DEPTH OF PAIN{completed}

By bettie_butter_

51.6K 5.9K 88

*** Why are you still here Mr Wellington?" I asked as I clutched my bathrobe to cover my body well. I don't w... More

FIFTY (Finale)
Guess what?
Sequel ALERT!!!!


893 118 6
By bettie_butter_



I slowly opened my eyes and realised that my pain has disappeared and I gave a sign of relieve. I looked up and saw Ethan dozing, my head is on his thigh and his hand on my tummy. This is one of the position I love when we were together, I would put my head on his thigh and he would caress my hair which makes me feel so sleepy.

I looked at him again and I saw his head floating in the air. He's dozing big time and I tried not to laugh, I couldn't help the laughing gas in me so I slightly chuckled and his eyes flung open and look at me. I covered my mouth with my hands as I stared at him awkwardly.

"I wasn't dozing" he said

"I never said you are" I replied and I fought the urge not to laugh.

He cleared his throat. "Maybe we should be on our way" he said in his bossy tone and I checked the time.

"It's just 5am sir" I said

"The earlier the better" he replied and turned to leave.

"Ethan!" I called and he turned to look at me and furrowed his brow.

"Errr... I mean Mr Wellington!" I called awkwardly. "Thank you" I said and he nodded and left.

I packed my things and headed out. His chauffeur opened the door for me and i entered, I saw him sitting at the other side, I sat and closed the door. Alex drove us to the airport and we flew back to Lagos.


I went home first and freshen up before preparing for work. I remembered that I've not called Darlington in days, he called during the meeting yesterday but I couldn't pick.

"Hey Darlington" I greeted

"How are you sweetie?" He asked and I answered

"I'm fine, I'm sorry I didn't pick your call yesterday, I was in a meeting" I said.

"Chioma told me you are in Abuja" he asked and I suddenly felt guilty, I didn't remember to inform him about my trip to Abuja.

"Actually I'm back, left two days ago, I'm sorry i didn't inform you" I apologized

"It's fine, I knew you forgot" he said. "What did you go there for?" He asked

"A meeting" I replied

"With Ethan?" He asked


"Okay" he said but I know it's not okay with him, since I told him about Ethan, he has been feeling insecure.

"I'm going to the theatre room now, I'll call you later" he said and hung up.

I went to work and I called, the printing press and they assured me they will be done in few days time. I called a famous event planner for the decoration and for the Nigerian dish, I called different chefs from different countries, since the will be guests from different countries. Some requested to meet me first which I know it's not going to be easy.

I got a call from my intercom and I went to Ethan's office.

"What's my schedule for today?" He asked and as I was about telling him, Valerie barged in.

"What's wrong with you Ethan?" She asked angrily and i turned to leave.

"I've not dismissed you yet" Ethan said sternly and I stayed. "What is it Valerie?" He asked in his cool sweet voice.

"Why did you do that in front of my parents? And what's that bullshit you told me on phone?" She asked

"Calm down and let's leave that for another day, do you want to go somewhere?" He asked Valerie and her face lit up.

"Like where?" She asked seductively and I shook in anger. "He's even flirting with her in front of me" I thought.

He faced me "cancel whatever appointment I have with anybody, reschedule it and I won't be coming back today, cover up" he ordered and I nodded. They walked away and I watched him put his hand around her waist as they walked away, he glanced at me and they went out.

"Outrageous!" I exclaimed and paced his office in anger. I went back to my office and tried to cool my  head. My phone rang and I pick it.

"Hey sweetie" I heard Darlington say

"Are you done in the theatre?" I asked

"Yeah, you mind if I come pick you for lunch?" He asked

"Please do" I answered immediately, I just want to get out of this damned company.

"I'll be there in a jiffy" he said and I smiled

"That's my Barry Allen" I said and i can imagine him smiling like an idiot. I hung up and tried rescheduling Ethan's appointments before Darlington comes.

After 40 minutes, my phone rang and I picked it.

"I'm downstairs baby" I heard Darlington say

"I'll be right there" I said and hung up, I cleared my table, went to the restroom and checked if my face is okay. I picked my phone and went downstairs, I saw him sitting in the waiting area and I went to meet him, he hugged me and greeted. I felt shy all of a sudden because people are watching. Wellington headquarters is a huge place so people are everywhere. He held my hand and walked me out.

"Damn, Ethan is indeed a tycoon" he remarked after looking everywhere

"What do you expect from a man who owns multiple hotel chains, industries and factories?" I said and rolled my eyes. He opened the door for me and I entered. He drove towards sky restaurant and lounge.

We entered when we got there and he pulled a chair for me, I sat and he smiled. A waiter brought the menu.

"I'll have southern fried chicken with merlot guenoc wine on item 14" I said and he faced Darlington

"I'll go with the lady's order" he said, the waiter nodded and left.

