on the couch.

"Your becoming weak brother."

"You just don't stop talking.."

"Oh come one Niklaus, admit it your in love with the doppelgänger."

"That doppelgänger has a name you know."

"Yes Elena, the sweet hearted, sexy copy of the Petrova doppelgänger line."

Klaus grunted and rolled his eyes.

"Stop talking." He sighed and took a sip of his bourbon.

Rebekah's P.O.V

I woke up laying on the bed drenched in sweat and confused.

"What the bloody hell?!" I said and tried to sit up but pain covered my body.

"Easy Rebekah, Klaus bit you. You have werewolf venom going threw your veins." Finn said and wiped the sweat off my forehead with a wash cloth.

"I'll be fine, it can't kill me." I said.

"W-where's Elijah?" I asked.

"He's out trying to get Klaus's blood to heal you." Finn said.

"You have got to be kidding me, Klaus doesn't care a bloody hell about me after I was apart of trying to kill him."

Then the sharp pain reached to my heart and the wound on my neck I could feel it spreading. I started getting confused and hallucinating about my past back when my family ruled New Orleans.

"Marcel... Klaus will kill you." I said and thought I was being held by him.

"Rebekah.. Snap out of it. Your hallucinating, I'm not Marcel." Finn said a moved my hair out my face.

"I love you Marcel.." I whispered and hallucinated him kissing me.

"Rebekah it's me." Finn said.

"Finn..." I said and black out.

Elijah's P.O.V

I went back to my brother's house to find some mercy in him for Rebekah's sake. Making family suffer is un forgivable, but I have a feeling that Rebekah will go back to Klaus after he helps her.

I knocked down the door and sped in. I saw Klaus sitting on the couch talking to Kol. Those two were always close they both share the same evil.

"Elijah.. I thought I told you to leave." Klaus said as he got up.

I sped to him and choked him.

"I need your blood to heal our baby sister." I said and applied more strength.

"No.." Klaus said and smirked.

I threw him and he went flying into the wall. Klaus quickly sped up.

"Leave or you'll end up like Rebekah." He said and his face transformed.

He sped and stabbed me with a knife that was on the kitchen table.

I broke his wrist and I could hear Kol laughing. I took the knife out and threw it at Kol but he quickly caught it.

Klaus face transformed again and almost bit me but then Elena pushed him off and blocked me.

"Elena..." I said and looked shocked.

"Don't hurt him!" She yelled as Klaus got up.

He walked closed to Elena but she stud tall and kept blocking me from him. Klaus grabbed her arm roughly which made her flinch.

"You cant hurt him. Not around me!" She yelled.

Klaus walked close as he could get to her, there nose almost touched and he had evil in his eyes.

"Move." He said with a calm danger voice.

"No." Elena said with the same calm voice. Klaus sighed and took a step back.

"Niklaus you've have gotten weak." Kol said and sped to Elena.

"Sorry love." Kol said and began to try to snap her neck but I snapped his instead.

I sighed and slightly smiled. Elena got up and fixed the shirt she wore that covered her blue laced underwear. Klaus chuckled and looked at me and back at Elena.

"Fine.." He said. Klaus took a glass off the liquor stand and bit his wrist. He let the blood pour into the cup in till he healed.

"This is the mercy I show Rebekah even though she showed none to me." He said.

"Thank you Niklaus." I said and took the cup. I sped off and rushed to the house me, Rebekah, and Finn were living in at the moment.

"Rebekah.." I said and sped to her.

"Elijah..." She said weak.

"Here drink this, it's Klaus's blood." I said and put her head up and tilt the glass to her mouth.

Once the blood hit her mouth she snatched it out my hands and drank all the blood and broke the glass.

The wound on her neck quickly healed and I sat by her side in till she fell asleep.

Klaus's P.O.V

Elena rolled her eyes and walked out the living room. I sighed and followed her.

"So I see we are at the peak of our relationship where you borrow my shirts." I said and smirk.

"I can't believe you... After everything, after we fell in love you can't let down the opportunity of control for one second. You were about to bite Elijah" Elena snapped and turn to me.

"Yes Elena I have to be in control of things! But even after I clearly told you I'm not going to change for you I ended up doing so! I let Katerina go after 500 years just for you! I showed mercy to Rebekah after she was apart of trying to kill me! But still you tend to want more, I'm a monster Elena." I yelled back.

I sped to her and looked in her eyes.

"Theres nothing keeping you here, you can leave when ever you want." I said and smirked.

