Twisted [Degenerate Series, B...

By Jayfeather_fan

41.9K 1.7K 866

Loki, powerless after being banished from Asgard, is burdened with dangerous secrets on the destruction of Ea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 11

1.1K 47 11
By Jayfeather_fan

"Move, dammit." I growled, pushing people to the side.

Most of the dancing stopped. Many people talked about how rude we were to be pushing everyone around, but I didn't care.

Natasha was already out of the door.

"Get out of my way!" I yelled, shoving even more people - stupid mortals - to the side before I was finally off of the dance floor.

I ran towards the door, feeling angry and frustrated, pushing everyone in my way. I was tired of being blamed for things, like I would always be some horrible man. Which, I guess I really couldn't blame them for. Still, anger flooded my body.

I wondered what she thought I was trying to do, but to be honest, I hardly wanted to find out.

I flung open the doors, getting out of the loud club into the crisp fall air. I sucked in a breath of fresh air as I ran to where she had parked the car. It was still there. I sighed in relief and slowed, trying to open the door.


I peered into the window, but she wasn't there. She must have passed her car and went further into the city. Drunk and alone at night. Great. I didn't know much about Midgard, but I did know that the people here weren't quite as pure as that of Asgard.

I looked both ways down the street, seeing a retreating figure in the distance under the lamplights with unmistakable fiery red hair. Natasha.

I took off running, not calling her name until I was close.

She was jogging steadily, but holding her arms as if she was cold. She didn't have her jacket, so I assumed she left it at the club.

"Natasha!" I called when I was about ten yards away from her.

She turned, and the look in her eyes pulled me up in my tracks. Her green eyes blazed with fear. She was scared of me. Ouch.

Normally, I would have smirked at the idea, but it just made me freeze for a second. Natasha turned and took off running. Her steps were unsteady, as if she was having trouble staying balanced.

Snap out of it Loki. I scolded myself. Just convince her your not a danger and get back to the club. A small part of me also added to my thoughts. She's drunk. It should he easy. I shook my head and tried not to think like that.

I dashed after her, but she was fast. "Natasha, please wait!" I called. She had turned left when the buildings stopped and I was now chasing her in a beautiful park. After spending centuries on Asgard, I thought nothing on Midgard could possibly impress me, but I guess I was wrong. The natural view of the park was beautiful. Hardly man-made. There was no time to truly capture the beauty, though.

I continued to run. I was finally gaining on her. She was slowing down just enough that I was able to catch up. Finally in reach, I grabbed her elbow and spun her around so that she was facing me. She gasped and tried to pull away but I held on.

She swayed slightly in my grip. Her eyes were clouded from alcohol. She shivered uncontrollably as a slight breeze ruffled the branches on the trees.

I let her go slowly. As soon as she was free, she aimed a punch that connected with my jaw. I let out a groan of pain. She aimed another, but I recovered quickly and stopped her with easy efficiency, grabbing her fist and lowering her hand to her side. She was shaking violently, teeth chattering.

"You done?" I asked her and she nodded, though still seemed tense, with her fists clenched at her sides. I rubbed my jaw as she spoke.

"I was a f-f-fool to t-trust you." Natasha muttered, stammering around her chattering teeth.

"I haven't done anything." I paused, "you trusted me?"

"Well, n-no. No." She confirmed, her face flushed.

"You're just drunk. It's clouding your brain, not allowing you to think properly and-"

"T-t-that's the point!" She interrupted me. "I'm drunk, but you're n-not. You're completely sober, a-a-a-and I'm dizzy, a mess, and defenceless. I went out of the house and you c-c-came with me so there was no one here to protect m-m-me. No Bruce, no S-S-SHIELD agents. I'm all alone, stuck in this god f-f-f-forsaken park, with y-you." Her voice was not only stammered but slurred. She wasn't making any sense. She really did think I was trying to kill her or something. "Ugh, w-why did I l-l-let you come with me? I feel so w-w-w-w-" she started shaking so badly that she didn't finish her sentence. I furrowed my eyebrows. It wasn't even cold out.

"You think I'm dangerous?" I asked.

"Yes." She said, staring into my eyes, her teeth chattering.

Normally I would have smirked, and left her there to die, or something else just as cruel. Instead I said, "you're freezing."

She nodded, shaking.

I loosened my tie and held it in my hand while unbuttoning my shirt. Under the lights, I saw that her eyes widened and her face got bright red. "W-w-what are you d-doing?" She still looked nervous, backing away.

I said nothing, but took off my shirt and wrapped it around her like a jacket before loosely wrapping my tie around her neck as a make-shift scarf.

"Better?" I asked, and she nodded slowly.

"W-won't you get cold?"

"I'll be fine," I replied with a knowing smirk. I rubbed her arms awkwardly in an attempt to warm her up. I think I felt heat creeping up my neck slightly as she glanced at my bare chest every once in a while. "Come on, let's go."

"Thank you." She whispered. I didn't reply, just smiled slightly.

Once were near the club, Natasha handed me back my shirt which I put on and buttoned while we walked. She then handed me back my tie which I just let it drape around my neck.

We walked inside of the club, some of the people casting us glances. Natasha's jacket was hanging on a coat rack, and we grabbed it before heading back to the car.

When we got inside and it was quiet again, Natasha began talking. "I'm sorry. It was unfair if me to blame you like that. Thank you for coming to get me, but..." She trailed off for a second, thinking. "It's just...I was dancing with you and feeling so..."

Safe? Relaxed? I wondered what she was going to say. She didn't bother finishing.

"I let that overshadow any good judgement I had left after drinking. But, even if I did feel something while we were dancing, and you did come to get me, and you weren't actually trying to kill me, I can never get past...what you did." She glanced at me. "To New York, to my friends, to me." She spoke slowly, carefully. I clenched my jaw, a frown on my face.

"Alright." I responded, my voice low.

"Alright, what?"

"Alright. Don't get past what I did. I hardly care. I don't regret my actions." I glared at her.

She sighed and put the car in reverse. I stared at the road, lost in thought. The car was swerving to the left side of the road slowly without her notice. The blaring lights of a truck directly in front of us and a loud horn made Natasha gasp and jerk the wheel to the right. That sent me sliding in my seat, my shoulder hitting roughly against the door.

"Eyes on the road!" I growled.

"Sorry!" She whispered, focusing her gaze. I rolled my eyes before looking out of my window, feeling tiredness pull my eyes closed as sleep washed over me.

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