"You look stressed, don't you think you should take some time off" Darlington said

"Darl, you are worrying about me too much, I'll be fine" I said and he held my hand.

"I don't want you to fall sick, we both know how much you despise the hospital, don't fall sick and give Chioma and I a hard time" he said

"Okay sir" I teased and he smiled.

We had our lunch and he took me back to the company. He pecked me and I bade him goodbye.

I went to my office and I did the necessary things till the closing hour. I packed my things and left the premises and I met one of the staff on my way out, she's the product manager, since I started working here, I've known her to be the best and notorious gossiper here. People from Yoruba tribe are known for gossiping and bad deeds, so I heard anyways.

"Hey Miss Bianca" she called and I rolled my eyes.

"Which kind of bad luck is this?" I mumbled

"Yes Mrs Aladeoshomo" I answered as I found it hard to pronounce her weird surname.

"You are leaving already?" She asked

"What a stupid question! You see me on my way out with my bag and you are still asking me such a dumb question!!!" I yelled in my thought

"Yeah" I replied with a faint smile

"I saw you earlier with your boyfriend?" She said and giggled.

"Holy crap! I feel like knocking sense into this woman, she's trying to confirm if Darlington is my boyfriend so that I can be the topic of tomorrow's talk" I thought again

"Who said he's my boyfriend?" I asked and she laughed awkwardly.

"So he's not?" She asked again

"Who said he's not?" I replied and I smirked when I saw her face drop.

"Good day Mrs Aladeoshomo" I said and waved her, I turned and left the company, I entered my car and drove home. I've not seen Chioma in Two days, I didn't see her in the morning, she should be back now.

I drove into the garage and entered my apartment.

"Chioma!" I called and I heard her voice.

"Stop shouting my name as if I fainted, I'm in my room" she said and I smiled, I went into her room and she hugged me.

"How was your trip?" She asked

"It's not just a trip, it's a business trip, don't make it sound as if I went on an excursion or picnic date" I said

"Whatever!" She rolled her eyes

"Where were you today?" I asked her

"Guess?" She said excitedly

"You've got a date?" I said as I raised a brow

"No Bianca, I got a job, in a pharmaceutical company" she shrieked happily.

"I'm so happy for you chi, congratulation" I said excitedly, I've been worried about her going for interviews since she came back and they assured her they would call her but they never called.

We celebrated, cooked, ate, drank, danced and finally laid on the floor tired.

"David came" Chioma said

"Where?" I asked as I sat up

"Here, he must have followed me the day he saw me in art cafe or Ethan gave him this address"

"Oh! I saw him too, he's still as funny and cute as ever" I said

"No, he's not" she shot at me.

"Drop the act chioma, you love him, stop hurting yourself because of me, Ethan is the horrible person here not David, I can see it in his eyes, he's doesn't know about what Ethan did" I said trying to convince her.

"He definitely knows about it, if he doesn't, why didn't he tell us who Ethan was? He never told me, his father is a friend to the number one billionaire in Africa, do you know how much that hurts?"

"Maybe he has his reasons" I said. "What did he say when he came here?"

"I shot the door to his face" she said with no expression.

"Maybe you should give him a chance to at least explain"

"Maybe you should give Ethan a chance to explain too"

"I've Darlington already" I rolled my eyes

"And I have God! Who is David? He's just a small boy that had to face Goliath" she said in a childish manner and I laughed.

"So what happened in Abuja? You and Ethan?" She asked and flicked her brows teasingly

"Nothing!" I exclaimed

"Nothing!" She mimicked. "Look Bianca, in whatever you do, make sure you don't hurt Darlington" she said calmly and I nodded.

"How far are you going with the arrangement for the party?" She asked.

"It's hectic, I had to do it all alone while everyone in that company relax their butt" I said in frustration.

"I hope Ethan gets his balls kicked soon, no! I'm going to squeeze his balls when I see him" she said and I laughed.

"Leave his balls, Valerie will need them" I said and faced the television.

"He's still with her?" She asked

"Yeah, in fact he left with her today" I replied.

"He's indeed an asshole" she said as she scratched her hair.

"Your dandruff has not gone, damn! See flakes everywhere! I'm outta here" I teased.

"I hope you get lice in your hair soon" she said as she shot me a fake glare and we both laughed.

We both retired to our room. As I laid on my bed, my mind drifted to Ethan. He took care of me yesterday during my cramps, I remember the confused and worried look I saw on his face when he saw me in pain. He dropped his title and had to get me medicine to feel better. I slept on his laps all through the night and he didn't even bother to wake me up. I had thought maybe there's a reason for what he did six years ago, I had thought he actually loves me until what I witnessed when Valerie came.

"He isn't even showing any remorse, what if my father didn't leave me anything,  my life will be a total mess now, maybe I'll be seen selling sachet water in parks and traffics with a five year old child. At least if he couldn't give me the everlasting happiness I've always hoped for, he shouldn't have given me an eternal pain" I thought.

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