Phan oneshot collection

By phanallamallama

1.2M 33.5K 70.4K

All the oneshots I write which you should 100% read as they're what I'm best at More

Phan one shot collection
Books and adventures
Chestnut hair and deep brown eyes
All love
This is halloween? (Part 1)
Right in front of your eyes
An ancient curse
Getting married today
The boy on the bus
Lights, camera, action
Never kissed him
3am I watch you sleep
Moonlight and shadows
Tent troubles
Potions to remember
University roommates
Business trip
My story
3am with you
Across the street
Start to end
I cheated, then fell in love
Eyes you can drown in
Breathing underwater
A ceiling full of stars
On a crowded tube
Waiting for the lights
Letters for bear
Seven days
Met you in the waiting room
Balanced on a box of cereal


27K 1K 1.3K
By phanallamallama

Word count: 3719

Genre: coffee shop au where hair colours reflect emotions and its very very fluffy like pure fluff

Dan always liked his morning coffee. He liked going to the Starbucks just around the corner from his house and simply spending half an hour sitting and watching the people's colours around him while he sipped something to keep him warm. England in the middle of winter wasn't the easiest to endure without a little heat.

Today was different when he walked in. Usually- as this was his normal routine- his hair would always stay it's natural colour, a muddy brown he honestly hated.

Except when he sat down with his order, something was different; a boy with light pink hair and burning blue eyes was staring at him from a table in the corner.

And he was cute.

Dan felt his cheeks rising in colour and he started trying to sort out his hair to try and look more respectable and not like he had rolled out of bed and was still wearing the top he wore for pyjamas under his coat. Oh god, why today of all days had he decided to look so sloppy?

Shit, his hair was pink too! What a give away; pink hair and looking scruffy, the boy across the room must be laughing at him.

But the boy was still pink, and had obviously seen Dan staring back by the fact he was concentrating awfully hard on stirring his coffee. Dan bit his lip and smiled to himself, staring down at the table.

It was times like this he wished he wasn't so shy. He would do what his hair was showing and go and tell the boy how he thought he was cute too.

He just couldn't quite make his legs move.

Dan looked up once more and tried to smile at the boy, but as his luck would have it, he was gone, and Dan could just see a pink hair and gangly figure walking away down the street.

He let his head flop onto the table and scowled at himself. Idiot! He had really missed his chance.

And now his hair was blue. Great, everyone would know he was upset.

Probably looked better than stupid crushing pink.



Dan had been forced to go to a club with his friends and he wanted to go.

If he was honest, his hair was still tinged blue from not getting up the courage to talk to that boy earlier. So he was alone at the bar and moping, letting his friends laugh alone while he looked around at most of the people's hair colours.

Most were a shade of yellow for happiness, there were a few blue like him, a couple of orange who were apparently angry about something, but then there were the purples. Lust. Being in a club late was where most of the people who were horny and wanted some 'fun' would go.

No pink though.

Which was good. Dan hated that colour, it was so stupid.

Okay he was lying, the boy wouldn't leave his head and now he was very aware that his hair was getting more sad by the second. He should go home, this was definitely not the place for him right now.

Actually, purple was almost as stupid as pink, and one was walking towards him right now.

Time to go and spend the night alone, dark blue and shining.


His hair had improved a little this morning. It was just a few streaks of colour, but overall he was mostly brown as dirt.

He got his order and sat down, seeing the always-yellow-haired barista smile at him sympathetically as he took his normal seat, taking his coat off and trying to absorb the heat. 'Today was no different' Dan kept telling himself, that he should just watch the people around him and wonder what their lives were like, try and get over his hair colour. Just like normal.

He looked around casually and saw a couple with a light yellow and pink, a man with green who looked about ready to fall asleep at what his- mother maybe?- was saying to him and then someone else who was about three different colours.

A young girl who was sat on her own with blue hair that faded into purple and was even tinged pink at the ends. She was flicking her phone around in her hands and let out a sad sigh. Dan wondered if she was thinking of someone she liked too.

Dan caught her eye and gave her a small smile, which she returned, and Dan felt a little better when the colour of their hair got a little less intense.

If he was feeling more sociable he would go and talk to that woman, make her feel better, but he just wasn't up to it today. He was too tired.

