Chapter 28

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"Open this door!" There was another loud crash at the door.

Thor let out a sigh. "Window," he whispered.

"What?" I asked, alarmed. Thor hauled Loki over his shoulders again, causing Loki to cry out in pain.

Thor walked over to the window and looked out. "We're going to fly out of the window and to the bifrost. Flying with two other people will be difficult, but I'll carry you as far as I can."

I looked out of the window, horrified. We were so far up!

"Fear not, Lady Natasha," Thor said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "We will get Loki to Midgard."

I nodded, feeling my throat tighten with nerves.

"Hold on to me," Thor said, "tightly."

I gripped Thor's arm as he smashed Mjolnir against the glass of the window. The glass shattered, and I heard the shouts outside grow more frantic.

"Go, go, go!" They shouted.

There was a loud crash at the door and the door collapsed.

The men dashed inside, and one shouted, "Stop them!"

I clutched onto Loki and Thor as Thor took off through the window, shattering the remaining glass.

"No!" One of the guards shouted.

"Go to the Bifrost! Now!" Said another.

The flight was extremely wobbly, and we were rapidly losing altitude.

We approached the rainbow bridge quickly before crashing onto the glassy surface.

We were about halfway to Heimdall, who was waiting on the opposite end. On the other side, near the castle, a hoard of guards was streaming onto the bridge.

"Take Loki and get to Heimdall!" Thor yelled. "I'll hold them off!"

I rushed over to Thor and he handed me the limp body of Loki.

I wrapped Loki's arm around my neck and carries him so that his feet were dragging limply on the ground behind him. Not only was he taller than me, but he was also extremely heavy, so this was no easy task.

I approached Heimdall as fast as I could, which was not very fast.

He was so heavy!

I had his arm wrapped around the back of my neck, and I carried him along with his feet sliding along the rainbow ground.

In the distance, I saw Heimdall sheath his sword and come running toward me.

Being me, I could hear the sounds of a battle raging. Guards were yelling and thunder was rolling across the sky.

Heimdall had arrived. Like Thor, he hauled Loki over his broad shoulders and I was again left feeling utterly useless.

Heimdall began to run back to the Bifrost area, and I asked him as we ran, "what should I do?"

"You will bring the Prince to a healer when you arrive on Midgard," Heimdall replied in his deep voice.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Thor fighting off a hoard of guards on the bridge. He was being careful not to actually hurt anyone. Lightning was striking the water, splashing waves onto the bridge and making guards fall over. Thor was being forced to retreat toward us, the guards pushing him backwards because of Thor's peaceful fighting methods. He didn't want to hurt anyone, I realized. These guards were his, after all.

"Quickly," Heimdall said. We had arrived at the end of the Bifrost.

Heimdall had already set Loki onto the ground. He drew his sword and shoved it into the Bifrost. Like a key opening a lock, a blind light filled the room when Heimdall turned the sword.

Twisted [Degenerate Series, Book 1][Blackfrost] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now