That Love ➳ l.t.&e.c.

By tomlinsonrose

36.3K 1K 497

●════════●♥●════════● "Louis, this isn't good for us, we're not good for each and we can't be in a relationsh... More

That Boy
1. That Day
2. That Ass
3. That Girl
4. That Fight
5. That Night
6. That Class
7. That Plan
8. That Kiss
9. That Talk
10. That Feeling
11. That Lorry
12. That Dream
13. That Date
14. That Stupid
15. That Person
16. That Filler Chapter
17. That Moment
18. That Tutor
19. That Arguement
20. That Starbucks
21. That Call
Contact Me ➳ Authors Note c:
22. That News
23.That Conversation
24.That Session
25. That Box
27. That Club
28. That Day
29. That Love
updates :)
30. That Feeling
31., That Shit
Cliché x
32. That Shot
That Love Week (updateupdateupdate)
33. That Done
That </3
34. That Death
35. That Hospital
36. That Morning
37. That Kiss
Petals <3
38. That Camera
39. That Dress
40. That Shock
Check out my blog petals x
41. That Moment
My snapchat
42. That End

26. That Bracelet

656 22 2
By tomlinsonrose

Louis' POV

I groan, running a hand through my hair.

"Did she look at it?" I question Harry.

"No, she grabbed it off me and asked me to leave," Harry explains.

"I've ruined it haven't I? I have made a complete mess."

"No Lou, she'll forgive you."

"No, she won't Harry, and she is completely right! I pretended, I pretended to like her Harry. I'm never gonna get her back am I?"

"I don't know Louis," Harry confesses after a minute, "Unless..." he ponders.

"Unless what?"

"Ed," Harry states.

"Huh?" I question him, confusion washing over my face.

"Ed! Oh my God this is brillant, yes, just get Ed to go over to her, tell her that he blackmailed you into pretending to like her, spew some bullshit, get him to say that he did it because he knew how much you liked her and he knew you wouldn't go after her on your own, oh my God, I am a genius!" Harry screeches down the phone

"Add more lies to the equation, really Harry?" I ask, my eyebrows knitting together. 

"Do you want Eleanor back?" he asks me simply. 


"Then you know what you need to do," he replies, before the line goes dead. 


"Ed, please, please," I beg him. 

"Why would I do that Louis?" he questions me, suspicion clouding his eyes. 

"Because, you ruined my relationship Ed," I grow. 

"No Louis," he corrects me, "You ruined your relationship." 

"Ed, please, please." I begged. 

"Why do you want her back so bad?" he asks me. 

"Ed, she wasn't just a hook up, I didn't just want to get into her pants, I cared about her. I still do."

"I'll think about it."

"Ed, please, I'm begging you, do me this favor, please," my voice breaks at the end, a single tear rolling down my stubbly cheek. 

I have been, so to speak, a mess since Eleanor and I broke up a week ago. I haven't shaved, the only reason I showered was because Harry made me, I've lived in my sweats and all I've eaten is ice cream and tea. I can't stop thinking about her. The way the tears slid down her delicate cheeks, the pain in her eyes, the way her lip quivered, the small whimper that escaped her mouth. I hate myself for making her like that, for causing her that pain.

 I remember the first time we kissed for real, with feeling. The sparks that went off, the shivers she caused me. The way, when we kiss, her fingers trail around my neck, lingering slightly, then stroking softly, barely touching me. The way she looks when she wakes up, her eyes squinting tiredly, her hair messy, her lips pursed, her eyes alert, gorgeous. When she gets all dressed up, even though she could go out in sweats and still look absolutely stunning. When she giggles, the way her eyes crinkles slightly, her lips curl a little, her cheeks get flushed and rosy. The way she looks at me, her eyes soft and gentle, her voice sweet. When she has her episodes and I can calm her down, and after she's had her nap and rested and had her shot, the way she just hugs me and clings onto me, as if afraid I'd leave at any second. 

I meant it when I said I'd always be there for her. I meant it, every single word of it. No matter what, I will be there for her. I love her. I love Eleanor Jane Calder; and without her.... I'm lost, I'm nothing

"Okay," he says eventually, scrathing the back of his head. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you oh your bloody God!" I screech, grabbing his head and planting a kiss on his forehead, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, don't do that," he says. 