He sipped his coffee and rested his head in his hands. It was barely busy today, everyone always came in, got their orders and left on Thursdays. No one really liked to stay. Apart from Dan of course.

After a few minutes of sitting and ignoring everything he realised he would actually have to drink his coffee to wake him up and he picked up the mug, but his hand slipped and it spilled all over his lap, making him jump up with a small yell as it spilt onto the floor and across the table.

"Fuck." he whispered agitatedly and grabbed as many napkins as he could, starting to wipe it up before he heard a giggle, and he looked up.

Pink with blue eyes.

The boy from before.

And he was giggling.

Dan flushed pink instantly and looked back at the floor, biting his lip before he managed to face the boy again, who was helping him clear up the mess.

Dan stayed silent throughout the who process, but he couldn't stop the colour of his hair, or the smile on his lips. And he couldn't help notice it on the boy's face too.

As soon as the coffee was dealt with Dan stood up and the boy giggled again.

"You look like you've wet yourself." he giggled, before blushing again and grabbed his coffee and rushing out the shop, Dan's eyes following him out the window as the boy's hair changed from light pink to dark, tinging blue even.

He was embarrassed and upset about it. And Dan again hadn't said a word in reply!

Idiot Dan!

And he was blue again. He was starting to hate it more than pink.

He quickly sat down, hiding his legs under the table as he cursed himself. He was the biggest dumbest idiot ever. With no coffee.

He sighed and got up, putting his coat on which was luckily long enough to cover the fact he really did look like he had wet himself and was about to leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be so blue dear, he'll be back." A woman told him and Dan smiled a proper smile.

Yellow was gently seeping into his body. Next time he would speak to him. He promised.


Dan was a liar. The boy was back, pink and bubbly and Dan hadn't moved from his table.

He was such an idiot. Pink was like the most open invitation, especially when you're own hair colour was the same! Yet he wouldn't move.

Stupid pink idiot, do something about it or go back to brown.


He had been there everyday at the same time for three more days and Dan had done nothing about it.

The barista had started to roll her eyes when she saw him as if to tell him to hurry up and do something, but Dan always pretended not to see.

Dan had started to wonder what the boy's natural hair colour was. Everyone's real hair colour was a supposed natural colour, so Dan was able to narrow it down away from just emotions.

Maybe he was brown like Dan's, even though he doubted it would suit him unless it was more like coco. Not blonde, darker than that. A ginger-brown maybe? If not, Dan was hoping black. It would make his eyes stand out and his skin look paler and Dan's heart was skipping slightly.

He wanted to know, he just didn't have the courage to find out.

He really was an idiot.


"Talk to him today, go on, it has been ages since you first turned all pink because of him. Just say hi," The barista told Dan as she handed him his order and he just shook his head.

"I don't know what you're talking about Rita," Dan said and she rolled her eyes and Dan started to walk to his table.

"I will make you talk to him Daniel!" she called over to him and he waved his hand over his head, knowing she would be smiling at his idiocy at least.

She was completely right of course, Dan should talk to him, literally just say 'hi', but he couldn't make himself for some reason.

At least he had sort of befriended her because of his stupid crush, which was quite comforting as he had been coming here as part of his routine for the past few months, and he was more than a regular there.

Just at that moment a boy with pink hair walked in and Dan bit his lip, sorting out his own (now, of course, pink) hair.

Ever since this boy had become a sort of regular too, Dan had been taking better care of his appearance. It was pointless because of his lack of confidence, but just in case one day he really did manage to talk to him, then at least he would look decent.

Today was no different, Phil had left way before Dan had time to think of what to say to him, and Rita was shooting daggers at him, her hair still thankfully yellow.

Maybe tomorrow.


"Would it make a difference if I told you he is staring at you right now?" Rita asked and Dan shook his head.

"No," Dan said, turning to look at Phil who glowed darker and looked away, making Dan flush too. Rita laughed behind him and Dan turned back, glaring. "Now please give me my order I know is ready behind you so I can wallow in the despair of my life," Dan said and Rita raised her eyebrows.

"Alright you idiot, what if I told you his name was Phil?" she asked, and Dan perked up.

"Phil?" he asked and she nodded.

"More interested now?" she asked and Dan nodded, determined not to look at him in front of her.