"Fine!" She said and my smirk quickly vanished. She turned around and started walked to my room. I sped to the door way and watched as she pack her bag.

"What are you doing?!" I asked and leaned on the door way.

"Your right, theres nothing keeping me here. I'm tired of feeling like you don't care, I'm not myself when I'm around you, I killed someone! T-that's not me.. This isn't me Klaus. I would never had fallen in love with you, that's how much control you have over me and I hate that I love you and that you have control over me." Elena said as she put jeans on and took off my shirt and put on one of her shirts.

"I'm sorry Klaus I-I just have to go." She added as she zipped her bag and left.

I stud there in till I heard the front door shut. I took a deep breath and sat on the bed. There was a lingering feeling in my heart that I never felt before, it hurt terribly. I wanted her back.

Elena's P.O.V

I broke up with Klaus. I thought it would make me feel better but it made me feel worst. I feel empty and I want to go back to him but I just can't...

I sped back to my house and walked in. Jeremy and Alaric was in the kitchen goofing off. I rolled my eyes and began to walk upstairs.

"Elena!" Jeremy yelled. I stopped at the fifth step and walked back down.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Well Bonnie heard you were a vampire so-" he began to say but I cut him off.

"Wait Bonnie knows I'm a vampire?!"

"Yeah sorry it kinda slipped out. But the good news she was able to make you a daylight ring." He said and showed it to me.

"Oh wow nice but uh Klaus already made had one made for me." I said and showed him my ring. It was purely beautiful.

"Speaking off Klaus why aren't you with him?" Jeremy asked and looked confused.

"We um broke up..." I sped up stairs so they could see the tear that went down my face.

I quickly went in my room and shut the door.

I ran my fingers threw my hair and dropped my bad. I started crying and the pain felt unbearable. The pain I felt was more painful when I broke up with Stefan.

Just then Damon swooshed in my window and held me.

"I heard you crying.. What's wrong?" Damon asked.

I hugged him and cried in his chest.

"I broke up with Klaus." I said and looked at him.

"Well I'm not going to say I'm sorry because I'm not." He said in my ear.

"Of course your not, you wanted this to happen and now it did.." I said and he let go of me.

"I'm not going to disagree on that one." Damon said and smirk.

I walked towards my bed and sat.

"I miss him, Damon..." I said in a low serous voice.

He sighed and sped and sat by me.

"I'm selfish Elena... I can't make you feel better or comfort you because I don't give a rats ass about you and Klaus being together because I am that selfish when it's comes down to you." Damon said and leaned over to me.

"Because I love you Elena." He whispered and leaned closer to my lips.

He gently kissed me and I quickly broke the kiss.

"You can't do that.." I said in a soft voice.

Damon ignored me and kissed me again. He broke the kiss and smirked.

"I guess I can.." He whispered and the kissed me again.

I thought kissing Damon would make me feel better, so I did and I tried not to think about anything else because the reality it's so much for me to handle as a vampire.

Damon pushed me down on the bed and got on top. He kissed me roughly but not as rough as Klaus. His lips were warm and moist.

I knew what this was leading to... Sex. I knew this would hurt Klaus if he found out but I just went with it even though at the end I would probably feel guilty or feel absolutely nothing for Damon.

Damon slid his hand to my breast and the. Down to my pants. He sat up and slowly un buckled them.

"Damon..." I whispered ad he un zipped my pants.

Klaus's P.O.V

Once Kol came back to life he sped in to my room.

"Elijah snapped my neck!" He said and leaned on the door frame.

"Well you did try to snap Elena's." I said and looked up at him.

"Speaking of Elena where is she?"

"She left..."

"You mean she dumped you." Kol smirked.

I got up and walked towards him.

"And your going to get her back for me." I said and smiled.

"I'm not you arran boy do it yourself."

I roughly choked up and lifted him up.

"You are if you was to live!" I said and dug my claws in his neck.

"Fine! I'll get you sex toy back!" He snapped back.

"She's precious to me! You call her a sex toy again your going back in the box got it!" I said and let go.

He fell but quickly got up.

"If she's so precious to you why don't you do it yourself?!"

"I have me reasons, don't question me." I said and walked out.

I feel this weird empty feeling.. I want Elena back and I'll do anything to make that possible...

I was reading back at my other chapters and realized I have tons of errors!! I'm so so sorry I am a fast typer/ texter so I am going to take time a fix them and its your choice if you want to re read them again. I do have school again so It might take me longer for the next chapter but I will make sure not to long since it ended on that note. I hope you like it but comment and rate!!

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