"You got it, You are the best thank you Ed!"

Eleanor's POV

After Dani leaves, I go to the kitchen and stare at the fridge for a few seconds; pondering whether or not to open the box. I reach up and get it down, holding it in my hands. I am just about to lift the lid when a small knock on the door stops me. I whip my head around, placing the box on the counter and walk towards the door, tugging it open gently; to reveal Ed standing there, hands shoved into his pockets.

"Hey El," he says, smiling slightly. 

I gulp, memories of his and Louis conversation flooding back to me. I feel tears prickling my eyes as I force them away, "Hi Ed," I whisper, begging my voice not to crack. 

"I just wanted to tell you something," he mumbles, scratching the back of his head, "About Louis."

"Ed, please, please, I don't want... I don't want to talk about him," as I said 'about' my voice cracks and tears roll out of my eyes. I turn my head away and wipe my tears away, not wanting him to see me cry. He gently takes me arm and moves me so I face him.

"Louis didn't do it on his own," he confesses. 

"What?" I whisper, a few more tears leading a trail down my cheeks,

"I..." he takes a deep breathe, "I blackmailed him to. I saw how much he liked you and I couldn't not let him do anything about it, that happened to me and I couldn't let it happen to Louis, he's a friend."

"So you... you made him?" I choke out, tears taking a gentle flow down my face, curving down my neck. 

Ed nods, "I'm so sorry El, I just had to tell you, I know it won't make a difference, but I'm sorry."

"So he didn't do it on his own? You made him...?" I question. 

Ed nods, "I'm sorry Eleanor."

I nod, biting my lip, "I think it would be best if you would leave now," I mumble. 

Ed nods, turning around and walking away. I gently close the door, letting it click before going into the kitchen. I wipe away my tears and sniffle a little as I look at the box on my counter. I take a deep breathe and open it. Inside is a little envelope and another box. I open the envelope gently and ease out the letter inside.


I wanted to give you this. I'm so sorry and I know you think everything we said and did was bullshit, but I swear to you it wasn't. I have never cared about anyone as much as I care about you. Being without you is killing me, and I know this won't make a difference, and what I did was beyond wrong, but I just had to make sure you saw it. I'm sorry Eleanor. 

I love you,

Louis x 

Tears prick my eyes like a cactus as they slowly force their way out of my eyes and walk down my cheeks uncertainly. I gently put the letter back into the envelope and put it on the counter, taking out the box. I creak the lid open and gasp when I see whats was inside, covering my mouth with my hand, as tears run down my cheeks quickly, as if trying to win a marathon against Usain Bolt. 

A silver charm bracelet is inside. Each one of the twenty charms represented something Louis and I had done. One was an ice skating shoes, which is where we went on out first ever date when we were thirteen. Another was a little pizza slice; because after our third date when we were still thirteen, we stopped at this little truck and got a pizza in a cone. I go through all the charm bracelts, my tears dropping onto them and think back.

"I love you Ellie, I really do," thirteen year old Louis whispered as I snuggled into his arms in the Starbucks booth, looking up at him with a small smile planted on my face. 

"You're not so bad yourself," I tease, kissing him lightly. 

"I'm going to remember this forever. I'll make a charm out of all our memories," he whispers, stroking my hair

"A charm out of all our memories?" I question, sitting up slightly and looking at him, confused. 

"Yeah, like a bracelet, with charms for all our memories together."

Something catches in my throat as I stare at the charm bracelet in my hands. Louis Tomlinson has been making this bracelet for nearly four years, for me. He remembers all these memories. I smile a little thorugh my tears. I take a deep breathe as I finger the bracelet, examining each charm. On the back of thirteen of them, engraved is 'Louis+Eleanor' followed by little hearts on the remaining seven. A knock on the door, makes me jump and hastily wipe away my tears as i walk to the door, sniffling a little. I open the door. My heart flips and butterflies explode in my stomach at the sight of Louis Tomlinson standing at my doorstep.

Author's Note

Hiya petals :)

So here is another little chapter, and thank you so much for all your votes and comments on the last chapter, that was amazing :) Again, thanks to me editor @TheAmazaynPerrie she does a fabulous job :')

Update soon,

Love ye petals,

Niamh x

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