"But I still can't say anything to him," Dan said sadly.

"Buy him a drink, I know his usual order," Rita said and Dan thought about it for a few seconds.

"Maybe," Dan said and Rita smiled.

"I will get you two together if it kills me. Now, here's your order, try not to spill it everywhere again," Rita said and handed him his coffee. Dan saluted and smiled at her.

"No promises. Thank you." he said before going to his table and sitting down, looking over at this Phil and even managing to send him a smile before hiding his face again.


He liked it. Maybe he would send him a drink.


"Dan!" Rita said excitedly when he walked in the next day, already pink on seeing Phil smiling in the corner, his hair the brightest he had seen it yet.

"Morning," Dan said and she shook his head and clutched his shoulders over the counter.

"Shut up! I have an idea," she said.

"It must be good, you're as yellow as a buttercup,"

"Be quiet. How about as you're terrible at saying how you feel with words... write them!" She said and Dan gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"When you send him that drink, you write down something about how you feel or something!" she said and Dan rolled his eyes. "This is a great idea!"

"I will think about it," Dan said and passed her the money for his usual order.

"Just start thinking about it, write it in the notes on your phone or something, just do it before I strangle you and start trying to find Phil someone else," she said and Dan scowled. "See, that's got you moving." she winked and Dan took his coffee and walked to his table wordlessly as he heard her laughing behind him.

But he did like her idea.

Except, what the hell was he meant to write?

This was a lot more difficult for him then Rita thought.


He had written it, but it sounded like crap, and now he was backspacing everything and about ready to hit his head off the table.

He sent a glance over to Rita who wasn't busy at the moment and she beckoned him over.

As soon as he reached the counter she folded her arms.

"Do I have to kill you yet?" she asked and Dan leant his head on the counter.

"It's too hard," he whined.

"Get your head off the counter, it's unhygienic!" she reprimanded and he straightened up. "Just look at him and write what you want him to know," Rita said and Dan's face lit up. "Get out of that stage of pink and find out his natural colour or something to that effect," Rita said and Dan nodded.

"Okay I will!" Dan said.

"Here's a pen, there's a napkin, get writing," she said and Dan rushed back to his table and started writing almost instantly. Rita even laughed when he had to get another napkin off her.

Poor Phil must have been so confused by what was going on, but every time Dan looked up at him to decide what to write next he was smiling, his hair undeniably pink.

Dan was just finished when Phil got up and left, and Dan felt so dejected he hadn't finished in time he missed the little wave Phil had sent his way.

His hair faded to blue as he grabbed the napkins and pen and trudged over to Rita.

"He left just when he finished," he moaned and she smiled at him.

"Then tomorrow get here early. Get the coffee ordered ready and sit down like normal and then when he comes in I will say that you have already bought his coffee for him and give him the napkins as well and then send him to his table with the coffee and then he will read them and then come and talk to you," she said and Dan nodded.

"Okay, but if it goes wrong it is your fault."


Dan had done as he had promised and was at the shop earlier than usual, paying for both his drink and Phil's in advance, double checking that Rita had the napkins (in the right order) and sat down, sipping his drink and staring at the door.

What if Phil didn't come today? What if he didn't like Dan after reading what he wrote? What if he didn't accept the napkins in the first place?

Dan was going into full blown panic mode and was about to jump up and rip the napkins beside Rita to shreds when he but his lip and saw Phil walk through the door.

Shit it was too late to go back.

He fixed his hair quickly and started to stir his coffee as if he hadn't already drunk half of it while looking at Phil.

He was smiling and talking and Rita was beaming bright yellow and handing him a coffee, and then then napkins before pointing over at Dan, who knew he was the pinkest he had been yet and looked out the window, but tuned around a few seconds later to see Phil beaming as he carried his order over to his table.

Dan watched him sit down and put his bag on the floor, sipping his drink before unfolding the first napkin and starting to read.

Dan couldn't stop sending little glances his way as he waited for Phil to finish, twisting his hands together and wishing his hair wasn't so obvious. It was deciding between dark and light pink and was doing some weird ombré thing Dan was not liking, and he kept tugging it, wishing he could get over it so it would stay it's boring brown.

To be honest, Dan just hoped Phil wouldn't laugh at him for doing this, what he had written hadn't been the most... normal?

He just hoped Phil liked it.

Dear Phil (or the boy who always has pink hair),

It has been about 2 weeks since I saw you sitting in this shop and the same amount of time I have had pink hair whenever I come here.

I don't really believe in love at first sight, and that makes sense as I know pretty much nothing about you, and I only learnt your name because Rita told me it not too long ago.

But I thought because I was too shy to start a verbal conversation with you, I would try to write one to get any personality clashes out of the way.

So here is some stuff about me you should probably know.

(This sounds so much cheesier then it was meant to and for that I am sorry)

1. My full name is Daniel James
Howell but please call me Dan.

2. I am 23 years old and am an author who works from home.

3. I come to the coffee shop everyday to come up with ideas but you probably already know that considering you always come here too.

4. I am also a massive nerd (feel free to run away now). I love anime, TV shows like Dexter, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones and I spend a lot more time on the internet then I should. I also adore video games like Skyrim and Final Fantasy but also like Sonic when I'm feeling nostalgic. And Pokemon is perfection and you cannot tell me otherwise. I would get started on films but there are too many and there isn't too much room on napkins.

5. I can play the piano quite well I think considering I started self teaching after grade 2. (I got bored of classical and started learning scores from video games instead)

6. I have a great music taste. I love bands like Fall Out Boy and Muse but I also love Kanye West and I will always have a special place in my heart for some songs off Glee. It's a good music taste.

7. I probably shouldn't include this one but I think you're beautiful. I know I don't even know what your natural hair colour is, and you don't know mine, but even with pink hair and cheeks to match I think you are gorgeous. Your eyes light up your corner of the cafe.

Okay that was too cheesy and I will stop now, but I hope at least now you know if you do want to get to know me more- though I really hope you do.

As I said, I don't believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in the colour pink, although it took me some time to admit it to myself.

Please come and talk to me, I want to get to know you so badly I could burst.

I'm just really shy.

Dan x

Dan was squirming by the time he saw Phil put down the napkins and grin, and he bit his lip as Phil made eye contact and walked over to him, his bag on his shoulder and his drink in his hand.

"Thank you for the coffee," he said as he reached the table and Dan knew his cheeks were crimson.

"You're welcome," he said as audibly as possible and Phil smiled some more.

"Is your invitation still open to get to know me?" He asked and Dan nodded swiftly.

"Fuck yes. Sorry, please sit down," Dan said and Phil giggled at his outburst. Dan scowled at himself for being awkward but he felt a hand over his own and his heart leapt in his stomach.

"I'm not too good at this. Is this okay?" Phil asked nervously and Dan nodded, smiling at him.

"So Phil, please tell me about yourself. I'm free for as long as you are to talk,"
Dan told him and Phil grinned.

"Then I have taken up your next two hours."


"Wow you've been everywhere!"
Dan said as he sipped his second drink.

"It comes with my job." Phil smiled. "Dan, is it weird how well I feel I already know you?" He asked, his voice suddenly shyer and Dan shook his head.

"No. I feel the same way," he smiled and took Phil's hand across the top of the table, squeezing it gently, making Phil's blush rise a little.

"Oh, I never told you. Black," Phil said and Dan felt confused.

"What's black?"

"My natural hair colour, in your note you asked," Phil smiled.

"I made a guess you might have black hair!" Dan said excitedly, then sucked in his lips and started talking quickly. "I mean, not that I have been thinking about it a lot," he gabbled and Phil giggled.

Black. Such a perfect colour. It made Dan feel like he was glowing.

"What's yours?" Phil asked him sweetly and Dan flashed back into reality.

"Oh, mine's brown," he said and he saw Phil start to beam, his smile so wide it looked like he could make flowers grow.

"No it's not," Phil told him, a breathless chuckle coming out of his mouth.

"It is." Dan said, confused in what Phil was saying before he saw the roots of Phil's begin to darken, gently flowing down across his ears and over the tips of his hair, making Dan's breath catch in his throat.

"Phil, what colour is my hair?" Dan asked and Phil smiled that perfect smile that was driving Dan's heart crazy.

"The same as mine right now of course."

Dan couldn't stop the biggest smile of his life spreading over his face.


Dan Howell was in love.

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